SAWRIDGE 150H SAWRIDGE 150G STURGEON LAKE 154A 116°0'0"W 115°0'0"W 114°0'0"W 113°0'0"W 112°0'0"W 111°0'0"W Sir Winston Churchill (PP) 858 N " 63 Lac la Biche Lakeland (PP) 0 ' 881 9 0 Lac La Biche Trea ° 9 ty 6 8, 1 8 8 5 9 5 7 9 5 Zone 1 8 MNAA , 1 Tr eat 8 , y 6 Lakeland (PRA) 813 , 18 6 76 one 4 y STURGEON LAKE 154B MNAA Z t 44 y 855 a t e a r e Athabasca River A l b e r t a T r r e T 663 iv R r Athabasca e N v " a e 0 BEAVER LAKE 131 ' B 0 3 ° G 812 4 801 5 oo Goose Mountain (ER) se Swan Hills R Cross Lake (PP) 663 iv er 55 801 36 B 881 ea ver BUFFALO LAKE Ri ver 663 MÉTIS SETTLEMENT 41 663 867 M KIKINO MÉTIS o Hubert Lake Wildland (WPP) os KP 280 827 SETTLEMENT ela 831 k 63 e R Spruce Island Lake (NA) iv 33 M e Long Lake (PP) 866 r Bonnyville N A 660 A White Earth Valley (NA) 855 r Moose Lake (PP) e Z v N i o " R n 0 e Moose Lake ' e WHITE FISH LAKE 128 661 k 0 a 4 l 3 n i ° r h 4 32 e 661 T 5 v Fort Assiniboine Sandhills Wildland (WPP) i 28A R a c s a Tawatinaw (NA) Fox Creek Sak b wa a tam h au R t KEHIWIN 123 iver A KP 270 ALEXANDER 134B 2 776 N Holmes Crossing Sandhills (ER) 769 Bellis North (NA) " KP 260 KP 240 0 KP 250 KP 230 Smoky Lake ' Carson-Pegasus (PP) 656 M 0 ALEXIS M 658 763 ° N N WHITECOURT 232 4 18 A BLUE QUILLS 5 Westlock A 859 28 ALEXANDER 134A A St. Paul Little 9 A Sm o 9 ky R Z iver r Whitecourt 18 Z 857 e o iv 8, o R Pump Station n 947 n ca KP 190 ty 6 827 652 s 7 Barrhead e a KP 220 ea 8 655 e b a r 1 Elk Point h T 2 , 4 At 6 18 KP 210 ty 777 KP 200 ea Tr 33 SADDLE LAKE 125 646 Whitecourt 654 794 KP 180 Redwater 829 41 KP 170 651 777 654 Legal r 645 e Redwater (NA) iv Whitecourt Mountain (NA) KP 160 R ver 881 le Ri 803 855 d a 643 830 640 d in 45 N b a m " e Mayerthorpe P P KP 20 0 637 ' KP 30 Bruderheim Berland River 0 KP 40 KP 10 ° KP 50 764 Pump Station 4 KP 140 KP 70 KP 60 Gibbons 5 KP 80 Bon Accord KP 90 Bruderheim 637 Two Hills KP 100 r KP 150 28 e KP 0 KP 130 v 45 647 Morinville i r 777 R 825 e KP 120 v n 28A i Vermilion Lakes o R 642 e KP 110 g n r a 857 Bens Lake u w B t e e S a ALEXANDER 134 h v 870 tc e a Fort Saskatchewan r r k h e s i v N l i l " 37 a ALEXIS 133 S Elk Island National Park (NP) 831 C R 631 0 r ' th e n V STONY PLAIN 135A e 15 0 751 757 r o e o k i r Mundare l m 3 2 830 i 22 MICHEL N il ° m i o 3 Lac Ste. Anne r n FIRST e R 5 V i 765 633 NATION ve St. Albert r McLeod River Vegreville Chip Lake Big Lake 748 Lois Hole Centennial (PP) 2 Edmonton LEGEND 14X Cooking Lake-Blackfoot (PRA) Aboriginal Group Reserve/Settlement Name Within Mapped Area Aboriginal Group Reserve/Settlement Name Within Mapped Area 834 16A Spruce Grove 100 Alexander ALEXANDER 134 Figure C-1 Kehewin Cree Nation BLUE QUILLS Figure C-1 WABAMUN 133B 216 Beaverhill Lake 630 Alexander ALEXANDER 134A Figure C-1 Kehewin Cree Nation KEHEWIN 123 Figure C-1 Northern Gateway PipelineW KP (Rev T) Indian Reserve Wabamun Lake Stony Plain o 43 Alexander ALEXANDER 134B Figure C-1 Kikino KIKINO MÉTIS SETTLEMENT Figure C-1 Edson l f 16 759 779 C Treaty 6 (1876) and Treaty 8 (1899) Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation ALEXIS 133 Figure C-1 Louis Bull LOUIS BULL 138B Figure C-2 Proposed Pump Station r e WABAMUN 133A Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation ALEXIS CARDINAL 234 Figure C-2 Louis Bull PIGEON LAKE 138A Figure C-2 e W