Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 7-1-1947 Fulton Daily Leader, July 1, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, July 1, 1947" (1947). Fulton Daily Leader. 703. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/703 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • 10111M!"'*1111111,11'1 1 ,1947 FORECAKTI t Pine- Itentuelt y— Considerable Standard mating 00 (a) nth; of cloudiness with showers and el from thunderstorms in satreme rut nd rural portiou early tonight. IVeditea. Kr CKY PRES e been day fair and dry with moderate U tent- temperatures, 10 CIA TION ,,uttrott tabtr c..±g 1T3Ittr7TI• Ora am - - XLVIII • Associated Prom Loomed Wire Fulton, Kentucky, Ti... &resting. July 1, 1947 Five Cents Per Cory Na. 16d 4•1••11114- Minnie Rose Seek Kevil Low Gir1,2i, )31. ,Crest Thought Near Won't Forget Bank Robbers Alive And Safe Mississippi Flood; $11,350 Taken By Mutt. Missing Sunday. n Railroad Men Armed. llumitaked Meat Greta Gulf. Found Today Her I. C. Friends Who Fled In New Auto In Cullturnlo Perk WlIdi Thousands Homeless Kevii, Ky., July 1-011)—Law Lassen National Park enforagnent Wilma in Calif., Bought Furniture We;:teIli July 1-011--Little Greta Mary I Kentucky today sought three Gale, missing since !likes Abandoned armed robbers who Sunday, was For Iler Parents yeatertlaY found alive today in brush of held up the bank of *evil short- the rugged pork urea, a search- A.v Mouldy Stream- THEY HF:I.PED ly before noon, taking $11,550. ing -group informed the BEFORE Sam Chime% 48, cashier, and !mill,. The two and a half year Continues To Rise BY OUIDA JEWELL John Miller, 67, assistrnt old cashier, said two armed bandits Oreat---Toni" to her famila — "Thank you, dear God, for dropped from sight ItAILIMADS IN DANGER making auchskind and generous entered the bank while a third Sunday while waited outside In a new auto- on a vacation camping trip. men at Conductor McNamara Her grandfather, St. Louis, July 1- -(4')—The mobile. Former U. S. at its highest and his railroad friends," must Congressman John H. Toisit, 70, Mislartippi River, be the nightly prayer of crip- flood stage here in 103 years. The beak einploycs and died from a heart attack last ubandanmeiti of levees pled 15-year-old Minnie Rose Clarence Feesor, who was in the night, apparently induced by forced Webb, of Route 3, Covington, bank at the time, were herded the shock and excitement. He protecting the nearby Illinois Tenn., for these men have done communities of Dupo and East into the directors' room while had been ill. after the sue- It again. They have bought her the gunmen gathered up the The little girl was found by Cartmcielet today evactiatton of 4.000 resi- parents a complete let of new money. Furor made a break for Jim Gaither, the ineatage to the cos.sful furniture. dents; of time area. the door and one ot the robbers French. British and ftuasiaa eraresentativee chit t iii Elysee r111110., Paris, following a luncheon family said. She was on a ridge, On day last week, John W. shot at him, narrowly missing given by President Vincent !Writ)! of France for the dig Three foreign ministers conferring on about a mile from the cabin. col. R. E. Smyser, district McNamara paid his little protege him. the Marshall plan for Europe. left te right are: Emmet Sevin, Great Britain; President Auriol. Forest service men, sheriff a army engineer, decided to aban- a visit. While there, he noticed officers from three counties, muddy Criswell and Miller later were an un.dentUied Walden interpreter, V. M. Molotov, Russia, and Georges hidault. France. don the levees when the • *that some new furniture was lumberjacks and vacationers, waters began pouring -through placed in the bank vault badly needed in the little girl's but numbering in all about 150, leaks faster than thousands of home, So Mr. McNamarn did not locked in, and telephoned for searched the area of numerous (mild sandbag the help as soon as the robbers left. volunteers again what he had already done May Try To Rebuild Europe creeks yesterday. A sound truck water-soaked barriers. several times before—got his The bandits stuited $11,550 in- Without Reds' Aid asking for volunteers to join the railroad buddies; together and to a paper bag and left through Paris, July 1—(/P)--The dead- eon Secretary Ernest Sevin Marshall's June 5 offer of search was sent to communities School busses and army trucks staked them all to chip in with a aide door, Criswell said. The locked conference of Russian, and French Foreign Minister were used to evacuate the resi- United States help in a Etiros in this remote sector of north- Edouard Revco., a 1)..s .