1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. HOUSE 511 organic heart disease which develops within By Mr. ANFUSO: By Mr. DOOLEY: 2 years from the date of separa:tion from H. Con. Res. 237. Concurrent resolution ex­ H. R. 10034: A bili for the relief of An:na active service; to the Committee on Vet­ pressing the friendship of the· people of the Petrakakis Palatos; to the Committee on the erans' Affairs. United States for the people of Italy and ex­ Judiciary. By Mr. TELLER: pressing the hope that Italy will remain one By Mr. HYDE: H. R. 10030. A bill to allow a deduction for of the free and democratic nations of the H. R. 10035. A bill for the relief of Fed­ income-tax purposes of certain expenses in­ world; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. · curred by the taxpayer for the education of erico Luss; to the Committee on the Judi­ By Mr. BENTLEY: ciary. a dependent; to the Committee on Ways and H. Con. Res. 238. Concurrent resolution ex­ Means. pressing the sense of the Congress with re• By Mr. JACKSON: . By Mr. THOMPSON of New Jersey: spect to the deferment from induction of H. R. 10036. A bill for the relief of Ernest H. R. 10031. A bill to provide for the ap­ schoolteachers under the Universal Military Lee (Lee Ming-Sing); to the Committee on pointment of an assistant to the Secretary Training and Service Act; to the Committee the Judiciary. of State to be known as the Assistant for on Armed Services. By Mr. KEARNEY: International Cultural Relations; to the By Mr. TEAGUE of Texas: H. R. 10037. A bill for the relief of Miss Committee on Foreign Affairs. H. Res. 438. Resolution to provide funds fbr · Helga Albrecht; to .the Committee on the By· Mr. ·WILLIAMS of Mississippi: the investigations and studies made ·. by . the Judiciary. · H. R. 10032. A bill to protect the right of Committee on Veterans' Affairs pursuant to By Mr. MciNTOSH: the blind to self-expression through organ­ House Resolution 64 and House Resolution H. R. 10038. A bill for the relief of Sumiko izations of the blind; to .the Committee on 65; to the Committee on House Administra- Imakuni; to the Committee on the Judi­ Education and Labor. tion. · · ciary. By Mr. BOSCH: By Mr. TOLLEFSON: By Mr. PATT.ERSON: · H. J. Res. 498. Joint resolution to establish H. Res. 439. Resolution requesting the Sec-· H. R. 10039. ·A bill · for the. relief · of Vin­ the Hudson-Champlain Celebration Commis­ retary of State to secure an agreement with cenza Biello; to the Committee on the Judi· sion, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ Japan to protect Alaska-spawned salmon; to ciary. · · the Committee on Foreign Affairs. tee on the Judiciary. 'By Mr. WILSON of California: . H. J. Res. 499. Joint resolution . to provide for the issuance of a special postage stamp to H. R. 10040. A bill for the relief of Jeron­ commemorate the birth of Samuel Chester PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS imo Casas·; to the Committee on the Judi- Reid; to the Committee on Post Office and ciary. · Civil Service. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H. R. 10041. A bill for the relief of Mary By Mr. ZELENKO: bills and resolutions were introduced Stathacopoulos and Evangelia Stathacopou­ H. J. Res. 500. Joint resolution to establish and severally referred as follows: los; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Hudson..:champlain Celebration Commis­ By Mr. BETTS: By Mr. YATES: sion, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ H. R. 10033. A bill for the relief of Charles H. R. 10042. A bill for the relief of Hsuan tee on the Judiciary. P. Lyon; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Wei; to the Committee on, the Judiciary. EXT ENS I 0 N S 0 F R_ EM A R·K S A Stamp To Commemorate the 175tn An­ one of the brighter events of the '\Var 'or not go unnqticed by the American peo­ 1812. Without CaP,t. Samuel Ch~~ter ple and I urge this body to support my niversary of the Birth of Capt. Samuel Reid, the Northwest Territory might resolution commemorating the 175th an­ ·Chester Reid easily have·becoine British land. niversary of his birth. After resigning from the Navy, Reid EXTENSION OF REMARKS became the first harbormaster of New OF York, established the first lightship at Sandy Hook, and established a sema­ The Dudget Message With Respect to RE~ HON. ALBERT H. BOSCH phore system which quickly noted the OF NEW YORK arrival of ships. EXTENSION OF REMARKS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At this time many States were being admitted to the Union and the original OF Wednesday, January 15, 1958 flag of 1 star and 1 stripe per State Mr. BOSCH. Mr. Speaker, I have to­ became highly unsatisfactory. A com­ HON. CHARLES