St Mary's Church

St Mary's Church

St Mary'sChurch FuneralRecords Alpen?,Michigan 1887 r 1925 St MryChnrch OfThe hrnacul& Corccptiur, Abcnq MichiEE Inboductro St l{ry Chulch of trc Inunaculate Conception is a Roman Cafrolic Parish locatcd on lhe nortr side of Abenq Michigan and has a Polish heritage. This publication contains information taken frorn the parish fi:neral records. Aknoot all of the burials occurred at Holy Cross Cernetery (at that time oalled Cafrolic Conetery) whioh servedthe tluee Catholic parishesofthe time. BookFord lltb document contains 1156 listings of fimerals which occured at St. Il{rry's Clrrrch. fte records ur listed in alphabeticalorder. Date: As listed in trc original ledgersttre date was oten broken into two dates. The first date reflected trc dale of deati and 6e second was ttre date of frmeral (urd often burial). At times only one date is given. Int€rpretotion is at lhe discretion of tre reader. Name Names are listed alphabaically wifr the last name first followed by tln frst and middle narnes. The reco'rdsue old, difrcgh to read and occasionally illegible. Efforts were made to rcprodre the names exacdy as recorded to pt€E€ne aaaurosy end integrity of the records. While we believed mi*spenings to occui, we made no attempt to correct Brern as it would reduce the integdty of tlre records and possibly change tccunrb spellings which have chrnSpd over time. Whan the name was reprodrced witr great diEctty it c6s followed by a question ms*. The age of the individd when given, folbws the name. Bhhpb Whilc the ledger indicated this information to be place of bffir, we oftecrsuspccded thet tre infwnation was morc accurately represented as residence. But'LDlNe: Most of the burials occuned at the local Cattrolic Cernetery, renamed Holy Croes Cemetery in 1921. When the records indicated Potters Field, we believe this to be a designatedsection ofHoly Cross Cernetery. Ia some instancesotler burial places are indicated- RddorhQr / Cmncrtr: Often the names of the parents, spouse and / or other oomments wer,emade in fte records. This information, when giverq is below the nane of the individual. Parents rnmes are sepoated by a slash. This work was conrpletedin June, 1994. Hlstort Lr 1883 Alp€n4 Michigan was a piorecr town ofless tran 20 years. St. Bernard Catrolb Church was founded in 186l srd was the frst Cafholc Church oftre Nortlrenr Michigan. In 1883tlds lrBr parish sow iS congreggton split into tlree ellmic groups. Dnirg that ssre )'esr trc Fr€nch speakfuA rcsidcfib formded St. Arme Cturch and the Potsh commrmig founded St ldry Clnrroh. Thc dedication of St Mary Church was celebratedby both of the otrer pcishes. Witr tre help of Fr. Francis Shubk and Fr. Joseph Kucinski, a cormrittee of 150 frmilies purchased m rmused Melhodist Church on Dock St. (now SecondAve.), tre site where the present Chtuch stands. A disastous fire on July 11, 1888 consumed the cntire churoh and 200 ncighboring homes, losing the records from 1883 to 1888. Pastors of St. MEy Cbulclt &tdtg lEE3 to lEE5 were Fr. Candid Kodoq/ski, Fr. Matthew Grochowski srd Fr. Kolasinskl thcre was a vacancy for most of 1885 during which time tre peo,ple used tre servioes at St Bernard Chnch. Then