Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1969-70 The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 10-10-1969 The thI acan, 1969-10-10 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1969-70 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1969-10-10" (1969). The Ithacan, 1969-70. 6. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1969-70/6 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1969-70 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Vol. XLII - No. 6 Ithaca, New Yo~k, October 10, 1969 . Price 15 Cents Faculty Council Campus Mobilizing In Last Days by Mark Wadmond The October 15 Moratorium Starts Investigation I c Cramps Traditional Foe continues. The national anti-war moratorium is an effort to maxi­ ,j :'~~n,~~~~·~- ~ :pr~,,;.;.;...,.-~,--- ::::-:.... ,,~,,_.,,, .. mize public pressure against the Of Goldman Case ; . war by in\'olving ever)' citizen in Idemonstrations against the war. The Arts and Sciences Faculty Contacted at his office Wed- The purpose of the October 15 Council last week agreed to con- nesday morning, Darrow said Moratorium is to prepare for a duct a formal investigation into that the method of investigation lengthened and enlarged two. 'the dismissal of Mrs. Beatrice is "not a known factor at this day moratorium in November. Goldman, an English instructor time. However, we will conduct Students arc urged to spend who received word~ June 26 that the inquiry in executive session," their free-time next Wednesday she would not be rehired at the A meeting held in executive ses­ participating in anti-war rallies, cnd of the 1969-70 academic year. sion is closed to all except the· ' anti-war marches, :md any non. In a letter to Mrs. Goidman and committee. violent anti-war activity. Classes Dr. E. William Terwilliger, chair- Queried on the actions the should be cut if more time is man of the English Department, Council could take when the in­ nrcded for any student to partici­ the president of the Faculty vestigation is terminated, Dar­ pate in these activities, though Council, Frank Darrow, an as- row replied, "The only power students, faculty, and administra­ sistant professor of chemistry, the Faculty Council legally has tion arc urged to realize that any wrote: "The Faculty Council has, is to make a public recommenda­ boycott of classes is not an ac. among its charges, the obligation tion. In. its most drastic move, it lion against any school policy. to investigate and make recom- could recommend that the Arts As the nation becomes more mcndations upon such matters as and Sciences faculty censure aware and more in\'oked in the faculty morale, the conduct of either the English Department or October 15 demonstration, sup­ academic department, and other Mrs. Goldman, depending on our port has been gaining steadily matters affecting all members of findings." from prominent professors as the academic community · .. The Members of the Faculty Coun­ well as United Slates Senators - notice to Beatrice Goldman that cil i.nclude: Darrow; Dr. Paul even ;\tayor Lindsay in New York she will not be rehired for the Smith and Dr. Ahren Sadoff ·of has jumped on the band wagon. academic year 1970-71, and the Physic;_s; Dr. Walter Carlin and Senator Goodell, Senator Hatfield, events surrounding that state- Dr. Jack Weber of Speech; Dr. Photo by Churk ~I ill,•r Senator McCarthy, Senator Mc­ ment, would appear to be items Richard Daly of History; Dr. IC quarterback Doug Campbell (14) was off and running again last Saturday as Ithaca College Govern and others have previous­ which may have a deleterious ef- Margaret Gessaman of Mathe­ beat Cortland 36-28 in the first home game of the season. For complete story see page 16. ly announced their support. Over feet on the morale of the com- matics; John Gunning of Speech­ 400 campuses and 500 student munity as well as a powerful im- Drama; and Dr. Ronald Nicosen body presidents and newspaper pact upon Mrs. Goldman." of Radio-Television. editors have supported the drive. The letter added, "The possi- A significant number of universi­ bility of such effects prompted Elections are presently being held to fill the Council seat Bill Calls BUB Asks 55 Faculty ties and colleges will close that the informal inquiry by the fo e h Id b D s· d H day. Council during the summer and ·grm r IY e Y r. 1 ney er- 21 With headquarters in Wash­ I early fall of this year. It is re-1 • • • • • For Changes Farinella Sign ·Pledges ington, the four organizers, Sam grettable that the efforts of the The dec1S1on to mvest1gatc the Brown, David Hawk, David Mix­ Council during the summer and Goldman case was made after ner, and Marge Sklencar have early fall have. no~. provided an Ithe Faculty Council received