H66 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 21, 2004 while the uninsured go without cov- unstable country and to move forward daily in the region, it was pointed out erage. By addressing the health care with reconstruction. He listed a long that though the President is talking needs of the uninsured, the entire sys- number of nations that have supplied about job training at Owens College, tem will work more efficiently, more some number of troops to the efforts in the headline reads ‘‘Owens lays off cost effectively. Instead of trying to Iraq. training employees before Bush’s solve this problem with a tax credit The fact is that well over 90 percent visit,’’ and one of the several workers that forces the uninsured to shop in the of the troops in Iraq are American. who has been handling workforce de- inefficient and expensive individual About 95 percent of the money being velopment at Owens College says she market, we should shape a policy for spent in Iraq is American taxpayer dol- has worked there for 7 years and has the uninsured around the principles of lars, well over $160 billion to date. The been given a pink slip and is this not market competition. fact is that we did not turn effectively ironic. Another worker says, ‘‘I’ve been I will propose legislation this year to our traditional and historic allies informed that my position has been that provides the uninsured a voucher, and move forward with the inter- eliminated.’’ She had been employed at a health care voucher, to purchase national community in order to build a the college for 25 years and started health insurance through a subsidiary coalition to defeat Hussein in Iraq. there as a student in 1978. She said, of the Federal Employees Health Ben- The President, when he won his au- ‘‘I’m 5 years from retirement. I really efit Program, the same program where thority to go to war, made a number of had thought after all this time I’d fin- Members of Congress and the United commitments. He said that he would ish my career at the college and I’d States Senate and members of the ad- exhaust diplomatic options before still be a benefit’’ to the college. ‘‘It’s ministration get their health care. going to war. He did not. He said he just really hard for me to believe.’’ This plan will use the efficiencies of would allow the international inspec- The other names of those who have the group health insurance market to tors the opportunity to complete their been pink-slipped at Owens College I work in Iraq. He did not. He said he provide comprehensive insurance and will place in the CONGRESSIONAL would go to the United Nations and reduce prices, while giving people a RECORD. voucher. It also will keep the prices in build a coalition, and he did not. And This morning, as the President a competitive range to the tax credit now the President would still have us spoke, in his remarks he talked about the President proposed. believe that we are on a successful job training. And Terry Thomas, the There is nothing wrong with the hunt and are turning up weapons of executive director of the Ohio Associa- health care system that competition mass destruction in Iraq as part of a tion of Community Colleges, which and choice cannot fix. broad-based coalition in that country, represents Owens College along with 23 and neither of those statements is true. other technical and community col- f The fact of the matter is, Mr. Speak- leges in the State, added that there has THE WAR IN IRAQ AND WEAPONS er, that the arrogance, the been little funding for workforce devel- OF MASS DESTRUCTION unilateralism, and the cowboy diplo- opment in Ohio; so any money from the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a macy of the President and the White House have made our challenges in Iraq government would help. previous order of the House, the gen- I would also like to place in the tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. much harder than they should have been and have made our war on al RECORD that the Bush administration HOEFFEL) is recognized for 5 minutes. and the Taft administration, both Re- Mr. HOEFFEL. Mr. Speaker, last Qaeda and terror riskier and harder than it should be. publican administrations, have had a night the President gave his State of devastating impact on the State of the Union address to the Nation and to f Ohio where we have had now over the Congress; and he brought up, rather JOB CREATION AND THE BUSH 300,000 people out of work and 167,000 surprisingly, weapons of mass destruc- ADMINISTRATION’S POLICIES manufacturing jobs just in the last 3 tion. The President said that American The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a years disappear from our State; and inspectors have ‘‘identified dozens of previous order of the House, the gentle- while all this is happening, hundreds of weapons of mass destruction-related woman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) is rec- millions of dollars that I have voted for program activities’’ in Iraq. ognized for 5 minutes. here in Congress have not been used by Mr. Speaker, I do not know what a Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, last the State of Ohio. Indeed, there is over weapons of mass destruction-related evening the President of our country $242 million still available for job program activity is. I would like to addressed us here in the House Cham- training and workforce development on find out. I do know this: it is not weap- ber, and it is always a great historic deposit here with the Federal Govern- ons of mass destruction. We have not moment when that happens. But subse- ment under programs that have been found weapons of mass destruction in quent to his address, he left on Air severely cut back by this administra- Iraq. David Kay, the American inspec- Force One this morning for our home tion, and the State of Ohio is not tor, has not found them. The inter- district and landed there at taxpayer spending those dollars. There are se- national inspectors did not find them. expense in Air Force One, 6 weeks be- vere problems in Ohio, and it is one of Like many Members of this House, I fore the Ohio primary. With his cam- the reasons that Owens College cannot voted in favor of the war in Iraq. I did paign coffers loaded, I am a bit sur- do as good a job as it might do simply so in order to disarm Saddam Hussein prised that he did not use campaign because of poor performance by our of weapons of mass destruction. I am funds for his visit today. He moved State government as well as cutbacks glad that we have defeated Hussein. I from the Toledo Express Airport to in these workforce development pro- am glad he is in our custody. We and Owens Community College in order to grams here at the Federal level. the Iraqi people are better off with him talk about worker training or job Mr. Speaker, the Bush administra- in custody. He was a murderous tyrant. training, which is one of the topics tion nationwide has the worst record of But we have not found the weapons of that the President addressed in his ad- job creation since Herbert Hoover, mass destruction, and it is clear that dress last night. And one of the ques- since the Great Depression. an extraordinary amount of exaggera- tions I would ask the President is his b 1345 tion and deception occurred from the administration has cut job-training White House on the subject of weapons funds over the last 3 years and though Over 2,700,000 Americans are without of mass destruction before we went to Ohioans welcome any job-training work today. The President did not even war in order to win congressional sup- funds this administration finally sees use the words ‘‘extending unemploy- port for going to war. the light of day to produce, I am won- ment benefits’’ in his remarks last The President talked last night dering if the President could not also night. What a tragedy. about our international coalition. The concentrate on job creation so that Few States have been more severely President would like us to believe that jobs are there for workers who receive impacted by the failed Bush adminis- we have a broad-based and effective the training. tration policies than our State of Ohio. international coalition in Iraq to move It was somewhat ironic that in this So it is an honor for us to receive a forward with securing what is still an morning’s Toledo Blade, the major President of the United States, but, VerDate jul 14 2003 01:18 Jan 22, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JA7.070 H21PT1 January 21, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H67 really, he should be coming to help us. The affected employees who spoke with He said he would support a constitutional He should be coming to release the dol- The Blade said they believe the cuts at the amendment defining marriage as being be- lars that I had voted for here at the Center for Development and Training are not tween a man and a woman if courts struck the only ones to occur at the college. They Federal level, and, most of all, helping down a law mandating that.
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