followed Fr. Augustine Sklorryk (Octob€r 1885 to Merch 1889), Fr. l,eopold Oprychalski (October 1889 to January 19t00),Fr. Stephen Nowakowski (February 1900 to July, 1909), Fr. Joseph Krninski (Ang 14 1909to Jur, l9I4), Fr. John Gat*e (Jur 21, l9I4 to Aug, l9l) and Fr. ko Piaskowski in 1921. IXrdtu Neifter St.Mary Chur,oh nor ib' sbffare responsiblefor theaccurary of this work. Pennissionto publish wasgrmted by trc Pastorof St Mry Chwch. Adtnodd3mr Ttbworkwrc octpiledby JeanetfeNorakowski and Rhca Dziesiruki hCross with assis;tarcenomJim Szca*owski RooeMuieGuthrie, Janet Romas and Lonie LaCross.We aregratefirl to St.Mry Clnnch persornelfo theirassistance 8nd kin&ress to us durirg thecourse oftris project Date Nane Birdrplace Burialplace , 25Arry/27Argl$0 ABENDROI, Clea, 6 mo'ntrs Abcttr Catrotic Cemetery 26Jun / 28Jun 1904 ABENDROT, Ladislaus, 8 years Alpena Catholic Cemetery 7 b, | 1l Dec1923 ADAMCZAK Stanislavq 35 years Catholic Cecnetery Wal. /Kit. 25Feb / 28Feb 194 ADAMCZAI! Valentine, 7Tyas Catholic Cernetery Joseph/ Josepha 3Nov/6Novl9l8 ADAMCZYKJoseph Cattnlic Cemet€ry Joseph/ Catherine 29Dr-r,l3lDec 1892 ADAMSKd Catharine,33 Pohnia Catlntc Cernetery 29Dec / 2 Jut 1899 ADAMSKI' Francis, 38 years Ossineke Cathoto Cemetery 25Sep/28 S€p 1893 ADAMSK.A' Pelsgr4 9 months Ossineke,Mich Catholic Cemetery 28Aug / 30Ang 1897 ADAMSKI, JoseplL 2 weels Osineke Catholic Cemetery 8 Sep/ l0 Sep1898 ADAMSKI, Stanislaus,7 years Ossineke Catholic Cemetery 6 Jul/ 7 Jul i908 ANDERLOCK Jermie,6 months Alp€na Catholic Cemetery 14Dec / 18Dec 1893 ANDERS, Christiaa a7 years Gerrnany Cathoiic Cernetery 2 Jul/ 4 Jul 1897 ANDERS, Henry, 13 years Alpon Catholic Cemetery 4 Nov / 6 Nov 1897 ANDERS, Mary,45 years Poland Catholic Cemetery I JunI 4 Jm 1907 ANDRUS,Ann4 29 Posen Cathoiic Cemetery 2l Jun/ 22Jun l89l ANDRZEJEWSKI, Johru 0 day Alpara"Mich Catholic Cemetery 2l lurl 22lgrl.l9l3 ARCISZEWSKI, Johru 8days Catholic Cemetecy 22S€p / 25Sep 1916 BACZYK, Adalber! 56 years Catholic Cernetery Martin / Mug. 27Jul / 30Jul l9l8 BACZYK,Julia4 l7years Catlnlic Cernetery AdalM/Victoria, Eocid€nt 7 Mar/ 9 Mar 1908 BACZYI! Stanislaus,lyear Catholic Canetery 19AW | 22 Apr l9l3 BACZYI( Ursul4 15 years Catholic Cernetery Adalbert/ Victoria 25Jun/27Jun19fi) BAJDACZ, Francis, 24 yexr Alpena Caftolic Cemctery l9May / Zl May lXJ4 BALTROSZEWICZ, Benax4 3mo Alpena Catholic Cemeky 19Sep / 22Sep l9l8 BALTRUSZEWICZ5 Clara Esther, 5 days Catholic CearEry Isadore 19Sep / 22S€p 1914 BALTRUSZEWICZ, Edwar{ 12 years Catholic Cemetery Isadore/ Helen PIASKOWSKA 16Nov/ l8 Nov 1898 BARTLOMIEJ, JohrL 5 hours Alpan Catholic Cernetcry 16Nov / l8Nov1898 BARTLOMIEJ, Magdalene,19 yeors Alpena Catholic Cernetery I I tul / 13Jul 1908 BARTLOMIEJ, John Calholic Cemetery 3l Mar/3 Apr l9l8 BARTLOMIEJACKi, Maria?, E3 ycars Catholic Cemcby SIKORSKI 23Aug / 25Aug 19Y06 BARTLOMIEJEWSKI,Anthony, 3 monthsAlpena Catholic Cernetery 5 Feb/ 6 Feb1904 BARTLOMIEJEWSKI,Johrq 2 weeks Alpena Catholic Cernetery 15Sep/l7sep 1907 BEDRdAnna,T4yeafs Poland Caftolic Cemetery 5 Jan/ 7 Janl90l BEDRA,Frurcis, stillbom Alpena Cafiolic Cernetery 15Jul/18 Jul 1924 BEDRd Frurcis,55yean Poland Catholic Cemetery Jan/Anna TOct/9ft l9l5 BEGRYN,Ignatius, 70 years Caftolic