Wednesday Flurries MICHIGAN In war . likely with a high of 33 degrees. Low tonight: 15 de­ . whichever side may call STATE grees. Thursday's outlook is itself the victor, there are no partly cloudy and cool. winners, but ail are losers. UNIVERSITY Neville Chamberlain East Lansing, Michigan March 6,1968 lkc Vol. 60 Number 141 ALONE ON N .H .BA LLO T Negro shooting N i x o n v o w s q u i c k e n d brings tension to O m a h a to Viet war under G O P OMAHA, Neb. (AP)-Tension mounted HAMPTON. N.H. (API-Former Vice energetic campaign days, a five-town " I do not suggest withdrawal from steadily in Omaha Tuesday following the President Richard M. Nixon, sole Re­ sprint, urging the voters to turn out Vietnam. early morning fatal shooting of a Negro publican campaigner for the nation's for the primary on March 12. "I am saying to you it is possible teen-ager during a series of disorders that opening presidential primary, pledged anew Gov. Romney, once his chief rival, that if we mobilize our economic and began when Former Gov. George Wal­ Tuesday that a GOP administration would has withdrawn as a candidate, although political and diplomatic leadership, it lace of Alabama came to town to launch end the war in Vietnam. his name will still be listed on the •can be ended." he said. "The failure his third party presidential campaign. Alone as a major on-the-ballot GOP New Hampshire ballot. There is a in Vietnam is not the failure of our Ernest Chambers, militant Omaha candidate. Nixon staged one of his more write-in campaign under way for New fighting men in Vietnam but the failure Negro leader, said the situation was trig­ York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller and of our leadership in Washington, D.C. gered by Wallace’s appearance Monday o the Nixon forces appeared concerned to back them up." night at the Omaha Civic Auditorium lest disinterest hold down the GOP In Raymond. N.H. Nixon said " if we when about 50 anti-W allace dem onstra­ turnout. had used the power that we are using tors were ousted by police. Police hustled R e a g a n t o “The nation will be watching you today in Vietnam earlier and more the demonstrators out of the auditorium March 12." Nixon told about 100 people effectively the war would be over now." after they pelted the speakers’ platform in the basement of an Exeter restaurant. Nixon never missed an opportunity to with sticks, bits of placards and small "As New Hampshire goes so will Ameri­ remind voters that he ' served as vice- stones. b a c k R o c k y ca go i n N o vem ber.'' president to President Dwight D. Eisen­ Before the night was over 13 persons Some 200 people packed the American hower and that the war in Korea was were injured, one critically, and at least LegTbn hall in Hampton, and heard Nixon ended during that administration. 10 businesses looted or damaged. if nom inated pledge to end the war. He said Presi­ "I was proud to be a member of Sixteen-year-old Howard L. Steven­ dent Johnson had the power to do that, that administration." he said. He said son was fatally shot by an off-duty police­ SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) but "never has so much power been too that Democrats and independents man as the youth attempted to enter Declaring the "stakes are too big" used less effectively. » will join the Republican cause in Novem­ a looted pawn shop the white policeman to allow dissension among Republicans. "If they had followed the advice we have ber. had been hired to guard. He fired one shot Gov. Ronald Reagan pledged Tuesday to given, the war would be over now." Nixon "The cause we are here for and the Hannah the host from his 12-gauge riot gun. support Nelson Rockefeller for president said. "I hope' they will adopt more cause you will be voting for on March Tuesday morning students walked out President Hannah opened the doors of Cowles House to graduating if the New Yqjrk governor wins the GOP effective policies between now and 12 is bigger than being a Republican." of classes at Horace Mann Junior High nomination.,* November. he said. “ It is as big as all America. " seniors Monday night. State News photo by Bob Ivins School which is about 95 per cent Negro. The California governor thus disa­ "But. my friends, if in November Police cruisers ringed the school but police greed with criticism of Rockefeller made this war is not over after all of this did not interfere when students smashed by Barry Goldwater-the Republican power has been at their disposal, then windows with sticks and set fire to the nominee Reagan wholeheartedly backed in I say