-Photo by Flash Studio, Poona, Indls. SANGAM International badges in the Dining Room THINKING DAY, 1969 A Message from .the , World Chief Guide "I send you my greetings and warm wishe for the New Year - 1 shall be away in Africa then, and hope to return at the time of Thinking day which, as you probably know, will also be my 80th birthday. "It has come round to me that some peop Ie consider that to be a rather special date in anybody's life, though, to be quite candid, 1 would myself like to forget that 1 have come to such an advanced age. "I am going to ask if you would give me a p resent and something that I would appreciate above anything else! "You know, don't you, that the one main love in my life now is for Guiding, and my one chief wish is for its progress and further development on the lines laid i:lO\vn by my husband, whose birthday is the same as mine. "Our Movement is in good heart - bigger and better than ever before, thanks to the work that is being done by each and everyone of its members, and 1 know that you are all busy as bees, and have plenty of work on your hands. "But most people are allowed on their birthdays to have just something a little 'extra' in one way or another - so what about this for a present which would ' make me intensely happy. "One extra Brownie, one extra Guide, one extra Ranger, one extra Guider, one extra Cpm­ pany or Pack, or one extra good turn, one extra penny or pound ,- for the Thinking Day Fund - one extra prayer - that Guiding may grow and with our own personal effort con­ tinue to grow in strength and happy success in 1969! "If each one of you, in your own particular sphere, could do just that - in addition to what you are already doing - my birthday would be indeed the most joyous of days, and my happiness would be complete." 210 MATILDA MATILDA Editor: MISS MARGARET SHAW. PUBLISHED BY THE GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA 20 RUSSELL STREET, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, 3000 State Commissioner: MRS. R. RENSHAW JONES • State Secretary: MISS B. MACARTNEY Assistant State Commissioners: MISS MARGARET SHAW, MRS. J. M. KIRKMAN As we begin a new Guiding year I send you all greetings and good wishes. May the year ahead be a happy one of development, service and friend­ ship working together for peace. To all those who so kindly sent me greetings for Christmas and the New Year I send my thanks - would you please accept this as my personal thought and appreciation. ~. CHIEF COMMISSIONER AUSTRALIA TO LADY BADEN-POWELL The State Council of the Girl Guides As­ sociation of Victoria sends loving greetings to you on the occasion of its first meeting in our new Headquarters. We know that the possession of our won­ derful new building will enable us to pro­ mote and maintain the Movement through­ out the State. 2nd December, 1968. This message, to be taken by Mrs. Trevor McDonald to the Chief Guide. Mrs. McDonald, a particular friend of the World Chief Guide, and active in Guiding in Eng­ land, wa in Melbourne with her husband. January/ February, 1969. 211 FROM THE STATE COMMISSIONER was made with the minimum of upset and The month of November began most pleas­ trouble. Over the past year she has been antly for me when I was invited to meet a giving much attention to the planning of group of Americans; with a common interest even the smallest detail and it must be a in parks and gardens they were touring great source of gratification to her that the Australia and our City Council arranged a results of all these efforts are so satisfac­ luncheon party for them to meet people in tory. Melbourne who had interests similar to their The quarterly meeting of the Advisers took own. One member of the party was Miss place on the evening of the 11 tho Virginia Cunningham from Des Moines, Thursday, 14th, was the date of the New Iowa; she is Assistant Executive Director of Commissioners and Boundaries Sub-Com­ the Heart of the Hawkeye Council Campfire mittee; 21st, the Executive Committee meet­ Girls. Although not a member of our own ing; both for the first time in the new build­ Movement, she has close contact with the ing. Girl Scouts of the U.S A and was most in­ Mrs. Hartley-Watson, Region Commis­ terested in our administration. Regrettably, sioner, Mornington Peninsula, and Mrs. our building was still incomplete, but she Horsfall, Region Commissioner, East Metro­ accompanied me to Ball and Welch to meet politan, represented Headquarters at the our people at Headquarters. showing of the new V.I.S.C.C.A. film on the I understand that