Immune cell guide Antibodies Human and mouse antigens Full spectrum cell analysis Each cell holds a mystery waiting to be solved. At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we are focussed on accelerating your science and advancing meaningful discoveries by providing a comprehensive suite of solutions for the analysis of cells and their functions. Our innovative products include the Invitrogen™ Attune™ NxT Flow Cytometer, eBioscience™ flow cytometry antibodies and Super Bright conjugates, PrimeFlow™ gene expression assays, and functional assays. When you are on your quest for significant breakthroughs, we know that you never settle for average, and neither will we. Abbreviations Contents Act Activated RBC Red blood cells ASV Alternative splice variants RTK Receptor tyrosine kinase ADCC Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity Tfh Folicular T helper cells B cell markers 4 AML Acute myeloid leukemia Th T helper cells APC Antigen presenting cells TF Transcription factor CD4 T cell markers 6 BM Bone marrow TM Transmembrane CCRSF Complement component receptor superfamily TM12SF 12-transmembrane spanning protein superfamily CD Cluster of differentiation TM4SF 4-transmembrane spanning protein superfamily CD8 T cell markers 8 CHO Carbohydrate moiety TM7SF 7-transmembrane spanning protein superfamily CNS Central nervous system TNFRSF TNF receptor superfamily Dendritic cell markers 10 CRSF Cytokine receptor superfamily TNFSF TNF superfamily CTL Cytotoxic T lymphocytes DC Dendritic cells Granulocyte markers 12 ECM Extracellular matrix Format abbreviations Endoth Endothelial cells FG purified Functional grade purified Macrophage/monocyte 14 Epith Epithelial cells (sterile and azide-free) ESC Embryonic stem cells FG biotin Functional grade biotin (sterile and azide-free) Megakaryocyte/platelet markers 16 FDC Follicular dendritic cells FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate GPI Glycophosphatidylinositol PE Phycoerythrin Gran Granulocytes ™ ™ NK/ILC markers 18 HEV High endothelial venule PE-eFluor 610 Phycoerythrin-eFluor 610 Tandem HUVEC Human umbilical vein endothelial cells PE-Cyanine5 Phycoerythrin-Cyanine5 Tandem PerCP-Cyanine5.5 Peridinin Chlorophyll Protein-Cyanine5.5 Tandem NKT/γδ T cell markers 20 HSC Hematopoietic stem cells ™ ™ IgSF Immunoglobulin superfamily PerCP-eFluor 710 Peridinin Chlorophyll Protein-eFluor 710 Tandem ILC Innate lymphoid cell PE-Cyanine7 Phycoerythrin-Cyanine7 Tandem Endothelial cell markers 22 APC Allophycocyanin Intra/Txn Intracellular/transcription factors ™ ™ kDa Kilodalton APC-eFluor 780 Allophycocyanin-eFluor 780 Stem cell markers 24 KO Knockout LAK Lymphokine activated killer Leuk Leukocytes Other cell type markers 26 LPS Lipopolysaccharide LRRF Leucine rich repeat family Human CD antigens 28 Lymph Lymphocytes Mac Macrophages MHC Major histocompatibility complex Human non-CD antigens 52 Mono Monocytes NK Natural killer Mouse CD antigens 57 PBMC Peripheral blood mononuclear pDC Plasmacytoid dendritic cell PNS Peripheral nervous system Mouse non-CD antigens 76 Human B cell markers Pan markers Follicular Marginal zone Germinal center Plasma cell Memory CD19 Surface Surface Secreted Secreted Surface CD20 CD20 CD1d IgA