Palaeontologia Electronica palaeo-electronica.org Plant reproductive structures and other mesofossils from Coniacian/Santonian of Lower Silesia, Poland Zuzana Heřmanová, Jiří Kvaček, Jiřina Dašková, and Adam T. Halamski ABSTRACT Mesofossils from the Upper Cretaceous of Lower Silesia are described from the Nowogrodziec Member of the Czerna Formation. The investigated strata are part of the North Sudetic Synclinorium and are of either late Coniacian or early Santonian age. The flora comprises megaspores of lycophytes, conifer and angiosperm mesofossils, and insect-related fossils (coprolite, eggs). Megaspores are assigned to the genus Ricinospora. Fragments of the sterile conifer twigs Cunninghamites sp. and Geinitzia formosa are associated with isolated seeds of the conifer genera Seletya and Alapaja. The greatest diversity is found among reproductive structures of angiosperms within the Normapolles complex. They are assigned to Caryanthus communis, Caryanthus trebecensis, Caryanthus triasseris, Caryanthus sp., Zlivifructus vachae, and Zlivifruc- tus microtriasseris. Additionally, there are several unidentified reproductive structures showing affinities with plants of the Normapolles complex. Finally, there is a single insect coprolite and a few possible insect eggs assigned to Costatheca striata. Zuzana Heřmanová. National Museum, Václavské náměstí 68, Praha 1, Czechia. [email protected] Jiří Kvaček. National Museum, Václavské náměstí 68, Praha 1, Czechia. [email protected] Jiřina Dašková. National Museum, Václavské náměstí 68, Praha 1, Czechia and The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology, Rozvojová 269, Praha 6, Czechia. [email protected] Adam T. Halamski. Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland. [email protected] Key words: Late Cretaceous; Poland; mesofossils; Normapolles complex Submission: 31 May 2020. Acceptance: 25 November 2020. Heřmanová, Zuzana, Kvaček, Jiří, Dašková, Jiřina, and Halamski, Adam T. 2020. Plant reproductive structures and other mesofossils from Coniacian/Santonian of Lower Silesia, Poland. Palaeontologia Electronica, 23(3):a61. https://doi.org/10.26879/1097 palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/3247-mesofossils-of-lower-silesia Copyright: December 2020 Paleontological Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which permits users to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, provided it is not used for commercial purposes and the original author and source are credited, with indications if any changes are made. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ HEŘMANOVÁ ET AL.: MESOFOSSILS OF LOWER SILESIA INTRODUCTION sity, particularly angiosperms of the Normapolles Complex. The diversity of this group is reflected in Mesofossils related to the Late Cretaceous previously-published dispersed palynospectra from vegetation of Lower Silesia (south-western Poland; the same area and stratigraphic level (Halamski et Figure 1) are investigated in this study both as al., 2020). The mesofossil material described in the interesting study object in themselves and as a present paper comes from two sources, “old” mate- proxy for vegetation reconstruction. A previous rial stored for several decades in museum collec- study providing an overview of megafossils and tions on the one hand and the material newly palynospectra has been prepared by some of the collected in the field on the other hand. The “old” present authors (Halamski et al., 2020). The paper material comes only from Rakowice Małe locality by Halamski et al. (2020) deals with the mega- and (Knobloch and Mai, 1986). The “new” material, col- the microflora, whereas mesofossil data are sum- lected in 2017–2019, comes from two localities: marized there only as a part of a more extensive Rakowice Małe and Żeliszów. We assume that the palaeoecological analysis of several assemblages material collected recently at Rakowice Małe is (Turonian to middle Santonian). The focus of the from approximately the same place where it was present paper is on the systematic description of collected in the 1980s by Knobloch and Mai (1986). mesofossils, not given in Halamski et al. (2020). Fossil reproductive structures from the Rako- The present study is a continuation of our wice Małe and Żeliszów localities are mostly fruits interest in fossil plant material from Lower Silesia assigned to the Normapolles complex. The Nor- (Heřmanová et al., 2019). The studied mesofossils mapolles complex includes flowers and young or expand our understanding of the plant fossil diver- fully developed fruits associated with pollen grains FIGURE 1. Geographic and geologic context of the studied mesoflora. A. Extent of Cretaceous outcrops in Central Europe modified after von