CO-EDITORK On the one nand, in today's square also saying, "Don't you tamper— let dance picture, new figures are being me do it. Some who are crying loudly created almost daily. On the other hand, about the use of modern figures in we hear traditionalists saying, "Keep it contra dancing have themselves created pure. Don't tamper with our old square new contras. Until the recent interest in and contra dances." contras partly generated by the bicen- The new creations may be forcing tennial theme, very few line dances square dancing to change more rapidly were seen, even in their home area of than is good but we submit that to New England. If it weren't for the maintain old-tyme dancing with no efforts of Herbie Gaudreau, who change is impossible. Why do we now updated some contras to interest square have The Virginia Reel as a traditional dancers, and those few callers who dance, rather than The Sir Roger de interspersed these in evening pro- Coverley that preceded it. Because as grams, contras might have dropped out the dance traveled west, changes were of the square dance scene completely. made. We tell callers to be flexible and We do feel that the 64-beat framework, to adapt material to the dancers' the 8-beat phrasing, and the proper abilities. When callers do this to a timing of each figure should be traditional dance, the result is an maintained for a contra to be called a adaptation which is then passed on to CONTRA rather than just a MIXER; but others. So it goes. we definitely think an established newer How many readers know that no less a basic such as flutter wheel can be "traditionalist" than "Poppy" Shaw judiciously written into a modern contra "invented" the ALLEMANDE THAR? and enjoyed by both the "traditional- We feel some of the traditionalists are ists" and the ''modernists". 2 \NH RR •* VOLUME 31, NO. 7 * July, 1976 * SC)1JRRE * * DRNCE * THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE * WITH THE SWINGING LINES * * Publishers and Editors * • 2 Co-editorial Stan & Cathie Burdick 4 Grand Zip Workshop Editors * 6 Meanderings Willard Orlich 9 Pattern For Living • 10 The Last Night Bob Howell * 13 Caller-Leader Directory Ed Fraidenburg • 14 My First Square Dance Record Reviewers • 17 Cueing That Clicks * 19 The Making of a Caller Don Hanhurst * 21 A Time For Speech Frank & Phyl Lehnert * 23 Ladies' Choice Feature Writers • 24 Callerlab Confab Harold & Lill Bausch * 26 Texas' Big, Bright Stars * 29 Feedback Jim Kassel 30 It Really Happened Mary Jenkins •* 31 Encore Editorial Assistants 33 Bicentennial Briefs • 39 Straight Talk Mona Bird • 40 Square Line Mary Fabik * 42 People Jo Homyak * 43 26th National SID Convention Mef Merrell * 44 Dancing Tips * 45 Calling Tips National Advisory Board • 46 Keep 'Em Dancing Edna & Gene Arnfield * 48 Easy Level Page Bob Augustin • 50 Dear Mrs. Graf Al "Tex" Brownlee * 52 Challenge Chatter * 54 Workshop Orphie Easson * 61 Puzzle Page Phyl & Frank Lehnert 63 Sketchpad Commentary Singin' Sam Mitchell • 64 International News Ken Oppenlander • 68 Best Club Trick Vaughn Parrish • 69 SID Record Reviews * 73 RID Record Reviews Dave Taylor * 74 Events Bob Wickers * 78 Steal A Little Peek • 79 Dandy Idea * 82 SID Pulse Poll 83 R/D Pulse Poll • 86 Legacy Spin-Off AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE magazine Is pub- • 88 Product Line lished by Burdick Enterprises. Second class * 92 To The Graduates — 1976 postage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy deadline first of month preceding date of Issue. Subscription: * 94 Grand Square Dancer $6.00 per year. Single copies: 80 cents each. • 97 Book Nook Mailing address: Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. * 99 Finish Line Copyright 1976 by Burdick Enterprises. All rights * 100 Do-Ci-Do Dolores reserved. * The dancers here in the Canal Zone are still talking about the fantastic night of dancing you gave us in December. We wanted you to know about two unusual events we've had since your visit. In March we here in Panama were visited by the West comet (glowing in the East, naturally). At 4:00 A.M. three couples of square dancers met at the beach armed with binoculars, cameras, a telescope and breakfast to await the showing. While the comet was streak- ing across the early morning sky another square dance couple showed up and naturally four couples means Allemande Left so we all sang and danced a couple of favorites. That cover you recently printed with Then in April our club, the Star-in-a- the 18th century dancers (March). Jim Circle, sponsored a Super Duck trip (2 Morrison, Dance Director of Country oceans in 1 day) which consisted of Dance and Song Society in New York City