USER’S GUIDE for Pentek’s Jade Family of Products Version 2.4 Pentek, Inc. One Park Way Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 (201) 818−5900 http://www.pentek.com/ Copyright © 2017−2018 Manual Part Number: 800.48145 Rev: 2.4 − April 13, 2018 Navigator BSP User’s Guide Manual Revision History Date Version Comments 5/8/17 1.0 Initial Release 8/3/17 2.0 Version 2.0 release adds support for Models 71131 and 71841. Revised Sect 1.2, Sect 1.3.1, Sect 3.3.1, Sect 3.3.2, Sect 3.3.6, Sect 3.4.1, Sect 3.3, Sect, Sect, Sect, Sect, Sect 7.5, Sect 7.7, Sect 7.8, Sect 7.9, Sect 7.10, and Sect 9.2. Appendix A: added and updated command line arguments. Appendix C: revised code snippets in all scenarios; also revised Sect C.7. 10/4/17 2.1 Version 2.1 release adds support for Models 71821 and 71851. Added Sect 9.5 (for KB Case 1540). Revised -adcdatasrc, −dacdatamode, −dacdatasrc, −xfersize, and Sect A.3. 12/15/17 2.2 Version 2.2 release adds support for Model 71862. It also adds support for Models 7192/7192A/ 9192/9192A via the I2C interface on a Model 71841. Revised Sect 1.3.2, Sect 3.4, and Sect 8.3. In Appendix A, revised -adcdatasrc, −adcoption, −brdoption, −clkoption, −dacoption, −ddcoption, −dmaoption, −ducoption, −gateoption, −progoption, −syncoption, −vhost, −vport, and Sect A.3. Revised Sect C.1. Revised code snippet in Sect C.5. Revised text and snippet in Sect C.6. 3/9/18 2.3 Version 2.3 release adds support for Model 71132. Updated the driver version to 12.60. Revised Sect 3.3.1. In Appendix A, added −adcgatedly, −adcindly, −adcsyncdly, −caddr, −cport, −dac− gatedly, −dacsyncdly, −saddr, −sport, −vchanmask, and −vsubchan. Revised -adcfreq, -adcdat− amode, −dacfreq, −dacdatamode, −dacppssrc, −tstart, −tstop, −vhost, and Using Command− Line Arguments. In Appendix B, revised Sect B.3. 4/13/18 2.4 Version 2.4 release adds support for Model 71141. Revised −dacdatamode. Software License Agreement Pentek grants to you a non−exclusive, non−transferable license to use the object code, source code, example programs and related documentation in this package (“Licensed Materials”) on a single−user computer for development of executable runtime code for Pentek products. All Licensed Materials received under a single Navigator “Subscription” may not be used on more than one computer at the same time or otherwise network the Licensed Materials. Title of the Licensed Materials is not transferred to you by this license. Any sub−license, assignment, or other transfer of the Licensed Materials or the rights or obligations of this agreement without prior consent of Pentek is prohibited. Executable runtime code generated through the proper use of the Licensed Materials for execution on Pentek products is not subject to, or restricted by this agreement. Software Limitations Pentek does not warrant that this software will be free from error or meet your specific requirements. You assume complete responsibility for decisions made or actions taken based on information obtained using the programs. Any statements made concerning the utility of the programs are not to be construed as expressed or implied warranties. Pentek makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the programs and makes the programs available solely on an “AS IS” basis. Pentek shall not be responsible for incidental or consequential damages. Copyright Copyright © 2017−2018, Pentek, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. The Linux kernel is Copyright © by Linus B. Torvalds, under the terms of the General Public License (GPL). Trademarks Pentek, Jade, and Navigator are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pentek, Inc. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus B. Torvalds. Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. LabVIEW is a trademark of National Instruments MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Visual Studio are registered trademarks of Microsoft. openSUSE is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. Red Hat is a registered trademark of Red Hat, Inc. SUSE is a trademark of SUSE IP Development Limited. WinDriver is a trademark of Jungo Ltd. Printed in the United States of America. Navigator BSP User’s Guide Page iii Table of Contents Page Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Navigator BSP: Part of the Navigator Design Suite ........................................................................1 1.2 Documentation for the Navigator Design Suite...............................................................................1 1.3 System Requirements for the Navigator BSP ...................................................................................2 1.3.1 Windows ..............................................................................................................................2 1.3.2 Linux .....................................................................................................................................2 Chapter 2: Understanding the Navigator Design Suite 2.1 The Navigator Design Suite ................................................................................................................3 2.2 Use Case Scenarios for the Navigator Design Suite ........................................................................3 2.2.1 Scenario 1: No FPGA Customization Needed ................................................................3 Figure 2−1: Jade Model 71861 Built−in FPGA Functions............................................4 2.2.2 Scenario 2: Customizing the FPGA IP .............................................................................5 Figure 2−2: User−Created Custom IP..............................................................................5 2.3 The Navigator FDK ..............................................................................................................................6 2.3.1 The AXI4 Standard .............................................................................................................6 2.3.2 The IP Integrator .................................................................................................................6 Figure 2−3: IP Integrator....................................................................................................7 2.3.3 The Role of Navigator BSP ................................................................................................8 Figure 2−4: Navigator BSP and FDK...............................................................................8 2.4 “Building Block” FPGA Design and Layered BSP Architecture ...................................................9 Figure 2−5: BSP Layer Diagram ........................................................................................................9 2.5 BSP Library Layers .............................................................................................................................10 2.5.1 IP Block / Hardware Layer .............................................................................................10 2.5.2 Board−Specific / PCIe Support / Utility Layer ...........................................................10 2.5.3 High−Level API Layer .....................................................................................................11 2.5.4 Application Layer .............................................................................................................11 Chapter 3: Installing the Navigator BSP 3.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................13 3.2 BSP Components.................................................................................................................................13 3.3 Windows Installation Procedures ....................................................................................................13 3.3.1 Step 1: Install the Navigator Driver ...............................................................................14 3.3.2 Step 2: Install the Navigator Board Support Package .................................................15 3.3.3 Step 3: Install the Navigator Example Programs .........................................................15 3.3.4 Step 4 : Install the LabVIEW Runtime Engine ..............................................................16 3.3.5 Step 5: Windows Hardware Initialization ....................................................................16 3.3.6 How to Manually Install and Uninstall the Navigator BSP Device Driver .............17 Manually Installing the Driver ....................................................................18 Manually Uninstalling the Driver ..............................................................19 Rev.: 2.3 Page iv Navigator BSP User’s Guide Table of Contents Page Chapter 3: Installing the Navigator BSP (continued) 3.4 Linux Installation Procedures .......................................................................................................... 20 3.4.1 Step 1: Prepare for the Installation ................................................................................. 21 3.4.2 Step 2: Install the Navigator Driver ............................................................................... 22 3.4.3 Step 3: Install the Navigator Board Support Package ................................................
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