the "Know Your Mel­ evening of 14th. bourne Day" held by the Ranger Branch on At Government House on the following 2nd November was successful in all respects. day I attended a reception at which the The list of tentative fixtures for 1969 shows Keep Australia Beautiful Council was launch­ that the girls are embarking upon a colour­ ed. A division of the National Trust of Aus­ ful programme which will take them into a tralia (Victoria), its main aims are centred wide sphere. around the prevention of litter in schools, On 4th November, I was privileged to factories, shops, offices, parks, beaches, open the first Local Association Conference recreation places, along the roadside and of the South-Eastern Region at Chadstone. throughout the country. Chaired by Mrs. John Thompson, inspired I invited the members of our Building by Mrs. Anderson, Region Commissioner, Appeal Committees to a pre-view reception with Mrs. H. T. Cock as guest speaker, and on 19th. Lady Bolte, Chairman of the Ap­ Mrs. K. Turnbull, State Camping Adviser, to peal, who was to be out of town on the turn our thoughts to the camping season, opening day, was the guest-of-honour, and the day passed all too quickly. In fact, Mrs. Price and Mr. Gregory were also pre­ there was no time to open "Question Box", sent. This was an occasion for us to express but answers were supplied later in writing. gratitude to the large Committee of mem­ My husband and I took the opportunity that bers, mostly from outside the Movement, week to visit the Fairy Penguin rookery on and the small Committee who co-ordinated Phillip Island and saw the wonderful home­ the Movement's money-raising activities. ward march of these fascinating, charming Then came THE big day! 23rd November, creatures across the wide sweep of the 1968 ! beach. I cannot think why we have neglect­ The impressive ceremony in the ballroom ed this unique sight for so long! It is to be of Government House, when the Queen's hoped that Victoria will always be able to Guide Certificates were presented by H.E. conserve this very special feature of its wild­ the Governor, was held in the morning. The life. Our only regret was that we had no personal interest taken by His Excellency in children with us to share the experience. the reCIpients o{ these certificates made it 8th, 9th and 10th were days when your an unforgettable day for all those privileged Headquarters staff worked tirelessly and to be present. cheerfully removing from our temporary The weather was far from kind, and heavy premises to the new building. Miss Carter showers occurred both during the morning was a tower of strength, and it was largely and afternoon; however, the periods between due to her organising ability that the change were sunny and warm. 212 MATILDA The afternoon, which saw the official open­ held to plan the one for 1969, and our Public ing ceremony of our new Headquarters, be­ Relations Adviser, Mrs. Townsend, attended longed to your former State Commissioner, on my behalf. We feel that this service is and I was most grateful that Mrs. Price worthy of much greater attendance and agreed to be with us all afternoon and to steps are being taken to make it a special tell of the planning and the realisation of occasion. Please note the Committee's de­ the project. Although many people have tails in "Matilda" and keep 2nd March free been concerned in this' lit fell to the lot of 10 take part. Mrs. Price and Mr. Gregory, in the main, to Best wishes for good Guiding in 1969. direct and organise the scheme, and Victoria is deeply grateful for their diligence. And THANKS * * * what wonderful, solid proof they have of Mrs. Kirkman, Miss Shaw and I wish to how magnificently they performed their express, through the medium of "Matilda", task! our warmest thanks to all who so kindly Our Slate President delighted the guard-of­ sent us cards, greetings and messages of honour by speaking to each girl and later goodwill at Christmas. We look forward to graciously joined the children in the base­ sharing with you a year of happy Guiding in ment and talked with many Brownies and 1969. Guides. Your two Assistant State Commissioners accepted responsibility for the arrangements of the opening, with Miss Macartney and Miss Barr playing their parts, and they re­ ceived willing assistance from many mem­ bers of the Movement. The catering was undertaken by the Kew L.A. and, as always, lheir arrangements were faultless in every way. You will have read details of the ceremony in "Matilda".
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