TOLEDO SALES: 419-870-2797 • 419-870-6565 Since 1989. www. l a p r ensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR DETROIT CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 Classified? Email [email protected] 29 de marzo, 2019 Weekly/Semanal 16 páginas Vol. 65, No. 4 SPECIAL CESAR E. CHAVEZ ISSUE FLOC: Lead Paint to be renewed as Community Issue to be solved By La Prensa Staff March 2019: Toledo’s judge also ruled city leaders minority community will don’t have the authority to once again call for a solu- grant enforcement authority tion to lead paint in the city’s to the Toledo-Lucas County older homes, hoping to stem Health Department, which the health effects on chil- was originally assigned with dren in the community’s registering properties. The rental housing stock. amended lead-safe ordinance The Brown and Black Sykes is pushing moves that Unity Coalition plans to de- task to Toledo’s Department mand answers from Toledo of Neighborhood and Busi- City Council as to why they ness Development fell silent on the issue fol- “We’re not going to walk lowing a court order block- away from that. We’ve ap- ing lead pain legislation pealed (the case) and we’re from being implemented last going to continue with other year. The coalition will be groups in the city to stay on led in the effort by Baldemar top of this,” said Wood. “I Velásquez, president/ think they are hoping, be- founder of the Farm Labor cause it was overturned in Organizing Committee court, that we’re going to walk (FLOC), and Ray Wood, away from it and continue to NAACP president. and cannot run again, while would reintroduce lead paint let kids be poisoned. This is “That lead in the paint the Lucas County Demo- legislation that covers all going to be one of our focal causes brain damage to chil- cratic Party recently refused rental homes and apartment targets and we will stand to- dren. Studies were done of to endorse incumbent coun- buildings. gether and make sure that we people incarcerated and cilman Tyrone Riley in an “Push the elected officials, can win this for the sake of our they found out some 70 per- upcoming three-candidate push the politicians to not kids.” cent of the inmates had el- race in the city primary. allow the slum landlords who “Why are we being so po- evated levels of lead,” said “I can’t comprehend that don’t even live in those areas, lite about this issue?” Velasquez. any elected official thinks it’s to take our money and take Velásquez wondered aloud. “The chips from the paint, all right under any circum- our rent and poison our chil- “If it was my children living and the dust from the paint stances to damage and to poi- dren,” said Velásquez. in that old house, I’d be very are still there,” said Wood. son children’s minds,” said “We’ve got to give our poli- urgent about it. I wouldn’t “Every day, kids are being Velasquez. ticians some courage.” care about what people say or impacted by the effects of “Every time we’ve brought Sykes stated he got tired of how they’re using the law to lead paint poisoning. Once this up in the past, we’ve not waiting for a mayor’s work- stop this. We need to use FLOC you’re contaminated, it’s ir- had the stamina to see it all ing group to craft a solution. tactics to go after these suck- reversible. You have that for- the way through,” said Wood. The group has been meeting ers. We need some creative ever. It affects the way your “This is one of those things since last summer, when Judge non-violence.” mind operates.” where if you don’t stay on top Linda Jennings struck down A group of landlords Lead paint in the central of it, it will get swept under a previous city ordinance as known as The Property city could become a hot- the rug or everybody will for- unconstitutional and dis- Investor’s Network brought button political issue in the get about it, but the issue con- criminatory. Critics believe it the lawsuit and now some of coming months, as six dis- tinues.” could be years before that its members sit on the mayor’s trict seats on Toledo City The issue is gaining po- working group crafts a pass- working group. The Black Council will be up for grabs litical traction, making the able compromise, while kids and Brown Unity Coalition in September’s city-wide pri- time ripe for the Black and continue to suffer lead poi- contends some of those same mary and November’s gen- Brown Unity Coalition to soning. landlords attended commu- eral election. Republican begin raising their voices. At- The previous law only nity forums to show support city councilman Tom large Toledo city councilman covered smaller rentals, not for a lead-safe law