Published by the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Volume 38, Number 5 February 2018 Shevat-Adar 5778 CAMP SPECIAL EDITION NH Jewish Film Festival Prepares to Celebrate Its Tenth Season spire, and entertain moviegoers of all civil rights and racial progress during ages. There will be talk-backs, post film 20th century America. Delight in a discussions, and other surprises. toe-tapping, star-studded homage to By Pat Kalik, NH Jewish Film Festival This year’s Festival includes the vastly talented and Jewish Chair 13 films over 11 days with Sammy Davis, Jr. Manchester — Can you believe it? We screenings in Manchester, Con- • Keep the Change, a Rachel Is- are 10 years old this year! Join us as we cord, Merrimack, Portsmouth, rael Film , is a love story about celebrate the 10th anniversary of the NH and Keene. The Festival will David, an upper-class charmer Jewish Film Festival. We get older, better, run from Thursday, March 15, struggling to hide his high- and stronger every year. to Sunday , March 25. It will functioning autism. Forced to The NH Jewish Film Festival is an an- include an evening gala event at attend Connections, a support nual event with a no-holds-barred ap- the Currier Gallery of Art on Saturday, group for people on the autism spec- proach to diversity that encompasses March 17. trum, David falls in love with Sarah, a strong Jewish contributions to world cul- Here’s a sneak preview of some of the sheltered young woman who challeng- ture, using the power of storytelling and films we have lined up for you. es his identity as “normal.” The movie film to thematically explore the human • For our gala on Saturday night, March is charming and engaging. experience. 17, at the Currier Museum, we will • The Essential Link: The Story of Wil- Our Festival promotes the preservation show Sammy Davis, Jr.: I’ve Gotta Be frid Israel is a new film by Yonatan Nir. of Jewish culture by showing films with Me, a Sam Pollard film. This is the first Wilfrid Israel, the owner of a depart- Jewish themes and encouraging a dia- major film documentary to examine ment store in the center of Berlin, was logue about a variety of issues. The mov- Davis’s vast talent and his journey for one of the great saviors of Jews during ies will engage, enlighten, educate, in- identity through the shifting tides of Film Festival continued on page 3 10th Annual Jewish Film Festival Awarded Grant From Federation Voices 3 Calendar 4 New Hampshire State Council on the Arts Your Federation at Work 6 Manchester — Jewish Federation of New 2018 festival takes place March 15–25 and From the Bimah 8 Hampshire is proud to announce that it has will offer a selection of 13 different films at In The Community 9 been awarded a grant from the New Hamp- venues in Concord, Keene, Manchester, Mer- Mitzvahs 10 shire State Council on the Arts. The com- rimack, and Portsmouth. A complete sched- Education 12 petitive General Project Grant in the ule of films, educational programs, and other Arts & Entertainment 12 amount of $4,000 will help to support the related events is available on the back page of Focus on Camp 13-15 10th Annual New Hampshire Jewish Film this issue of the Reporter. Festival, a signature statewide program of The Festival would not be possible without Book Review 16 the Federation. the valued support of grantors and sponsors, Chanukah Around NH 18-19 NHSCA believes that our communities such as the New Hampshire State Council on Recent Events 20 benefit from a lively arts and cultural sector the Arts, Business Sponsors, Friends of the Letters to the Editor 21 both socially and economically. General and impact of this, our 10th Annual New Festival, Committee members, the JFNH In Memoriam 22 Project Grants for Community Engagement Hampshire Jewish Film Festival,” expressed Board and staff leadership, and film lovers Obituaries 24 are designed to help not-for-profit organiza- the Federation’s Executive Director, Mela- like you. Heartfelt thanks to our loyal and Business & Professional tions to enhance the quality of life for citi- nie Zalman McDonald. enthusiastic audience for your annual atten- Services 25 zens, attract visitors, and help stimulate lo- The annual New Hampshire Jewish Film dance. For a complete list of sponsors and Tributes 26 cal economies through the arts. “JFNH is Festival brings new and exceptional cutting- information about the 2018 10th Annual honored to have been selected as a recipient edge Jewish-themed films from around the New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival, visit for this grant funding to expand the reach globe to movie lovers across our state. The www.newhampshirejewishfilmfestival.org. Change Service Requested Service Change PERMIT NO. 1174 NO. PERMIT MANCHESTER, NH MANCHESTER, Manchester, NH 03101 NH Manchester, PAID 66 Hanover St., Suite 300 Suite St., Hanover 66 US POSTAGE US Jewish Federation of New Hampshire New of Federation Jewish ORGANIZATION The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter Jewish Hampshire New The NON-PROFIT JRF: Jewish Reconstructionist Federation URJ: Union for Reform Judaism The New Hampshire CONGREGATIONS USCJ: United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Jewish Reporter VVolumeolume 38,3, NumberNumber 5 AMHERST DOVER MANCHESTER FEBRUARY. 