1908. ' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 475. temptat:lvn, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, Mr. HEPBURN. I have not examined the bill up to this the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. time, and for the present I object. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ 1\Ir. HARDY. I would like to say to the gentlemen that it ings cf Saturday, December 21, 1907, when, on request of l\Ir. is not because I wish to withdraw the bill from that committee, TALI.Al"ERRO, and by unanimous consent, the further reading was but that committee is overloaded with bills, and they will not dispensed with. miss this little bill. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Journal st~nds approved. Mr. MANN. The gentleman does not understand how fast that committee can work. DEATH OF SENATOR STEPHEN &. MALLORY. Mr. HARDY. I would like to make one other suggestion by 1\fr. TALIAFERRO. Mr. President, it has become my painful way of appeal. What I wish to suggest to the gentleman from duty to announce to the Senate the death of my late coUeague, Illinois is that this little Committee of Railways and Canals the Ron. STEPHEN R. .MALLORY, at his home in Pensacola, at has a place on the schedule but none on the reference, and it 12.48 o'clock on the morning of December 23 last. does seem to me that they might have one bill referred to them At some future day I will ask the Senate to set aside a time without objection by the committee whose shoulders are O"\'er­ to pay fitting tribute to his memory. I ask now the passage of loaded. the resolutions which I send to the desk. The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman object? The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Florida asks for Mr. MANN. I object for the present. the adoption of resolutions, which will be read by the Secretary. The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows: MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Resolved, That the Senate has beard with profound sorrow of the Sundry messages in writing from the President of the United death of the Hon. STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY, late a Senator from the States were communicated to the House of Representatives by State of Florida. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolutions Mr. LATTA, one of his secretaries. to the House of Representatives. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the The SPEAKER laid before the House the following message resolutions submitted by the Senator from Florida. from the President of the United States, which was read and, The resolutions were unanimously agreed to. with accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on ·Mili­ Mr. TALIAFERRO. As a further mark of respect to the tary Affairs and ordered to be printed: memory of my deceased colleague, I move that the Senate now adjourn. To the Senate and House of Rep1·ese-ntatives: I transmit herewith the annual report of the Secretary of War for the The motion was unanimously agreed to, and (at 12 o'clock year 1907. and 5 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Tuesday, January 7, 1908, at 12 o'clock meridian. THE WHITE HOUSE, January 6, 19fl1. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. A message from the Senate, by Mr. PARKINSON, its reading HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed without amend­ ment joint resolution of the following title: · 1\foNDAY, January 6, 1908. Joint resolution (H. J. Res. 66) making an appropriation to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the purchase and The House met at 12 o'clock m. distribution of "\'aluable seeds. The following prayer was o:(fered by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY The message also announced that the Senate had passed a N. CounEN, D. D. : bill of the following title, in which the concurrence of the House 0 Thou God and Father of us all, above all, through all, and in of Representatives was requested: _ us all, we bless Thee for the season just passed into history, An act (S. 1192) to amend an act entitled "An act to amend with its sacred memories and hallowed associations, which filled section No. 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, our hearts and homes with love and good cheer, knitting to­ relating to mining claims." gether more firmly the ties of kinship, strengthening the bonds The message also announced that the Senate had passed of friendship, enlarging our vision, and widening the sphere of the following resolutions : fraternity to all mankind. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the We thank Thee that Thou hast brought us together again death of the Hon. STEPHEN RUSSELL MALLORY, late a Senator from without the loss of any, and we most fervently pray that as we the State of Florida. take up the work of a new year we may dwell together in unity. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolu­ tions to the House of Representatives. So rule and overrule in all our hearts that the spark of divinity Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the which binds us to Thee may dominate our being, that we may deceased the Senate do now adjourn. press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God FRANCHISES GRANTED IN PORTO RICO. in Christ Jesus. Amen. The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, December 21, The SPEAKER laid- before the House the following message 1907, was read and approved. from the President of the United States, which was read, re­ ferred to the Committee on Insular Affairs, and ordered to be SWEARING IN OF NEW MEMBER. printed: The SPEAKER laid before the House the credentials of Ron. To the Senate and House of Representatives: C. Bascom Slemp, elected a Member of the House for the Ninth In accordance with the provisions of SE:'Ction 32 of the act of April 12, 1900, entitled "An act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil Congressional District of Virginia to fill the vacancy caused by government for· Porto Rico, and for other purposes" (31 Stat., 77), I the death of Ron. Campbell Slemp. transmit herewith copy of a franchise, granted by the executive council 1\fr. LAMB. Mr. Speaker, my colleague, Mr. Slemp, is pres­ of Porto Rico to J. G. White & Co. (Incorporated). THEODORE ROOSEVELT. ent, and I ask that he be sworn in. THE WHITE HOUSE, January 6, 1908. Mr. Slemp appeared at the bar of the House and took the oath of office prescribed by law. The SPEAKER laid before the House the following message from the President of the United States, which was read, re­ PROPOSED CHANGE OF REFERENCE . ferred to the Committee on Insular Affairs, and ordered to be .Mr. HARDY. Mr. Speaker, I desire to have a bill which was printed: referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce To the Senate and Hou.se of Representatives: referred to a committee that has little for its consideration. In accordance with the provisions of section 32 of the act of April It is the bill introduced by myself (H. R. 11346) tq compel and 12, 1900, entitled ~·An act temporarily to provide revenues and a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes" (31 Stat., 77), I require railroad companies to cooperate with shippers upon transmit herewith copy of a franchise, granted by the executive council inland navigable waters. I ask unanimous consent that that of Porto Rico to Antonio Roi~, entitled "An ordinance granting to bill be referred to the Committee on Railways and Canals. Antonio Roig an extension of s1x months for the completion of a rail­ way authorized to be constructed and operated by a franchis<a passed The SPEAKER. The Chair states that, after examination, on the 8th day of August, 1905." the bill was referred, under the rule, to the Committee on Inter­ THEODORE ROOSEVELT. state and Foreign Commerce. The gentleman from Texas asks THE WHITE HOUSE, January 6, 1908. unanimous consent that the Committee on Interstate and For­ FIRST PAN-AMERICAN ~CIENTIFIC CONGRESS. eign Commerce be discharged from the consideration of the The SPEAKER also laid before the House the following mes- bill, and that it be referred to the Committee on Railways and sage from the President of the United States: ' Canals. Mr. PAYNE. I object to that. To the Senate ana House of Representatives: I transmit herewith for the consideration of the respective Houses Mr. MANN. Until I have examined the bill, at least, I shall of the Congress a report of the Secretary of State, representing the ap­ object. propriateness of early action in order that in response to the invitation -·-~ 476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. JANUARY 6, of the Government of Chile the Government of the United States may service rul,.<J, an opinion he has now given to the public in an Interesting be enabled fittingly to be represented at the First Pan-American article in tne North American Review for the current month (December, Scientific Congress, to be held at Santiago, Chile, the first ten days of 1897), in which he gives as one ot the faults of the system under which December, 190 . · censuses have been taken "the placing upon the shoulders of the Super­ The recommendations of this report have my hearty approval, and intendent, whose mi.nd should be fully pccupied with his experts in plan­ I hope that the Congress will see fit to make timely provision to en­ ning the work, the responsibility of the appointment of an office force of able the Government to respond appropriately to the invitation of the several thousand of clerks." ' Government of Chile in the sending of delegates to a congress which " I have the honor to be, very resl?ectlullyJ.
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