i\ »\ /-\ i >« inur&aay, oepremoer o, I /o6 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE I FOR SALE • AUTOMOBILES 200 • AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200 • AUTOMOBILES 200 FOK SALE FOB SALE FOR SALE FOK SALE ALL THE HARVEST Avalon Motors Says: At Harbor Pontiac ISN'T IN THE FIELD EVERYONE OF THESE GOOD USED CARS ARE READY YOU CAN EXTRA YES HOW DID . FOR THE PERSON WHO WANTS TO REAP '56 Pontiac MILES OF DRIVING PLEASURE. YOU FEEL AFTER A '52 Ford ....... $695 4-door sedan, V-8. Radio and heater. New paint, new chrome. LONG TRIP '52 DeSoto ...... $895 IN THE Hardtop Sportsman. V-8, power ateertng. Fully equipped. BIGGEST CAR - LOWEST PRICE OLD BUGGY? '52 Buick .......' $895 If You Can Afford Any New Car Road uiw.nler 4-door sedan. "Radio and heater. Dynaflow. power BEST DEAL steering, tinted glass, whitewalls. '54 Ford ....... $1195 AVAILABLE NOW! Feel like you had been traveling by ox-cart over 2-door *edan. Ford-o-matic. radio and heater, whitewalls. ANY MODEL an old Indian trail? Well, now's the time to ge a smooth riding car, and one of today's specials '51 Ford $695 Victoria. Ford-o-maUc. radio and -heater, white and rip might be just the thing. Come in today. See leather upholstery, whitewalla, dual e*hau*t«. spotlight. Down what we can arrange for you . ride home $299 comfortably! '55 Chevrolet . $1895 36 MONTHS ON BALANCE Bel-Air 4-door sedan. Fully equipped. an example of the savings you can have on a nearly new 1956 '54 Plymouth '54 Dodge '55 Plymouth ..... $1895 Here's Savoy 4-rinnr nerl«n. Radio, V-R Coronet Hub r-.oupe. Power' Century 4-door Riviera, fully equipped, including power steering, pow­ No- Money Down heater and overdrive. flite transmission, neater, ra Belvedere hardtop. F*ully equipped. dio, and whitewall*. er brakes, radio, heater, dynaflow, whitewall tires, touched off with (On Approved Credit) $1048 $1398 '51 Oldsmobile .... $795 solid jet-black finish, with matching red and black custom interior, AT 4-door sedan. Fully equipped. Looks lik« new. tinted glass and twin exhaust. License No. GLM-963. '52 Oldsmobile "88" 4-door Hedan. Radio, Hy- Harbor Pontiac flramatlf. heater, 2-tone. and Also Many More Near New and Late Model whlte.walls. Coronet. 4-dnor sedan Gyro mntir transmission. Our ape $2900 111S. PACIFIC AVE. TE 3-2484 Cars to Choose From . $748 rial for this week. SAN PEDRO $398 "SPECIALS OF THE WEEK" '54 Oldsmobile '51 BUICK '50 BUICK "88" Holiday r.oupe. Hydra- HARBOR SALES CO. matii, radio, hpflter, power- I r- r- 2-door sedan. Radio, heater. 2-toti*, Rivi*r* cnupe. super. Dynaflow. ratlin, KfperinK and hrake*. electric whltewalls. Sharp Car! Onlv and beater, white walls, 2-ton«. See the . windows. 2-tone and whlte- 55 Mercury \valln. 2-door ruHlorti sedan. Ga* sav 6th and Gaffey TE. 3-3668 $595 full price $195 down $2098 ing overdrive. Sensational Swedish San Pedro $1848 '53 CHEVROLET '51 PONTIAC Bel-Air 4-door. Equipped with radio and 4-door sedan. Radio and heater. Better heater No magnifying srlaaa needed to brine your title, too. mo we can «tart '53 Dodge »e« this ifl an outstanding buy. trading! VOLVO $1995 Coronet rluh sedan. Gyro- torque transmission, heater, whitewalls. radio. Local 1 '55 Plymouth $1095 full price $495 full price owner. 