FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDA THIS MEETING WILL BE VIA ZOOM HOSTED FROM THE MONA LISA DREXLER ASSEMBLY CHAMBERS AT THE JUANITA HELMS ADMINISTRATION CENTER 907 TERMINAL STREET, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA November 23, 2020 at 5:30 pm Please use the link below to join the webinar: https://fnsb.zoom.us/j/97848584060 Or Dial 888 475 4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 978 4858 4060 A. ROLL CALL B. MESSAGES 1. Chair’s Comments 2. Communications to the Historic Preservation Commission 3. Citizen’s Comments (each person’s comments are limited to three (3) minutes) i. Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing ii. Items other than those appearing on the agenda 4. Disclosure and Statement of Conflict C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items indicated by asterisk (*) on Agenda. Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless any Commission member so requests. In the event of such a request the item is returned to the general agenda. D. *MINUTES *Approval of the October 20, 2020 meeting minutes. E. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Updates on topics on the HPC Priorities List 2. CIP and the SS Nenana 3. Update from the Friends of the SS Nenana 4. Bailey Bridge update a. Recognition of the Bailey Bridge Contractor 5. Anchorage Local Landmark Register ordinance 6. Teaching with Historic Places lesson plan for the Nenana 7. Friends of Creamer’s Field – Storage of Historic Dairy Hardware F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Update on historic building projects i. Chena Building ii. Masonic Temple 2. Section 106 Projects i. Minnie Street ii. Fort Wainwright replacement of entry door transom, Building 1043 iii. Fort Wainwright heat and electrical upgrades (EIS) G. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Elliott Hwy improvements (outside of HPC jurisdiction; outside of FNSB boundary) H. COMMISSIONER’S COMMENTS I. AGENDA SETTING J. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be in digital format, through teleconference and/or web-based technology. More specific information will be posted on the Stay Connected with the Historic Preservation Commission webpage at http://www.fnsb.us/Boards/Pages/HPC-Covid.aspx prior to the meeting so that participants can attend by telephone or other electronic means. For more information how you can provide verbal testimony or submit written testimony, please visit our website or contact the Department of Community Planning by calling 459-1260 or e-mailing [email protected] . Any questions, please contact the Clerk of the Historic Preservation Commission at 907-459-1260 or via email at: [email protected] 2 FNSB Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes October 20, 2020 3 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES October 20, 2020 A regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was held in the Mona Lisa Drexler Assembly Chambers at the Juanita Helms Administration Center, 907 TERMINAL STREET, Fairbanks, Alaska. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Molly Proue. MEMBERS PRESENT: Molly Proue Kirsten Freeman Matthew Reckard Patricia Peirsol Amy Viltrakis Martin Gutoski MEMBERS EXCUSED: None OTHERS PRESENT: Melissa Kellner, FNSB Staff Representative Kristina Heredia, FNSB Staff Representative Patricia Schmidt, Friends of the SS Nenana Jeannie Creamer-Dalton, Friends of the SS Nenana Alexis Fackeldey, FNSB Trainee Clerk Laura Melotte, FNSB Clerk A. ROLL CALL B. MESSAGES 1. Chairman's Comments Chair Proue announced Amy Viltrakis and the Salcha Historical Society were recognized with the Elva R Scott Local Historical Society award from the Alaska Historical Society. 2. Staff’s Comments Ms. Kellner stated that the Mayor’s recent memo regarding the upcoming repairs to the SS Nenana and an email from Patty Piersol with photos and the latest info on the Bailey bridge had been distributed to the HPC this afternoon and will be part of the packet. Ms. Kellner also announced that the Cultural Resources Group on Fort Wainwright would not be meeting in the fall and would meet again in the spring. She also mentioned the need for changing the dates of future meetings. 3. Citizen's Comments HC Minutes October 20, 2020 Page 2 of 3 None C. *MINUTES Ms. Peirsol suggested amendments clarifying the minutes of September 21, 2020. D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items indicated by asterisk (*) on agenda. Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless any Historic Commission member or citizen so requests. In the event of such request, the item is returned to the general agenda. MOTION: Moved by Ms. Peirsol, seconded by Ms. Viltrakis that the Agenda and Consent Agenda be approved to include the minutes of September 21, 2020 as amended. Motion Passed Six in Favor/Zero Opposed E. