Atmospheric and Related Oceanographic and Hydrologic Science Publications Reviewed in the Bulletin, January 1976—1984 A list of publications reviewed in the BULLETIN from January 1976 through April 1984 is presented. It is followed by the names of the reviewers who unselfishly devoted their time and effort to preparing the reviews. The publications listed are grouped in subject categories. Though a publication could, in some cases, be placed in more than one category, each publication is listed only under one category. The dates within the parentheses refer, respectively, to the issue in which the publications were announced in the "New Publications" section and the issue in which the review appears. The names and present addresses of the publishers of the reviewed publications are to be found on p. 490 of the May 1984 BULLETIN. The subject categories are: Aerosols, Agrometeorology, Air Quality/Pollution, Analysis/ Forecasting, Atmosphere (Upper), Atmosphere-Ocean, Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Elec- tricity, Atmospheric Optics/Radiation, Aviation Meteorology, Biometeorology, Climate/Climatology, Climate and Environment, Climate Variation Change, Climate Data/Atlases, Clouds/Cloud Physics, Disaster Management/Preparation, Dynamics Meteorology, Energy, Environment/Ecology, Estuaries and Lakes, Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics, and Turbulence, Forest Meteorology, Glaciology and Ice, History, Hydrology, Instrumentation, Marine and Coast, Oceanography, Planetary and Space Research, Popular, Remote Sensing, Severe Storms, Textbooks, Tropical Meteorology, Weather Modification. Aerosols Grace, J. et al., Eds., Plants and Their Atmospheric Environ- Cadle, R. D., The Measurement of Airborne Particles, 1975, ment, 1981, Wiley (9/81, 5/82) Wiley (1/76, 5/76) Leith, H., Phenology and Seasonality Modeling (Ecological Dennis, R., Handbook on Aerosols, 1976, NTIS (3/76, 9/76) Studies 8), 1975, Springer-Verlag (12/74, 7/75) Friedlander, S. K., Smoke, Dust and Haze; Fundamentals of Monteith, J. L., Ed., Vegetation and the Atmosphere, Vol. 1, Aerosol Behavior, 1977, Wiley (5/77, 10/77) 1976, Academic (7/76, 9/76) Hidy, G. M. et al., Eds., The Character and Origins of Smog , Ed., Vegetation and the Atmosphere, Vol. 2, 1976, Ac- Aerosols: A Digest of Results from the California Aerosol ademic (7/76, 2/77) Characterization Experiment, 1979, Wiley (2/80, 5/81) Ross, J., The Radiation Regime and Architecture of Plant Stands, Hopke, P. K. (with E. S. Macias), Eds., Atmospheric Aerosol: 1981, Dr. W. Junk BV Publishers (9/81, 9/82) Source I Air Quality Relationships, 1981, Maple Press (2/82, Smith, L. P. Ed., Methods in Agricultural Meteorology, 1975, 3/82) Elsevier (11/75, 8/76) Kneip, T. J. (with P. J. Lioy), Eds., The New York Summer , Ed., Progress in Plant Biometeorology: The Effect of Aerosol Study, 1976, 1979, New York Academy of Sciences Weather and Climate on Plants, Period 1963-1974, 1975, (4/80, 9/80) Swets Book Services (6/75, 1/76) Lippman, M. (with T. J. Kneip), Eds., The New York Summer Aerosol Study, 1976, 1979, New York Academy of Sciences (4/80, 9/80) Air Quality/Pollution Macias, E. S. (with P. K. Hopke), Eds., Atmospheric Aerosol: Argonne National Laboratories, Studies on Mathematical Models Source!Air Quality Relationships, 1981, Maple Press (2/82, for Characterizing Plume and Drift Behavior from Cooling 3/82) Towers. Vol. 1: Review of European Research, 1981, Elec- Morales, C., Ed., Saharan Dust, Mobilization, Transport, tric Power Research Institute (5/81, 9/81) Deposition, 1979, Wiley (7/79, 2/80) Argonne National