1990017655 NAEI CNINASIIOMI _,_• " TF!,.-'-,-E_r _t,US"-,-,_v (_) AD-A223 253 Liquid Crystalline Polymers 1990017655-002 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL COMMISSION ON ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SYSTEMS NATIONAL MATERIALS ADVISORY BOARD The purpose of the National Materials Advisory Board is the advancement of materials science and engineering in the national interest. CHAIRMAN PAST CHAIRMAN Dr. James C. Wflhams Dr. Bernard H. Kear General Manager Chairman, Department of Materials Technology l,aboratene,, Mechanics and Materials Science Mall Drop #85 Director. Center for Materials General Electric Company Synthesis I Neumann Wa) College of Engineering Cincinnati, OH 45215-6301 Rutgers University P.O. Box 9119 Pi_cataway, NJ 08854 MEMBERS Dr. Norbert S. Baer Dr. Frank F, Jamerson Dr. John P. Riggs Hagop Kevorkmn Profes,,or of Manager Vice President. R&D Research Conservation l)_v=sion and Staff Contact,, Division Net, York Umver,qt_ General Motors Re,,earch Managing Director, Mitchell Conservation Center of the Institute Labaratories Technical Center of Fine Art,, 30500 Mound Road Hoechst Celanese Corporation 14 East 78th Street Warlen. MI 48091)-thi5 'I 86 Morris Avenue Ne_ York. NY 10021 Summit. NJ 079t)1 I)r Mel,,m F Kannlnen Mr Robert R Beebe In,41tute Seventh,4 Dr. Maxnne L. Savitz • Semor _ce Ihe,qdent Southwest Re,,carch Inshlule D_rectur Itomeqake Mmmg Company P.(). l)ra'_er 28510 Garrett Ceramic Components 651) ('ahfornm Slreet San Antonio. TX 78284 Divi-,ton San Ft'ant_t,,co. ('A 9410g Allied-Signal Aerospace Co. l)r. Ronald M. Latarnsmn 19800 South Van Ness Avenue Ih' Fl,lnk _, (ro.,snlan Prolc,,sor of Matcrutl,, Soence & Tonance. CA 90509 A,,',tqant l)trecto_ Engineering, and l)_rector. i elecommumcat_tm,,. S)qem', & ()peratlon,, Materials Processing (.enter Dr. Dale F. Stein I.ockheed Missde,, & Space ('o . Inc Room 8.202 President Oig No 19-i'_(I Bldg. 11)2 Massachusetts Instflute of Michigan lechnologlcal Univermty i) O Box i.s04 "1cchnolol:._, Hougltton. MI 49931 Sttnnv_. ale, (A 94(188-'451)4 ('ambrldge. '>IA 021 '49 Dr. F:,rl R. Thompson I)l..lanl¢., |,(onoll]V Dr. Robert A I.an,alp.t2 AsslManl Director of Research for Profe,,,,oi & |lead of Material', I)u,:ctol. Ph._,,lc,ll and Inorgamc Material,, Technology Sclent. c Cheml,4_ .', Re.,e,tt ch I,,iborator_. t ]rated Technologies Re,,earch t niverslt), of llhnor, Roonl IA-2M Center I)epartment of Malell;lls Science & A I&I Bell l,aboiatorles Silver Lane t-ngmeermg Munay Ihll. NJ 07'i74 Ea,,t ttartford, CT 06108 I "t04(;teen Street t'rbana. II. 6181)1 I)t. Wdham I). Nix Mr. James R. Weir, Jr Profes,,or. [)ep;ulmenl of Materials A_socmle Director l)r. James .,'_ I old Sclcno" and Engineering Metals & Ceramics Division ('onsullant Stanford Unt_,erslt_, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 70'4 .hidith I)tl'¢e St,lnford. ('A 9430'_ P.O. I]ox X John,,on ('lix. TN _7604 ()ak Ridge. TN 378311 DI. I),mald R. Paul Mek in H. Gertz Regent,, ('h,ur I)r. Robert M. White I)r Robert I-. (;veen, ,h m ('heroical Engineering Vice President Dilcctor ot'('entcr fo: NI)I-. I)ueutor. t'entet for Polymer MCC th ofessor. Matei lals Science Re,,eal ch '4s00 West Balcones ('enter I)rtve I)epav tment I)epartment of ('heroical Austin, TX 787'19 Johns |lopkms I.rnp,el'sit.,. Engmeenng lialtiniore, MI)21218 t:ni_elsll_ of Texas ,ausmL I'X 78712 NMAB STAFF I)t. John K, Ihdm ('hlefScienll,,t |_lncillu,, I)r .Ioscph I Pcnlecosl K.M. Zwilsky. I)irector Westinghouse Reseaich I)rofe.,sor S M. Itarkln, Assoc l)lreclor l,:iboralol les School fir Malel lals Eng,neerlng Mary Ill Ittaln, Adm. ()filter I_ 10 lleulah Road (icoigi.i In,,lllute of Technolog) 2101 Constitution Ave.. NW Pittsburgh, PA 152_5 Atlant,i. (i,i _1}_2 Washinglon, D(" 211418 3f90 1990017655-003 UNCLASSIFIED _ECumRITYCLASSIFICATIONOF THISPAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE _la REPORTSECURITYCLASSIFICATION lb RESTRICTIVMAE RKINGS b_CLASSI_IED NONE 2a. SECURITYCL.ASSIFICATIONAUTHORITY 3 DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITYOF REPORT "'_. DECLASSiFN/t_ ICATIO/ DOWNGRADN INGSCHEDULE Approved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited N/_ ,, 4.PERFORMING ORGANIZATIONREPORT NUMBER(S) 5 MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) NMAB-453 6a NAME OF PERFORMINGORGANIZATION 6b OFFICESYMBOL 7_. NAME OF MONITORINGORGAN;ZATION National Materials Advisory (Ifapplicable) Department of Defense/National Aeronautics Board NMAB & Space Administration 6<.ADDRESS(0;7, State. and ZlPCode) 7b ADDRESS(City, St, re, and ZlPCode) National Academy of Sciences Washington, DC 20418 Washington, DC 20301 h 8a. NAME OFFUNDING/SPONSORING