Gaertner and Walther (1971). Geographic regions in black typeface, mountains in red, waters in blue, geologic units with Cretaceous sediments in green. BCB, Bohemian Cretaceous basin; NSB, North Sudetic Basin; NT, Nysa Trough; OB, Opole Basin. B. Simplified geologic map of the North Sudetic Basin with main towns (black) and the two outcrops with mesoflora (red). Pre-Cretaceous stippled; Cenomanian to lower–middle Coni- acian in dark green; upper Coniacian? to Santonian (Czerna Formation) in light green; post-Cretaceous white. C. Palaeogeography of Central Europe in the Late Cretaceous compared to the present geographic setting after Ron Blakey from Csiki-Sava et al. (2015), modified after data in Chatziemmanouil (1982), Surlyk in Voigt et al. (2008) Janetschke and Wilmsen (2014), and Halamski et al. (2016). ESI, East Sudetic Island; RBL, Rhenish-Bohemian Land; WSI, West Sudetic Island. 2 PALAEO-ELECTRONICA.ORG characterized by the presence of a short polar axis mesofossil material was treated with hydrofluoric and three complex apertures with three germinals acid and hydrochloric acid, rinsed in water, and (Pflug, 1953). Currently the Normapolles complex dried in air. Preliminary studies were carried out comprises about 160 species (Góczán et al., 1967; using an Olympus SZX 12 binocular microscope. Batten, 1981; Batten and Christopher, 1981; Specimens for SEM observations were mounted Pacltová, 1981; Polette and Batten, 2017) and the on aluminum stubs using nail polish, coated with following “flower” genera: Antiquocarya Friis, gold and studied using a Hitachi S3700 field emis- Bedellia Sims, Herendeen, Lupia, Christopher et sion scanning electron microscope at 2 kV. Crane, Budvaricarpus Knobloch et Mai, Calathio- Uncoated specimens were studied in low vacuum carpus Knobloch et Mai, Caryanthus Friis, Dahlgre- at 15 kV. nianthus Friis, Pedersen et Schönenberger, Specimens NMP K2768, K2905, K2906 and Endressianthus Friis, Pedersen et Schönenberger, K2951 were studied using X-ray micro-tomography Manningia Friis and Normanthus Schönenberger, with the SkyScan 1172 equipment (Bruker). The Pedersen et Friis, Zlivifructus Heřmanová, effective pixel size was ca. 0.5 μm. Tube voltage Dašková et J. Kvaček (Friis, 1983; Friis et al., was set to 40 kV, and the current source was 250 2003, 2006, 2011; Knobloch and Mai, 1986; μA. No filter was used. The acquired data were Schönenberger et al., 2001; Sims et al., 1999). processed using flat field correction and recon- The present paper is based on micro-CT, a structed by the supplied software NRecon (Bruker). relatively new technology, which allowed a detailed Photographs were created by Avizo 9.1 software. description and in some cases a reinterpretation of The presented figures were edited in Adobe Photo- the “old” material. Standard observation under a shop CS5. Plates were formed using Adobe InDe- scanning electron microscope was used first, then, sign CS5.5. the fossils were further investigated using Micro- Under the “Range” we understand the strati- computed tomography (micro-CT). Micro-CT uses graphic range of the material described in the X-rays to visualize internal structures and provides paper, not the total range of the species. 3D reconstructions of the studied fossils. The main benefit of this method is its non-destructive nature. GEOLOGY This method allows the study of the internal struc- The mesofossils described in the present tures without damaging the specimen and at the paper from the Rakowice Małe and Żeliszów locali- same time retains the possibility of a complete rep- ties were collected in Lower Silesia (Dolny Śląsk, etition of the procedure. Niederschlesien), more precisely, in the North Sudetic Synclinorium (Walaszczyk, 2008), situated MATERIAL AND METHODS approximately between the towns of Lwówek The “old” material from the Rakowice Małe Śląski (Löwenberg in Schlesien) and Bolesławiec locality is a part of Ervín Knobloch’s collection (Bunzlau) in south-western Poland (Figure 1). They gathered in the 1980s, partly published by Kno- all come from a single stratigraphic unit, the formal bloch (1984) and Knobloch and Mai (1986). The name of which is the Nowogrodziec Member of the “new” material was collected in Rakowice Małe and Czerna Formation, which is a characteristic coaly- Żeliszów during the 2017 and 2019 field seasons, clayey decametre-scale intercalation between two by two of the authors (JK and ATH). predominantly sandstone parts of the succession. Ervín Knobloch’s collection is housed in the The Nowogrodziec Mb. is a regressive unit. Its National Museum Prague (NMP), and encom- deposition took place in an embayment subject to passes megaspores, flowers, fruits, seeds,
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