4-door sedan A special car at '54 Dodge '55 Plymouth a special price. '54 FORD '51 FORD J-t.o«e, $1048 Deluxe 4-door. Kadio. hmlor. overdrue. Custom 4-door. Radio. heater, Radio & heater, auiomatlc Savoy Radio & heater. $1398 HUNTING? satisfaction: whitewalls. Extra! Bxtra! Extra! A Tw4 A pri/e pflrkagp of motoring parked with extra value! shift. $1695 '54 Chevrolet For the right car for that hunting trip? You'll bag $595 full price $1195 full price $1195 4-door station wngon (2) to your limit of driving pleasure in one of these rhoope froin. On* "2lO'' series, '54 Hillman '49 FORD '54 CHEVROLET one Bel-Air. 4-door sedan. "Sharp". Ec6no Fine Used Cars at Coupe. Radio, heater, and overdrive. R**! 4-door station wagon. Heater. 2-ton* fin­ '49 Nash my plus. Rood mbbor. Treat your family to this ish Mighty purty to look at, might '55 Ford V-8 tnjly fine automobile. economical to own, and run! 4-door sedan. Radio anc HARBOR MOTOR CO. $195 full price * $1395 full price Fairlane. Club sedan.'Excel­ heater. lent condition. OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 TO 9 CLOSED SUNDAY SEE ACEY WRIGHT or JACK FREEMAN ' $1695 $149 '54 Oldsmobile.. $2 195 "Open Evenings 'Til 9:00" r "RR" Holiday r.oupe. Radio and '50 Olds. "88 TOM ROADY r, hydramattr, 2-ton«. '49 Oldsmobile at the AVALON MOTOR CO. 4-door sedan. Radio and 2-door. , Hy '55 Chevrolet... $1955 heater. Hydramatic dramatic. V-8 station ^vairon Radio and heater. Big Dodge and Plymouth Corner powerflidf, 2-ton* finlmh. whitpwall tirwi. "BUICK IN WILMINGTON" $279 $325 In Gardens West Anaheim TE: 4-6580 '53 Oldsmobile.. $1395 929 174 Others to Choo%e From All <in the Pink of Condition 8up*r 2-door Radio and 1ir«lf>r, hydra- 165th PI. and So. VermontAve. matic. Good rubber, gnod paint Open Always For You! New Cars, DA. 4-1 108 - Used Cars, DA. 4-7906 CARL'S MOTORS '53 Ford .... $1095 Brokaw Chevrolet V R Victoria. Radio and heater, overdrive. Chrysler - Plymouth Dealer 2-tone. whitewall tired. BUTLER BUICK "OK" SPECIALS WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EACH CAR GMAC or BANK TERMS WILMINGTON TE. 5-313 1956 Chevrolet .... $2695 100% FINANCING See the Swedish Sensation Volvo BH-Ali sport coupe, V-8. PowergHd«. power pack, ra/dio and On Approved Credit heater. 2000 actual mile*. HARBOR MOTOR CO. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR ABOUT USI 1955 Chevrolet . $1795 D»l R^y club coupe. Power-glide, radio and heater. Low mile­ "Your Oldsmobile Dealer" '55 Buick $2295 P.P., $IOdown, $59 mo. age. WILMINGTON 2-door Riviera coupe. Radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, Dynaflow, whitewall tires. Rear seat speaker. 1954 Chevrolet . $1295 230 W. Anaheim 300 W. Anaheim Bel-Air 2-door. Radio and heater. TE. 4-1166 TE. 4-1166 '53 Chevrolet ' $795 F.P.,'$IO down, $29 mo. 1953 Chevrolet .... $945 ' 4-door sedan. Factory equipped. Deluxe 2-door. Radio and heater. '54 Ford $1595 F.P., $10 down, $39 mo. WHERE IN THE ... Victoria convertible coupe. Radio, heater, Ford-o-matic, whitewall tir^s, Also Many Low Priced Transportation Cars beautiful leather trim. from WORLD '52 Buick $695 F.P., $10 down, $29 mo. $ 145 to $295 2-door. Radio, heater, -factory equipped. Low as $25 Down Buys Any of These Cars YOU FIND A ... (On Approved Credit) '54 Buick $1595 F.P. $10 down, $39 mo. SERIES Riviera 2<Joor. Radio, heater, Dynaflow. 