a agreed with officials that with­ l acceptable solution. Continued on Page 10 In Courts To Explain On Viet Nam drawal from Vietnam by Decem­ by Albert Green Fifty-five faculty members. have ber 1970 would be satisfactory signed a pledge agreeing to can­ to the success of the national A bill presently before the On Budget cel classes or devote class time anti-war movement. Congress Considering newly formed Student Congress to the Viet Nam War on October President Nixon, in a Septem­ Judicial Committee, proposes to The Egbert Union Board (EUB) 15. ber 26 news conference gave the make sweeping changes in the has asked Paul Farinella, vice The pledge, circulated by the following response to a question ·Committee System present judicial system here at president of business and finance, Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on on the Vietnam :Moratorium: IC. for a written statement explain- the October 15 Moratorium, "I understand that there has been slates: "We, the undersigned, in­ The proposal of a new commit­ of IC and resulting student in­ The bill, according to Russ Fed- ing why the budget proposals and continues to be opposition to tend to support the October 15 tee system of Student Congress volvement, many new organiza­ erman, President of MGB, "is an ~ubmittcd by the Student Con­ the war in Vietnam on the cam­ :Moratorium. We will support was the primary concern at the tions have been created as well. attempt to make all courts on cam- gress Budget Committee last puses and also in the nation. As !oC"al activities by cancelling meeting of · Student Congress As a result of the great increase pus as independent as possible. semester were not accepted after far as 'this kind of activity is classes or devoting class time to 1Ionday night. President Kevin in organizations, Student Congress It will also bring to an end ju- \'erbal committments were made concerned, we expect it. Howc\'er, questions of war and peace. We O'Brien, in giving the executive has not been as well informed as dicial re\'iew by the Deans' staff." by Farinella and President How­ under no circumstances will I be urge our colleagues to lend their report, suggested the new com­ it should be concerning the Presently, all decisions made by a ard Dillingham. affected whatever by it.' " support to this day of national mittee system, and stressed the activities of these organizations. student court may be reversed at Susan Dicarlo, EUB secretary, This statement, along with such reflection and urge those who do need of Student Congress to have the discretion of the Deans' staff. C'Ommcnting on the situation, said, facts as the draft call of 1968 The committee system of Stu­ not to recognize a student's ab­ better knowledge and communi­ If the new bill is approved by all "After carefully investigating the despite cancellation of Novem­ dent Congress suggested by sence on this day as being an act cation with the various organi­ the legislative units on campus, financial needs of the various ber and December draft calls this O'Brien would include four major of conscience rather than aca­ zations on campus. only the President of the college organizations last spring, the year, and the fact that the two committees; Academic Affairs, or a higher student judiciary Budget Committee submitted their demic delinquency." As O'Brien stated, "It is neces­ Legal, Student Affairs and Griev­ withdrawals by the Nixon Ad­ sary to take a long look at our hoard will be permitted.to change proposals to Dr. Dillingham and In releasing the list of faculty ministration of 60,000 troops is ance, each consisting of Congress a student court ruling. Mr. Farinella, who made a verbal who signed the pledge, Ronald organization and see how it has members interested in that par­ precisely the number of troops Also proposed by the bill is the committment to the committee Taber, a member of the History progressed over the years. The ticular area. The various organi­ former President Johnson said abolishment of Student Court. In members to accept their pro­ Department, noted, "It should not system has not changed, but in­ zation would fall under each com­ could be withdrawn without its place will be the Campus posals. 'rhe Board of Trustees, be considered a comprchensi\'c \'Olvement and aims have." mittee, e.g. the legal committee damaging the war effort, arc Judiciary Board, which will be after reviewing the proposed list - I am sure there are facul­ O'Brien, in explaining his new would meet with MJB, WGB, and major unifying forces and ex- made up of six students, three amounts, informed the Budget ty who have not had a chance committee system, spoke largely House Courts.
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