to clean up Waniewski is term-limited Larry Sykes announced he all rental housing units. The (Continued on Page 12) ¡Siempre Selena! April 16, 1971 —March 31, 1995 Bored? Go to www.elgrinch.com DETROIT SALES: 419-870-2797 • 313-729-4435 Since 1989. www. l a p r ensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR DETROIT CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 Classified? Email [email protected] 29 de marzo, 2019 Weekly/Semanal 16 páginas Vol. 65, No. 4 SPECIAL CESAR E. CHAVEZ ISSUE www.elnacimientorestaurant.com Taquería El Nacimiento, César Chávez celebration to feature lecture by renowned la casa de las estrellas, página 4. Chicano civil rights and educator José A. Gutiérrez In 2003, former governor lic lecture by reformer. He Jennifer Granholm estab- José Angel founded or co- lished March 31 as César E. Gutiérrez, a con- founded several in- Chávez Day in Michigan. The temporary of fluential organiza- date marks the birthday of Chávez who tions that champi- the labor leader, who worked played a vital oned the democra- to improve the lives and live- role in shaping tization of social, lihoods of impoverished, dis- the direction of educational and enfranchised farm workers in the Chicano political institu- the nation’s agricultural Movement. José Angel Gutiérrez tions, including fields. Wayne State A Texas native who holds the Mexican American University’s Center for advanced academic degrees Youth Organization, the La Latino/a and Latin Ameri- in political science and law, Raza Unida Party, the Na- can Studies will commemo- Gutiérrez became an activ- tional Council of La Raza, rate the occasion with a pub- ist, community organizer and and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educa- tion Fund. The founder of the Center for Mexican Ameri- can Studies at the University of Texas, Austin, Gutiérrez has authored or co-authored over a dozen books on poli- tics; history; higher educa- tion; land rights; and Chicanas in the public arena, student leadership, and avia- tion. Gutiérrez’s public lecture will focus on his latest book, The Eagle Has Eyes: The FBI Surveillance of César E. Chávez and the United Farm Workers Union of America, 1965-1975. The lecture will be held on Wednesday March 27, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Wayne State’s General Lectures Hall, Room 150, located at 5045 Anthony Wayne Drive. Autographed copies of the book will be available for purchase. Event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Bored? Go to www.elgrinch.com LORAIN/CLEVELAND SALES: 419-870-2797 • 216-688-9045 Since 1989. www. l a p r ensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR DETROIT CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 Classified? Email [email protected] 29 de marzo, 2019 Weekly/Semanal 16 páginas Vol. 65, No. 4 SPECIAL CESAR E. CHAVEZ ISSUE Antonio Barrios: Lorain Latino seeking City Council seat By La Prensa Staff With the prospect of los- making that leap.” Lorain city ing a Latino voice on Lorain Barrios, 71, recently councilmen, City Council, a community launched a Facebook page but Angel activist is stepping forward for his candidacy under a Arroyo is to run for an available seat in theme of “knocking down not running the May 7, 2019 primary to walls to unite the people,” a for re-elec- ensure representation re- direct reference to repeated tion. Barrios mains in place. attempts in Congress by Presi- and another Antonio Barrios recently dent Trump to get funding to Latino can- announced he’ll seek a city build a wall along the Mexi- didate, Ray council seat. The Lorain resi- can border to control immi- Carrion, if dent of Puerto Rican descent gration. both are has been very active within “Now is the time to create elected, the Lorain County Demo- unity and I believe that all would in- cratic Party, serving as a mem- residents together, can make crease the ber of the party’s central com- changes happen for the good Hispanic in- mittee. As 2nd Chair of the of all citizens of this interna- fluence in county party, Barrios also tional city,” Barrios wrote on city politics. serves on the executive com- his Facebook page. “In this Barrios is mittee. moment of chaos and confu- running for Although he is running sion, it is of dire importance at-large seat for an at-large city council that cooler minds prevail and because he wants to see more created wooden paddles de- seat, much of his political that we focus on knocking sections of the city get atten- picting various “stories.” experience is based in his down the walls that have been tion.
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