January 26, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S449 Before Hall of Famer Ernie Banks be- sons during Ernie’s 19-year career. The every baseball diamond he ever came Mr. Cub, he was 17 years old play- Cubs had not won a World Series since touched. ing in a sandlot in Dallas, TX. That is 1908 or a National League title since And now it would seem they need to where Cool Papa Bell, one of the leg- 1945. But every day, win or lose, Ernie find a new roster spot on the Field of endary leaders in the Negro League, would lace up his cleats, step on the Dreams—and everyone better be ready discovered this young man and signed field, and smile for the whole world to for daytime double-headers too. him to play for the Kansas City Mon- see. You could not help but love watch- Ernie Banks, your spirit, passion, archs for $7 a game. ing him play. and sunny outlook on life will be While playing for the Monarchs, And for Ernie Banks, the eternal op- missed. Ernie Banks was managed by another timist, he always believed this was I yield the floor. legend, Buck O’Neil. going to be the year for the Cubs. f Playing for the Negro League legend Every spring he predicted, without fail, RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME had a profound impact on young Ernie the Cubs were going to win the pen- Banks. Buck had so much love for ev- nant. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under erybody that Ernie decided to model Well, Ernie never got to play in the the previous order, the leadership time his life after him. It was with the Mon- post season. But his love of the game is reserved. archs that Ernie learned to play with never wavered despite this. He became f famous for his contagiously positive boundless energy and enthusiasm. He KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE ACT learned to express his joy for the game attitude. He often remarked: ‘‘It’s a and took to heart the message Buck great day for baseball. Let’s play two.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under O’Neil, the manager, would often shout That was the charm of Mr. Cub. the previous order, the Senate will re- at him: ‘‘You gotta love this game to An 11-time All-Star, first-ballot Hall sume consideration of S. 1, which the play it!’’ Ernie Banks loved it, and it of Famer, selected to baseball’s All- clerk will report. showed. Century team in 1999, it was never The assistant bill clerk read as fol- Years later, O’Neil reunited with about accolades or money for Ernie. He lows: Ernie Banks when O’Neil agreed to played for the pure joy of the game. A bill (S. 1) to approve the Keystone XL manage the Cubs in 1962. Incidentally, After hitting his 500th home run, be- Pipeline. he was the first African-American coming only the 9th player to achieve Pending: manager in Major League Baseball. that feat, he summed up his feelings by Murkowski amendment No. 2, in the na- As one of the first African-American saying: ‘‘The riches of the game are in ture of a substitute. baseball players in the Major Leagues, the thrills, not the money.’’ That is an Vitter/Cassidy modified amendment No. 80 Ernie Banks helped break down the inspiring message. (to amendment No. 2), to provide for the dis- color barriers. The Hall of Fame slug- In 2013, I contacted some friends in tribution of revenues from certain areas of ger and two-time MVP made his Major the White House and asked President the Outer Continental Shelf. Obama to consider a Medal of Freedom Murkowski (for Sullivan) amendment No. League debut at Wrigley Field in 1953, 67 (to amendment No. 2), to restrict the au- and he became the first African Amer- for Ernie Banks. I felt that his impres- thority of the Environmental Protection ican to suit up for the Chicago Cubs. sive career with the Cubs and his cour- Agency to arm agency personnel. He was only 180 pounds. He was not age in breaking down the color barrier Cardin amendment No. 75 (to amendment the most intimidating batter at the in baseball were reason enough. But No. 2), to provide communities that rely on plate, but he had powerful wrists that more than these amazing achieve- drinking water from a source that may be af- generated tremendous bat speed. He ments, Ernie’s spirit set him apart. fected by a tar sands spill from the Keystone whipped the bat through the ball, hit- It was a special moment to be there XL pipeline an analysis of the potential risks ting 512 home runs in his career, with at the White House when Ernie Banks to public health and the environment from a received the Presidential Medal of leak or rupture of the pipeline. 2,583 hits, 1,636 RBIs, and having a ca- Murkowski amendment No. 98 (to amend- reer batting average of .274. Freedom. I was honored to see it and ment No. 2), to express the sense of Congress From 1955 to 1960, he was the most experience it. relating to adaptation projects in the United prolific home run hitter in the game, After being awarded the Presidential States Arctic region and rural communities. hitting more home runs than either Medal of Freedom, we held a reception Flake amendment No. 103 (to amendment Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, or Mickey for him in my office up here. I don’t No. 2), to require the evaluation and consoli- Mantle during those years. know if there have ever been so many dation of duplicative green building pro- In 1958 and 1959, he was named the humbled politicians coming by my of- grams. most valuable player in the National fice looking for an autograph. He hap- Cruz amendment No. 15 (to amendment No. 2), to promote economic growth and job cre- League. He was the first ever to win pened to sign this photo for me that ation by increasing exports. the award in consecutive years. day that I have in the Chamber. I re- Moran/Cruz amendment No. 73 (to amend- He was also the first player to have member JOHNNY ISAKSON from Geor- ment No. 2), to delist the lesser prairie- his jersey number retired by the Cubs, gia—a faithful Atlanta Braves fan— chicken as a threatened species under the and on game days his number 14 flies made a point of being there to meet Endangered Species Act of 1973. proudly over the left field foul pole at Ernie Banks. And I remember HARRY Daines amendment No. 132 (to amendment the friendly confines of Wrigley Field. REID, when he met Ernie Banks, said: No. 2), to express the sense of Congress re- Not surprisingly, Ernie Banks was in- ‘‘I used to play a little baseball.’’ Ernie garding the designation of National Monu- ments. ducted into Cooperstown the first year Banks said to him: ‘‘Well, Senator he was eligible. But it wasn’t the num- REID, what position did you play?’’ He The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- bers on the back of the baseball card said: ‘‘I was a catcher.’’ Ernie Banks ator from Indiana. that made Mr. Cub a beloved member said: ‘‘If you were truly a catcher, get Mr. COATS. Madam President, I of Chicago and the community. It was down in that catcher’s position.’’ came to the floor to speak about a his passion for the game and the appre- Somehow or another, HARRY REID got measure that is supported by Members ciation he showed to everyone he en- down in that catcher’s position right in of both sides. I was listening to the re- countered. my office to prove it to Ernie Banks. marks by the minority whip on who Over the last several days, I have Ernie could not have been more gra- commemorated the life of Ernie Banks. heard from baseball fans sharing their cious with his time, signing autographs REMEMBERING ERNIE BANKS stories of meeting Mr. Cub. Nearly all for everybody who showed up. He made I began school in Chicago in the early were humbled by the opportunity to time for everybody. 1960s, when Ernie Banks was playing, meet their hero, but even more im- The North Side of Chicago and and it is to be noted for the record that pressed to find that Ernie was just as Wrigley Field will not be the same my grade point average would have appreciative of his fans as they were of without Ernie. ‘‘Let’s play two’’ will been higher had I not spent so many him. echo off the bricks and ivy for genera- afternoons at Wrigley Field watching It is an understatement to say that tions to come. His positive, hopeful, the Cubs play. During that time all the the Chicago Cubs had some tough sea- Cub view of life filled every room and games were played during the day, and VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:28 Jan 27, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G26JA6.006 S26JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE.
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