IN PRAlSE OF HENRY BURR For Henry Burr Reports Help A Plea for Arkie We wish to express our deep appre­ We take this opportunity of ex­ . I think they treat Arkie mean ciation of your excellent service. We pressing our many thanks for your when they make him laugh and not have learned to consider the Smile­ radio broadcast daily and Sundays let him finish his song. Please make A-While staff, the Barn Dance, and giving weather reports and can as­ them let him finish singing, as we the Sunday morning programs as our sure you it has been considerable aid enjoy hearing him. We also like to own and we wait for them with the to our best operations. Sincerely trust hear his brother, Pete, sing with him. keenest anticipation. you will continue with this broadcast. -Steady Listener, Muncie, Ill. I believe we would crown these fine - Roy R. Love, president, Love Con­ programs with the Little Brown struction & Engineering Co., Muske­ Church of the Air as supreme. gon, Mich. While we enjoy Dr. Holland very much, we get a real sermon from the peerless songs of Henry Burr. Imagine Ten-Year Record our happy surprise when we discov­ I've not missed hearing the old ered him one night on the Barn Memorial to Jane Addams Barn Dance for almost 10 years and Dance. We thought it too good to be Dear Mr. Page: You will be pleased mere words can never express how true. No doubt this was his voice to hear that over eight thousand peo­ much I have enjoyed it. Irma through electrical transcription, we ple participated in the August First Belle. Chicago. thought. But no, we were confirmed Peace Parade and Jane Addams in our hope when we heard him talk Memorial. announcements of which to the announcer. We used to have were made over your station. his records, 20 or more years ago, We are indeed grateful to WLS for and we never dreamed we'd hear him the valuable publicity given the en­ terprise, and to you personally for Thanks from Vets in person. My dear George Biggar: This morning my wife and I were your cooperation and helpfulness. brought to tears while he sang "Just Very truly yours, Helen Rueben, Ra­ On behalf of Col. Hugh Scott, the As I Am." Surely no man was ever dio Publicity, August First Peace Pa­ 1.750 patients and the writer, "this is blest with the simplicity, the un-pre­ rade and Jane Addams Memorial, to express our thanks and apprecia­ tense, the richness of such a voice. tion for your kindness in sending out Mr. Burr has hold on the hearts of three groups of entertainers from t . milliops from the babe in the man­ your studio to apepar at our Annual ger, from wayfarer, from the peasant Thank You Homecoming and National Com­ ':: to those who wear the purple. It is always a pleasure to listen to mander's Day on Sunday, August 2, It renews our faith in humanity to Julian Bentley. As a commentator 1936. think of a man such as he who has he is fair, unbiased and non-partisan The entertainment was enjoyed im­ r.ever allowed the plaudits of the race in his presentation of the news. Let mensely by the great crowd assem­ to cause him to lose his head. He has us hear from him often.-W. F. Van bled here, and your kindness in ar­ continued to use his rich voice in ten­ Dusen, Chillicothe, Ill. ranging for same will not soon be der. simple singing of those songs forgotten. that bless the millions of common folks. This is nobility personified; Thanking you again, and with greatness in simplicity; a priceless And Again Thanks kindest personal regards, I beg to re­ gem which money cannot buy. main, very truly yours.-John R. Henry Burr, surely the blessings of Was much pleased with your Mon­ O'Connor, Recreational Director, Vet­ God rest gloriously upon you. We day noon news comments, which I erans' Administration, Hines, Ill. thank you all.-Mr. and Mrs. C. I. hear for the first time today. I like Stratton, Britt. Iowa. your delivery-good clear voice, well balanced diction. fiuent and smooth, with nice brisk tempo free from the STAND BY effect of haste; and the substantial BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher Copyright, 1936. Prairie Farmer Publishing Co. good sense and variety of your news 1230 Washington Blvd., Chicago Annie's Scared comments are also gratifying. You Indianapolis: 241 N. Pennsylvania You are frightening us about the contrived vivid individuality in your New York City: 250 Park Avenue dark mornings coming in Chicago presentation. That rippling thread of Subscription Price, $1.00 a Year this winter. We in Milwaukee are humor breaking out at appropriate Single Copy, S cents fearful of our dark afternoons. We spots serves to brighten the whole, Issued Every Saturday dread afternoon shopping in stores and your serious remarks jibe well Entered as second-class matter February and on the street by artificial light. with my own sentiments. An excel­ 15, 1935. at the post office at Chicago. Illi­ What we need is more winter sun­ lent feature, comparing favorably nois. under the Act of March 3. 