• in. enough money to buy Minnie b robbers also took approximately British and French foreign min- Georges Bidault were reported pean reconstruction eastern California. Fifty men re- dents during the night after a program, to teeter minister et i raocr, 511. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake 11. $1000 worth 01 bonds belonging islet's convened this afternoon ready to proceed ill continental be drawn up primarily by Euro- sponded in Susanville alone, and two-inch rain and flash flood lit ran, ;es Webb, farmers, some new fai to Andrew Jenkins, a laanac tor its fourth and possibly UM economic planning without the peen nationt. pounced guided to the critical situation. persona close to search head- 'ilia by tore for their entire house patron.. aession to consider Secretary Of Soviet Union. Informed sources said that quarters laid the parties going of IS "very a Flood battlers, including Intri- kuniaii the Mr. McNamara said that the State Marshall's proposal for The French press agency said both Beath and Bidault last out at dawn today included an organisation sirens of 'teen-aged youths, set Criswell and Miller was r'- American aid in European econ- to ,a,a oasis% the a- furniture wun't the most ex- cued Bidault would ottempt to save night termed the Molotov pro- about 350 searchers. Black Marital. up a second line of defense fromfrom the cault 10 Minitles omic recovery. Illinois Central and pensive, but it was good—the after the robber:, left. the conference with a com- posal unacceptable but, at the Hunting dogs trailed the little French Repubits sct-up a long the stove coat about MO. Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. promise proposal, the terms Of Austen minister's request, girl's footprints for a quarter military dictatorsillo. Missouri Pacific Railroad tracks Molotov You will remember Minnie Bystanders who saw the hold- virtually had vetoed which were not disclosed. agreed to seek further advice of a mile yesterday, but the which were being sandbagged Rote, a victim of infantile par- up car said the driver was about Marshall's plan, and Braids For- British retirees said the con- from their governments, prints disap,peared near some In u new bid to save tint com- City 0,/ LeXington TI91111 alysis, as the little girl who 50 years old. The men who en- ference was not expected to - - - --- automobile tire tracks. munities, • Anti-Handbook Ordinance hadn't walked since childhood tered the bank were described last long. The Missouri Pacific switch- until her railroad friends sent as about 25 years old and about Mrs. C. Henley Both British and French Servwes Held Brodie Succeeds Brumleve Lexington, Ky., July I ing yards in the area were be- her to the Shrine Hospital for 6 feet tall. None of the holdup circles said "only a miracle" Attorney General Eldon S. the new de- men was masked', but ,4s Motor Transport Head ing threatened by Crippled Children in St. Louis witnesses could save the conference from Dummit has been asked to rule velopment. said tile driver of the car wore on March 22, 1946, for treat- Dies In Detroit failure. French sources even , Frankfort, Ky.. July on the validity of a proposed in colored glasses. For Mrs. Boyd I Lexington As a result of the new rise ment. Now Minnie Rose can predicted that today's session !David Brodie of Owensboro ordinance which also walk. Of course, she still has to -------- be the last. The would prohibit furnishing of lice river, Colonel Smyser Hotly Will Arrive Here would official was appointed director of the up the battle to use crutches, and has a steel French press agency said that Dukedom Lady's Mother state race news to handbooks. decided to give 11 State Women Motor Transportation Di- save the huge Degagnia-Foun- brace on her left leg, but she Wednesday; Leaves Three after the final meeting a com- Died Saturday At Tri City vision by Governor Willis to- City corporation counsel W. A. can walk just the same. tain Bluff levee, south of Ches- Sons And One Daughter munique would be issued set- day. He succeeds Ben J. Brum- Minibun wrote Dumit that protects 29. This week, Mr. McNamara re- Will Be Delegates ting forth the impossibility of Mayfield—Funeral services for Ii'.,, ter, Ill. The levee leve, Louisville, who resigned to ordinance uould make It an 000 acres. The ceived a very sweet letter from Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Henley, agreement.
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