Depaltflent of Public Works and Highways Contract ID 201D0008 C-ontract Name C.onrtruction of Concr€te R.oad - Sikatuna Str€st Road connecting Fairtrade Farmers Coconut Coop (FFCC) and Digos - Irlakar Road in support of Cocohut Coio C.oir and Banana Chips Industry Location of the Contract Harada Butai , padada, Davao del Sur FORM OF COilTRACT AGREEMENT KT{OW ALt MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This cot{TRACT AGREEUEI{I mad€ this 13s day of Febru ary 2020 by and between; The GOvERNMET{T oF THE REpuBLrc oF THE pHrLrpprNEs through the Department of Pubric works and Highways (DpwH) represented nerein uy I{rcoMEDEs D. PARTLT-A, JR. - District Engineer, dury authorized for this purpose, with main office address at Lapu-lapu Strcet Barangay Zone 3, Digos City, Davao del Sur, hereinafter referred to as the.PROCURING ENTITy.; -and- NLc coilsrRucrroN At{D suppuE+ a singre proprietorship organized existing under and by virtue philippines, of laws of the Republic of the with main office address at Purok Duranta, sinawiran, Digos city, Davao de! sur, represented herein by I{ERRIE C. CISNEROS, tulBA - General Manager, duly authorized for this purpose, hereinafter refered to as the..CONTRACTOR.; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, PRocURTItG the ENTrry is desirous that the coNTRAcroR execute the works under contract rD No, 2otDo00g - construction of conclete Road - sikatuna street Road connecting Fairtrade Farmers coconut coop (FFCC) and Digos - Makar Road in support of coconut, coo coir and Banana chips tndustry, Harada sutai, Padada, Davao del Sur, hereinafter called the'works", and the pRocuRrNG ENTfiy has accepted the calculated Bid of the coNTRAcroR for the execution and completion of the Works at the calculated prices N unit bid shown in the aBached Bill of euantities, or a total contract price of Nine Million Five Hundred Five Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-Four Pesos and TUIOO Onty (p 9,505,854.71). Now THEREFoRE, for and consideration of the foregoing premises, the parties hereto agree as follows: I In this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the conditions of contract hereinafter referred to. -Il*FR-51-2015 Page 1 of 5 Deparunent of Public Works and Highways Contract ID 20rDooo8 Contract Name Construction of Concrete Road - Silotuna Street Road conn€cting Fairtrade Farmers Coconut Coop (FFCC) and Dips - lrlakar Road in support of Coconub Coco C.oir and Banana Chips Industry Location of the Contract Harada Butai , Padada, Davao del Sur 2 The following documents sharr be attached, deemed to form, and be read and part construed as of this coNTRAcr AGREEMENT, and shall be interpreted in the following order of priority: a This Contract Agreement b DocumenE forming part of the Contract Agreement: ..conforme,, (1) Notice of Award (NOA) with the Contracto/s signed (2) COIYfRACTORT Bid in the Form of Bid, inctuding its Technical and Financial Componenb, as calculated by the procuring Entity and conformed to by the COI{TRACTOR through the NOA. (3) Instructions to Bidders (ITB) and Bid Data Sheet (BDS) (4) Supplemental/Bid Bulletins for Bidding Documents (s) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) (6) General Conditions of Contract (GCC) (7) Specifications (8) Drawings (e) Performance Security (10) Other Documenb: (a) Construction Methods (b) Construction Schedule in the form of PERT/CPM Diagram or Precedence Diagram and Bar Chart with S-Curve, or other approved tools of project scheduling, and Cash FIow. (c) Manpower Schcdule (d) Equipment Utilization Schedule -INFR-51-2016 Page 2 of 5 Deparunent of Public Works and Highways Contract ID 20tDoo08 Contract Name Construction of Concrete Road - Sikatuna Street Road connecting Fairtrade Fanners Coconut Coop (FFCC) and Digos - Makar Road in support of Cocohut, Coco Coir and Banana Chips Industry Location of the Contract Harada Butai , Padada, Davao del Sur (e) Construction Safety and Health program initially approved by the Head of the procuring Entity (D CONTRACTOR,S Ail Risk Insurance (CARI) 3 In consideration of the payments to be made by the pRocURrNG EilTITy to the coNTRAcroR as hereinafter mentioned, the coNTRAcroR hereby covenanE with the PRocuRrNG ENTrry to execute and complete the works and remedy any defects therein in conformity with the provisions of this coNTRAcr AGREEMENT in all respects. 