SACPLAN Bulletin e-Newsletter for the South African Council for Planners Volume 1 Issue 1 February 2011 In this Issue Message from the CEO Editorial SACPLAN and SACPLAN & LGSETA LGSETA Collabo- It gives me great pleasure to collaborates to rates to provide launch this first -e newsletter bursaries the SACPLAN Bulletin. The provide bursaries Conservancy objective of this newsletter LGSETA has been mandated by law to Team estab- is not only to develop strong assess the availability of skills within the lished to guide linkages, but to also be one Local Government Sector and to pro- sustainable of the many ways for vide ways and means of correcting any development SACPLAN to communicate with Regis- shortages. LGSETA has then identified a Vacancies tered persons, Voluntary Bodies and scarcity of town / urban and regional Advertised other industry partners. The SACPLAN planners within the employ of Local Know your Bulletin is further there for Registered Government. In a process to address Council persons to share with each other expe- this scarcity LGSETA has made bursaries Members riences, projects, research, etc. It will available through SACPLAN to learners be through the celebrations of our Call for Articles registered within accredited town / ur- achievements that we will be able to ban and regional planning programmes. build the profession to be the sought SACPLAN’s mandate is inter alia to pro- after profession it is. mote the development of the planning My vision is that this newsletter will be profession. One of its prime objectives able to serve as a planning resource in is to develop and support the growth the long run. I am sure that with your and development of students and its participation all registered persons will staff in order to enhance the education benefit from this newsletter. ● and the well being of the study environ- ________________________________ ment. SACPLAN has, with the funding from Did you Know LGSETA, managed to provide 55 Bursa- There are 11 Planning ries to Planning students (Town / Please Schools offering Urban and Urban and Regional Planning) at Regional Planning accredited Planning Schools throughout remember Qualifications in South South Africa to the value of to update Africa R780 000.00. ● your contact SACPLAN Motto details Reinvent Planning, Changing Lives 1 Klipriviersberg Conservancy Develop- ment Integration Team established to guide sustainable development Andrew Barker, who is the Chairman By Andrew Barker of the Klipriviersberg Conservancy, A principle objective of the Klipri- at which the issues and concerns at the email address: viersberg Conservancy is to protect, regarding urban development in the [email protected]. promote and enhance the natural southern areas of Johannesburg assets of the Klip River, Klipriviers- were discussed. Arising from that berg ridges and associated grass- meeting and in response to require- BACKGROUND INFORMATION lands. This is to be achieved by en- ments of the community a Develop- REGARDING THE KLIPRIVIERS- couraging landowners and develop- ment Integration Team (DIT) has BERG CONSERVANCY pers to be environmentally aware been established as a sub-committee and to embrace the practice and of the Conservancy. principles of sustainable develop- It is essential that this sub- The Conservancy is located in the ment. The Klipriviersberg Conservan- committee be provided with a clear southern areas of Johannesburg and cy is being proactive by endeavour- mandate regarding its role in the is approximately 150 square kilome- ing to establish mutually beneficial management, control and integra- tres in extent. It lies between the relationship with property develop- tion of development so that the nat- N12 highway to the north (the ers. ural assets in the area are protected, Southern Bypass), the R59 highway The southern suburbs of Johannes- promoted and enhanced by sustain- to the east (the Vereeniging High- burg have, to a large degree, been able urban growth and develop- way), the R550 and R554 south of regarded as the “Cinderellas” of the ment. Where possible the Conserv- the Klipriver and the N1 highway to city. Whilst the northern, western ancy will work with developers to the west (Vanderbijlpark Highway). It and eastern areas of Joburg have realise development that is appropri- covers rural areas of land much of been developed to such an ex- ate and fits into the area. Environ- which is pristine, unspoiled and en- tent that, in many instances roads mental issues are gaining momen- vironmentally untransformed, as and other services are fast becoming tum within the community and gov- well as residential, business and oth- unable to bear the population and ernment and through proactive par- er developed urban areas. The 680- development loads. It is only rela- ticipation and involvement the Con- hectare Klipriviersberg Nature Re- tively recently that intense interest servancy aims to make a positive serve, the