Tofield k a STONY PLAIN 135 ba Alexis Nako6t2a6 Sioux Nation ALEXIS ELK RIVER 233 Figure C-2 Michel First Nation n/a Figure C-1 City r Métis Nation (MNAA) 2, 4, 5 & 6 m M e u Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation ALEXIS WHITECOURT 232 Figure C-1 Montana MONTANA 139 Figure C-2 N v n c i 627 " L Cr e R e Aseniwuche Winewak Natio8n54 n/a Figure C-4 Montana PIGEON LAKE 138A Figure C-2 0 o e ' d k T own k 60 Beaumont 870 0 R c 80 km Zone from Pipeline Route Beaver Lake Cree Nation BEAVER LAKE 131 Figure C-1 36Nose Creek Settlement n/a Figure C-4 i i v t 3 e s Devon ° r 753 b 625 Beaver Lake Cree Nation BLUE QUILLS Figure C-1 Paul BUCK LAKE 133C Figure C-2 3 o 770 5 Buffalo Lake Métis Settlement n/a Figure C-1 Paul WABAMUN 133A Figure C-1 Northern Gateway Pipeline Route (Rev T) L National Park (NP) or Provincial Park (PP) 19 833 8D3ri4ftpile First Nation DRIFT PILE RIVER 150 Figure C-3 Paul WABAMUN 133B Figure C-1 624 Duncan's First Nation DUNCANS 151A Figure C-3 Saddle Lake BLUE QUILLS Figure C-1 Major Road Other Protected Area* Treaty 6, 1876 47 623 Miquelon Lake (PP) Duncan's First Nation WILLIAM MCKENZIE 151K Figure C-3 Saddle Lake SADDLE LAKE 125 Figure C-1 River Burtonsville Island (NA) Calmar Enoch Cree Nation STONY PLAIN 135 Figure C-1 Whitefish Lake First Nation WHITE FISH LAKE 128 Figure C-1 Lake / Ocean 622 Leduc Enoch Cree Nation STONY PLAIN 135A Figure C-1 Samson PIGEO6N1 L9AKE 138A Figure C-2 Modeste Creek 617 Ermineskin Tribe ERMINESKIN 138 Figure C-2 ViSkaimnsgon SAMSON 137 Figure C-2 *Alberta Protected Area Types Include: W 854 o Ermineskin Tribe PIGEON LAKE 138A Figure C-2 Samson SAMSON 137A Figure C-2 l 621 N Ecological Reserve (ER), Heritage Rangeland (HR), Natural Area f(NA), Provincial Recreation Area (PRA), Wilderness Area (WA), 2A 855 " C 814 Horse Lake First Nation CLEAR HILLS 152C Figure C-3 Sawridge SAWRIDGE 150G Figure C-3 0 r ' Wildland Park (WPP), Willmore Wilderness Park (WP) e Eagle Point (PP) 870 e 39 795 Horse Lake First Nation HORSE LAKES 152B Figure C-4 Sawridge SAWRIDGE 150H Figure C-3 0 k Drayton Valley ° 778 833 Kapawe'no First Nation KAPAWE'NO FIRST NATION 150B Figure C-3 Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation STURGEON LAKE 154 Figure C-4 3 616 5 0 15 30 60 Kapawe'no First Nation KAPAWE'NO FIRST NATION 150C Figure C-3 Sturgeon Lake C6r1e5e Nation STURGEON LAKE 154A Figure C-4 883 Kapawe'no First Nation KAPAWE'NO FIRST NATION 150D Figure C-326 Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation STURGEON LAKE 154B Figure C-4 770 Millet Wolf Lake 20 21 Kapawe'no First Nation KAPAWE'NO FIRST NATION 229 Figure C-3 Sucker Creek SUCKER CREEK 150A Figure C-3 Kapawe'no First Nation KAPAWE'NO FIRST NATION 230 Figure C-3 Swan River First Nation ASSINEAU RIVER 150F Figure C-3 a RivKerilometres 620 Blue Rapids (PRA) 822 14 Pembin Kapawe'no First Nation KAPAWE'NO FIRST NATION 231 Figure C-3 Swan River First Nation SWAN RIVER 150E Figure C-3 616 771 13A 761 2 56 Source: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada & Aboriginal Groups 881 Pigeon Lake 780 795 13 Camrose 116°0'0"W 115°0'0"W 114°0'0"W 113°0'0"W 112°0'0"W 111°0'0"W PIGEON LAKE 138A REFERENCES: Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC), Central Meridian 120W, Standard Parallels 52N & 56N. Pipeline Route: Rev T, 2010 (KPs