says it's French, circa 1760's. I dancing in the surf of the Pacific Ocean might add that the couple with in early afternoon and then busing interlocked arms is doing the allemand across the Isthmus to the Atlantic beach with the left hand. (Allemand, meaning where we enjoyed dancing in the surf "German" in French, came from a and an evening picnic. The fifty mile court dance of the same name with trip home was shortened by our guitar figures such as pictured.) The other sing-along and all 50 participants had a couples are probably "Turning the delightful and unusual day. Allemand over the ladies' heads." Jake and Donna Meyer Chip Hendrickson Balboa Heights, Canal Zone Newtown, Connecticut Please send me your "Square Dance I was surprised to find my article Book of Clip Art"....I also want to thank "Dancing" on pages 14 and 15 of the Will Orlich for publishing my Backtrack May issue and recognize it as the one material. I enjoy Ed Fraidenburg's and which I wrote. I was disappointed with Will Orlich's material and I use some of the name credit. I seriously doubt that a it at my dances. "Fred Corey" exists who would take Doug Waldren credit for the article. I feel that my last Westland, Michigan name was probably mispelled some- where during reprinting of the article. Thanks for the "hot off the press" My article was first published in the copy of American Squaredance. Also December 1974 issue of "News Notes." thanks for the great story on our annual a monthly publication of the New convention. The attendance was about Mexico S/ D Association. If you have 9000. Except for the national, I don't doubts, please check with the New think any other square dance event in Hampshire "Northern Junket" on the the country can match those figures source of the article and the identity of our square dance memories are many Fred Corey. and any small contribution we have Fred Haury made has been repaid many, many Albuquerque, New Mexico times over. ED. NOTE: We regret the inadvertent Charlie Baldwin error. The article was reprinted from Norwell, Massachusetts "Northern Junket" and credited to Fred Corey in that publication. We are glad to give credit where credit is due, and thank Fred Haury for bringing this to our attention. 4 RETIMUIMMIARY PRI nitration, of Thhys to DO" 1. SUBSCRIBE TO ASD. 2. RE-SUBSCRIBE TO ASD. 3. SEE THAT EVERYONE . SUBSCRIBES. 4. START A REVOLUTION. PO Box 788 AMERICAN SQURRE DRNCE Sandusky, Ohio 44870 Please start my subscription NOW. My cheek (or money order) is enclosed. El One Year at S6 0 Two Years at S10 Canadian and F ()reign add 505(Per year postage. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5 JULY . Who needs the FOURTH, Goodness knows, I travel enough anyway? .... We all need it, like about this land. But there's always that BLAZES .... BLAZING HOT month.... NEW place to explore, just over the HOT DOG! .... HOT 'n HAPPY.... horizon. In exactly ONE YEAR from this HAPPINESS is a DOG-eared book to month— if all goes well— we'll be read in the SUN.... SUN-day at the adventuring to the South Seas. Do BEACH.... BEACH CRABS.... JULY is kangaroos really come with GLOVE the CRAB month.... CRAB APPLES.... compartments, or are they OPTIONAL? APPLESAUCE.... SAUCE for the I wonder. GOOSE.... GOOSEBERRIES .... Working here at my desk in the BERRY PIE.... "PI-r-SQUARED" says magazine office in Huron, Ohio, I can the teacher.... "SQUARE 'em up" says gaze out the window and see a giant the caller.... We need a FOURTH in our freighter— fully five stories high— SQUARE.... WHO needs a FOURTH, passing almost through the back lawn, anyway? .... JULY, that's who! it seems, to take on some ore, or grain, Silly litany? Maybe so. So we go a or fertilizer, or whatever, at the nearby Meandering through the silly month of loading docks. The name of this vessel July. People often cry in winter, laugh slides past me— MONTREALAIS— in the spring, and get silly in the printed on the side in stark white letters summer, 'tis said. So let's get silly, if on that black bohemoth, a city-block it's so seasonable. long. I have a strange and nonsensible July makes some folks feel HYSTER- impulse to run out and climb aboard, ICAL. Raindrops falling on one's then go cruising for weeks out into the head— on one's parade— on one's deep Lake Erie waters, leaving all cares picnic— on the FOURTH— on CUE! and routines on shore. (You could just July makes some folks feel HISTOR- LOAD the BOAT, go ZOOM, and ICAL. Liberty bell. Declaration of FOLLOW YOUR NEIGHBOR— co-ed.) Independence. John Hancock. George But the impulse passes, and good sense Washington. Alexander Graham— one returns.
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