Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan June 2018 Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan 1 2 Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan YAYU COFFEE FOREST BIOSPHARE RESERVE MANAGEMENT PLAN Oromia Environment, Forest and Climate Change Authority and Oromia Forest and WildLife Enterprise Facilitated and supported by: Production coordinator: Zerihun Dejene Layout Design: Philmon Press P.l.c Consultant: Motion Consultancy and Training P.L.C Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan 3 4 Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan Approval Page Oromia Environment, Forest and Climate Change Authority and Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise have approved this management plan to be used in Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Area. Stamp and Signature: _______________________________ Oromia Environment Forest and Climate Change Authority: _______________________________ Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise: Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan 5 Acknowledgment his management plan would not have been possible without the leadership support and Tprofessional guidance of Oromia Environment, Forest and Climate Change Authority and Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise. Both took their time, expertise and values to guide and enrich the management measures proposed by this management plan. Especial thanks to Illu Aba Bora Zone Administration, Zonal OFWE, Illu Aba Bora Zonal sector offices, Doreni, Alge sachi, Nopa, Hurumu, Doreni, Yayu and Chora woreda administration and sector offices in each woreda. We are most grateful to all of them, We also extends our deepest thanks to all participants of the one hundred focus group discussions at village level as well as the stakeholder workshops participants at woreda, zonal and regional level. The core of the management plan is made of the shared information, data, insights, views and recommendations of these participants. PHE EC, the community in Yayu Biosphere Reserve and the government would like to gratefully acknowledge the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) for its financial contribution for the realization of this management plan. We are also grateful to the funding received through UNIQUE/NABU consortium from GIZ to support the development of this management plan. 6 Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES ............IX LIST OF FIGURES............X ACRONYM............XIII EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............1 PART I- INTRODUCTION............3 1.1 BACKGROUND............3 1.2 CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT- THE CURRENT STATE OF PLAY............3 1.3 THE CURRENT STATE OF FOREST CONSERVATION IN ETHIOPIA............5 1.4 THE CONCEPT AND IMPORTANCE OF BIOSPHERE RESERVE............7 1.5 BIOSPHERE RESERVES IN ETHIOPIA............10 1.6 POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORKS FOR BIOSPHERES IN ETHIOPIA............10 PART II: YAYU COFFEE FOREST BIOSPHERE RESERVE............14 2.1 BACKGROUND............14 2.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA............14 2.3 BENEFITS AND OPPORTUNITIES OF YCFBR............20 2.4 MAJOR CHALLENGES OF YCFBR............24 PART III: METHODOLOGY AND APPROACH OF THE MANAGEMENT PLAN’S DEVELOPMENT........31 3.1 METHODS............31 3.2 APPROACH............32 3.3. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION............38 PARTIV: MANAGEMENT PLAN SPECIFICATION............39 4.1 INTRODUCTION............39 4.2 VISION, MISSION, AND GOAL OF THE MANAGEMENT PLAN............39 4.3 PRINCIPLES AND VALUES............40 4.4 MAJOR OUTCOMES AND DELIVERABLES............42 4.5 SECTOR WISE PROPOSED MANAGEMENT ACTIONS............43 4.6 MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES............54 4.7 STAKEHOLDERS’ ENGAGEMENT AND THEIR ROLE............56 4.8 LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT............62 4.9 RESEARCH, MONITORING AND COMMUNICATION............64 4.10 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION............65 4.11 INDICATORS, MONITORING AND REVIEW............67 PART V: CONCLUDING REMARKS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............70 5.1 CONCLUDING REMARKS............70 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS............71 ANNEXES............73 Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan 7 List of Tables Table 1. Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Zonation............18 Table 2. List of woredas and population of Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere reserve............19 Table 3. Tourism potential sites within the Biosphere............22 Table 4. Population growth of the six woredas found in the Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve............25 Table 5. Number of participants participated in the community conversation about the BR management plan............38 Table 6. Management plan outcomes............43 Table 7. Recommended Actions for Conservation and Natural Resource Management and Tourism in the YCFBR............44 Table 8. Recommended actions for Agriculture activities in the Yayu Biosphere Reserve............47 Table 9. Recommended actions for Green Entrepreneurship in Yayu Forest Coffee Biosphere Reserve including Investment, EIA and Climate Changes............50 Table 10. Recommended Actions for Research, Monitoring and Communication............52 Table 12. Stakeholder Analysis and Interest Groups ............57 Table 13. Stakeholders of YCFBR identified and their roles (expected activities and actions)............60 Table 14. Indicators to monitor the implementation of participatory management agreement............69 List of Figures Figure 1 Status of terrestrial ecoregions............4 Figure 2 MAB principles............9 Figure 3 Woredas surrounding the YCFBR............15 Figure 4 Kebeles surrounding the YCFBR............20 Figure 5 Model for engaging stakeholders in community management planning............24 Figure 6 Land use/Land cover in the Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve............30 Figure 7 Process of Management Plan Preparation............32 Figure 8 Schematic methodological flow chart............35 Figure 9 The BR management planning cycle............63 Figure 10 Proposed Management Structure............64 List of Annexes Annex: 1 Summary of BR Management Plan Proposed by the Community and Compiled by the Kebele Management Team............73 Annex: 2 Summary of Stakeholders’ Perspective at Zonal and Woreda Level............74 Annex: 3 Annex List of restricted activities in the buffer Zone and Core area............75 Annex: 4 Data Collection Guide for the Community Planning Team............76 Annex: 5 Checklist Employed During the Transect Walk............78 8 Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan Acronym ABS Access and Benefit Sharing ADLI Agriculture Development-Led Industrialization BI Biodiversity International BMP Biosphere reserve management Plan BR Biosphere reserve CA Conservation Agriculture CAADP Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBOs Community Based Organizations CBNRM Community Based Natural Resource Management CI Conservation International CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species CRGE Climate Resilient Green Economy CSE Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia CSO Civil Society Organization DFID Department for International Development EIAR Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research EIB Ethiopian Institute of Biodiversity FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FRC Forestry Research Centre GE Green Entrepreneurship GEF Global Environmental Facility GEMS Global Environmental Monitoring System GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GTP Growth and Transformation plan Ha Hectare IBC Institute of Biodiversity Conservation ICSU International Council for Science IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IPGRI International Plant Genetic Resources Institute IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature MAB Man and Biosphere MANR Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources MEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change MELCA Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action MoCT Ministry of Culture and Tourism MoST Ministry of Science and Technology MWEI Ministry of Water, Energy and Irrigation NABU Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union NBI Nile Basin Initiative NCS National Conservation Strategy NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NGO Non-Governmental Organization NTFP Non-Timber Forest Product OCFCU Oromia Coffee Forest Cooperative Union OEFCCA Oromia Environment, Forest and Climate Change Authority OFWE Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise ORS Oromia Regional State PASDEP Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty PES Payment for Environmental Services PFM Participatory Forest Management PHE-EC Population, Health and Environment- Ethiopia Consortium Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve Management Plan 9 PPP Public-Private Partnership PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal RCS Regional Conservation Strategy REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and the role of conservation SDG Sustainable Development Goal SDPRP Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Programs SEDA Small Enterprise Development Agency SNV Netherlands Development Organization UNCCD UN Convention to Combat Desertification UNCED United Nation Conference on Environment and Development UNDP United Development program UNEP United Nations Environment Program UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change USAID United States Agency for International Development WNBR World Network Biosphere reserve WRI World Resources Institute WWF World Wide Fund for Nature YCFBR Yayu Coffee Forest
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