Cambridge University Press 0521841178 - Berlin - Washington, 1800-2000: Capital Cities, Cultural Representation, and National Identities Edited by Andreas W. Daum and Christof Mauch Index More information Index Abbott, Carl, 12, 240, 288 Anacostia River, 237 Abuja, Nigeria, 14, 20 Anderson, Benedict, 140, 158 Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 92 Anderson, Marian, 214, 297 Act to Regulate the Use of the Capitol Angelus Novus (Klee), 160 Grounds (1882), 289, 291, 295 Ankara, 8, 13 Adams, Abigail, 206 Annapolis, MD, 34 Adams, Henry, 57 Applegate, Celia, 206 Adams, John Quincy, 83, 84 Arlington Bridge, 253 Adenauer, Konrad, 42, 45 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Adolf-Hitler-Platz, 134 U.S., 116 Adorno, Theodor W., 178 Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 248, AEG, 24, 237 249–250, 253, 256 Alexanderplatz, 171, 196, 224, 226 Army, U.S., 164, 290, 294 Algiers, 235 Around the Capital with Uncle Hank Alhambra, 74 (Fleming), 69 All Souls Day (Nooteboom), 76 Arsenal, Berlin, 221 Allen, W. F., 95 Assmann, Aleida, 177 Alley Dwelling Authority, 259, 260 At Memory’s Edge (Young), 176 Alsace-Lorraine, 98 Atlanta, GA, 118 Alter, Peter, 10 Atterbom, Per Daniel Amadeus, 54, 60 Altes Museum, 146 Auckland, 107 Alverdes, Willy, 205, 206 Auschwitz, 162, 173, 178, 181, 184, 191, America Online, 118 197 American Association for the Advancement Austin, TX, 117 of Science, 85 Australia, 13, 34, 102 American Battle Monuments Commission, Austria, 9 159 American Commonwealth, The (Bryce), 32 Babylon, 4 American Institute of Architects, 258 Bachmann, Ingeborg, 75 American Metrological Society, 95 Baden, 89, 96 American Nautical Almanac, 85 Baltimore, MD, 58, 111, 238 Amsterdam, 31, 110 Barthes, Roland, 51 305 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521841178 - Berlin - Washington, 1800-2000: Capital Cities, Cultural Representation, and National Identities Edited by Andreas W. Daum and Christof Mauch Index More information 306 Index Bartholomew, Harland, 259 Blumenthal, Michael, 185 Bartky, Ian, 90 Board of Public Works, D.C., 245 Battle of Tannenberg memorial, 148 Bode Museum, 137 Baudrillard, Jean, 184 Boerne, Ludwig, 51 Bavaria, 89, 96, 97 Bolshevism, 217 Beauregard, Robert, 103 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 109, 144 Beauvoir, Simone de, 74–75 Bonn, 7, 8, 23, 33, 39, 41, 42, 49, 122, Bebelplatz, 171, 181, 221 153, 182, 218 Beethoven, Ludwig von, 44, 210 as capital, 11, 26, 33, 41–47 Behrens, Peter, 129 Bonus March, D.C. (1932), 294–296 Behrenstrasse, 175 Boston Globe,79 Beijing, 286 Boston, MA, 117, 119 Belgrade, 7 Bowen, Sayles J., 245 Bellevue Castle, 212 Brandenburg, 198, 202, 209, 210 Belmopan, Belize, 20 Brandenburg Gate, 22, 60, 77, 134, 141, Benjamin, Walter, 155, 160, 181, 186 167, 172, 180, 196, 210, 211, 221, Berlin – Ecke Schonhauser¨ , 281 223 Berlin Airlift, 31 Brandenburg-Prussia, 39, 109, 228 Berlin Alexanderplatz (Doblin),¨ 65, 76 Brandes, Georg, 55, 60 Berlin Holocaust Memorial, 4, 19, Brandt, Willy, 44 166–170, 172–184, 190–191, 195–200 Brasilia, 17, 31 Berlin Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Brasini, Armando, 128 Europe. See Berlin Holocaust Brazil, 34 Memorial, 167 Breker, Arnold, 136, 148 Berlin Museum, 185 Brentano, Clemens, 211 Berlin Philharmonic, 171 Bretton Woods conference of 1944, 114 Berlin Royal Observatory, 86, 87, 89, 92, Briesen, Detlef, 40 94 British Shipping Mission, 114 