1879. shine. Please give us the recipe for with the Nets' top commentators.­ JULIAN T. BENTLEY, Editor more light in winter.- Annie Rich­ Mrs. Olive McIntyre, Mount Morris, August 22, 1936 ards, Milwaukee, Wis. Illinois. VOLUME 2 NUMBER 28 a similar series of programs once a week on the National Farm and Home Hour, over an NBC network, a series which was extremely popular with listeners. and was credited with much progress in the spreading of in­ formation about fires and their pre­ ventIOn . • "Smoky," the Fire Clown, has ap­ peared in schools throughout the country, with his painted face and his funny antics. The boys and girls who have seen him usually start by laughing so hard that they are soon tired enough to sit quietly when •.Smoky" ceases to be a clown and becomes a fireman, giving them sim­ ple and easy suggestions on things they can do around home to prevent fires. But perhaps the most important part of the work of "Smoky" and his associates is the training of firemen, especially those in small communities. There are now some 56,000 firemen over the country studying how to be better firemen. Some are studying by correspondence; some are attend­ ing regular classes; some are attend­ ing short courses held at colleges or universities. Much of this educa- A fireman was killed in fighting this blaze because of inadequate fire apparatus. "MYJOB is helping people to protect their own property against fire." That's the way Harry "Smoky" Rogers describes his job. "Smoky," as he is known to hundreds of thou­ sands of boys and girls over the coun­ try, has covered a good share of North America in the last 15 years, campaigning against the carelessness or thoughtlessness which leads to fires in homes. barns and business houses. Perhaps you've been wondering who would be interested enough and be well enough organized to hire some­ body to travel around teaching fire prevention. The answer is easy: the stock fire insurance companies. "Smoky" Rogers is chief of the fire prevention division of the Western The cast ot Smoky's Fire Stories, I, to r.: AI Boyd, Dan Hosmer, Reggie Actuarial Bureau, which is an organi­ Cross, George Goebel, Delia Anne Ragland, Smoky, Edith LaCrosse (with zation supported and operated by back turned) Eddie Allan, Marjorie Gibson and Merle Housh. stock fire insurance companies. Fif­ teen years ago this organization er insurance organizations to work tional work was started by "Smoky" found "Smoky" in Wichita, Kansas, on various occasions in almost every and his associates, and they are re­ where he was chief of the fire pre­ state of the Union and in Mexico and sponsible for much of the actual vention bureau in the Wichita Fire Canada. teaching. Department. He jumped from a city­ Listeners of WLS hear "Smoky's'" The fireman is taught something of wide job to one which was to cover Fire Stories every Saturday morning hydraUlics, the movement of water, 19 states in the Middle West, teach­ at 9 :30, CST, a dramatic series, built the effect of friction in hose and ing people of all kinds, all sorts of around the Ashville Fire Department. pipes, size of nozzles and similar in­ things about fire prevention-includ­ There are drama, thrills and excite­ formation; he is taught the principles ing such things as public speaking. ment a-plenty, and more than a of chemistry. so he will know what But more about the public speaking touch of youthful romance in this materials may cause fires spontan­ later. radio series. But every episode con­ eously; what substances may develop His work in making you and me tains two or three pointed sugges­ harmful gases when they are hit by conscious of fire hazards has been tions on things that cause fires, and water; he is taught the systematic so outstanding in the Middle West, how to avoid them. handling of fire hose, ladders, reels that he has been "borrowed" by oth- A few years ago "Smoky" directed (Continued on page 151 II Buck Bucked Off EAR JULIAN: On account of plenty of grass hereabouts the D jackrabbits in this vicinity are getting plum bold and vigorous. At the home of Solomon Powder last night the water he had in a pan for his lion-hunting dogs was raided by the hares and all the dogs run under the house in embarrassments.
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