NOVEMBER 3, 2006 I $2.25 I OPENING THE EYES OF TEXAS FOR FIFTY ONE YEARS STATE PARK 114 E GOYS RNOR's MANSION THE EMINENT DOMAIN PE LAY'S s EASY MONEY BOTTOMLESS MEMORY PIT Avoid the pitfalls of the campaign trail and get your candidate to the Governor's Mansion first! l'a02 111,1118 19 1,197 Yff0E3 VEDUEtE30 Off ALM A, 0 NOVEMBER 3, 2006 TheTexas Observer Dialogue FEATURES GREAT WOMEN The Molly Ivins piece on Ann Richards vote I ever cast (and I have voted ["A-men. A-women. A-Ann," October WHY THE BELL NOT? 7 as Democratic ever since then for Can Chris Bell turn his serious mien into 6] was forwarded to me by a friend. all major elections, county, state and a campaign plus? THANK YOU VERY MUCH for a nationwide). Richards was simply by Jake Bernstein piece on a GREAT woman by another incredible. Ms. Ivins, I have seen you GREAT woman. speak in public, and you are one of IT ONLY HURTS WHEN HE LAUGHS 8 Cuthbert Thambimuttu, the best speakers and writers I have Kinky's bravado hides a dark vision Columbus, OH ever had the pleasure to hear and read. of politics and life Thank you so much! by Dave Mann Thank you for the story on Ann Jill A. Harper Richards. I loved her (from afar)! I am Denton County CAROLE THE CHAMELEON 10 still in mourning, but this helps lots. Four surnames and three party labels Roberta Hill THE CONTENDER later, will the real Carole Strayhorn Via e-mail Tim Eaton's piece on Juan Garcia please stand up? ["The Contender," September 22] was by Emily Pyle Thank you, Molly Ivins, for such first rate—and news to me out here in a wonderful, funny, and touching Sacramento. I guess I'll be checking on DON'T LET YOUR BABIES 12 article on Governor Ann Richards! I the results in the Corpus Christi news- GROW UP TO BE COWBOYS was raised as a conservative, Catholic paper the day after the election. On the Perry trail in Haskell County Republican—my vote for Ann Eric Brazil by Eileen Welsome Richards was the first Democratic Sacramento, CA DEPARTMENTS Elroy Bode Book Reading DIALOGUE 2 El Paso writer Elroy Bode, a longtime contributor to the Observer, will be reading, In A Special Light (Trinity University Press, 2006). EDITORIAL 3 The CHIPs Are Down Monday, November 13 2006 - 5:00 to 7:00 The Twig Book Shop POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE 4 5005 Broadway, San Antonio, Texas 78209 MOLLY IVINS 14 (210) 826-6411 Why Can't They Level With Us? JIM HIGHTOWER 15 Mary Alice Davis Distinguished Lecture in Journalism Katherine Harris Speaks The School of Journalism at The University of Texas at Austin DATELINE 20 cordially invites you to hear Breaking form, Abilene Considers a Dem by Tim Eaton Molly Ivins on "The Future of Journalism: Slow Death or Suicide" BOOKS & CULTURE Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Hogg Memorial Auditorium POETRY 23 24th Street & Whitis Avenue, The University of Texas at Austin by Lee Robinson Tickets, free, are limited to two per person and available in advance at Bass RODIN WAS A HACKER 24 Concert Hall, Hogg Auditorium, and the Erwin Center. For information by Julie Ardery call Wade Lee at 512/232-5466. AFTERWORD 30 Dias de Muertos Department of Correction by Erasmo Guerra Ooops. Foolish us. We assumed in our late-breaking editorial, "Political Cover illustration by Mike Krone Science;' 20) that once Ohio Republican Congressman Bob Ney was indicted he would immediately resign. In fact, the congressman declined to do so, at least right away. 2 THE TEXAS OBSERVER NOVEMBER 3, 2006 EDITORIAL The CHIPs Are Down IN e'll say this for the the nation. And it's getting worse. Since don't have a waiting list." Technically governor's race: At September 2003, enrollment in the that's true. Every kid who qualifies least this time there Children's Health Insurance Program, for CHIP is covered. But as state Rep. is no lack of choices. which provides government coverage Garnet Coleman (D-Houston) has Five candidates are for the kids of working families that repeatedly pointed out, Perry helped running to become can't afford private plans, has declined make a whole lot of kids ineligible. The governor of Texas—a Republican, a 40 percent, from a high of 529,000 to governor's argument is analogous to Democrat, a Libertarian, and two inde- 300,000. The decimation of CHIP was an airline ripping out the empty seats pendents—enough to field a basket- intentional. In 2003, Gov. Perry and on a plane and then claiming that the ball team. Yet quantity, as the saying the GOP legislative leadership, hewing flight is full. goes, doesn't guarantee quality, and to a hard-right ideology, enacted tough Kids without health insurance grow looking at the selection, it's easy to bureaucratic procedures designed to into unhealthy adults. Parents take them feel uninspired. Each