W. VURSELL day introduced a resolution to issue a mittee of the Congress prevailed upon OF ILLINOIS stamp commemorating the 175th anni­ Captain Reid to redesign the flag. Con­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES versary of the birth of a distinguished gress adopted his suggestion that stars Wednesday, January 15, 1958 American, Capt. Samuel Chester Reid. representing the additional States be Samuel Chester Reid was born in Nor­ added to the blue field and that the Mr. VURSELL. Mr. Speaker, the wich, Conn., on August 25, 1783, the son stripes represent the Thirteen Original President is to be commended generally of a lieutenant in the British· Navy, Colonies. Mrs. Reid had the distinct on his budget, as he has realistically met Young Reid, following in his father's honor of sewing the first flag of this the pressing problems on the military .footsteps, joined the United States Navy kind and it was flown over the United and foreign front, and, of necessity, has during the War of 1812 and soon after States Capitol on April 13, 1818. called for reductions on. less essential took command of a privateer, General When .Captain Reid died in 1861, his nonmilitary expenses on the home front. Armstrong. During the Battle of Fayal grave was unmarked and his past deeds I have been disappointed with the in the Azores, Captain Reid proved· his forgotten. Many years later when some­ budget message with respect to REA, and adroitness as a seaman by outmaneuver­ one was going through old records of have today introduced a resolution in ing the British ship Carnation, which the Green-Wood Cemetery, it was cooperation with Congressman HoRAN, of was accompanied by a fleet of 12 landing brought to light that the burial place of Washington, calling for a thorough craft and a crew of about 500. · When it this very great American had long gone . study of the financing of this organiza.­ was evident that after another attack unnoticed. Through the efforts of pri­ tion that has done so much not only for he would lose many men and possibly vate citizens the Associated Granite the farmers but for the economy of the his ship, Reid scuttled the ship, thus Craftsmen Guild of Greater New York Nation. losing only two men. Three hundred volunteered to erect a monument, and a I felt such a study should be made as British were injured and their fleet se­ shaft of perfectly matched pieces of to the philosophy that underlies this verely battered. Due to Captain Reid's granite marks his resting place. For­ nonprofit cooperative program which efforts, the British expeditionary force mer Secretary · of the Navy, Charles S. has been a godsend to the farmers of was late in reaching New Orleans and Thomas, paid tribute to this Navy hero America and the economy of the Nation. was unable to invade Louis.iana before on October 28, 1956. I am satisfied that before any serious the treaty of peace was signed. Gen. Mr. Speaker, it is my feeling that changes are made with reference to REA Andrew Jackson was thus enabled to deeds of heroism and patriotism such as that such a study should be made bring­ reach New Orleans first and triumph in those of Samuel Chester Reid should ing out all of the facts, which will make 512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOU.SE January 15 a further contribution to the economy of tition and force out the drones and space The :tu11 effect of this truth grows upon us when we see it working .out in human the Nation. · . ·consumers in. our scholastic systems. ·In ·destiny. : .. ~ : ·~. The Commission is · empowered to this space age there is less and less When we safeguard the v.alues of days make this study and make its recom~ room for space consumers. gone by the happiness and richness of our mendations to . the President and the We cannot continue tO waste the vital lives are better established. · Congress by March 30, 1959. natural resource of half-trained and un­ Historic shrines are meant to cultivate derdeveloped American talent. We have our capacity for the appreciation of the ·the facilities-we have the aptitudes. past. ·we must give more recognition to Our own State of Pennsylvania and Blair County ·are dotted with historic shrines that Education Program achievement in the sciences, in the arts we the citizens of the .Keystone State t ake and humanities, in all fields. The po­ pride in showing our visitors. · -tential to earn money alone is not EXTENSION OF REMARKS Then, too, all Americans know o! the enough to meet the· challenges of today. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington OF ·We must encourage the development· of Nat ional Cemetery; Independence Hall in HON.
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