THE EXHIBITION CATALOGUE 2014 KATALOG VÝSTAVY 2014 UNIQUE GATHERING PLACE FOR EXPERTS 15 – 17 October 2014 PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC General partner General partner of Conference www.natoexhibition.org ABOUT THE COMPANY LOM PRAHA state enterprise provides a comprehensive range of services for civil and military Mi-2/8/17/24/35/171 helicopter operators from maintenance, repairs and overhauls including overhauls of engines TV3-117 and gearboxes VR-14/24, to sophisticated modernizations of helicopter systems. As part of its training center in Pardubice, LOM PRAHA provides combat training to air force pilots including basic, advanced and combat flight training on fixed and rotary aircraft, and tactical simulation training of combat situations. All services provided by LOM PRAHA are certified in direct cooperation with manufacturers and in compliance with international civil and military standards including NATO standards. High added value of the products supplied is guaranteed by the capability to create a synergy between robust eastern aviation technology and high quality western avionics. LOM PRAHA know-how, which has been developing since 1915, comes down to the ability to create a repair center onsite according to customer needs, including the provision of staff training. LOM PRAHA keeps its global significance thanks to the production and support of unique piston aerobatic engines M132, M137, M332, and M337. LOM PRAHA subsidiary VR Group develops and produces sophisticated simulation technologies for air and ground forces. Aviation Technology Life Cycle Support • Aviation Training • Modernizations LOM PRAHA services Civilian Helicopter Overhaul Program • Helicopter MRO (Mi-2 • Mi-8/17 • Mi-24/35 • Mi-171 Sh) • Helicopter Systems Modernizations & Development • Power Units MRO (TV3-117 • VR14/24 • Al-25TL • Al-9V) • Piston Aerobatic Engines Production (M132 • M137 • M332 • M337) • Tactical Simulation Training (Ground & Air Forces) • Flight Training (Fixed & Rotary Wing Aircraft) • Simulation Technologies Development & Production • L-39 Albatros MRO & Training • Key supporter of MATC (Multinational Aviation Training Center) LOM PRAHA credentials • Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant Civilian & Military Certificate (Mi-2 • Mi-8/17 • Mi-171Sh) • OAO Klimov Certificate (TV3-117 • VR-14/24) Military Helicopter • Interstate Aviation Committee – AR MAK Modernization • Czech Military Aviation Authority – AED recognized Program • Czech Civil Aviation Authority • ISO 9001:2009 Certificate • AQAP 2110 Certificate • NATO Security Clearance Certificate “SECRET“ • Motor Sich Certificate (Al-25TL) Flight Training (Own Fleet) • Piston Aerobatic Engines Production • Power Units Overhaul • Tactical• Tactical Simulation Simulation Training Training • Development • Development & Production & Production of Simulation of Simulation Technologies Technologies • Tactical Simulation Training • Development & Production of Simulation Technologies • Tactical Simulation Training • Development & Production of Simulation Technologies STARASTARA BOLESLAV BOLESLAV STARA BOLESLAV PRAGUEPRAGUE www.lompraha.cz PRAGUE PARDUBICEPARDUBICE PARDUBICE LOM PRAHA • Tiskarska 270/8 • 108 00 Prague 10 • Czech Republic • [email protected] • +420 296 505 243 BRNOBRNO BRNO 2 www.natoexhibition.org Introduction Předmluva 3 Ladies and gentlemen, Vážení přátelé, The Future Forces Exhibition and Conference mezinárodní výstava a konference Future 2014 directly follows up on several editions Forces 2014 svým obsahem a zaměřením bez- of the Future Soldier exhibition and other prostředně navazuje na několik ročníků výstavy successful preceding international defence and Future Soldier a řadu dalších úspěšných projektů security projects that have been organized z oblasti obrany a bezpečnosti, které se v České in the Czech Republic since mid-1990s. republice uskutečnily od poloviny 90. let minulé- The current security situation and challenges ho století. and risks in the domain of defence expected Současná bezpečnostní situace, stejně jako to come up in foreseeable future will continue výzvy a rizika v oblasti bezpečnosti v nejbližších to require a comprehensive approach and letech, budou i nadále vyžadovat komplexní přístup international cooperation to prevent or manage a mezinárodní spolupráci při jejich předcházení, them. Military capabilities will definitely remain případně řešení. Vedle politických a diplomatic- one of the key factors and will often be essential kých nástrojů zůstanou vojenské schopnosti beze- in resolving crisis situations. Therefore, defence sporu jedním z klíčových faktorů řešení krizí. and security will continue to be based on Základem při zajišťování obrany a bezpečnosti the development of military capabilities supported proto i nadále bude výstavba a rozvoj vojenských by the defence and security