DEVELOPMENT TEAM Owner/Developer New World Symphony Miami Beach, Florida www.nws.edu Design Architect (Building) Gehry Partners, LLP Los Angeles, California www.foga.com Design Architect (Park) West 8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture B.V. Rotterdam, The Netherlands www.west8.nl Jury STATEMENT The New World Center is an innovative facility for classical music education and performance in Miami Beach, Florida, that sits at the intersection of architecture, technology, education, and culture. An 80-foot-high glass-and-steel box contains the free- flowing theater space, while the front facade—which doubles as a 7,000-square- foot projection wall— displays concerts and video art to patrons in an adjacent 2.5-acre green space. Global WINNER /&8803-%$&/5&3, Miami Beach, Florida TThehe NNeweew WWorldorld CCenterenter hhasas hhelpedelped uushersher iinn a nneweew ddevelopmenteevelopment mmodel,odel, tturningurning tthehe ttraditionalraditional cconcertoncert hhall—all— wwithith iitsts oorderlyrderly rrowsows aandnd ggrandrand ddécor—insideécor—inside oout.ut. &TUBCMJTIJOHOFXDPOOFDUJPOTBNPOHBSDIJUFDUVSF UFDIOPMPHZ FEVDBUJPO BOEDVMUVSF UIF 'SBOL(FISZmEFTJHOFEHMBTTBOETUFFMCPYDPOUBJOTUIFGSFFáPXJOHUIFBUFSTQBDF XIJMFUIF GSPOUGBDBEFEPVCMFTBTB TRVBSFGPPU NĒ QSPKFDUJPOXBMM EJTQMBZJOHDPODFSUTBOE WJEFPBSUUPQBUSPOTJOBOBEKBDFOUBDSF POFIB VSCBOQBSL,OPXOBTUIF.JBNJ#FBDI Soundscape, this outdoor venue brings classical music and performance to an audience beyond the formal environs of most symphony halls. #ZUIFMBUFT UIF/FX8PSME4ZNQIPOZ /84 XBTPVUHSPXJOHJUTàSTUIPNF UIF-JODPMO Theater, whose renovation two decades earlier had been central to the revival of Lincoln 3PBEJO.JBNJ#FBDI"UUIFIFJHIUPGUIFSFBMFTUBUFCPPNJO UIFDJUZHBWF/84UXP large empty parcels for its new home that were used at the time for service parking. That magnanimous gesture—those were the last two developable parcels in Miami Beach—and $45 million in public funds from the city kick-started the development that would ultimately lead to one of the most technologically advanced musical institutions in the world. At the same time, Michael Tilson Thomas, world-renowned pianist and founder of the NWS, TFDVSFEUIFBSDIJUFDUVSBMTFSWJDFTPGBOPMEGSJFOE'SBOL(FISZ5IFDPMMBCPSBUJPOMFOU JOTUBOUDSFEJCJMJUZUPUIFWFOUVSF BOEJOQBSUOFSTIJQXJUIUIFDJUZ UIFQSPKFDUHSFXUPJODMVEF a new urban open space and city parking garage. The initial $45 million in city funds was RVJDLMZMFWFSBHFEUPTFDVSFNJMMJPOJOQSJWBUFQIJMBOUISPQZ FYQBOEJOHUIFTDPQFPGUIF concert hall. The New World Center not only turns the traditional concert hall inside out, but it also SFQSFTFOUTBOJOWFSTJPOPG(FISZBSDIJUFDUVSF5IFFYUFSJPSJTSFTUSBJOFE BMMTUSBJHIUMJOFT BOEUSBEJUJPOBMHMBTTBOETUVDDPGBDBEFT5IFJOUFSJPS IPXFWFS JTTJHOBUVSF(FISZáPXJOH asymmetrical forms abound, with sail-like structures framing the atrium and performance TQBDF5IFOFXVSCBOQBSL EFTJHOFECZ%VUDIàSN8FTU GFBUVSFTTJOVPVTQBUITBOE NBUVSFUSFFTBMPOHXJUIBOPQFOMBXOUIBUGBDFTUIFQSPKFDUJPOXBMM"UPXFSJOHHMBTTXBMM AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE | 2011 WINNING PROJECTS (-0#"- <8/9 FYQPTFTUIFMPCCZ TUBJSDBTFT BOESFIFBSTBMSPPNT GVSUIFSDPOOFDUJOHUIFQVCMJDXJUI the performers. 