Cernetery EifeAIlIla 13Ang / 16Aug 1895 BEGRYN, Lucy,58 years Alpfn4 l{ich Cathotc Cernetery 23Jan / 25Jan lE95 BEGZYN, Anselma, 2 weeks Alperq Mich Catlolic Cemetery 16Jan /18 Jan l89t BEGZYN, Bronislaw Jot4 5 rvrda Alpena Mich Catholic Cernetery 23Sr4125Sep 1905 BEGZYN, Theodora, 58 yea$ Poland Catholic Cernetery 14Mar 1888 BEINKOWSKI, Thomas Catholic Cemetcry 23Srpl25Sep l89l BERENDT, JohrL 5 week6 Ab€nqMioh Caliolio Ceenetery SegtcrnUcr BIEGA?, Francis, 65 ycars Poland Catrolic Cemetsry 5 Aug/ TAug1903 BIELAWSKA, Clara, 3 yea$ Alp6n Cathoiic Cern*ery Dale Name Bilhplace Burialplace t7ft/18&18$B BIESZKAJohTUI yer Ahcrt4Mclt Caftolic Cernetery 29Aug / 3lAug 1900 BIESZKd JohrLl1 montlr Alpsn Catholic Cernetery 19Jul / 2lJul 1903 BIESZKA,Shnislaus, 5 years Alp€na Catholic Cernetery 25Marl2'l Mtr 1909 BIESZKE,Johq 40yean Catholic Cerneky 14S€p l9l8 BIESZKE,JosephA. Catholic Cernctccy Valentine killedinbade 25Feb| 27Feb l9l3 BIESZC,Edwar4 5 years Catrolic Cemet€ry Bemffd / Joarme 9S€p/12S€pl9l2 BIESZKI,Felix A., 34years Cdrolic Cernetery 28Oct / 30Oot 1909 tta1rPtrOavi44%months Cathotc Canetery Fr. BI,ANKA I Jan/ 3 Jur l9l3 BLASCKI,Edward, I year Cdrolic Cernetery Francis/Veronioa 18Sep/21 Sep l9l8 BLASZKE,Albert, 28 yeur CatholicCemeEy Francis/ Elizabeth 15May / 16May 1900 BLASZI(E,Eliz&b€tL 3 months Alpem Catlrolic Ccrnetery 25Mul27Mnl9{9 BLASZKE,Francis, 57 year Catholic Cemetery 2lFeb/ 22Feb 1905 BLASAG, Craoe Alpena Catholic Cecnetery 22Sep / 24Sep l89l BLASZKE,Martha, 8 days Alpei:u, Mich Catlplic Cernetery 26Der,127bc,1903 BLASZKE,Rose,4months Atpens Cafiolic Cemetery 26Mu / 28Mu 1904 BLOIT Florence,3 weeks Alpenr Catholic Cemetery 16Mar / 19Mar 1904 BLOI( Mrtlq 2Tyears Poland Catholic Cecnetery 16Nov/20Novl9l7 BLUMKA Josephine56 yedr Catholic Cernetery wife of John 16Jun / l8 Jun1925 BLUMKA?,Jan, 7E years Poland Catholic Cemetery 7 Oct/1l Oct1916 BOCZEITAnthony, 22 years Isadore, Miclt Jolm/Mada 18Apr/26Apr1894 BOCZEI! Casimir,54 yean Poland Cetholio Cernetery lTMay / 19May 1892 BOCZEITEve,2 years Afper4 Miotr Cdrolic Cemetery 25Jnl / 26Jul 1908 BOCZEKFlorian, 5 months Cafiohc Cemetery 12May/ 13May 1900 BOCZEKFrmoes, l0 montls Abem Catholic Cemetery 12May/ 13May 1907 BOCZEITJoeep\ ll weela Ab€rri Catiolic Cemetery 23Aug l9l3 BOCZEIIMary,34yeas Catftolic Cemetery 22Marl24MuL%8 BOCZEI(Valeri4 35 years Catlolic Cernetery TFeb/9Feb1906 BOCZEKVeronica" I month Ab.{r. Catholio Cernetery 19Octi 22Oot l9(D BOGEDAEN,Augusta, 76 yeqn Calholic Cernetery lSNov/22Nw1906 BOGENDEIN,Julius, TI y ears Germany Catholio Cemetery 3 Jul/ 6 Jr{ 1897 BOJDAC&Mary, l0minutes Alpena Catholic Cemetery 15Jul / 17Jul l90l BOJKMary,87years Poland Catholic Cernetery 13Feb / 13Feb 1924 BONIKOWSKIin-&nt, p€rnstur€ Catholic Cemetcry Stan/ Rosalia l8 Sep/ 19S€p 1897 BORI( Rosalie,2years Alpcilri Catholic Cernetery l0 S€p/ 12Sep l9l2 BOROWSKI5Mariam4 56years Catholic Cemetery accident l0 Feb/ 15Feb 1900 BOROWSKAMary, 6 years Abenr Cafiolic Cernetery 23lptll May1921 BOROT/SKI,Francis, 37 years Catholic Cecnetery John/Mary vet. died Camp Kearey, Col. 6 ft/8 Oct1904 BOROWSKI, Johrq 43 years Poland Catholic Ceme{ery 12Jun/ 15Jun 190 BRODNICKI, Anthony, 15

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