Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1999 Daily Egyptian 1999 12-3-1999 The Daily Egyptian, December 03, 1999 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1999 Volume 85, Issue 66 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1999 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1999 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~+- ATTENTION: THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FILMED EXACTLY AS THEY WERE RECEIVED. IN SOME CASES, PAGESMAYBEDIFFICULTTOREAD. SOME PAGES APPEAR TO HVE OVERLAPPING DOCUMENTS. BUT THEY WERE PHOTOCOPIED IN THIS MANNER. SANDRA MASON DIRECTOR OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MICROGRAPHICSDEPARTMENT CARB.ONDALE, ILLINOIS I : AILY DEGYPTIAN VISITING DIGNITARIES Africrm chiefs come w SIU w promote intemational dialogue. l',\GE 5 PULLING TOGETHER Musicians perfom1 benefit concert for local artist wounded last year in attack. l'AGE6 REUNION Vcruca Salt returns re, music scene to play select shows, including Copper Dragon perfonnance with Ni/8. fl:.EI'HOTO PAGE6 PARADil\T' AROUND TOWN HEADLESS Sleepy Hollow a sleeper? Tim Lights Fantastic Parade rolling through Carbondale this weekend all agfow Burton's ada/Jtation of classic KELLY E. HERnEIN spaceship from 1st National 111ms 110 lieacL~. DAILY EGYrTIAN Bank and Trust of Carbondale and '<·,giant shopping cart from aiting to catch a Schnu~ks are merclv rwo of the !'AGE 7 glimpse of Santa decorai'lve items to ·be viewed. Cius Bode W Claus while Ccleorating its ninth year, flooding the streets of the Lights Fantastic parade Carbondale, area residents will begins at 6:30 p.m. Saturday. have the opportunity to wit­ The parade route will begin at ness the largest lighted parade the intersection of South in Southern Illinois Saturday Illinois Avenue and Grand as the Lights Fantastic parade Avenue, proceeding north to floats downtown. Jackson Street and continuing Gus says: Angie Romano, general to Washington Street. From We gratefully accept chairwoman for the parade Washington Street, the line-up the position of interim planning committee, said 39 will turn south and depart onto Gus for the remai~der floats and 76 lighted entries Main Street. of the semester. compiled of a wide variety will Romano said that although pass spectators this year. the parade is geared toward the Several categories including holiday spirit and feel, the floats, bands, pedestrian units, novelty vehicles and animals are entered into the parade. A SEE PARADE, PAGE 10 University finalizing Weber contract SIU preparing multi,year offer in hopes of retaining popular Saluki basketball coach JAYSOlWAB months. The _completion of the University has made his retention a ly about a month ago, according to DAILY EGn·nAN contract proposal has been slowed priority. _ Ruger. as recent administrative turmoil at "It makes you feel good,"Weber \Veber said the improvement During his brief stint as SIU SIU has commanded the attention said. "It makes you feel like even the Missouri Valley Conference has head men's basketball coach, Bruce of University legal staff. In addi­ though there is some instability on made on the court in recent years \Veber has shown he can coach and tion, Ruger said the intricacies of campus right now, they want some- has translated to fatter paychecks recruit "ith the best of them. Now, the offer have been a challenge. thing to be successful. being signed in order to keep high it appears he will soon be paid like "It's complex because of the fact "Hopefully [SIU basketball] c a I i b e r the best of them, too. that [the contract] is a longer dura­ can be an example on campus of c o a c h e s The Uni,·crsity is currently in tion, and there are a number of pro­ devdoping some Saluki pride :ind from fleeing the final stages of preparing a new ,isions that the University is sug­ making everybody not only on to greener contract offer to\Veber - one that gesting that, while are very l}JJical campus, but in the Southern pastures. is expected to include a sizable raise in athletic coniracts, are nor l)JJical Illinois region, kind of pull togeth- • T h e and multiple years. Weber, hired to in your normal employment er and feel good about their basket- [MVC] has replace Rich Herrin after the 1997- arrangement," Ruger said. ball program." stepped up 1998 season, was 15-12 his first Weber is credited with rejuve­ After just one season at SIU, what they're year at SIU with a team few expect­ nating Saluki basketball after the there were rumors Weber was paying peo­ ed to approach the .500 mark. program appeared headed into a being wooed by other schools, pie," \Veber Peter Ruger, University legal tailspin after three consecutive los­ including