THE COUGAR CHRONICLE IssuE 2 TuEsDAY VOLUME XXXIX FEBRUARY 14, 2012 ------------ CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN MARcos, INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER ------------ FIND US ONLINE www.csusmpride.com Dream Act stirs hope, controversy Cougar Chronicle on FacebpD KRISTIN MELODY said. "We all share the same each'year. and move into professional gram (CAMP) raise aware- STAFF WRITER dream of contributing to this Opposition to the Dream careers will help the econo- ness and provide support csusmchronide on twitter country as professionals." act addressed California's my. regarding immigration and There are not any cur- preexisting debt crisis and "On balance, these changes higher education. csusm .cougarchronide on issu rent statistics on how many the priority of legal students would increase revenues by Nayeli had experienced CSUSM students are illegal obtaining aid, warning that $2.3 billion over 10 years'' - · at:ion while obtain- SPORTS aliens, but Cipriano Vargas- this law will affect stUdents the oommi r Associate Degree in Treasurer for the CSUSM now and for years to come. · g at MiraCosta chapter of Movirniento Es- State counselor and the ad- tudiantil Chican@ de ·on office, but she lcin .E. did not discourage J me from pursuing my dream sj,gnatiiiie dis- of obtaining a Bachelor's n o.n to the crimination on campus in- Degree." No ember ballot. On his eluding "minute men on "I believe that the access to website, StopAB13l.com, campus that promote hate." higher education shouldn't students. he wrote: Programs O!l campus like be measure by your legal Vargas said the students "We will not give up in the Standing Together As oNe status in this country, but who would become eligible war to save California from Dream (STAND) and Col- by your academic achieve­ or aid through the Dream the reckless politicians who lege As.sistance Migrant Pro- ments," Nayeli said. Pag• 3 - Women's ct shouldn't be penalized want to raise our taxes to put Basketball is ap­ r acts of their parents; the college dreams of illegals proaching the end ey should be accepted into ahead of our own children." of their season. ?.merican society. Another Republican state because she was balt:Rchb'OIII• Read how the lady "Most AB 540 students senator, Robert Dutton (R­ applying for p · e univer­ are brought [to the United Rancho. Cucamonga), said Cougars dominated sity scholarships and grants, States] as young kids, and the Dream Act comes at a La Sierra Univer­ Cal Grants and other finan- they consider the U.S. their difficult time for the debt­ sity on Senior night. cial aid. home. It wasn't their option plagued state of California. Nayeli is one of an estimat­ to come here undocumented. "We don't even have FEATURES ed 2,500 California college They shouldn't be punished," enough money to provide fi­ students who will now be Vargas said, a third-year So­ nancial aid for students who able to apply for financial aid ciology and Women Studies are here legally let alone il­ as the result of the California major who hopes to practice legally," Dutton stated in a Dream Act. law in California. release. "There are a lot of people The San Francisco Chroni- But the Joint Committee on with so much talent that (sic1··~Cle· -repOrted in 201L_:tbat.· Taxation, a nonpartisan com­ don't go to school because more than 25,000 undocu­ mittee of the U.S. Congress, they do not have the finan- mented students graduate said that helping motivated cial means to do it," Nayeli from California high schools college students graduate Page 5 Pro- fessor Radhika Ramamurthi re­ membered. Read about her legacy at CSUSM. OPINION Page 6 - Student's aren't happy with the new CSUSM campus beverage provider and choic­ suspension case es. Are you a Coke or a Pepsi? SURYA QUINONES STAFF WRITER San Diego State Univer­ sity graouate student, Ash­ ley Wardle, was at risk of a possible two-year suspen­ sion from the university after year. On average, tuition will protesting against possible increase by $500 for all un­ tuition increases within the dergraduate CSU students CSU-UC education system. and even more for graduate On Nov. 16, 2011 CSU students. Staff, students and students from San Diego the public want the CSU and Long Beach gathered Page 8 - Have a Board of Trustees to tax the to protest tuition increases favorite movie to wealthiest one percent in the at a CSU Board of Trustees state in order to better fund watch with your meeting in Long Beach. sweetheart on Valen­ higher education tuition. Wardle said, "Until tuition Board members did notal­ tine's Day? Find out increases end, until class low students ~o speak in the what the Chronicle sizes stop raising [sic] at meeting and were removed staff likes to watch the same time as executive from the meeting, which