TRANSMITTAL To: Date: JUL 1 8 Z007 THE COUNCIL From: THE MAYOR TRANSMITTED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. PLEASE SEE A TT ACHED. ~/ I ¿:io R. VIL:!:A Mayor CITY OF LOS ANGELES INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE June 18, 2007 To: The Honorable Antonio R. Villaraigosa Mayor, City of Los Angeles Attention: June Lagmay, Legislative Coordinator From: Patricia Sanchez, Commission Executive Assistant Board of Transportation Commissioners rJ Subject: ORDINANCE APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT REVISION FOR PARTHENIA STREET BETWEEN SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD AND TOPANGA CANYON BOULEVARD At its regular meeting of June 14, 2007, the Board of Transportation Commissioners considered the evidence presented at the public hearing and approved the above-referenced Ordinance. Copies of the Board's action, and the draft Ordinance are attached for your information. After your office reviews the attached information, please forward same to the City Clerk's office for assignment of a Council file number and transmittal to the City CounciL. If you need further information, please contact Alan Willis, Senior Transportation Engineer, at (213) 972-8430. Thank you. PS Attachments c w/attachments: Alan Willis Jasmin San Luis BOARD REPORT Item #9 CITY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 12 - W. Valley #07-2875 Parthenia St bet. Sepulveda BI & Topanga Canyon BI DATE: lJ ('Ii,2007 ~ '7 TO: Board of Transportation Commissioners SUBJECT: ORDINANCE APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT REVISION FOR PARTHENIA STREET BETWEEN SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD AND TOPANGA CANYON BOULEVARD RECOMMENDATION 1. That your Board approve the attached City Attorney's draft ordinance amending Section 80.81 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (L.A.M.C.) to raise the speed limit on Parthenia Street as follows: a. between De Soto Avenue and Topanga Canyon Boulevard from 35 to 40 miles per hour; and b. between Reseda Boulevard and Tampa Avenue from 35 to 40 miles per hour, and c. between De Soto Avenue and Mason Avenue from 35 to 45 miles per hour, and d. between Mason Avenue and Tampa Avenue from 40 to 45 miles per hour, and e. between Lindley Avenue and Haskell Avenue from 40 to 45 miles per hour. 2. That your Board recommend to the City Council that they approve the draft ordinance establishing the recommended speed limits. 3. That two copies of this report and the draft ordinance be forwarded to the City Clerk for assignment of a council file number and transmittal to the City CounciL. INITIATED BY A speed study was initiated by a request from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to determine the appropriate speed limit and to permit enforcement by the use of radar. Board of Transportation Commissioners -2- May 17, 2007 ~ IVi :Y ? COORDINATION LAPD concurred with the proposed speed limit changes in a letter to the Department dated December 14, 2006. The Department of Transportation also sent a letter to Councilmember Smith on January 30, 2007 notifying him of the proposed changes. DISCUSSION An engineering and traffic survey has been completed for Parthenia Street between Sepulveda Boulevard and Topanga Canyon Boulevard as required by Vehicle Code Section 40802(b), in order to justify enforcement of the speed limit by radar. The attached Engineering Report summarizes the findings of the engineering and traffc survey and the basis for the recommended speed limits. The survey indicated that speed limits of 40 and 45 miles per hour are consistent with traffic conditions and driveway characteristics and will facilitate the safe and orderly movement of traffic. GLORIA . JEFF General Manager Department of Transportation .-..,...-.~",..- c: Councilman Greig Smith, Twelfth District _._- - City Clerk (2) City Attorney Board of Transportation Commissioners (7) Offcer Troy Willams, LAPD Survey Section, LADOT Attachments OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ROCKARD J. DELGADILLO CITY ATTORNEY November 16, 2006 The Honorable Board of Transportation Commissioners City of Los Angeles 100 S. Main Street, 10th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 Re: A Oraft Ordinance Amending Section 80.81 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to Chanqe the Speed Lirnit on Certain City Streets Honorable Members: Pursuant to standing instructions from the City Council and the request of the Department of Transportation, this office has prepared and transmits with this letter, approved as to form and legality, a draft ordinance amending Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 80.81 to change the speed limit on portions of Parthenia Street between Sepulveda Boulevard and Topanga Canyon Boulevard in Council District 12, to establish 40 and 45 miles per hour speed limits to ensure radar enforcement. This draft ordinance has been approved by the Los Angeles Police Oepartment as well as by the affected Council Office, and will be forwarded to the Los Angeles City Council for enactment following your approval of the matter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (213) 978-8147 Sincerely, ROCKARO J. OE~ADILLO,. Ci()ttorney By IENE~ C ty Attorney SIS:mde M:GC:SS: Speed Limit on Parrthenia Ltr AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER 200 NORTH MAlN STREET. LOS ANGELES, CA 90012-4 i 31 . 