-it,-,, V v" v- »^ * v *.*v_* Page 16 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, September 20,1979 Garwood Citizens Mancino Protests &peak-0ut For Plan To Reopen Here Are KtyZoneL&w Pirqp^als Dog Cleanup Law Union College resumed considerable fiscal pressures, Texaco Station acceptance by the faculty of The- reviverevivedd " land occupations as permitteDermitted recommend*.recommended! '".f hvby' th»h«e> Page 14 classes Monday aftpr but with full cooperation of the maximum class size increases Injured Here development ordinance accessary IW^ff Irrmiflrntinl tegories~nranging~ reviewed-by fhe^Townsrap zonesrHeiuy^ from Gene Marino the -full-time faculty and the overcome thernj"" said7Saul from 22 in foreign languages Two vehicle accidents in- Committee ~ this week ~said thecurrentbarii should be thai Ihe jplroposed Fegulatlons a dm i n i s t T a t i on. '•L a t e Orkin, Union's president. He (from 20), 27 in English volving injuries were reported incorporates a. number of ma i h t a in.e d . T he jvere too restrictive, ihe. ition is • continuing said all students will be composition (from 25), 33 in by police recently. changes that resultedfrom the- subconimitt^Hsaid-in—its—re^07ftmeTid¥nbir~rallows love the ough a p.m. tonight. provided 8 full 16_jveeks-of lecture discussion courses defeat of an earlier version in report the current law "has ' coverage of. a developed lot on Serving Cranford, fcenilworth and Garwood The strike ended late Friday ittinstructioi n and tthah t a reviseidd (from 30) and 80 in large July. ; Daniel Busch, of 27Darmouth proved to be unworkable" and 50 percent of the tfrst 5,000 VOL. 86 No. 39 Published Every Thursday -' •" Thursday, September 27 1979 , pf kes at night with acceptance by the calendar was in the making. lecture series (from 75). Rd;, suffered a laceration on Stories on the deliberations "the controls established- in square feet, as was first ( USPS136800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.j/20 CENTS American Association of The settlement represented The agreement was reached his forehead and complained of the committee and by the. the (proposed) ordinance, we proposed; 30 per cent of the University Professors unit of a a pay increase of half a with involvement of a federal of pains to his leg after his Planning Board are on Eage 1. believe, are stricct :an nd insure second- 50pp - squaireteet, an BflRON'S 7.5 per cent pay increase and percentage point over the mediator 10 days after the bike collided With a car driven Here are, details on key that home occupations' do not increase of five per cent; and an increase in class size. offer in the contract rejected strike began.. Students made by Dorothy Linkletter, of 30 changes/some of which were becombcoee a nuisance.'ni'1* TTheyh - 20 per cent erff tthhe remainder "The college is still under" by the faculty earlier," and thejr concerns know with a Dartmouth Rd. on Sept, 11. altered or eliminated when the made several changes in the over 10,000 square feet.. rally last Thursday and Police said She was backing legislation . reached the; secion' . ThiThis,week,"howevers • - , 'We point out that the 35 per Bank Catholics Welcome picketing Friday. out of the driveway and was governing unit workshop Dreyer's position prevailed in cent requirement for open FREE ULTIfTlfl unable to see the youngster -Tuesday: it— Township- Committed, space can be met by the front who was on a small bike. He , r T ^-, -^_ .^^ _jLJ?oifid_itpiJteep_-the yard-rewuiremerit- onr most HfllR CONDITIONER Programs wffB~"taken to Memorial 1 The zoning subcommittee ol existing ban. v , : residential lots," the Popehjohn Paul II Enjoy yoor General Hospital by the First the Planning .: Boardl IMPERVIOUSSIHIFACKS^ committee said. Marino said ($195 value) At Fieldhouse Aid Squad for treatment. recommended retaining ; "Liberalized''" Impervious "we're- •. penalizing the Roman Catholics from this area will choir for the liturgy given by the Pope home more - On Monday Irene Biscardi, regulations allowing home surface regulations Were wealthy" on the 20 per cent celebrate the visit of Pope John Paul II in New York Tuesday (Picture on Page The following new programs lota but went along. with the purchase of any with a Bilco will be held at the Centennial of 986 Ingersol) Terr., Union, in a variety of ways. 7). Ultima hair product Avenue Pool Complex: suffered minor neck and leg JG IGNS More than six score members of Special prayers for the visit are being Basement Kinder Gym - a pre-school injuries when the of G Plans Annual Marino also suggested that parishes in this area will attend the said at St. Anne masses. program for 3 to 5 year olds was driving collided with a car the Ordinance should permit ceremonies in person at Shea and St. Michael will fly the Roman Door that helps with peer group driven by Charles Laskowski jiti^t the