on the big day. compensation, until all those most considered unfair, caus­ things end I will continue to ing commotion among the protest." students outside of the office. The protest was held due to In an effort to participate, stu­ a now approved state-wide dents began chanting as they nine percent tuition increase attempted to enter Chancel­ February 28 that will be imposed this fall lor Charles B. Reed's office for the 2012-2013 academic Protest continued on page 2 SECTIO" EDITOR K RISTI" MELODY NEWS THE CouGAR CHRONICLE I FEBRUARY 14, 2012 [email protected] Protest from page I force. They shoved students EDITORIAL where the meeting was held. from behind with no warn­ The glass door was shattered ing." She continued by say­ STAFF after friction between stu­ ing that students should not Bracing for impact: dents and the police, leading refrain from practicing their EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the board members to feel First Amendment rights. ASHLEY DAY Remaining Republican candidates duke it out the need to secure the build­ Students from UC Berke­ [email protected] for right to challenge Obama ing with police. Without any ley were also arrested due · warning, Wardle was among to protests to the tuition in­ D§SIGN EDITOR DANE A VANDERVELDEN York Daily News. one of the four SDSU stu­ creases and were removed MORGAN HALL STAFF WRITER dents who were shoved and of any blame by President [email protected] Gingrich is the initial fore­ If you haven't been fol­ runner behind Romney, ha~ pepper-sprayed before' get­ Robert Birgeneau. Many ting arrested. wish for SDSU president El­ COPY EDITOR lowing the current political lost his title of "most viable In the first week of Decem­ liot Hirshman and Chancel­ AMY SALISBURY machinations of the 2012 threat to Romney's candida­ [email protected] presidential election, you cy" to the quickly rising Rick ber, Wardle attended an in­ lor Charles Reed to grant the haven't been missing a Santorum. Santorum, former formal.hearing, because after same for Ashley Wardle. NEWS EDITOR whole lot. Senator of Pennsylvania, has being arrested at the protest, A settlement statement was KRISTIN MELODY As voting citizens of the been dominating all three of Wardle was accused of vio­ presented to Ashley War­ [email protected] United States it is paramount his opponents in the three lating the school's code of dle on Jan. 6, 2012, which conduct and had the option states that suspension will SPORTS EDITOR to be at least moderately latest nomination contests. to either take the two-year not be activated, allowing ALEX FRANCO aware of what is happening. Romney still leads despite [email protected] For November elections, these surprising losses. The suspension or attend a formal Wardle to continue attend­ the pool of Republican presi- · Latter-day Saint from Mas­ hearing, which could poten­ ance at SDSU. However, FEATURES EDITOR dential hopefuls is down sachusetts has acknowledged tially extend the ·suspension Wardle will be ineligible to KYLE M JOHNSON to four men: Mitt Romney, these harsh defeats and has or lead to expulsion. participate or hold leadership [email protected] Newt Gingrich, Rick Santo­ indicated that the next few At the hearing, Wardle positions in student organi­ rum and Ron Paul. The op­ months will not be easy ones stated, "The police engaged zations. OPINION portunity to challenge presi­ for his campaign, but he be­ in an unnecessary amount of POSITION OPEN dential incumbent Barack lieves that he will eventually "CSU was following suit [email protected] Smoking from page 1 Obama is surprisingly still rise as victorious once the Cal State University based with UC's proposal for a up for grabs, despite Mitt nomination· process is com­ smoke-free campus," Frasca A & E EDITOR student groups, such as As­ Romney's early lead in the plete, Reuters reported. said, but due to the budget MELISSA MARTINEZ sociate Students, Inc. (ASI) [email protected] polls. As the Republican dog and Campus Organized cuts two years ago, the ban Ron Paul, despite his de­ fight trudges oil, Obama and united for good health, was put in the ashtray. COMIC ARTIST voted following, has effec­ waits for his opponent. (COUGH) lead the charge "Unless there is full blown FAITH ORCINO tively been written off as Obama is hardly the face of against smokers and hann­ enforcement, a complete ban [email protected] even a potential dark horse hope that he was four years ful second hand smoke. Pro­ won't happen," Frasca said. winner. He is in third place ago, and questions about his cedures start with surveys Student smokers receive a MEDIA MANAGER behind Gingrich and Rom­ failure to create enough jobs being conducted, votes of disciplinary written warn­ CHRIS GIANCAMILLI ney.
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