IgA CD27 CD22 CD21 CD9 IgE IgE IgG CD70h CD22 CD21 IgG IgG TLR1, 2, 6, 7, 10 CD79α/β CD27 CD45R (B220) Intracellular/ Surface Surface Igκ/λ CD23h CD81 transcription factor CD45R (B220) CD9 CD24 CD103 CBF1 CD81 CD19 low/neg CD40h CD180 (RP105) Pax5 CD20low/neg CD45R (B220) CD268 Intracellular/ Spi-B CD27 CD69h (BAFF receptor) transcription factor CD31 CD80h CD307d (FcRL4) AID CD38 CD81 IgM Bach2 Bcl-6 CD81 CD86h Intracellular/ IRF8 CD138 CD137 (4-1BB)h transcription factor NF-kappaB CD184 (CXCR4) CD275 (B7-H2) EBF1 Pax5 CD252 (OX40 ligand) CD279 (PD-1) Notch2 CD269 (BCMA) CD360 (IL-2 receptor) Pax5 HLA-DR Intracellular/ IgDhigh transcription factor IgMlow/int BLIMP1 IRF4 Intracellular/ XBP-1 transcription factor Bcl-6 EBF1 FoxO1 Ikaros Pax5 4 Mouse Pan markers Follicular Marginal zone Germinal center Plasma cell Memory B220 Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface CD19 CD20 CD1d CD19 CD9 CD38 CD20 CD21/CD35low/neg CD5low CD81 CD16/32 CD45R (B220)low low/neg CD21/CD35 CD22 CD9 CD95 CD19 low CD267 (TACI) CD22 CD23 CD21/CD35high GL7 CD81 CD269 (BCMA) CD23 CD24 (HSA)low CD23low/neg IgG CD138 IgG low CD24 (HSA) CD25h CD24 (HSA)low IgG Intracellular/ CD25h CD36h CD36 Intracellular/ transcription factor Intracellular/ CD36h CD40h CD81 transcription factor AID transcription factor CD40h CD69h CD180 (RP105) CBF1 Bach2 BLIMP1 CD69h CD80h CD363 (S1PR1) Spi-B Bcl-6 IRF4 CD80h CD81 FcRL3 low/neg IRF8 XBP-1 CD81 CD86h IgD high NF- B CD86h CD180 (RP105) IgM к Pax5 CD180 (RP105) CD252 (OX40 ligand)h high Intracellular/ CD252 (OX40 ligand)h IgD high low/int transcription factor IgD IgM IgMlow/int EBF1 Intracellular/ Notch2 transcription factor Bcl-6 EBF1 FoxO1 Ikaros Pax5 5 h = Upregulated i = Downregulated = Key marker = Subset B cell markers Human CD4 T cell markers Pan markers Th1 Th2 Th17 Tfh Treg CD2 Secreted Secreted Secreted Secreted Secreted CD3 IFNγ Amphiregulin GM-CSF I L-21 I L-10 CD4 I L-2 I L- 4 I L-17A TGFβ Surface CD5 TNFα I L- 5 I L-17A F CD183 (CXCR3) Surface CD7 TNFβ (LTα) I L- 9 I L-17F CD25h I L-10 I L-21 CD185 (CXCR5) CD25 CD27 Surface I L-13 I L-2 2 CD278 (ICOS) CD39 CD28 CD119 (IFNγR1) I L-21 I L-26 CD279 (PD-1) CD73 CD101 CD45RA (naïve) CD183 (CXCR3) Intracellular/ Surface Surface CD121a CD45RO (memory) CD186 (CXCR6) transcription factor CD184 (CXCR4) CD121a CD121b CD62L (naïve: high, CD191 (CCR1) BATF effector: low, CD194 (CCR4) CD161 CD137 (4-1BB) CD195 (CCR5) Bcl-6 memory: high) CD198 (CCR8) CD194 (CCR4) CD152 (CTLA-4) CD212 (IL-12Rβ1) c-Maf CD69h CD294 (CRTH2) CD196 (CCR6) CD357 (GITR/AITR) CD254 (RANKL) IRF4 CD127 (IL7Rα) CD365 (TIM1) CD360 (IL-21R) GARPh CD366 (TIM3) STAT3 CD134 (OX40)h I L-25 R ( I L-17R B ) CD212 (IL-12β1) TIGIT Intracellular/ CD137 (4-1BB)h IL-33R (ST2) I L-23 R transcription factor Intracellular/ CD152 (CTLA-4)h STAT1 Intracellular/ Intracellular/ transcription factor CD154 (CD40L)h STAT4 transcription factor transcription factor c-Rel CD272 (BTLA)h T-bet BATF AHR Eos CD279 (PD-1)h GATA-3 BATF Foxp3 IRF4 c-Maf Helios STAT6 IκBζ STAT5 IRF4 RORα RORγt STAT3 6 Mouse Pan markers Th1 Th2 Th17 Tfh Treg CD3 Secreted Secreted Secreted Secreted Secreted CD4 IFNγ Amphiregulin GM-CSF I L-21 I L-10 CD5 I L-2 I L- 4 I L-17A TGFβ TNFα I L- 5 I L-17A