I Vol. 8, No. 4 Thursday, January 23, 1969' Ten Cents Royal. Candidates BASKETBALL! P.C.H.S. UP·SETS P£NQUIS Candidates for king and queen to be crowned at the Penquis High School Winter Carnival Coronation Ball on Feb. 1st are: Seated; 1 to r: Marlene Heal, Brenda Larson, Vikki How­ ard and Cherie Haskell. Standing: Lee Harmon, Tony Hamlin, Eugene Brown, Tim Bucnan­ an and Russell Carey. Karen Hammond was absent when photo was taken. (Staff photo by Mike Brigham) LEGION SPEAKING CONTEST POSTPONED TO FEB. 3 Milo Hospital limits Visitors The American Legion Speak­ ingContestsponsored by Ber­ MILO COMMUNITY of the immediate family. nard Jones Post, Brownville HOSPITAL This rule will be in effect Junction; and Joseph P. Chais­ Due to the increasing number until further notice. son Post, Milo has been post­ and severity of respiratory in­ Ava L. Strout, R. N. , poned from Monday, January fections, visitors are limited Administrator John Skillin (45) goes into the 27 to Monday, February 3 at to one visitor per patient- ­ John B . Curtis, M.D. air with Gene Brown (44). See 7:30 p.m. at Penquis Valley husband, wife, or one member Chief of Staff High School. Page 14 I Page 2 ,January 23, 1969 THE TOWN CRIER THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. eommuttit\1 We hope to be of help to the citizens ofthe·towns in our coverage through NEWS, INFOR1\-1ATION, AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. ~o~pital We accept no financial responsibility for errors Hospital Administrator, Ava Strout, R. N. is attending a ten in advertisi.ng but will gladly print corrections. weeks course at Dover-Foxcroft, May Street School. The Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN course, conducted by Col. Donald Strout, Planning and Opera­ CRIER mav be obtained through our office. If you have news or available photos of any sort tions Specialist of Civilian Defense Education Projects at the we urge you to call an editor or drop in. Dead­ UniversityofMaine, is available to a ll Town officials, hospital line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate and other public personnel. The goalis training in how to write copy received earlier in the week. plans and operations and what to do in emergencies, so that all Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to efforts in the town will be coordinated. 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Dis­ Rosamond Golden, president, 1:-..as announced a meeting of the play ad space by the column inch. Hospital.AuxiliaryTuesday, January 28, 1:30p.m. at the Days, 8 Aiton Street. Helping the hostess with refreshments will be EDITOR - JOANNE BRIGHAM Thelma McEacheut. Milo-943-7384 Rccept.ionists are: Friday, Clair Crosby; Saturday, Harriet Ross and Hilda Brown; Sunday, Pauline Gri ndell and Geneva Russell; Monday, Shirley Wallaee; Tuesday, Arlene Villani; Wednesday, Merna Dunham; Thursday, Melville Wibberly. WANTED ADMISSIONS WEEK OF JANUARY 13TH: SMILING WOMAN, $65 pel' MILO: BROWNVILLE: U you want to BUY, SELL, week, 3 hours per day, 5 days Greta Wright Ida Dean BENT or SWAP, try "Town a week, your area. Full or Crier" Claaalfied. Davis Goodine Steven Watson part time. Qualify for mana­ Lawrence Brown Ernest Carlson ger's position and car. For FOR RENT Harry Hughes interview Call Mrs. Cormier, Large desirable Lots, city Leonard Badger Eddington - 843-7722 - Jan­ water and sewerage, $25.00 Rose White uary 27 or 28. a month. Frances Hoskins LAGRANGE: KNAPP TRAILER PARK Ruth Preble Lawrence Bemis Kimball St., Milo-943-2639 Notice DISCHARGES: MILO: BROWNVILLE: Mr. HaroldKroemei·has re­ WANTED TO BUY Ralph Bradstreet Alvina Graham quested that everyone refrain Second hand crib - full size. Ralph Clark Edmund Viem1eau from using his field on Park Call 943-2695 after 5 p. m. Nelson Brewer Ruth Hamel Street in Milo from February Adam Derwin Steven Watson 2 until February 10 to ensure Helen Grant good conditions for the Dog FOR SALE Maude Goodine Sled Races on Feb. 8 and 9. New mobile homes -on dis­ Eddie Annis LAGRANGE: play, 2 and 3 bedrooms. Greta Wright Charles Brown Knapp Trailer Sales, Milo, LEGISLATIVE BILLS BIRTHS: To Mr. and Mrs. Roger Frazier, Brownville, a Maine. AVAILABLE AT daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Richard White, Milo, a son. MILO TOWN OFFICE Copies of all bills presented FOR SALE to the 104th Maine Legislature A machine that vacuums, are received weekly at the Milo TOWN OF MILO has a floor polisher, vapor­ Town Office and are available izes, used to wash floors, and for inspection by the public . also hair dryer. Has a price It is hoped that citizens will PUBLIC NOTICE tag of $400. 