Berlin Wall, 7, 43, 157–158, 166, 169, 195, Brittain, Vera, 73 221, 223, 225, 229 Broder, Henryk M., 169, 182 Berlin. Ein Stadtschicksal (Scheffler), 66 Brokaw, Tom, 160 Berlin-Bonn-Gesetz (March 1994), 47 Bronitowski, Karol, 171 Berliner Dom, 235 Browne, Carl, 289–291, 302 Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt, 267 Brownlow, Louis, 248 Berne, 6, 8 Brunn, Gerhard, 9, 14 Bertram, Christoph, 31 Brussels, 25, 45, 121, 122 Beyme, Klaus von, 26 Bryce, James, 32 Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud), 160 Bubis, Ignatz, 173 Biermann, Wolf, 174 Buchenwald, 155, 164 Bismarck, Otto von, 9, 39, 77, 123, 210, Buda. See Budapest 211, 228, 244 Budapest, 5, 15, 73, 112 Bitburg, 182 Buenos Aires, 13, 106, 235 Bizonia, 41 Bund der Vertriebenen, 183 Black Dwarf, 283 Bundesrat, 48 Blaine, James G., 112–114, 123 Bundestag, 24, 47, 179 Bloch, Ernst, 80 Bundestag debate (1989–91), 26, 33, 35, Blue Highways (Heat Moon), 78 43–47 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521841178 - Berlin - Washington, 1800-2000: Capital Cities, Cultural Representation, and National Identities Edited by Andreas W. Daum and Christof Mauch Index More information Index 307 Bundestag parliament building, 179 Cold War, 7, 9, 21, 23, 45, 101, 102, 104, Bureau of Printing and Engraving, U.S., 114, 124, 157, 205, 222–223, 243, 238 279–283 Burke, Edmund, 62 Cologne, 120, 122, 123, 230, 238 Burkert, Hans-Norbert, 172 Commission of Fine Arts, U.S., 258 Burma, 6 Commission on Fine Arts, U.S., 139, 153, Burnham, Daniel H., 156, 208, 258 193, 194 Bush, George W., 159 Communist Party (Kommunistische Partei Deutschalnds, KPD), 274, 275 Cairo, 3 Congress, U.S., 21, 33–35, 37, 47, 61, 83, Canada, 13 86, 108, 184, 236, 244–258, 287, 288, Canberra, 13, 17, 31 291, 294, 295 Cape Town Constantinople, 73 Holocaust museum, 161 Constitution, German, 47 Capitol, U.S., 21, 35, 58, 59, 63, 71, 82, Constitution, U.S., 34, 35, 236, 287 83, 156, 207, 213, 215, 285, 288, 290, Cooper Union, 192 291, 292, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, Copenhagen, 5 299, 301 Correa da Serra, Abbe´ Joseph, 206 Carnegie, Andrew, 113 Costa,` Lucio, 18 Carter, Jimmy, 162 Council for International Economic Policy, Castells, Manuel, 103, 117 U.S., 116 Celle, 42 Council of State, German, 223 Cenotaph (London), 165 Coxey, Jacob, 214, 289–291, 302 Census Bureau, U.S., 238 Coxey’s Army, 285, 288, 289, 291, 295, Central Intelligence Agency, U.S., 101 296, 301 Champs Elysees,´ 209 Craig, Gordon A., 31 Chancellery. See New Chancellery, Berlin Crazy Horse Memorial, 169 Charlottenburg, 282 Cret, Paul, 128 Charlottenburger Allee, 210 Charlottenburger Chaussee, 211, 212 Daane, Arthur, 76, 77 Checkpoint Charlie, 195 Dahlem, 265, 279, 282 Museum, 185 Dallas, TX, 119 Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition, Danto, Arthur, 213 156 Darmstadt, 71 Chicago World’s Fair (1893), 208 Daughters of the American Revolution, Chicago, IL, 17, 23, 25, 40, 53, 58, 64, 70, 214 75, 100, 118, 119, 121, 238 Davis, Charles Henry, 85–86 Chodowiecki, Daniel, 203 Debt of Honor (Clancy), 101 Cities in the World Economy (Sassen), 103 Deighton, Len, 101 City Beautiful Movement, 18, 157, Deiters, Ludwig, 228 208–209, 258 Delano, Frederic, 259 City, The, The Hope of Democracy (Howe), Delaware River, 34, 37 254 Denver Art Museum, 196 Civil War, U.S., 23, 32, 58, 90, 238, 239, Denver, CO, 117, 122 288 Department of Agriculture, U.S., 128 Clancy, Tom, 