F Surface CD7 Surface TNFβ (LTα) I L- 9 I L-17F CD185 (CXCR5) CD25h I L-10 I L-21 CD278 (ICOS) CD25 CD27 Surface I L-13 I L-2 2 CD279 (PD-1) CD137 (4-1BB) CD39 CD28 CD94 I L-21 Intra/Txn Surface CD73 CD44h CD119 (IFNγR1) BATF CD183 (CXCR3) Surface CD194 (CCR4) CD101 CD62L (naïve: high, Bcl-6 CD186 (CXCR6) CD184 (CXCR4) CD196 (CCR6) CD121a effector: low, c-Maf CD194 (CCR4) CD121a CD121b memory: high) CD191 (CCR1) IRF4 CD195 (CCR5) CD198 (CCR8) CD212 (IL-12β1) CD152 (CTLA-4) CD69h STAT3 CD212 (IL-12Rβ1) CD294 (CRTH2) CD360 (IL-21R) CD304 (Neuropilin-1) CD127 (IL7R ) α CD218a (IL-18Rα) CD365 (TIM1) I L-23 R CD357 (GITR) CD134 (OX40)h I L-25 R ( I L-17R B ) CD254 (RANKL) Intracellular/ FR4 IL-33R (ST2) h CD137 (4-1BB)h CD366 (TIM3) transcription factor GARP TIGIT CD152 (CTLA-4)h Intracellular/ Intracellular/ AHR CD154 (CD40L)h transcription factor transcription factor BATF Intracellular/ CD272 (BTLA)h STAT1 BATF c-Maf transcription factor GATA-3 IκBζ c-Rel CD278 (ICOS)h STAT4 T-bet IRF4 IRF4 Eos CD279 (PD-1)h STAT6 RORα Foxp3 RORγt Helios STAT3 STAT5 7 h = Upregulated i = Downregulated = Key marker = Subset CD4 T cell markers Human CD8 T cell markers Pan markers Central memory Effector memory Effector Naïve CD2 Secreted Secreted Secreted Surface CD3 IFNγint Granzyme B CCL3 (MIP-1α) CD27 CD5 I L-2 int IFNγhigh CCL4 (MIP-1β) CD45RA CD7 TNFαint I L-2 low CCL5 (RANTES) CD62L CD8 Perforin Granzyme A CD127 (IL7Rα) CD25h Surface TNFαhigh Granzyme B CD197 (CCR7) low CD27 CCR7 Granzyme K Surface CD28 CD27 IFNγ CD44 CD28 I L-2 CD45RO CD45RO Perforin CD62Llow CD62L TNFα CD62Llow CD127 (IL7Rα)high CD127 (IL7Rα)high CD197 (CCR7)low Surface CD197 (CCR7)low KLRG1 CD25h KRG1high CD69h Intracellular/ CD30 transcription factor Intracellular/ CD122h Eomes transcription factor CD137 (4-1BB) T-betint Eomesint CD134 (OX40) T-betint CD223 (LAG-3) CD272 (BTLA) CD278 (ICOS) CD279 (PD-1) CD366 (TIM3) KLRG1 Intracellular/ transcription factor T-bet 8 Mouse Pan markers Central memory Effector memory Effector Naïve CD3 Secreted Secreted Secreted Surface CD5 I L- 4 low Granzyme B CCL3 (MIP-1α) CD62L CD8 IFNγlow IFNγ CCL4 (MIP-1β) C D127 ( I L-7R α) CD27 I L-2 CCL5 (RANTES) CD197 (CCR7) Granzyme A CD28 Surface Perforin CD183 (CXCR3) CD44 Granzyme B TNFα CD62L IFNγ I L-2 C D127 ( I L-7R α) Surface Perforin CD197 (CCR7)high CD44 TNFα CD57 Intracellular/ KLRG1 Surface transcription factor CD25h Intracellular/ bcl-6 CD30 int Eomes transcription factor CD44 T-betint Eomesint CD69h T-betint CD122h BLIMP1 CD134 (OX40) CD137 (4-1BB) CD223 (LAG-3) CD272 (BTLA-4) CD278 (ICOS) CD279 (PD-1) CD366 (TIM3) KLRG1 Intracellular/ transcription factor BLIMP1 Id2 T-bet 9 h = Upregulated i = Downregulated = Key marker = Subset CD8 T cell markers Human Dendritic cell markers Pan markers Conventional dendritic cell Plasmacytoid CD11b Secreted dendritic cell CD13 IDO Secreted CD33 I L-1β IFNα CD80h I L- 6 IFNβ CD83 I L- 8 I L-12 CD86h Surface I L-15 MHCIIh CD85g (ILT7) IL-23 CD123 Surface Intracellular/ CD283 (TLR3) CD1b transcription CD303 (BDCA-2) CD1c (BDCA-1) factor CD304 (BDCA-4) CD11c CD135 CD370 (CLEC9A) CD14i CD289 (TLR9) Intracellular/ CD40h Fit3 CD49d transcription factor CD141
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