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Updates on topics on the HPC Priorities List Chair Proue stated she had not had time to follow up. 2. CIP and the SS Nenana Appointing member to RFP Review Committee MOTION: Moved by Ms. Peirsol, seconded by Mr. Reckard that Molly Proue be appointed as HPC representative for the RFP Process. Motion Passed No Objection 3. Update from the Friends of the SS Nenana Patricia Schmidt commented on the restoration of the SS Nenana. Jeanie Creamer-Dalton thanked the commission for its help and support. Mr. Reckard discussed the USKH report from 2009, a previous 5 year plan to restore the SS Nenana, and the state of the SS Nenana moving forward. 4. Bailey Bridge update Ms. Peirsol updated the commission on the state of the Bailey Bridge Construction and she stated the wish to honor the contractor Brian with an official thank you letter on FNSB letterhead. Ms. Peirsol will be writing the HC Minutes October 20, 2020 Page 3 of 3 letter. This was agreed to by the rest of the commission. F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Ms. Viltrakis updated the commission on the Historic Places Lesson Plan. 2. Ms. Kellner inquired of Commissioner availability for a new standing meeting day: fourth Monday (time to remain at 5:30). Everyone agreed that the new date would fit into their schedules. 3. Amendment to Fort Wainwright’s programmatic agreement The Amendment’s contents were discussed and it was agreed upon that the Commission would be signing the amended agreement. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Reckard, seconded by Ms. Viltrakis that the Commission sign as a concurring party on the programmatic agreement amendment. Motion Passed Six in Favor/Zero Opposed 4. Section 106 Projects Kristina Heredia presented a Section 106 review request for a communications tower at 3410 Laurance Road to the commission. MOTION: Moved by Ms. Viltrakis, seconded by Ms. Freeman that the Commission will not reply to this application. Motion Passed No objection G. COMMISSIONER’S COMMENTS Ms. Peirsol congratulated Ms. Viltrakis on the award received by the Salcha Historical Society and also wished to congratulate the Friends of the SS Nenana on the awarding of their grant. H. AGENDA SETTING The commission discussed the agenda and set items to move forward into the next meeting. I. ADJOURNMENT Moved to adjourn by Mr. Reckard, seconded by Ms. Peirsol. No objections. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 23, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m. HPC Priorities List 10 FNSB HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Potential Project List The HPC would like to gain an understanding of the Administration’s priorities and concerns regarding historic preservation. In identifying their own priorities for the forseeable future, they would like to know which of the following potential actions the Administration would support or prioritize: Demolition Permits review Tax exemptions Nomination of Pioneer Park to the National Register SS Nenana preservation Nomination of local historic districts Community outreach and education DEMOLITION PERMITS REVIEW . HPC is concerned about demolition of historic structures without an opportunity to comment or act. City of Fairbanks currently issues demo permits over the counter. FNSB would have to pursue an agreement regarding a process and criteria for review. Commission duties (FNSBC 4.52.050D): Review and make recommendations on local projects, including the alteration of existing structures, new construction, demolition permits , and changes in zoning and platting that might affect properties identified in the local inventory and historic or prehistoric resources that have not been discovered yet. TAX EXEMPTIONS . HPC would like to incentivize activities that preserve privately-owned historic structures. AS 29.45.050 allows municipalities to “by ordinance classify and exempt from taxation….historic sites, buildings and monuments”. 11 NOMINATION OF PIONEER PARK TO THE NATIONAL REGISTER . One of the HPC’s 2018 grants was awarded to research and prepare materials to nominate Pioneer Park to the National Register of Historic Places. The nomination has been prepared; HPC’s next steps include: i. Working with the State Historic Preservation Officer to meet their approval; ii. Soliciting comments from the public regarding the nomination; iii. Participating in the state Historical Commission’s hearing regarding the nomination. Commission Duties (FNSBC 4.52.050C): Develop and review nominations to the National Register of Historic Places for properties within the Fairbanks North Star Borough. SS NENANA PRESERVATION . Friends of the SS Nenana are doing the heavy lifting on this project. HPC could support them by: i. Seeking out funding sources ii. Providing letters of support iii. General advocacy and education iv. Additional research and outreach NOMINATION OF LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICTS . FNSBC 4.52.060 outlines a process for property owners to nominate a local historic site or district and an approval process by the HPC and Assembly. This approval requires a rezone request to incorporate the Historically Significant zoning overlay. The Historically Significant overlay is included in Title 18 but has not been applied to any properties in the FNSB.
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