Rev T) supplied by WorleyParsons Calgary. National Parks: NRCan CLAB Lv1 (Sept. 2010); AB Protected Areas: TPR, AB Government (Sept. 2010). - Indian Reserves from GeoBase®, current to SCALE 1:1,000,000 Sept. 2010; names supplied by INAC or the Aboriginal group. Produced by WorleyParsons Calgary. The information used to create this product is based on the most current data available LoOnU tIhSe B dUaLtLe 1o3f8 iBssue, and is considered reliable only at the scale at which the data was created and the scale at which the map was published. This ERMINESKIN 138 drawing is prepared solely for the use of the contractual customer of WorleyParsons Calgary and WorleyParsons assumes no liability to any other party for any representations contained in these drawings. This map must be printed at full scale (100%) in order for the scale to remain correct. DATE 24 May 2011 A : n PREPARED FOR FIGURE ID o 11-035-001 i s r e BUCK LAKE 13E3CNBRIDGE NORTHERN GATEWAY PROJECT V REVISION 3 ALEXIS ELK RIVER 233 SAM L SON - 137 FIGURE NO. P A M G ALI EXIS CARDINAL 234 SAMSON 137A F - B Aboriginal Groups - Alberta East _ C-1 P G N G oo se R iv er BUFFALO LAKE Spread 4 KIKINO er Riv tte one Sim 118°0'0"W 117°0'0"W 116°0'0"W 115°0'0"W 114°0'0"W 113°0'0"W 661 Aboriginal Group Reserve/Settlement Name Within Mapped Area Aboriginal Group Reserve/Settlement Name Within Mapped Area 661 Tawatinaw (NA) Fox Creek Sakw Alexander ALEXANDER 134 Figure C-1 Kehewin Cree Nation BLUE QUILLS Figure C-1 KP 290 atam au R 63 Alexander ALEXANDER 134A Figure C-1 Kehewin Cree Nation KEHEWIN 123 Figure C-1 iver ALEXANDER 134B Fort Assiniboine Sandhills Wildland (WPP) Alexander ALEXANDER 134B Figure C-1 Kikino KIKINO MÉTIS SETTLEMENT Figure C-1 KP 270 827 769 44 2 Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation ALEXIS 133 Figure C-1 Louis Bull LOUIS BULL 138B Figure C-2 Holmes Crossing Sandhills (ER) 776 KP 280 MNAA Zone 4 Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation ALEXIS CARDINAL 234 Figure C-2 Louis Bull PIGEON LAKE 138A Figure C-2 KP 260 KP 250 KP 240 Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation ALEXIS ELK RIVER 233 Figure C-2 Michel First Nation n/a Figure C-1 KP 230 ALEXIS Carson-Pegasus (PP) 656 658 er 763 A l b e r t a Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation ALEXIS WHITECOURT 232 Figure C-1 Montana MONTANA 139 Figure C-2 iv WHITECOURT 232 R 18 Aseniwucehre Winewak Nation n/a Figure C-4 Montana PIGEON LAKE 138A Figure C-2 33 Westlock iv ALEXANDER 134A ca R s Beaa ver Lake Cree Nation BEAVER LAKE 131 Figure C-1 Nose Creek Settlement n/a Figure C-4 ba w Whitecourt a akBeaver Lake Cree Nation BLUE QUILLS Figure C-1 Paul BUCK LAKE 133C Figure C-2 th K er Pump Station A 947 iv KP 190 28 Buffalo Lake Métis Settlement40 n/a Figure C-1 Paul WABAMUN 133A Figure C-1 R KP 220 Barrhead a 655 Driftpile First Nation DRIFT PILE RIVER 150 Figure C-3 Paul WABAMUN 133B Figure C-1 sc a 18 777 N KP 210 " Duncan's First Nation DUNCANS 151A Figure C-3 Saddle Lake BLUE QUILLS Figure C-1 ab KP 200 th 0 33 ' Duncan's First Nation WILLIAM MCKENZIE 151K Figure C-3 Saddle Lake SADDLE LAKE 125 Figure C-1 A 734 0 Enoch Cree Nation STONY PLAIN 135 Figure C-1 Whitefish Lake First Nation WHITE FISH LAKE 128 Figure C-1 794 ° Whitecourt
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