4 In consideration of the execution and compretion of the works by the CONTRACTOR, the PROCURING ENTITY hereby covenants to pay the coNTRAcroR the unit prices in the coNTRACToR's carculated Bid, as applied to the quantitics actual accomplished as certified by the FRocuRrNG ENTrry under provisions the of this cot{TRACT AGREEMEI{T, at the times and in the manner prescribed by this CONTRACT AGREEMEI{T. rN wrrNEss WHEREOF, the parties hereto set their respective hands on the 17s day of February 2020 at Digos eity, Davao del Sur. PROCURING ENTITY: CONTRACTOR: Represented byl Represented by: NICOMED LLA, JR. E C. CTSNERO9 MBA District E General Manager I by: Subject to the provisions of Executive Order No. 91 s. 2019 LILIBETH LORENTINO ttA JOY G. CISNEROS Accountant Liaison Officer Chiet Finance Section DPWH-INFR-51.2016 Page 3 of 5 ANT{EX TO CDNTRACT AGREEMENT @I{TRACT ID M). : 2OLIXXX}8 cfiTRAcr AME : c-onstruction of crncr€te Road - sikatuna str€et Ro.d connecting Fairtrade lanne-rs. Connut Coop (FFCC) and Digos - Makar Road in support of Crconut LocArror{ oFrHE cD rRAcr : ffi.tr#ffi m.m DURATION : 60 Calendar Days SCHEDULE OF WORK ITEITI I{O. DESCRIPTIOIT UNIT UNTT PRICE AMOI'ITT PART B. OTHER GET{ERAL REQUIREME TS 8.5 Project Billboard / Signboard each 3.00 3,891.64 Lt,674.92 B_7 (2) Occupational program Safety and Heatth l.s. 1.00 20,24t.76 20,24t.76 8.8 (2) Traffic Management l.s. 1.00 104,734.78 IcF.,734.78 B.9 Mobilization Demobilization / l.s. I.UU 53,020.3s s3,020.35 PART C . EARTHWORK 100 (3) a2 Individual Remoyal of Trees, 30r.-500 mm dia, small e!ch 88.00 !,948.49 r71,467.12 101 (1) Removal of Structures and Obstructioo l.s. 1.00 5s,893.38 s5,893.38 102 (2) Surplus Common Exca\ration cu.m. 1,312.13 135.85 t78,252.86 Embankment from Roadway Excavation, 104 (1) a Common Soil cu.m. 438.00 270.3t 118,395.78 los (1) a bgrade Preparation, Common Material sq.m. 3,756.01 20.03 75,232.88 PART D - SUBBASE AT{D BASE COURSE Aggregate Subbase Course @ @@ 1,258.48 1 ,739 ,2r9 .36 PARTE-SURFACECOURSES 300 (1) Gravel Surface Course @ 1,473,33 3s9,492.52 Poruand Etr Cement Concrete Pavement (Unreinforced), 311 (1) el 0.28 m thick, 14 @ 3,455.18 1,908.49 6,594,r76.48 PART H - MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES Reflectorized Thermoplastic 612 (1) Pavement Markings White sq.m. 25.65 937.72 24,052.52 Grand Total P 9,sot8s4,71 FOR AND I'{ BEHALF: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS NLC CONSTRUCTION AI{D SUPPLIES Party of the First Part Party of the Second part ,R. General Manager WITNESSES: Subject to the No.91 s. 2019 LILIBETH FLORENTINO JOY G. CTSNEROS IiI Liaison Omcer Chiel Finance Section Paqe 4 of 5 REPUBUC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) crry oF )S.S. v, u- o o 4 ut (JUJ z z. L! o rn (J a) [t I ACKNOWTEDGEMENT d o- (, LU j c I o Jt4E, Notary public personally F o .9 _--__PFl lE for and in appeared z. lE ENGINEER I{ICOMEDES D. PARILLA, JR. - DistTict Engineer DPWH, Davao ll-l = - del Sur DEO, Digos City, Davao del (,z Sur, Region XI with Residence Certificate no. iAlu+OZ issued on tn January 10, 2020 at Digos City, Davao del Sur and = NLC COI{STRUCTION AND SUPPLIES represented by NERRIE C. CISNEROS, MBA - General Manager with Residence I Certificate No. 26711020 issued on January gU' I 03, 2020 at Digos City, Davao del Sur known to me and to me known to be the same person +^ a0 o-L who executed the foregoing CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT and they gt s- lll= acknowledged to me that the same is their true act deed for and in OJ o! o E'r behalf of the Parties they represent. d (o C i8 lt (I, =oE oz E (-)sEC,) (, E o IN WITNESSED WHEREOF, trb=- (, C I have hereunto affixed my (r, > o signature and seal this 18fr day of February 2020. oo-OlU=f (J uJ 2J z o C, o .9 b: z (,OJ o 9ci z c uJ Iu u (t, d, c UJU iE o-6d9 o u.r lE .g FB d (J-c ?e o: E TIJ ,:J r0 llt (,UZP c = 6€' (Jo o Doc. No. tl,t rrDS Loc trANCH Page. l{0. q1 NO "l0 6 ulJlrt 0:i L'C d, Book No. N lit 2020 . riTR N0.P 4trlL{V Series of 1p14 i"b-h (,^ /8P NO JtG|s clry ) fir?my lt '285-gqtt- =totE t0U. .s9966; ,lrtl;l[ ts2 ,vl-0009767i0.17!l:?t cB=o- ^J0 ivOLL d! ao ots: o El i5 EIO E =g Io Iul z Page 5 of 5.
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