Saint Louis University. said. "The Weber counsel, said he is shooting to com­ ing seasons. Season ticket sales for Weber earned $104,000 his first league has plete a final draft of the proposal SIU basketball are up this year, and year at SIU -good money in most made giant steps toward competing , for Weber's consideration by the \Vcber has even won over most of lines of.work, but not in the ultra- with salaries and things that can end of the week. the staunchest Herrin loyalists with competitive world of college bas- attract coaches and keep coaches." The package, which has in part his slick recruiting and the ener­ ketball coaching. · Weber said he will likely consult been made possible with money getic, disciplined brand of Saluki Instead of renewing Weber's a lawyer to fe\iew the contract generated by the SIU Foundation, basketball h~ has instilled. contract at that rate, his salary was has been in the works for several Weber said he is thrilled the quietly upped to S150,000 annual- SEE CONTRACT, PAGE 10 CALENDAR • S!tategic Games Sodety meeting. every for !he Web,.Dec. 7, 10 lo 11 a.m. Morris • SPC Comedy committee will meet'to TODAY Sat., noon to dose, Student Center, Sean 1.Jbrary 103ll, 453-28la plan future ..,..,nts to join contact. every • Young \\lome11•s Coalition Angel Tree, 457-6489. • Baptist Student Center is offering free Wed, 5 lo 6 p.m. Adivity Room B collecting toys and clothes for children. • University Christian Ministries watch lunch for internationals, every Tues., J l :30 Student Center, Nikki 53&-3393. Dec. na.v through 8, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 . lights fantastic from inside the lnteifai!h a.m. lo I pm, Baptist Student Center on · • Saluki Rainbow Network previously p.m.. North Annex Student Center, 529- 5858. • • Center. Dec. 4, 6 to 8 pm. lnteifaith : ;~~:'. of Mm and Forrest St, Judy known· as Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Center, Satya 549-7387. 5 Friends. Dec. 8, 5:30 p.m. Missouri • Ubra,y Affairs finding full text artides, • Irish Studies Forum set dancing. Dec. 5, • Japanese Table holds infomial conver­ Room, 453·5151. 10 to 11 am.. ln!ennediate Web page sation in Japanese and English aver construdion. 2 to 4 p.m.. Morris Library 3 to 5 pm, Student Ce, ter BaTiroom A • Pi Sigm,o Ep<ilon co-ed business fra­ Alicia 351-6526. lunch, every Tues., nron. Student Center ternity meeting. every Wed, 6 p.m. · 103D, 453-28Ja. Cambria Room, Janet 453-5429. · Ohio Room Student Certer, Eric 351- • Spanish Table meeting. every Fri., 4 to 6 • University Christian Ministries dinner to explore sustainable holiday celebra­ • Society of Pto!e5'ional Hispanic.· . 9049. p.rn.CafeMelange. Engineers meeting. every Tues., 6 p.m.. tions, Dec. 5, 6 p.m., Interfaith Center, • Animerc,;i Japanese animated video • The Frendi Table meeting. every Fri. Hugh 549-7387. Engineering &iTiding A Room 319, Da>id 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Booby's. 53&-1268. dub, every Wed. 6 to 8 pm. Faner • Ubrary Affairs find:ng scholarly articles, 1125 Lar,guage Media Center Video • German Cub Stammtism, sc-o to 6:30 11 lo noon. Po\\1'rPoint 2 to 3:15 p.m. • Pyramid Public Relations meeting. Room, Bill 53&-7447. · p.m., Booby's, Anne 549-1754. Dec. 6, Morris LJ'brary 103D, 453-28Ja Dec. 7, 6 p.m. Cambria Room Student Center, 453-189a • On Campus Debate !ociety meeting.· CORRECTIONS • Japanese Table meeting. every Fri., 6 to • SIUC OIRS lnstrudional Program: Body Every Mon. and Wed.. 6:15 p.m, 8 pm. Melange Cale, Janet 453-5429. Spirit Dance Workout every Mon. and • Middle Eastem Dana, Enthusiasts Communication Building Room 2005; Alpha campus Ministries meeting. Wed, 5 to 6 p.m. Michelle 453-1263 • meeting. every Tues., 7 pm, Faner 3515, James 351-9447. · · . a,; Tedi 453-5012- Readers who spot an error in a news artide should • College of Uberal Arts student Teaming every Fri., 6:30 pm, \'/ham 105, Elisa • Egyptian Dive Cub meeting. every . contact the DAIil' · EGYPTIAN Accuracy Desk at 529-4395, asslst.ance room, Faner 2073, every Mon • Slade, In Communitation Alliance through Thurs. unbl Dec. 16, 5 to 9 p.m.. ~~o. 6~0 pm~ Pullia!" 021, Amy 549· 536-3311, extension 228 or 229. • Sdence Fiction and Fantasy Society :;'.:':fftu"I:Z~'!.i~~:J'a~~a join us and watch science fidion. fantasy 453-2466. • Speech Communication Department • use; Senate meeting. Dec. e, 7 p.m. and J~panese animation videos, 7 p.m.. • SPC Films Committee meeting to help Ballroom D Student Center, Sean 536- \'ideo lounge Student Cen:er, Mike 549- . choose films for the student community, undergraduate perfonners present poetry and prose representing American's cultur- 3381.
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