101, 112 Department of Defense, U.S., 116 Clear and Present Danger (Clancy), 101 Der Tagesspiegel, 199 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521841178 - Berlin - Washington, 1800-2000: Capital Cities, Cultural Representation, and National Identities Edited by Andreas W. Daum and Christof Mauch Index More information 308 Index Derrida, Jacques, 178, 188, 195 Fair Employment Practices Commission, Deutsche Nationalversammlung, 39 U.S., 260 Dickens, Charles, 56–58, 206 Farkas, Sandor´ Bol¨ oni,¨ 55, 58 Dickinson, John, 39 Federal Agency for Civic Education Die Zeit, 190, 194 (Bundeszentrale fur¨ politische Diepgen, Eberhard, 173, 185 Bildung), 171 Diesel, Eugen, 72 Federal Republic of Germany, 7, 22, 27, Diesel, Rudolf, 72 33, 41, 43, 47, 111, 120, 130, 153, Diet (Helsinki), 129 227, 281–283 District of Columbia Redevelopment Act Federal Reserve building, U.S., 128 (1945), 261 Federal Triangle, 128, 153, 253, 258 Dnieper monument, 149 Feldherrnhalle (Munich), 144 Doblin,¨ Alfred, 65 Ferguson, Fergus, 63 Dodd, Walter F., 257 Feuerland, 92 Dodema, Tanzania, 20 Fishermen’s Island, 226 Dole, Bob, 160 Florence, 8, 40 Domenig, Gunther,¨ 198 Foggy Bottom, 260 Dos Passos, John, 214 Folger Shakespeare Library, 128 Doss, Erika, 166 Fontane, Theodor, 204 Dowd, Charles F., 90 Foreign Affairs,31 Downing, Andrew Jackson, 207 Foreign Ministry, German, 48 Dreiser, Theodore, 66 Forster, Kurt W., 157 Dresdner Bank, 221 Forster,¨ Wilhelm, 92–93, 94 Duensing, Erich, 282 Fortresses of the Dead, 149 DuFourny, Leon,´ 206 Forum Fridericianum, 221, 228 Dulles Airport, 118 Foster, Norman, 27, 199 Dulles International Airport, 24 Foster-Washburne, Marion, 75 Dupont Circle, 253 Foucault, Michel, 163 Dusseldorf,¨ 122, 129 Franco-German war (1870–71), 141 Dyckerhoff & Widmann, 131 Frankfurt, 25, 39, 41, 42, 97, 120, 122, 238 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 174, 181 Ebertstrasse, 175, 180 Frankfurt-Mainz, 111 Egyptian and Middle Eastern Museum, Frederick the Great, 60, 202, 228 Berlin, 137, 141 statue of, 228–229 Eiffel Tower, 98 Frederick William I, 68 Ein Ort fur¨ Zufalle¨ (Bachmann), 75 Frederick William IV, King, 241 Eisenach, 228 Free Trade Unions, 272 Eisenhower, Dwight, 161 Freed, James Ingo, 162, 191–194 Eisenman,Peter, 174–181, 188, 192, 194, Freikorps, 148 197, 199 Freikorps memorial, Annenberg, 149 Elbe river, 210 French Revolution, 147 Ellicott, Andrew, 82 Freud, Sigmund, 160 Engelhardt, Ludwig, 224 Freudenheim, Tom L., 191 European Central Bank, 10 Frevert, Ute, 177 European Union, 10, 107, 120, 123 Friedensallee, 205 European Union, 45 Friedmann, John, 11, 102 Euthanasia Memorial, Berlin, 171 Friedrich I, King, 39 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521841178 - Berlin - Washington, 1800-2000: Capital Cities, Cultural Representation, and National Identities Edited by Andreas W. Daum and Christof Mauch Index More information Index 309 Friedrich II, Elector, 39 Grant, Ulysses S., 32, 245, 254 Friedrich Wilhelm, 77 Great Hall, Berlin, 135–136, 150 Friedrichshain, 273 Great Migration, U.S., 240 Friedrichstadtpassagen, 195 Great War. See World War I Friedrichstrasse, 60, 136, 230–231 Greater Berlin Law (1920), 242 Friedrichstrasse (Walser), 65 Greece, 70 Fritzsche, Peter, 53, 204 Greenwich prime meridian, 81, 82, 83, 85, Frobel,¨ Julius, 54, 56, 63 86, 89, 90, 94, 95, 96 Fuhrer¨ Palace, 133, 135 Griffin, W.
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