Vol. XVII Issue 4 Harrison High School June 2013 Saying Goodbye to Dr. Ruck Amy Carton Editor-in-Chief Ruck also oversaw sev- eral academic changes to the After seven years at Har- Harrison district over the past rison High School and more than seven years. Honors classes \HDUVLQWKH¿HOGRIHGXFDWLRQ were removed from the high 'U-DPHV5XFNZLOOWDNHKLV¿QDO VFKRRODQGWKHGLVWULFW¶VVHYHQ walk across the SUNY Purchase year application process to VWDJHDWJUDGXDWLRQRQ-XQH adopt the International Bac- DQGHQWHUIRUWKHVHFRQGWLPH FDODXUHDWHSURJUDP¿QDOO\SDLG the world of retirement. RII/DVW\HDUWKHSURJUDPZDV Ruck’s teaching career LQWURGXFHG WR WKH +LJK 6FKRRO began in his hometown of Long DQGWKLV\HDUWKH¿UVWFODVVRI Island; he served as both a IB students will graduate at the teacher and later the principal. end of June. He then transferred to Dobbs “I appreciate and under- )HUU\LQZKHUHKHVHUYHG stand the concerns from parents as the school’s principal for the LQDOWHULQJWKHRIIHUHGFRXUVHV´ next three years. Ruck then shared Ruck. “Under the IB returned to Long Island where SURJUDPVWXGHQWVWHDFKHUVDQG he joined the Sachem Central administrators alike are being 6FKRRO'LVWULFWWKHGLVWULFWWR A great principal retires. Courtesy of the Yearbook FKDOOHQJHGLQQHZZD\VDQGLW which he dedicated 25 years of introduces a new approach to with not only the students and something Dr. Ruck has come his notable career. In his last 14 QRWRQO\WHDFKLQJEXWWKLQNLQJ IDFXOW\EXWDOVRWKH+DUULVRQ to know quite well over his years years at Sachem Central School and learning as well.” Community. at Harrison High School. He en- 'LVWULFW5XFNVHUYHGDVWKHGLV- Though Ruck is unsure of “I’ve always known the gages students in conversations WULFW¶VVXSHULQWHQGHQWDQGWKHQ ZKDWWKHIXWXUHKROGVIRUKLPKH GLVWULFWZDVVSHFLDOEXWWKHUH- LQWKHKDOOZD\VHQMR\VDWWHQGLQJ LQUHWLUHGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH looks forward to spending more lationships that I’ve formed with VFKRROHYHQWVDQGHYHQSDUWLFL- An educator with an in- time with his six grandchildren students and parents alike have pates in monthly themed lunches credible passion for teaching and enjoying his newfound free really set Harrison apart from organized by a group of students and an innate ability to interact time. other districts.” explained Ruck. (see related story on Page 3). ZLWKDQGUHODWHWRFKLOGUHQ5XFN “I want the Harrison com- “It’s rewarding to feel the impact “Over the past seven came out of retirement in 2006 munity to remember to treat of kids growing up throughout years I have seen incredible when he was hired as a six- people with respect. I want stu- WKHLUKLJKVFKRROH[SHULHQFH growth in school spirit and the month interim principal at Har- GHQWVWRODXJKRIWHQFKDOOHQJH DQGPRVWRIDOO,ORYHWRVHHWKH creativity of students. Being able rison High School. Six months WKHPVHOYHVDQGWRDOZD\VEH students smiling and laughing.” to laugh with students makes my quickly turned into a longer com- thoughtful of both family and Enjoying the students’ MREWKDWPXFKPRUHHQMR\DEOH´ PLWPHQWDQG5XFNFRQWLQXHG friends.” friendships and laughter is said Ruck. to develop unique relationships In Arts... In News.. Inside... 