GRK REBELS IN FRENCH UNIFORMS Won by a Bluff. When the armies of Napoleon were overrunning Eurolpe. (General IissIena. With 18.000 men. sudldenly allpearel.l TULANE... MBegi Nov. 19th before the Austrian Ieitl *. town of Matinees--Wednesday and kirch and deruandcd itssurrenider. I1~ Saturday at 2 P. M. 44 steal of complying, the lmr;,,onia-: Prices--SOc to $2.00 ci Issued orders that tile chur'l h hte.i. were to be set rin:ring al.ltha:t h. VIOTOR HERBET'S SMASHING COMIC OPERA TRIUMPH burghers, their wive-c an1d calught, I. SOME clad in holiday attire. "wrt'Ite asseltn 14 bie int the market sclllureand there malke rllury. The result was exactly what he haI hopted for. Massena "The Princess heardtlile siutln Pat" of rejoicing, waatlu'ldfrom the heii'htI overhiokhin the town thn atllheritng throtngs in tilhe streets anil v'am:ile to the' collt'sion*,lthat the t',li'wnsflk IStiiiU SHOW have re'e'elved ihtelligen'ce' t hit Ithe Austrian army. which was ell'ietved t, Crescent Theatre Beginning 19 be sclueni het'eiil the vicinity. w:rmt:uil Vanling to their relhif. As to giae battle there S.*- . aetluthlien formed nollIart of Napole!ll'es ge-ic'cr::I INI NEWIRISH SONG PLAI Entries for 600 head Ilan of aitin,. I aMeiiil:a or.llerell i a- re- treat. 'eldikiIrc'h %:ls saveill. :nil Iy i of quality cattle bluff.for as matter of facIt ino riliev AL.H.WILSON MY KILLARNY ROSE Greek ,t•I tr(Iolb•, from all over big force was liiiulihere near aet the dressed in French uxnlforms and curry-lag F'ren~ch rifles, narcLhu• throuh the PRICES: MATINEE 15c, 2. 3 to m."t the king's loyal forces. a main sltrut of United States. time. E NIGHTS 15c, 25c, 50c Coming and Going. REGULAR MATINEE: Taeeday, Thursday and Sat. at 2 P. One afte'rnln itcci.t i oelelwnihoh, thil M. 1500 Separate Poul- illy kntiked onli the dilr of ii suburbilli H. N. G. C. THEATRE. son of her latest photoplay produc- honme, alnd whenlI the owner iof the tions. try Exhibits. house appearedl le me•ekfullyf asked4flf•r, What may be considered a real pictures Thomas reat for the lov' rs of good Meighan and Theodore)rE' "I see." relstanlldeld the Iproprietor. PHONE MAIN 333-334 the it. N. G. (.'s Roberts who appear in leading rolls a be found on ls 500 Pure Bred Hogs. critic ally sizing uilt the tramp. "'lthat the coming week. with Miss Doro are both players praem for whoho the kee(s of your trouIser.s badly 17, The Oliver have won wide spread are On Friday November fame in Lasky worn." _•rnuco Photoplay Co.. will present productions. Mr. Roberts as a por-or Greatest Dairy "Yes. sir." :lansweredl the hbeo. 1ib Jolivet in an "International Mar- trayer of character roles stands with-th- Cat- in a sutelued rUS'" together with the usual good out a rival in the screen world. Mr. volce. "I wore them through tle Show Ever kneeling via of comedies and Uray-Paramont Meighan has appeared in leading mas- in prayer." culine parts with Blanche Sweet.et. Shown South. A few milutle's Iater the tramp was BEST OF VAUDEVILLE fhrteona. MATINRS EVERT DAY ,.,--le On Sunday November 19, Jesse L. Charlotte Walker and other Laskyky handeds his foddler, and with 11i;iiV TO 50c. BOX SEATS 75c. EVERY NIGHT 8:15-tl TO 7k. Ink presents .Marie Dorr in "('om-I stars, and "Common Grounds" marks thanks hleturnield and sta:rted towa:-rl Box SEATS S.AL as Grounds" written by Marion its first appearance in like capacity 1,000 Head Prize the gate. with the charming Miss Doro. In "Just a momlnent." ixclaimed the Ier g~a Doro who has already achieved, addition the usual Paramont-Bray car- Swine. prietor. "I noteice that your trouser., irat success on the stage as one of toon will be shown together with the'he , i are also pretty badly worn in the tM startunder the management of world's famous comedians Ham andnd back." A SCOUT Bud g lahte Charles Frohman, has added in another of their side splittings A model "Yes. sir."resleolded 0 PLATES comedies. 5-acre farm, the tramp, I her reputation as an artist by rea- steering for the gate. "I (lid that back. with 85 varieties sliding."-Phlladelphia Telegraph. of feed and crops. Giant and Dwarf Honeybees. In some of tile East Indian isl:ehnls The last word in a and on the mainlanld of Iiidlustaln lire' to be found the smallest sleciels of "Ir" You Can Save Money Here on High scientific d a i r y honeybees in the wiorrld. T'here dwarf Class Dentistry IPut y ":!r t, eh in honey collectors are known to enlit perfct t condition. farm in full oper- T he" w iere :u nth are rush months for mologists as .Apis fioreal. Their hlcne'y i.'