213.978.8100 . 213.978.8310 TOO DQ .:æ(f:;'tSi Rgqdabl""rid~lidelrDmrecyclcw;sie. ~-l ORDINANCE An ordinance amending Section 80.81 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to change the speed limit on Parthenia Street in the City of Los Angeles. THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Subdivision P of Subsection (2) of Section 80.81 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code is amended by deleting the following: Parthenia Street from Mason Avenue to Topanga Canyon Boulevard. Parthenia Street from Reseda Boulevard to Tampa Avenue. Sec. 2. Subdivision P of Subsection (3) of Section 80.81 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code is amended by deleting the following: Parthenia Street from Sepulveda Boulevard to Reseda Boulevard. Partenia Stsreet from Tampa Avenue to Mason Avenue. Sec. 3. Subdivision P of Subsection (3) of Section 80.81 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: Parthenia Street between De Soto Avenue and Topanga Canyon Boulevard. Parthenia Street between Lindley Avenue and Tampa Avenue. Parthenia Street between Sepulveda Boulevard and Haskell Avenue. Sec. 4. Subdivision P of Subsection (4) of Section 80.81 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: Parthenia Street between Haskell Avenue and Lindley Avenue Parthenia Street between Tampa Avenue and De Soto Avenue. 1 Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and have it published in accordance with Council policy, either in a daily newspaper circulated in the City of Los Angeles or by posting for ten days in three public places in the City of Los Angeles: one copy on the bulletin board located in the Main Street entrance to the Los Angeles City Hall; one copy on the bulletin board located at the Main Street entrance to Los Angeles City Hall East; and one copy on the bulletin board located at the Temple Street entrance to the Los Angeles County Hall of Records. I hereby certify that this ordinance was passed by the Council of the City of Los Angeles, at its meeting of FRANK T. MARTINEZ, City Clerk By Deputy Approved Mayor Approved as to Form and Legality ttorney By Date: File No. M:GC:SS:Parthenia Speed Limit Ordinance 2 ENGINEERING REPORT Engineering and Traffc Survey for Parthenia Street between Sepulveda Boulevard and Topanga Canyon Boulevard -Parthenia 'Street -between its terminus at Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard is a designated secondary highway with a total length of 7.8 miles. The existing posted speed limits along Parthenia Street are asfollows: . between its terminus at Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Mason Avenue, the posted speed limit is 35 rniles per hour (m.p.h.), . between Mason Avenue and Tampa Avenue, the posted speed limit is 40 m.p.h., . between Tampa Avenue and Reseda Boulevard, the posted speed limit is 35 m.p.h., . between Reseda Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard, the posted speed limit is 40 m.p.h., and . east of Sepulveda Boulevard, the posted speed limit is 35 rn.p.h., Between its terminus at Topanga Canyon Boulevardand De Soto Avenue, a distance of approximately O.g miles, all of the observed critical speeds on Parthenia Street range from 39 and 41 m.p.h. According to the requirements for setting speed limits described in the California Supplement to the 2003 Manual on Uniform Traffc Control Devices (MUTCD), the speed limit on this segment of Parthenia Street should be set at 40 m.p.h. There do not appear to be any factors readily apparent to drivers that would justify a reduction in the speed limit. Between De Soto Avenue and Tampa Avenue, a distance of approximately 1.9 miles, all of the observed critical speeds on Parthenia Street range from 44 and 46 m.p.h. According to the requirements for setting speed limits described in the California Supplement to the 2003 MUTCD, the speed limit on this segment of Parthenia Street should be set at 45 rn.p.h. There do not appear to be any factors readily apparent to drivers which would justify a reduction in the speed limit. Between Tampa Avenue and Lindley Ayenue, a distance of 1.5 miles, 83 percent of the observed critical speeds on Parthenia Street range between 40 and 42 m.p.h. According to the requirements for setting speed limits described in the California Supplement to the 2003 MUTCD, the speed limit on this segment of Parthenia Street should be set at 40 m.p.h. There do not appear to be any factors readily apparent to drivers that would justify a reduction in the speed limit.
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