10 must-see Jazz Band Dr. Pasqua to retire..........Page 2 VXPPHU¿OPV plays a Prom Perfect works.........Page 4 rousing College List.......................Page 10 Pages 14-15 Jazz Night. Ordering Lunch................Page 13 The Sweet Life of Pages 8-9 Ben & Coby......................Page 18 90-second interviews.....Page 19 Dr. Pasqua To Retire, But The Music Plays On Trent Lefkowitz News Editor the most 7KLV\HDUWKH itz. “He makes great lasagna!” After 23 successful years memora- mayor’s office “I’ll miss the Pasqua of bringing music to the lives ble of the has informed VKXIÀH %RR\DK¶V DQG KLV HQ- of students at Harrison High trips were us that the Vet- thusiasm regarding everything!” 6FKRROEDQGGLUHFWRU'U)HUGL- San Fran- erans and the shouted sophomore Matt Rube nand Pasqua is retiring at the end cisco and Town of Har- DQG MXQLRU =DFN 5LDQ UHIHUULQJ of this school year. From teach- Hawaii rison are pro- to Dr. Pasqua’s eponymous ing the children of American oil and Dis- claiming May dance move and signature catch magnates in Saudi Arabia for QH\ :RUOG 0H- phrase. three years to returning to his because morial Day) Although Dr. Pasqua will KRPHWRZQRI6WDPIRUG&RQQHFW- of the lo- as Dr. Fred obviously miss the students LFXWWRWHDFKIRU\HDUVDW:HVW gistics Pasqua Day in DW++6LPPHQVHO\LWSDOHVLQ +LOO+LJK6FKRRO'U3DVTXD necessary Harrison. comparison to how dearly he will taught all around the world and to make “The be missed by the entire Harrison then settled into his new home those trips road to success community. Throughout his 23 at Harrison High School in 1990. a suc- takes place \HDUVDW+DUULVRQ+LJK6FKRRO 8QGHU KLV WXWHODJH WKH FHVV´KH when every Dr. Pasqua has enriched the band has grown from a tiny group noted. Dr. Pasqua serenades in the library. VWXGHQWSDUHQW town with music and taught his of 14 students to a Grammy – Dur- Courtesy of the Yearbook and member of students valuable life lessons. QRPLQDWHGPHPEHUVWURQJ ing his ten- the community :KHQDVNHGZKDWKHZDVPRVW PDUFKLQJEDQGFRQFHUWEDQG XUHDW+DUULVRQ+LJK6FKRRO'U buys in and becomes a part of proud of during his tenure at and jazz band. Although the Pasqua has also led the band to WKHSURFHVV´VDLG'U3DVTXD ++6'U3DVTXDVDLG³,DP band has obviously grown in performances in the production “The Harrison community is most proud about the number of VL]H'U3DVTXDKDVVHHQLWJURZ of “Babes in Toyland” at Lincoln particularly special because not student that have made music a in many other ways as well. &HQWHULQ1HZ<RUN&LW\WKH every community has residents part of their lives.” ³1RZWKHVWXGHQWVWUDYHO 3HDFK%RZOLQ$WODQWDWKH6DLQW that buy into the arts.” ,QUHWLUHPHQW'U3DVTXD VRPXFKPRUH´KHVDLG³DQGZH Patrick’s Day Parade in New From playing at halftime will continue to teach at Quin- have evolved into a professional- <RUN&LW\WKH<DQNHHV¶:RUOG at the Husky football games to QLSLDF8QLYHUVLW\DQGKHDOVR OLNHWRXULQJHQVHPEOH:HRIWHQ Series Parade and numerous marching down Halstead Avenue hopes to resume his career as a are performing on a national other incredible events. in the “It’s Great to Live in Har- performing musician. He intends VWDJH :H KDYH DOVR JURZQ LQ Dr. Pasqua was recently rison Day Parade” and playing WRZULWHGRUHVHDUFKDQGFUHDWH RXU OHYHO RI SHUIRUPDQFH ZLWK informed by the GRAMMY foun- Christmas tunes on his accor- articles