5IFTFBUáFYJCMFQFSGPSNBODFIBMMJTEFTJHOFEUPCSFBLEPXOUIFEJTUBODFCFUXFFOUIF QFSGPSNBODFTBOEUIFBVEJFODF'PVSUFFOCSPBETBJMMJLFQBOFMTDBOQSPKFDUJNBHFTPSWJEFP allowing further integration of aural and visual art. Many of the seats are retractable, so the room can convert into a single open space; the stage itself can be raised and lowered, to EJTUJOHVJTIDFSUBJOQFSGPSNFST5IFWBSJPVTDPOàHVSBUJPOTBMMPXUIF/84UPFYQFSJNFOUXJUI different types of performances: from traditional symphonic performances to video-music collaborations, from half-hour $2.50 miniconcerts to traditional South Beach dance parties. 5IFOFXSFIFBSTBMBOEQFSGPSNBODFTQBDFIPVTFTUIF/84 BRVBTJmàOJTIJOHTDIPPMUIBU prepares musicians for future careers as members of orchestras and ensembles around UIFXPSME5IFDBNQVTFOKPZTBDDFTTUP*OUFSOFUBTZTUFNSFTUSJDUFEUPVOJWFSTJUJFTBOE UIVTVOFODVNCFSFECZDPNNFSDJBMUSBGàDUIBUDBSSJFTSFBMUJNF IJHIEFàOJUJPOWJEFPT throughout the building, allowing musicians to speak and play for conductors and composers UISPVHIPVUUIFXPSME"OFYUHFOFSBUJPOQSPKFDUPSQMBZTMJWFDPODFSUTJODSZTUBMDMFBSEFUBJM on the outdoor wall, and a 67-speaker array relays music with surprising clarity and depth throughout the park. The enhanced technology allows greater access and potential for the NWS to reach colleagues and the public. PROJECT DATA Web Site www.newworldcenter.com Site Area 3.75 ac (1.52 ha) Facilities 106,000 sf (9,849 m2) education and performance space 38,784 sf (3,603 m2) open space 550 parking spaces Land Use civic, education, open space Start/Completion Dates January 2008–November 2010 5IF/FX8PSME$FOUFSJTUIFDFOUFSQJFDFPGBZFBSFGGPSUUPSFKVWFOBUFUIFBSFBPG.JBNJ PHOTOGRAPHY BY CLAUDIA URIBE (8) CLAUDIA URIBE (10), RUI DIAS-AIDOS (10) #FBDICFUXFFOUIFQFEFTUSJBOTIPQQJOHTUSFUDIPG-JODPMO3PBEBOEUIFDPOWFOUJPODFOUFS TOMAS LOEWY (11) #VUJUBMTPJTBOFGGPSUUPSFKVWFOBUFUIFQFSDFQUJPOPGDMBTTJDBMNVTJD XIJDIIBTGPSEFDBEFT suffered from a stodgy, elitist image. As Thomas told the Miami Heraldi&WFSZUIJOHBCPVU this building is new—the spaces, the way they work, the way they relate to the audience, the QSFTFODFPGUIFDPODFSUTPOUIFTLJOPGUIFCVJMEJOHu*OCVJMEJOHUIF/FX8PSME$FOUFS UIF NWS hopes to start a new, more open dialogue among music lovers in Miami Beach. AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE | 2011 WINNING PROJECTS (-0#"- <10/11.
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