2018 CONGREGATION BETENU TEMPLE ISRAEL CHABAD LUBAVITCH Shevat-Adar* 5778 Sam Blumberg (Rabbinic Intern) Rabbi Samuel R. Seicol Rabbi Levi Krinsky PublishedPublished by thethe 5 Northern Blvd., Unit 1, Amherst 36 Olive Meadow Lane, Dover 7 Camelot Place, Manchester JeJewishwish FFederationederation of NeNeww HampshirHampshiree Reform, Affiliated URJ Reform, Affiliated URJ Orthodox, Chabad (603) 886-1633 (603) 742-3976 (603) 647-0204 66 Hanover698 Beech St., Str Suiteeet 300 www.betenu.org www.dovertemple.org www.Lubavitchnh.com Manchester,Manchester, NHNH 0310403101 Services: Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat [email protected] [email protected] Tel:Tel: (603) 627-7679627-7679 Fax:Fax: (603) 627-7963 services at 7:30 PM Services: Friday night services at 7 PM Services: Shabbat Services Saturday morning twice a month, 9:30 AM For monthly Saturday services and holiday Saturday morning at 9:30 AM Editor: FranFran BerBermanman worship, please check the website. Sunday morning minyan at 9 AM BETHLEHEM LLayoutayout and and Design: Design: 5JN(SFHPSZ Tim Gregory TEMPLE ADATH YESHURUN BETHLEHEM HEBREW CONGREGATION HANOVER Rabbi Beth D. Davidson Advertising Sales: Rabbi David Edleson Advertising Sales: CHABAD AT DARTMOUTH COLLEGE 152 Prospect Street, Manchester 603-627-7679603-627-7679 39 Strawberry Hill Road Rabbi Moshe Gray Reform, Affiliated URJ thereporter@[email protected] PO Box 395, Bethlehem 22a School Street, Hanover (603) 669-5650 Unaffiliated-Egalitarian The objectivesobjectives of TheThe NewNew HampshireHampshire Orthodox, Chabad www.taynh.org (603) 869-5465 JewishJewish ReporterReporter areare toto fosterfoster aa sensesense ofof (603) 643-9821 [email protected] community among the Jewish people of New www.bethlehemsynagogue.org community among the Jewish people of New www.dartmouthchabad.com Services: Shabbat services the first Friday HampshireHampshire byby sharingsharing ideas,ideas , information,information, [email protected] experiences and opinions, and to promote the [email protected] of the month at 6 PM experiences and opinions, and to promote the Services: Contact for Date/Time Info agencies,agencies, projectsprojects andand missionmission ofof thethe JewishJewish Services: Friday Evening Shabbat services All other Friday nights at 7 PM Federation of New Hampshire. President Dave Goldstone - Federation of New Hampshire. and Dinner with some exceptions. The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter is (516) 592-1462 publishedThe Ne wmonthly Hampshir ten timese Jewish per year,Reporter with ais Shabbat morning services Alternating Shabbat services or Torah published monthly ten times per year, with or Eileen Regen – (603) 823-7711 deadline for submissions of the 10th of the Call for times study Saturday mornings at 10 AM montha deadline before for publication.submissions ofThere the 10thare noof Weekly Services: July through Simchat Torah the month before publication. There are no KOL HA'EMEK UPPER VALLEY January or June issues. All items, including Friday: 6:30 PM; Saturday: 10 AM TEMPLE ISRAEL calendarFebruary events,or August for theissues December-January. An “Upcoming JEWISH COMMUNITY Rabbi Gary Atkins (Interim) orEv May-Juneent” (Calendar) newspaper submission must be submittedfor those months should be submitted by December CLAREMONT Rabbi Edward S. Boraz 66 Salmon Street, Manchester by Nov. 10 or April 10, respectively. Roth Center for Jewish Life 10th or June 10th, respectively. TEMPLE MEYER DAVID Conservative 5 Occom Ridge, Hanover Please send all materials to: 25 Putnam Street, Claremont (603) 622-6171 Please send all materials to: Nondenominational, Unaffiliated [email protected]@jewishnh.org Conservative [email protected] (603) 646-0460 (603) 542-6773 Services: Friday night 6 PM www.uvjc.org 6HQGLWHPVIRUWKHSULQWDQGRQOLQHSend items for the print and online Services: Generally the second Friday of Saturday 9:30 AM [email protected] -)1+&DOHQGDUDQG(1HZVWRJFNH Calendar and E-News to the month, 6:15 PM, April to November. Tues., Fri. 7 AM minyan [email protected]#MHZLVKQKRUJ Services: Friday night Shabbat services Call Stephen Singer, 669-4100 for more Opinions presented in the paper do CONCORD at 6 PM, led by Dartmouth Hillel info. notOpinions necessaril presentedy represent in thethe paperviews doof notthe Saturday morning Shabbat services at necessarilyFederation. represent the views of the Federation. Photos submitted by individuals TEMPLE BETH JACOB 10 AM, led by Rabbi Boraz NASHUA Neither the publisher nor the editor can andassume organizations any responsibility are published for the with kashrut their Rabbi Robin Nafshi permission. 67 Broadway, Concord TEMPLE BETH ABRAHAM of the services or merchandise advertised in KEENE thisNeither paper .the If publisheryou have norquestions the editor regar dingcan Reform, Affiliated URJ Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett assume any responsibility for the kashrut of CONGREGATION AHAVAS ACHIM kashrut please consult your rabbi.
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