that will stress the impor- the students now performing on GDWLRQ WKDW KH LV D VHPL¿QDO- dion in the lunchroom during the tance of music in one’s overall a much more mature level.” ist for consideration at “Music KROLGD\VHDVRQ'U3DVTXDKDV HGXFDWLRQ,QDGGLWLRQKHORRNV Along with the statistical Teacher of the Year.” done whatever he can to make forward to having more time for JURZWKRIWKHEDQG'U3DVTXD One of the greatest things music a part of everybody’s KLVIDYRULWHKREELHVJDUGHQLQJ has also helped the band per- Dr. Pasqua has done for Har- daily lives. ZLQHPDNLQJDQGÀ\¿VKLQJ form at increasingly more pres- rison was bringing music to All of Dr. Pasqua’s stu- The school and the sur- tigious venues and events over people throughout the commu- GHQWVDUHVDGWRVHHKLPJRDQG rounding community are so very the years. Three of Dr. Pasqua’s QLW\ZKHWKHURUQRWWKH\KDGD each one has a unique memory proud of and grateful for every- favorite trips have been this student performing in the band. of him that will last forever. thing Dr. Pasqua has accom- year’s trip to Hawaii and earlier He believes that it is incredibly “My favorite memory of Dr. plished during his notable time trips to San Francisco and of important to get the community Pasqua was when my family won KHUH:HDOOZLVK'U3DVTXDWKH FRXUVH'LVQH\:RUOG involved. DUDIÀHIRUKLPWRFRPHRYHUDQG best of luck during his upcoming “All of the trips are as en- Obviously the commu- PDNHGLQQHUDWRXUKRXVH´VDLG retirement. MR\DEOHDVWKH\DUHGLIIHUHQWEXW nity has responded in kind. junior trumpeter Jenna Lefkow- Husky Herald - Page 2 Superb Teacher Mrs. O’Neil Retires Rose Stokoe 6WDII:ULWHU “She was more than just her such enjoyment. O’Neil is someone that everyone Courtesy of the Yearbook P\WHDFKHU´VD\VVRSKRPRUH Before even stepping into should look up to; she is one of Tara D’Antona about Mrs. Ger- KHUFODVV,NQHZLWZDVJRLQJWR the few who woke up and wanted Table Talk DOGLQH2¶1HLOZKRWKLV\HDULV be a life-changing experience. to spread what she knew to her Sam Mandell and Jamie DeRosa retiring after 22 years of teach- 0\EURWKHU*HRUJHKDG0UV students.” 6WDII:ULWHUV LQJDW+DUULVRQ³,ORYHGWRZULWH O’Neil when he was a senior. He “It was always such a Once a month during sev- which is why I took creative writ- wasn’t the best student and often SOHDVXUHZRUNLQJWRJHWKHU´VDLG HQWKSHULRGOXQFKDEXQFKRI LQJEXWVKHWDXJKWPHVRPXFK GLGQ¶W GR ZRUN EXW 0UV 2¶1HLO fellow ELA teacher Mr. Johnson. gregarious gourmands known and improved my writing as “The Table” have taken part skills more than any other in various themed feasts over the teacher I’ve ever had.” course of this past school year. It seems Mrs. O’Neil Joining them along the had this positive effect on ZD\ZDVRXUSULQFLSDO'U5XFN everyone who had the and any other students that pleasure of having her as wished to participate. These a teacher. Her wisdom feasts have included (in chrono- not only on writing but ORJLFDORUGHU &HUHDOGD\6L[ also in teaching English IRRWZHGJHGD\7KDQNVJLYLQJ$ Language Arts in general &KULVWPDV+DP0LQL)RRG'D\ helped each student of $ &KRFRODWH )RXQWDLQ %UXQFK hers at Harrison develop &RRNRXW'D\DQGRQWKHODVW a newfound appreciation GD\RIVFKRRO/REVWHU'D\
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