00 and make is avail themselves of Ulis oppor­ Fairfax. Never been used and tunity to become familiar with The attention of ihe public is called to the following pro­ has guarantee with it. Asking impending legislation. visions of Title 17, Chapter 131, Section 3961 -~----­ $180.00, but will take a rea­ PLACING OBSTRUCTIONS ON TRAVELED ROAD sonable offer. CARD OF THA NKS Whoever places rocks, snow, ice or other obstructions in Walter Lougee , 27 Albert St. I wish to thank my many fr­ such a manner as to obstruct traffic on a traveled road and I· Milo, Maine iends, neighbors, relatives , leaves them there s hall be punished by a fine of not more than $10 for each offense, to be recovered on compltlint, to VAN DYNE'S JUNK YARD clubs and lodges for the lovely flowers, glfts and manycards the use of the town where lhe offense is committed. Large number of radiators, sent me during my recovery BECAUSE OF' RECJ.::NT FLAGPJ\NT VIOLATIONS OF THE windshields, transmissions, a t the Millinocket Community ABOVE STATUTE, RIGID ENFORCEMENT NOW BECOMES rear ends -- $10 exchange -­ N.ECESSAH.Y. all guaranteed. Hospital. · Also generators and start­ Mrs. Edith Rideout ers - $5. 00. Milo, Me. Milo-Dover Road THE TOWN CRIE-R January23, 1969 '· P age 3 New · Kitchen Rainbow. r·t lnstall s L. tor. , Mrs. Marguerite Hamlin and Mrs. Mary Dority, P-resident. · .The U~ted l3aptist Church of Milo now has a new kitchen and jippliances. · This wa~ a new project of the Golden Rule Class, aftElr com­ pleting paying for the . carpet in the church auditorium. Mrs. MargueriteHamlindona.ted the cupboards and other alterations; the class the electric ranges and electrical installation. The kitchen l:la,s been made two feet longer, and the following new items installed: cupboards, 2 electric -ra:nges ,.pr e-finished birch panelling, kitchen lights, tile floor , work table, 2 counter tops, 2 flush doors. George Small, a local cabinetmaker was tn,e contractor; he . made and insta1led the cupboards, counter tops, · floor, panelling and ceiling. George Dean, local electri­ ciail· installed the wiring, switches and new service entrance. Kinney Hardware C?~ furnished the plumbing; Kelley Brothers Lumber Co. the other basic materials. SANGERVIlLE S/SGT. ALVIN M. MILLETT ron N, C. 0. ; and the person PRESENTED UNIT A WARD mainly responsible for the Mrs, Flora Millett has re­ unit's successful Q. J . T. pro:- The Brownville Assembly #29, Order· of Rainbow for Girls , ceived a Thailand paper having gress, officials said. held a .semi -publi!}. installatiqn at the Brownville Masonic Hall an account and picture of an . The 388th S. P. S • .maintained · on January 19th. · · :?~< .__ · · awaro presentation to her son, its perfect on-the-job training .The new Worthy Advison S~Ita Long is shown above r eceiv­ S/S~t ; Alvin M. Millett, for record during the July-Sept. ing the gavel from the retiring Worthy Advisor, Susan Call. his unit. quarter arulcaptured the base's The incoming ~late of officer.s fnclude Wor thy Associate Ad-. "S/Sgt~ Alvin M. Millett re-; rotating trophy ofO. T.J. ex- . visor Sylvia Brown, Charity, P.hl.na !'eters; Hope, NancyJar- ceived· the· Karat RTAFB ro~ cellence during the process. dine; Faith, Deb'ra Monroe; Reeorder, Ann MacKinnon; Treas­ tating · award for ' having .the It · was the third consecutive urer, Susan Call; Chaplain, E.llen Dean; Drill Leader, Jamie ·best on-the-job training p'ro,­ cal(mdarquarter for the 388th . Pickard; Musician, Susan Stic~ney;Love. , Andrea Peters; Rel­ gram here. (Thailand) Col. S.P.S. to maintain its 100% igion, Kathy Knowles; Nature, Debra Bryant; Immortality, Pen· Paul P. Douglas, Jr., 3S8t4 passing rate. Thirteen of the ny Worster; Fidel~ty, Joanne J.,.eeman; Patriotism, J anet E ss­ Tactical Fighter Wing Com- . policemen were upgraded in ency; Service, Cynthia Schumpert; Confisential Observer, Sus- mander; ·made the presenta­ the last training period." an Lundin; Outer Observer, B.onnie MacKinnon; Choir Direct- tion to the 388th Security Wing . S/Sgt. Alvin M. Millett was or,Bonnie Richards; Ftag l3earer, Brenda Bur rill; Banner Police Squadron Training NC 0 at a staff meeting. · formerly a recruiting officer Bearer, -Meredith Judkins; Big Sist.er, Holly Schumpert and the in the Bangor area before going Bible Bearer is Deanna ~rya;:nt ~ . · S/Sgt.· Alvin M. Millett is the . 388th-· security· Police Squad- to Thailand. Mrs. Medora Bryant is the Mother .Advisor of the group and (Staff Photo by Paul Day) · Mr. Walter Lutterell is the .Chairman of the AdVisory Board. ·. (Staff phot? by Mike Brigham) Page 4 January 23 , 1969 THE T 0 W N C RI E R t~~---H-A_T_H_A_W_A_Y----~. _ ~~~- ~~~------~~~~ I,: REPORTS @"'Mm ~ g~ ~ '-4.":~~ From Congressman William D. Hathaway r- ....., By Pastor Carlton Cockey Massachusetts officials are probing two major power black­ outs which affected some 250, OOOresidents of that state during THE ,JOURNEY TO THE MOON the holiday season.
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