PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HERALD^Thurs., August 30, 1979 Eight Staffers Added Manchester Parkade Open Tonite & Friday Nite ’til 9 PM Open Sunday & Labor Day Noon ’til 5 Relaxed Kansas City In Coventry Schools Sykes School Substitute improved Fire Ratings Police Intensify Search Result of Town Survey For Mountbatten*s Killers Forges Into First Place COVENTRY - When schools open for Mrs. Joyce M, Noy, will teach Grade 8 For Fire Damaged Church Page 11 the 1979-80 school year, next Wednesday, reading while the permanent teacher of Page 6 Page 7 Page 10 there will be eight new staff members. that class is on leave of absence. Mrs. Margo Lazzerini will be teaching Mrs Noy has a bachelor’s degree in music half-time at the Capt. Nathan Hale elementary education from Eastern School and Coventry High School. She Connecticut State College and earned her earned her bachelor of music degree from master’s degree in early childhood educa­ lianrl|rfitfr the Hartt College of Music and her tion from the same college. Sunny Today, master s degree in Early Childhood She taught in the Lebanon Elementary Education from Eastern Connecticut School for three years. Cool Tonight Mrs. Gail Perry will teach business sub­ State College. Daiall* on paga 2 She taught music in the elementary jects at Coventry High School. She earned schools in South Windsor lor three years her bachelor of science in business educa­ and has substituted in the Bolton, (.’oven- tion from Central Connecticut State try and South Windsor school systems. College and has taught business subjects Anthony R. Mingrone will teach English at East Hartford High School. lEuf tttug Mgratb at Coventry High School. He earned his Mrs. Marsha B. Sokolosky, who will be bachelor of arts degree in English from leaching biology at Coventry High, has a [Economy Glance • A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 20$ Single Copy • 16t Home Delivered the University of Connecticut and his bachelor’s degree in conservation and Washington: New orders \/ni xcvill. No. 282 — Mancheatar. Conn., Friday, August 31,1979 master's degree in English education natural resources from the University of I received by the nation's factories from Brown University. Connecticut. She completed graduate fell 2 percent last month, a clear Miss Elizabeth Ohoi will teach art at work at Southern Connecticut State signal of economic sluggishness, Coventry Grammar School. She earned College for teacher certification in the Commerce Department said her bachelor of science degree In art biology. TTiursday. The automobile and David Threatens education from .Southern Connecticut William Wright will teach industrial aircraft industries were major State College and has taught art at the arts at the high school. He earned his I contributors. Strong School in Durham and at the Avon bachelor of science in industrial arts and New York: The stock market Middle School. technolgoy from the State University of I did little Thursday for the ninth Mrs. Madeline E. Newman will be a New York. Now! Super straight session as investors Isle With Death special education teacher at the Robert­ (lorrcspondenl Wanted awaited the Federal Reserve Board's report on the nation’s son School. .She has a bachelor's degree in Correspondent wanted to cover the of David’s fury about 8 a.m, DT, The River that winds through Santo elementary education Irom DePauw money supply. The Dow Jones in­ SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Coventry news for the Manchester dustrial average slipped 1.20 Republic (UPI) - Hurricane David, mighty storm should march by Haiti Domingo. Red Cross workers in University and a master's degree in neighboring Haiti shipped relief special education from the University of Herald. Those interested should contact points to 883.70. a killer storm generating 150-mph in 24 hours, continuing its northwest Frank Burbank, managing editor or Bar­ New York: The Federal winds, torrential rain and heavy trek and probably slam into Cuba, supplies into the southern port of Michigan. bara Richmond, suburban editor, at 643- Jamel before roads wash out, She has taught for one year at the I Reserve report Thursday showed seas, hurled toward the Dominican said forecaster Miles Lawrence, 2711. Labor Day Sale a $1.3 billion decline in the Republic and Haiti today, Lawrence said Florida, however, Dominican Republic President An­ Bentley School and the Robertson School |{|ood J’ressure (dinie nation’s money supply, but the threatening more death and destruc­ appears for the time being to be in tonio Guzman broadcast radio in Manchester and was a permanent sub­ bulletins Thursday telling govern­ The Public Health Nursing Association growth rate over the past month tion. the clear. stitute In the learning disabilities resource Hurricane David was centered ment workers to stay home, the room at Robertson School in Coventry, of Coventry Inc. will sponsor a free blood exceeded Fed guidelines. The storm has left a trail of floods Washington: Nearly 6 million and looting in its rampage through near latitude 17,3 north and longitude Army was put on alert in its barracks last year. She will take over that position pressure screening clinic Sept. 4 from 1 to and stores were packed with on a permanent basis. 