that the American people will be tinder-dry grass and small evergreen 1964. *It was a nationwide television justified to elect new leadership and I shrubs on the school grounds. speech endorsing Goldwater which shot pledge to you the new leadership will Teaching m edical center Chambers, who is a candidate for elec­ Reagan into political prominence. end the war and win the peace in the tion to the Omaha board of education, Goldwater said Monday I and my Pacific and that is what America wants." finally persuaded the pupils to leave. fellow conservatives want no part of That drew a round of applause. "Go home and watch the news." he Rockefeller." The former Arizona sena­ Nixon had made much the same pledge ►told them. "These cameramen are tor noted also that Rockefeller had Feb. 28 when he said that Johnson m ay have 100 beds b y 7 5 making you look like hoodlums. You guys not actively backed him in 1964 and said could end the - war by November. If are not doing anything to help your­ of the final referral case load, even with­ “ I don't know how I could support him ." not. Nixon said then, "a new adminis­ patients could come from outside of the selves." By JIM SCHAEFER out the university hospital But Goldwater said he didn't think tration will be elected. We will end Lansing service area. 7 U V r. State News Staff Writer This, combined with the decreasing that's much of a problem, as far as the war and we will win the peace. * > 1 Marsh's statistical data, compiled in a Omaha Mayor A. V. Sorensen said the he’s concerned: he feels Richard M. need for obstretical care and only slightly disorders "without question widen the gap "I do not suggest to you. as you've While citing the need for a gradual, 20-oaee. « 1 v -‘-^poTt MSU's Nixon will walk off with t{ie presiden­ heard in this campaign, any push button increasing need for other kinds tU hospitali­ ueiwtvn cue wiiuc ¿tnu o tacK citizens'* growth of hospital beds in the Lansing hos­ contention that its medical center would tial nomination. way to do this." Nixon said Tuesday. zation. Marsh claimed that key objec­ and only delay the ultim ate equality of pital service area. Edwin S Marsh, direc­ not conflict with the services offered by The matter came up at Reagans tives" of the Ingham County hospitals citizenship for all people." tor of the Health Planning Council'"of area hospitals, and that its -proposed 300 • weekly news, conference. A reporter, could be met with "only minimal impact The Rev. John O. McCaslin. head of Michigan, said Tuesday that an esti­ plus bed system will not hamper the from the proposed university medical altering Goldwater's statement a bit, the Catholic School Action Office, de­ mated 100 beds could be reserved by 1975 expansion programs of the area hospitals. told Reagan that Goldwater had said he center."'* clared Tuesday “I can’t help but think Gregory to spook for the proposed MSU teaching medical Dr. Andrew D. Hunt, dean of MSU's “Central to this concept." said Marsh wouldn't, support Rockefeller if he was that the troubles were planned, and I center. College of Human Medicine who spoke in his report, “is the need to recognize a selected by the convention! Reagan was don't mean by our side. " Tickets for the Dick Gregory appearance By his analysis of past and present before the Lansing Council, termed reasonable hospital utilization rate as a then asked "could you support Rocke­ He said he was with the anti-Wallace Friday will be sold only at the Auditorium figures submitted to him. Marsh pre­ Marsh's a numerical analysis of past, community goal, vital for insuring both feller in that eventuality?" demonstrators which included Creighton door, in accordance with a University ordi­ dicted goals for the Lansing hospitals present, and projected bed utilization adequate standards of care and economy Reagan responded: "Yes. I've told University students, about 15 priests nance. of a total of 1.225 acute care beds by by area hospitals asa "useful report." in the area's health care expenditures. you this, I'll support whoever is the and 20 to 30 .nuns. Creighton is a Catholic Gregory, Negro comedian and black 1970. and 1,350 by 1975. in the report on Hunt added, however, he disliked evi­ The Marsh report said that with good nominee of the party." institution. power advocate, will speak as part of the acute care hospitalization in the greater dence of Marsh's personal bias by his com­ planning, good fortune, illustrious clinical Asked if Goldwater had violated Rea­ Great Issues series at 3:45 p.m.
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