1950 Dodge ..... $399 '52 Plymouth $595 F.P., $10 down, $24 mo. ' 4-door Cranbrook. Radio, heater, ovedrive. J«t black finish, radio & BROKAW CARS LIKE THESE? club coup*. Whlt*wall tlref, OF Chevrolet, Inc. '56 Buick Up to $1200 Off 1951 Ford ...... $499 "Matching the South Bay's Friendliness SAN PEDRO MOTORS Executive car. Close out. 2-door. Radio It heeler, teat coven. With Service" OF COURSEI Many Second Cars as Low as $195 1955 Chevrolet .... $2299 Hwy. tianmntanlon, 2901 Pacific Coast B»l-Atr V-8 hardtop. FUtdio A healer1 , automatic Manhattan Rf>ach whitewall ilrcn. Beautiful coral Ac gray fininh. OR. H-2S77 OR R-««5fi rn 2-1 IM '54 Ford ....... $1195 1955 Mercury . ... $2499 diatom 2-door. Radio and h«*t«r. overdrive, whitewatlii. 100% FINANCING Mon-tolalr hardtop. Fiadio & healer. Full p*»wi>r. Whitewall "VACATION SPECIALS" tire*. Beautiful black flntfth. '51 Buick ...... $645 1953 FORD 1953 FORD 2-door ned an. Fully equipped. 4-door «Pdnn. Brautlful Club roupe. Heater, overdrive, 1953 Ford ...... $1499 Rht green finish, Heater, $2395 Country Squire. Radio A h*aU»r Automatic trannmi»Hion. Kx- 'hlte walls, etr '55 Buick ...... BUTLER BUICK relient condition. $1095 Hardtop. Special 4-door Fully equipped. $695 One Giant Location 400 So. Sepulveda 'SO CADILLAC 55 Chevrolet ..... $2295 1952 CHEVROLET Bel-Air hardtop. Fully equl|>p<xl. onvert.lble. Radio, heater, hy- radio and Manhattan Beach FRED GLEDHILL ramatlc, canary yellow finish, Deluxe. PowerRllde. lack ton. White wall tires, heater 4-door *<v|«n. ( Just North of Redondo Beach Blvd. & 101 Highway) till leather Interior. Really 50 Ford ..... $395 Phone: FR. 4-8968 OR. 8-7814 CHEVROLET iarp! $1295 $795 Ou*lom 2-door. Radio and heat or. overdrlv*. 304 E. Anaheim Wilmington TE. 4-3492 , '52 MERCURY '53 Buick ...... $1095 1951 MERCURY Svi( lal convertible. Pyna/low. radio and heatw, power top, NO DOWN "Year End Clearance" port coupe. Merromatlc, radio 4-door pnrt *<>dan. Radio and canary yellow, bla<-k top, id heater, overdrive, white- heater, overdrive, aeat covers, (on approved credit) * all*, 2-tone flnlnli. lljrht grey flniah. 48 BlIICK ..... ...................... -$145 On All New '56 $1095 '51 Pontiac ...... $795 Convertible. Heater It radio $595 Station wafton. 4-door. Fully equipped. & PLYMOUTHS Suburban Motors 40 FORD .... ... ..... -$l»5 CHRYSLERS '55 CHEVROLET Puatom 2-door. Radio, heater, AUTHORIZED FACTORY DEALER 8 Bel-Air hard top. Power and overdrive. tde. radio, heater, 2-tone, 51 Lincoln ...... $595 LARGE SAVINGS FOfe: iit»> wall, dual exhaust, tint- 1947 MERCURY 4-door (port aedan. Fully equipped. 51 CHKVROhKT . ... ..$h»o class. Very rlesn. Club coupe. Slmrp! Spwlaj deluxe rluh coupe. Ra­ MERCEDES BORGWARD dio, hrater. white wall til-en. UP TO $1200 SAVINGS RENAULT ENGLISH FORD $2195 $295 No Money Down New Plymouth New Chrysler TRIUMPH VOLVO (On Approved Credit) '54 OLDSMOBILE "Little Lot - Big Values" AS LOW AS AS LOW AS R Holiday.
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