2 p.m. at Bane’s Pharmacy. Americans took advantage of the Caribbean islands, kill^ at least 10 69.2 west at 6 a.m. today, about 95 energy conservation tax credit people and flattened thousands of miles southeast of Santo Domingo customers buying hurricane STARTS TODAY allowed for the first time on 1978 homes. A state of emergency was and 135 southwest of Cabo Rojo, supplies. returns, and saved themselves declared today in Puerto Rico after Puerto Rico. It was moving west Puerto Rican Gov. Carlos Romero South Windsor Lists $555 million, federal tax collec- David passed. northwest at 13 mph and expected to Barcelo declared a state of emergen­ I tors reported Thursday. Forecasters at the National maintain that sp e^ and direction. cy to mobilize disaster relief for the Ottawa. Ontario: Canada’s Hurricane Center in Miami said the Civil defense workers and police victims of David. The governor said First To Youth Centre, evacuated thousands of residents he ordered aides to assess the I GNP recorded its first decline southern portion of the Dominican School Bus Guidelines damage and the number of victims. since mid-1976 in the second Republic began feeling the first gusts from low-lying areas near the Ozama SOUTH WINDSOR - The school bus main arteries of developments in the most quarter of 1979. slipping 0.7 per­ schedules, which have already been direct route possible and within home cent as a result of the weakening published in The Herald, were set with the developments, stops are to be designed at Then Back-To-School U.S. economy. Statistics Canada state and local Boards of Education corners and street intersections. Most reported Thursday. Union Selects GM guidelines in mind, Robert Goldman, stops using this method will be within an Tokyo: The American dollar superintendent of schools said. eight to 10 house walking distance from I sustained a staggering setback The state board’s minimum guidelines the bus stop. against the Japanese yen for the say that students in kindergarten to third Stops designated on streets within I first decline in five sessions in grade can walk up to one mile to school; developments are to be designed so as to For Girls Sizes 4 to 14 I Tokyo today, closing the week off As Strike Target those in Grades 4-8, up to one and one-half reduce the number of students gathering For Boys Sizes 4 to 20 11.65 points at 220.05 yen in very mile; and Grades 9-12, up to two miles. at any particular stop, and cul-de-sac and I nervous trade. DETROIT (UPI) - General Motors UAW officers expressed hopes for President George B. Morris, who has Goldman said that these guidelines are dead-end streets are not to be entered by Energy Glance Corp., which considers its workers a peaceful settlement. frequently denounced union demands for distances that students can be made to the buses. Civic Center Construction the elite of the industry in wages and in the past six weeks of bargaining, Washington: Gasoline will be “Hopefully, we can do it by Sept. 14 walk either to school or to a bus stop. Special stops will continue to be made Our Entire Stock Of The steel frame work is helped in place by a huge crane as benefits, has been selected as the without the necessity of a strike,” said the company is “prepared to He said that the local board, in Our Entire Stock of plentiful this Labor Day weekend, enter intensive negotiations with the along local roads previously determined with more service stations open workmen struggle to complete reconstruction of the Hartford strike target of the United Auto UAW President Douglas Fraser said. developing the 1979-80 guidelines, did not by the school administration and the South Boys Knit Polo Shirts Girls Health-tex Workers Union. "That’s our first wish.” UAW aimed at reaching a contract than at any time since early June, Civic Center roof on schedule. Latest estimates place settlement before the Sept. 14 strike add any new areas for which children are Windsor Police Department. the American Automobile The UAW, which considers GM the Irving Bluestone, the union's chief being asked to walk to school. rebuilding pace as several weeks behind. (UPI photo) deadline.” Kindergarten students being taken I Association said Thursday. elite of the industry in earnings, negotiator at GM, said he has “really He said students won't be required to Morris repeated the company’s home at midday or picked up at midday 20% Off 20% Off Washington: Government -Thursday singled out the No.
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