industry as well as on extensive schopností za podpory obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu, international cooperation at the multilateral, regional and ale také široká mezinárodní multilaterální, regionální a bilate- bilateral levels. rální spolupráce. However, military capabilities are not and cannot be the only Vojenské schopnosti však nejsou a nemohou být jediným vehicle to ensure security. In providing security and managing nástrojem k zajištění bezpečnosti. Při zajišťování bezpečnosti crisis situations, the role of civilian actors has been growing a při řešení krizových situací stále roste i úloha a význam civilních in importance and, simultaneously, national and international aktérů a spolu s tím dále narůstá i důležitost vzájemné spolu- cooperation is ever more significant. The international Future práce v národní i mezinárodní rovině. Mezinárodní výstava Future Forces 2014 Exhibition will definitely attract attention of Forces 2014 proto jistě osloví i bezpečnostní komunitu veřejné the security community, government authorities, academia and správy, akademické obce i firmy, pracující na projektech ve veřej- businesses involved in projects serving the public. ném zájmu. Future Forces 14 also offers an excellent opportunity Výstava Future Forces 2014 je i příležitostí k představení sou- to introduce to the public and experts the current state of časného stavu a cílů rozvoje Armády České republiky a domácího development and goals of the Czech Armed Forces and obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu odborné i široké veřej- the national defence and security industry in a number of events nosti, ať již v průběhu samotné výstavy, či při řadě doprovodných the exhibitors and additional organisations will hold in concert aktivit, na kterých se společně s rezortem Ministerstva obrany with the Ministry of Defence and the Czech Armed Forces. podílejí i sami vystavovatelé a další subjekty. I am confident the 11th edition of the Prague international Závěrem mi dovolte vyslovit přesvědčení, že jedenáctý ročník defence exhibition will highlight the current and future trends pražské mezinárodní výstavy nejen představí soudobé a budoucí in defence and security, follow up on the undeniable success trendy v oblasti obrany a bezpečnosti, ale také naváže na nesporný of previous projects and once again offer a venue for úspěch předcházejících projektů a opět se stane vítanou příleži- the community comprising leading experts from NATO nations tostí pro setkání předních odborníků ze států NATO, EU a dalších and EU member states and other partners for defence and vybraných partnerů na poli zajišťování obranyschopnosti a bezpeč- security, defence and security industry leaders, the military and nosti, stejně jako zástupců obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu, researchers to come together. vojáků a výzkumníků. Martin STROPNICKÝ Martin STROPNICKÝ Minister od Defence of the Czech Republic Ministr obrany České republiky 4 www.natoexhibition.org Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Partners demonstrations & trials of the Dismounted and Friends, Soldier Systems Capabilities and Unmanned Today, more than ever, we are aware that to & Autonomous Systems for all the national be successful, cooperation in the field of defence participants. & security must be mutually beneficial for all Our team is fully dedicated to help and players involved. Our aim is to identify trends that support our exhibitors to be visible worldwide, shape the future development in defence and to respond to individual requirements, needs derive defence & security implications. The security and expectations, and to realize your valuable architecture that contributes to defence and proposals and recommendations within the security needs to be developed to counter future scope of FF14. threats and military, as well as, civil risks. The 2nd edition of international conference Emphasizing this, I am pleased to inform you focused on cyber defence & security will be that the Czech Republic will host the biennial enriched with topics concerning future crises defence & security specialised meetings during & risks and crisis management. The Future the FUTURE FORCES Exhibition & Conference 2014 Crisis Conference 2014 is primarily aimed at (FF14) in Prague on 15 – 17 October. the security and information community of FF14 is aimed at Personal Equipment, Protection, Training the public sector, armed and security forces, & Simulation; Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure the academia and private business cooperating in projects Protection; CBRN; Electronic Warfare; C4ISR; ISTAR; Logistics, of public interest with special focus on recent cyber topics. Support Systems and Services; Weapons and Ammunition; The conference will also provide answers
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