K—Vankee-stadiunvs. St. Michaelr"Str CalhoJfiT arid American flags outside. association, sharing, initial „of Linden, , near the Capital Two men were found guilty last Thursday \ Anne, St. Theresa and-St.; John each A display case commemorating the FREE-ENJOLI" Whether you're going to build a new home or stay In "projecting signs in a built- received 20 sets of tickets for each of visit has been set up inside the church. youf-presenf-onera'BTle^Door^wTinielp you to enjoy x(R>rdlnsti^^MTu¥lvTffiir^ nP^dpan Drive-in on The lOfh annual dndinnee r dancncee party. A wheel-chair, brigade of stealing $5,500 at gunpoint at the National sponsored by thhe Knighti s of is sponsored monthly at the up central ' business Bank of New Jersey here last March 9. the events and are distributing them It includes the wooden relief carving of it more. It makes your basement just as convenient and feeling of accomplishment. Raritan Road. She was taken SPRflY COLOGNE useful as the rest of your.house — easy to (urnish and by the, squad to^-Gvetlook; Columbus,- Cranford-€ouncil Veterans' Hospital, plus many distrletiV.doUldTr-introduce The robbers, Donald Bunting, 29, of among parishioners. At least one, St. John Paul II's coat of arms, created by .Introduction to jogging - a Hospital for treatment. 6226, will be Friday ,"Qct. 12 al other :•: phUanthPopTc visual:and aesthetic, clutter. Asbury Park and Clifford Dale Roberts, 25, Theresa, parcelled them out by lottery, sculptor" Al Geiger of Cranford, a Purse size, by Charles of the Ritz safe for your family's enjoyment. program for men and women If your home was built without an outside basement the Ganopina HUIInri;:t)wdn;J ^; The sulic^mwnltfe^agreejL^^. _0JLPiaiDfleJdi_wJlLbe.iiealenced_by-.Super4oi: Cfdidtd|lbd -picture-'of the Pope and -a-picture-of- with the purchase of door, adding one now will openjjp^awhole extrjJJaQL who would like to improve ifoiJ Oj Jrgf cbntihue~the maiamurn size of Court Judge John P. Walsh Oct. 12. The The sound of bells emanating from St. Our Lady of Chestochowa, the patron of |-their—caFdloyaseular-system- LtemoJUtion-Pends—r^hirJ/Orncoj " . 'licketsTor the dinner-dance I'2.5..'Pf- "Enjoli'-'. SprayXologne-- *ofM«lttabfe~spBcp7"Space~TbT'recreation, hobbies~and the annual ball journal, hahas may be obtained from Jules other signs at 40 square feet, maximum sentence would be 49 years ,in Michael before masses. The special Poland and Polish Americans. The storage. Bulky articles move directly in and out; no and associate themselves with .The Township Committee t letters to local merchairtts , g taight, 27> as suggested by Marino. The prison. tapes were ordered for the Pope's visit. a life time activity for sen tusardi, grand taight, names of the cities the Pope will visit is ($9.25 value) $6.5O tracking through upstairs rooms. has decided to proceed with and professional peoplerr 34996 or JJohhn OOrricoi 2. 7276-7191. subcommittee agreed with Their trial started in Union County Dennis Jenkins, president of the St. also in the display, with a replica of the A message From St. Michael As a replacement for a wooden door, the rugged all- physical fitness. The items the demolition of the former asking their support -so" the —^^ '" ' ''•"•• • • < •'• iMarlno's recommendation Superior Court Sept, 10 and ended with a Michael Choral Scoiety, will be in the Pope's cross. Church. steel Bilfco Door will add beauty and value to your home covered are: conditioning, Martinizing building at South Council may raise the funds The Biggest Brake Ijthat limits professional signs Compromise land uS6developrrie,nt'ordinance received unanimous "ayes" — while paying (or itself by saving repair costs. breathing, clothing, techni- i guilty verdict on four counts on the 20th. and South Union avenues and needed to support Its many , Bargain In Town! ,. should be increased, from one from TownshlprCornmittee on first reading this week. New zoning map is on The pair was arrested here shortly after fesssss^ssssssssssssss BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Vi PRICE ques, nutrition, and muscle put in a parking lot there. charitable functions. and-ahafr to two feet square. Page 10 with exp]anatoryjab|es onPage 1J.Planning Boardls Johni.Duryee,. aches and pains. the robbery when Cranford police traced a AMERICA'S FINEST Target date for demolition is the Council sponsors Disc Brakes -•-^ TTBIKERACKS • exrjIainBd changes In "map last week to committee members, clockwise car seen leaving the bank to Johnson BASEMENT DOOR Racketball - a program for November following passage spelling bees and basketball $ 95 fjpm lower right: Henry Dreyer Jr., Township Clerk Wesley Philo, Barbara on Hypo-Allergenic men and women who would The subcommittee loosened Avenue. Two-thirds of the loot was found in of an ordinance to pay for it.
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