Bb OFFICESYMBOL I 9, PROCUREMENTINSTRUMENTiDENTiFiCATIONNUMBER ORGANIZATION _lf applic_b_) See 7a DOD/NASA MDA903-89-K-0078 8c ADDRESS{C/_, State, and ZIPCo_o) 10 SOURCEO_ FUNDINGN_JMBERS PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT Washington, DC 20301 ELEMENTNO. NO. NO ACCESSIONNO 11. TITLE(Indude SecurrtyCla_fication) LIQUID CRYSTALLINE POL_fMERS I, 12.PERSONALAuTHOR(S) N_IAB Committee on Liouid Crvsta]llnp Polvmer_ . i _3a TYPE OF REPORTOne of a :._bTSMECOVERED I_4.DATE OF REPORT _emr,Month,D_yJ IS.PAGE COUNT series under subi. co_; FROM IO_V TO IQan I 1990 F_hr1,m_-v P_ 117 16 SUPPLEMENTARYNOTATION -' NONE 17 COSATICODES 1B SUBJECTTERMSL(C_-c__tfBlr, j.Bam_mc_l_,t_ bytb/ock-_rd_e&l... FIELD _ROUP SUB-.GRO_uI Liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs); fibers; thermotropic; lyotropic; processing; rheology; nonlinear optical (4_ -._ i properties; blends: comno_, t_-rf_ _-- 19_BS_ RACT(Con_nue on reverse ff _eum'y _nd _.t_y by bloc*number) " ' The remarkable mechanical properties and thermal stability of fibers fabricated from liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs) have led to the use of these materials in structural applications where weight savings are critical. Advances in processing of LCPs could permit the incorporation of these polymers into other than uniaxial designs and extend their utility into new areas such as nonlinear optical devices. However, the unique feature of LCPs--intrinsic orientational order--is itself problematic, and current understanding of processing with control of orientation falls short of allowing manipula- tion of macroscopic orientatioe (except for the case of uniaxial fibers). This report reviews the current and desirable characteristics of LCPs and identifies specific problems and issues t|'at mu_t be addressed so that advances in the use of these unique po]ymers can be expedited. I 20 DISTRIBUTIONIAVAILABILITYOF ABSTRA(.'r 21. ABSTRACTSECURITYCLASSIFICATION I:_71UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITEr]D SAMEAS RPT, _ DT:CUSERS UNCLASSIFIED 22a NA_E OF RESPONSIBLEiNDIVIDUAL 22b TELEPHON(Einclude Area Co(_e) 22c.OFFICESYMBOL Jerome Persh. ,.,,, 2021695-0005 OUSDR&E/R&AT/MST DD FORM 1473.84 MArC |_1 APR edition m_lly be used u_tll el_hausted SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE All othereditionsarkobsolete UNCLASSIFIED 1990017655-004 Liquid Crystalline Polymers Report of the Committee on Liquid Crystalline Polymers NATIONAL MATERIALS ADVISORY BOARD Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems National Research Council ___es_slon _For NTIS C_RA&I _ -- DTIC T.\B UI_r.:_'_c,,mcod [] Just ±_''_c_tt orL NMAB-453 By Na_,onal Academy Press Dist.r_' _',,,-,_/ 1990 _,w_i_.,, ',_ '_ C_s Dist " I_'_' _: ' _ior-_ 1990017655-005 NOTICE: The project that i3 the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, aad the Institute of Medicine. The members of the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their special competences arld with regard for appropriate balance. This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal government on scientific and technical matters. Dr. Frank Press is president of the National Academy of Sciences. The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964, under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization of outstanding engineers. It is autonomous in its administration and in the selection of its members, sharing with _he Nationa! Academy of Sciences the responsiblity for advising the federal government. The National Academy of Engineering also sponsors engineering programs aimed at meeting national needs, encourages education and research, apd recognizes the superior achievements of engineers. Dr. Robert M. White is president of the National Academy of Engineering. The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public. The Institute acts under the responsibility given to the National Academy of Sciences by its congressional charter t,J be an adviser to the federal government and, upon its own initiative, to identify issues of medical care, research, and education. Dr. Samuel O. Thier is president of the Institute of Medicine. The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy's purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the federal government. Functioning in accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the Council has become the principal operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the go-Jernment, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities. The Council is administered jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine.
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