largest proclaimed nature has become focused on the contribution in the decision-making reserve in Johannesburg, lies at the southern areas. of the environmental and planning centre of the area. processes regarding development. Whilst the need to bring develop- The area has considerable tourism, ment into the area of the Klipriviers- To guide and focus the DIT, a Terms re-creational, cultural, educational berg Conservancy with its resultant of Reference document has been and developmental potential, but employment and area-enrichment drafted and is available for members needs proper and careful environ- opportunities is undeniably neces- of the public to review and to pro- mental management and protection sary, this can, and must be, handled vide comments or suggestions be- from untoward and inappropriate in a formal, responsible, carefully fore 31 March 2011. The draft Terms development. considered and environmentally- of Reference may be viewed at the The Klipriviersberg Conservancy, friendly manner. Klipriviersberg Conservancy website: was launched in April 2010, is one of www.klipcon.org.za. Any comments In September 2010, the Conservancy the most challenging and important or suggestions should be sent to held a very successful public meeting projects to be initiated in the 2 southern suburbs of Johannesburg for many years. Not only is it the Know your Council Members sheer size of the area covered by the Conservancy that determines its significance but also the rich, largely Planning (IDP), Tourism & Local Eco- unspoilt diversity of the terrain of nomic Development (LED), Ugu ridges, grasslands, wetlands and District Municipality (April 2004 to rivers included in its boundaries. Ba- January 2006), Development Planner sically, the Conservancy is a group of Ugu District Municipality Port Shep- concerned individuals who, on a vol- stone (May 2003 – March 2004), untary basis, undertake to safeguard Senior Planner (PIMSS) Umzinyathi and protect the integrity and well- District Municipality, Dundee, being of this designated area of di- NONTSUNDU NDONGA (November 2001 to April 2003), verse rural and urban environments. Chairperson SACPLAN Town and Regional Planner, Planning ● Partners Pty, LTD, Cape Town ______________________________ (November 1999 to October 2001 Vacancies Ms Ndonga holds a Master of City and being a Teacher at St. Johns Col- and Regional Planning from the Uni- lege, Umtata. Advertised versity of Cape Town, a Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) and a Bachelor She is a Member of the South African Do you have any information on of Social Science from the University Council for Planners (SACPLAN), ap- Planning Positions- Full time, Intern- of KwaZulu-Natal. She is currently pointed as Deputy Chairperson in ships, Experiential learning / Work studying towards a Masters in Public October 2008 and subsequently ap- integrated learning - being adver- Management & Development at the pointed Chairperson in 2010. tised in your organisation. University of Witwatersrand. Ms Ndonga is an appointee in terms Please forward this information to Ms Ndonga is employed as Chief of Section 4(1)(b) (Provincial govern- [email protected] Director Community Liaison at the ment) of the PPA. ● ______________________________ Department of Safety and Security, ______________________________ Mpumalanga Provincial Govern- Call for Articles ment. Her major areas of involve- SACPLAN VISION ment include providing management SACPLAN Bulletin urge all registered support with regard to strategic persons to contribute to this news- To pioneer the decision making and corporate letter and share interesting news, founding spirit of management, to coordinate the dates, facts, happenings, projects, implementation of the Social Crime etc. regarding planning and develop- innovation in the Prevention and Community Policing ment issues. facilitation of Programmes, and to develop SACPLAN Bulletin is an electronic strategies and concepts for crime newsletter that will be distributed on sustainable and prevention to name but a few. She a bi-monthly basis to registered was responsible to Coordinate the persons who’s information on our inclusive development of the Integrated 2010 Database is up to date. Safety and Security Plan for the Fifa development in the World Cup – Mpumalanga. planning profession For advertising opportunities please Her previous employment was as contact [email protected] Manager: Integrated Development For your registration forms visit www.sacplan.org.za 3 For Contributions to the SACPLAN Bulletin Please contact Martin Lewis at [email protected] To contact SACPLAN Internation Business Gateway Office Park PO Box 1084 Cnr New Road & 6th Street Halfway House Midridge Office Park Midrand 1st Floor, Block G 1685 Tel: 011 318 0460 / 0437 Fax: 011 318 0405 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sacplan.org.za 4 .
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