of the four major siphon kids from the program. (Another to a doctors less frequently; they are less candidates seems like a walking cari- 75,000 kids lost Medicaid coverage due likely to be immunized and vaccinated, cature: Democrat Chris Bell, the ear- to stricter enrollment policies.) In fact, or treated early for infections and ill- nest bore; independent Carole Keeton more kids were kicked off CHIP than ness. Our current policy could result Strayhorn, the grating grandma; inde- state officials had anticipated. The in a quarter of Texas' future work force pendent Kinky Friedman, the jester; result is an excess of $400 million the growing into sickly adults. Demographic and incumbent Republican Rick Perry, Legislature had budgeted for CHIP, but changes in Texas heighten the stakes. We the blow-dried slickster. Each may be has gone unused because there aren't are quickly becoming a majority Latino flawed, but after November 7, one will enough kids in the program now to state. If we continue to deny our fastest- earn the right to govern the state for absorb the money. The uninsured kids growing—and poorest—communities four years. haven't gone away, of course; they're just access to quality education and health You may ask, as Kinky does, "How not eligible for the program anymore. care, Texas will be saddled with a Third hard can it be?" It's true that Texas' gov- They can't get through the bureaucratic World economy. ernorship is weak. The winner will have wall that Perry and GOP leaders erected. The results of this election will trans- to work with the Legislature to pass any- If those policies were removed, the $400 late directly into the public policy deci- thing. And yes, Texas politics often bor- million surplus would be enough to sions—on education, toll roads, stem ders on the farcical. But the winner of restore all the CHIP cuts since 2003. cell research, taxes, and many more— this election will help determine every- CHIP has belatedly become an issue that will affect not only all of us, but thing from the health of our children to in the governor's race. Perry spokesman future generations as well. The incum- the health of the Texas economy. Robert Black recently told the Dallas bent has a clear record. If you want to A quarter of Texans lack health insur- Morning News "CHIP is fully funded. change the direction of your state, this ance—by far the highest percentage in No child has ever been turned away. We is your chance. ■ THE TEXAS OBSERVER I VOLUME 98, NO. 21 I A Journal of Free Voices Since 1954 Founding Editor Ronnie Dugger Steven G. Kellman, Lucius Lomax, The Texas Observer (ISSN 0040-4519/ paid. Airmail, foreign, group, and bulk Executive Editor Jake Bernstein James McWilliams, Char Miller, LISPS 541300), entire contents copy- rates on request. Microfilm available Editor Barbara Belejack Debbie Nathan, Karen Olsson, righted ®2006, is published biweekly from University Microfilms Intl., 300 N. Associate Editor Dave Mann John Ross, Andrew Wheat except during January and August Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. when there is a 4 week break between Publisher Charlotte McCann Staff Photographers Indexes The Texas Observer is indexed Associate Publisher Julia Austin issues (24 issues per year) by the Alan Pogue, Jana Birchum, Texas Democracy Foundation, a 501(c)3 in Access: The Supplementary Index Circulation Manager Lara George Steve Satterwhite to Periodicals; Texas Index and, for Art Director/Webmaster Matt Omohundro non-profit foundation, 307 West 7th Street, Austin, Texas 78701. Telephone the years 1954 through 1981, The Texas Investigative Reporter Eileen Welsome Contributing Artists (512) 477-0746, Toll-Free (800) 939-6620 Observer Index. Poetry Editor Naomi Shihab Nye Sam Hurt, Kevin Kreneck, E-mail observer®texasobserver.org Copy Editors Rusty Todd, Laurie Baker Michael Krone, Gary Oliver, POSTMASTER Send address changes Staff Writer Forrest Wilder Doug Potter World Wide Web DownHome page to: The Texas Observer, 307 West 7th Administrative Assistant Stephanie Holmes D'Ann Johnson, Jim Marston, Gilberto www.texasobserver.org . Periodicals Street, Austin, Texas 78701. Editorial Advisory Board °Win, Bernard Rapoport, Geoffrey Postage paid at Austin, TX and at addi- Editorial Interns Jennifer Lee, David Anderson, Chandler Davidson, Rips, Sharron Rush, Kelly White, Ronnie tional mailing offices. Books & the Culture is Kelly Sharp Dave Denison, Sissy Farenthold, Dugger (Emeritus) funded in part by the City Lawrence Goodwyn, Jim Hightower, Subscriptions One year $32, two years of Austin through the Contributing Writers Kaye Northcott, Susan Reid Nate Blakeslee, Gabriela Bocagrande, In Memoriam $59, three years $84.
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