. If 6u wait until then to have ation. combs thtan S,,t:r t,•h tr,,ublc . attewhed to, you may are no larger a childl's ' c•,,' jid to make appointmnnrits far hand, and the cells are about the size :I: .lV.u:llr, accept shcrt sittings, and of a small pinhead. This honey is ex mll..ke Ia more to ips than would be nec- eat$ly l, W. Iliave your dental needs A scientific dipping cellent, as is the wax. The little crea- .r:,ndhd to right now- 'onlay-before the tures buill the c'omb in the branch of 1Il'l1, b. fore the cold rains set in- I, tih,:e terrible lnervc-r.oking pains v a t constructed a low tree. and as they have not to and aches begin. under United provide for winlter. they work all the OPEN NIGHITS AND SUNDAYS year through. raising broods like teiem OUR PRICES States govern- selves. The Never-Fall Plate, guaranteed to t, frm ............. men t suipervision. In the same land there is a species 22-k. Gold Crown and of giant bees. Apis dorsata, as large as Bridge Work (per tooth) frosa . Best Gold Fillings, 43 a field cricket. These monste'rs of the best material, from .......... bee world build honeycombs that are Alloy or Silver Fllinags, SO A great national Small Kid-Say, loidy, yer look best workmanship, from ......... from six to seven feet in length, four Extracting Painless, concert band. or more in width and weigh from 300 rwell in dat coat. If yer cares to give Free when we make plate .... to 400 pounds each. me yer name and address. I'll mention I(,ld Inlays and Gold Fillngs... $1. up WeV akae plates front ..... $4..00 up yer to me big brudder. He's just got We do not Employ Cheap, Unregisteed chucked by a goll, an' is lookin' ter an- and Unlicensed Men-We are Experts. Wonderful W h i t e Blotted Out "Lord Penn." other. The first book of any kind publish- Orleans Dental Co. Way with 100 ed in Philadelphia was Atkin's Al- 918CANAL STREET. I-nmecli-ely manack for the year 1eShi. It was an next to Odenwald & Gros. AL. vaudeville attrac- NEIGHBORLY COMMENT new tt.ore--.irectly opposite Kress' Store. H. 1•ILSON unpaged pamphlet of ten leaves, only As Tom Carey in his new song-play tions. two copies of which are now known "Aly Killarney Rose," at the Crescent to be in existenre. The first copy of WIN PREMIUMS. Theatre. the Almanack printed was sent to At the National Farm and Live Alex Sloan with 12 Colonel Markham. Penn's deputy, who Stock Show. Mrs. ('hris L. Stumpf reported to the council that the book won second prize for doughnuts and racing autos. had erroneously declared CRESCENT THEATER. Pennsylva- Miss Verona Stumpt won first prize nia to have been founded by "Lord tofor fudge. We congratulate Mrs. Al. H. R1Plson the singing dialect Penn." The council disapproved such StStumlpf and her daughter on their suc- comedian has a new Irish song-play The Great Gersten a high sounding title and directed the cess. entitled "My 'Killarney Rose," written author and printer (William Brad- by Herbert Hall Winslow and pro- looping the loop. ford) to "forthwith and effectually duced by Sidney R. Ellis-which will blott out ye words 'Lord Penn.'" be presented at the Crescent Theater This had the effect of recalling the The Junior for a week's engagement beginning The Great Hutchin- whole edition and the abolition of the Sunday night by Mr. Wilson and a obnoxious words. Toilet Seat clever company. "My Killarney Rose" son, (the human is said to be admirably written and to Homely Philosophy. for CHILDREN. develop a story brimming bomb) dropping with orig- Don't build your house on the site inality. The plot is laid in Ireland. from the clouds in of Tribulation Acts One and Two in Killarney and Town and then growl Sauitary, when tbe lact three in the city of Dublin and hurricane sweeps it away. a parachute after The Quickly Ad- Ideals with the life and adventures minute we think we're over- of a roving fun loving Irishman named exploding in a stocked with wisdom it's high time to jested, Fts Tom Carey who though Fate has dealt bomb. ask the good Lord to give as some. harshly with him at times, yet by his When we hang out the trouble sign Au•Tellet, iW~SiL BOYD IN TRE VICTOR HERBERT COMIC OPERA "THE PRIN- "Mrs.
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