Laboratories, Studies on Mathematical Models Twomey, S., Atmospheric Aerosols, 1977, Elsevier (1/77, 5/ for Characterizing Plume and Drift Behavior from Cooling 78) Towers. Vol. 2: Mathematical Model for Single-Source (Sin- gle-Tower) Cooling Tower Plume Dispersion, 1981, Electric Power Research Institute (5/81, 9/81) Agrometeorology Argonne National Laboratories, Studies on Mathematical Models Barfield, B. J. (with J. F. Gerber), Eds., Modification of the for Characterizing Plume and Drift Behavior from Cooling Aerial Environment of Crops, 1979, American Society of Towers. Vol. 3: Mathematical Model for Single-Source (Sin- Agricultural Engineers (12/79, 5/80) gle-Tower) Cooling Tower Drift Dispersion, 1981, Electric Gerber, J. F. (with B. J. Barfield), Eds., Modification of the Power Research Institute (5/81, 9/81) Aerial Environment of Crops, 1979, American Society of Argonne National Laboratories, Studies on Mathematical Models Agricultural Engineers (12/79, 5/80) for Characterizing Plume and Drift Behavior from Cooling Towers. Vol. 4: Mathematical Model for Multiple-Source (Multiple-Tower) Cooling Tower Plume Dispersion, 1981, © 1984 American Meteorological Society Electric Power Research Institute (9/81, 9/81) Bulletin American Meteorological Society 597 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 02:19 AM UTC 598 Vol. 65, No. 6, June 1984 Argonne National Laboratories, Studies on Mathematical Models Stevens, R. K. (with W. F. Herget), Analytical Methods Applied for Characterizing Plume and Drift Behavior from Cooling to Air Pollution Measurements, 1974, Ann Arbor (5/74, 1/ Towers. Vol. 5: Mathematical Model for Multiple-Source 76) (Multiple-Tower) Cooling Tower Drift Dispersion, 1981, Strauss, W., Ed., Air Pollution Control, Part III: Measuring Electric Power Research Institute (7/81,9/81) and Monitoring Air Pollutants, 1978, Wiley (4/78, 5/79) Bach, W. (with A. Daniels), Handbook of Air Quality in the UNIPUB, Measurement, Detection and Control of Environ- United States, 1975, Oriental Publishing (1/76, 3/76) mental Pollutants, 1976, UNIPUB (5/77, 11/77) Benarie, M. M., Ed., Atmospheric Pollution 1980, 1980, El- VanDop, H. (with F. T. M. Nieuwstadt), Eds., Atmospheric sevier (11/80, 3/81) Turbulence and Air Pollution Modelling, 1982, Reidel (3/ Brebbia, C. A., Ed., Mathematical Models for Environmental 83, 9/83) Problems, 1976, Halsted (4/77, 8/77) World Meteorological Organization, Papers Presented at the Britter, R. E. (with R. F. Griffiths), Eds., Dense Gas Disper- WMO Symposium on the Long-Range Tansport of Pollutants sion, 1982, Elsevier (3/83, 6/83) and Its Relation to General Circulation Including Strato- Cheremisinoff, P. N. (with R. A. Young), Eds., Air Pollution spheric /Tropospheric Exchange Processes, 1979, UNIPUB Control and Design Handbook, Vols. 1 and 2, 1977, Dekker (6/80, 10/80) (3/77, 10/77) Young, R. (with R. Perry), Eds., Handbook of Air Pollution Comar, C., Science and Public Policy: Selected Writings of Analysis, 1978, Halsted (3/78, 12/78) Cyril Comar, 1980, Electric Power Research Institute (2/ Young, R. A. (with P. N. Cheremisinoff), Eds., Air Pollution 81, 5/81) Control and Design Handbook, Vols. 1 and 2, 1977, Dekker Daniels, A. (with W. Bach), Handbook of Air Quality in the (3/77, 10/77) United States, 1975, Oriental Publishing (1/76, 3/76) Davis, W. T. (with K. Noll), Power Generation: Air Pollution Analysis and Forecasting Monitoring and Control, 1976, Ann Arbor (5/76, 9/77) Gottlieb, D. (with S. A. Orszag), Numerical Analysis of Spec- Guderian, R., Air Pollution, Phytotoxicity of Acidic Gases and tral Methods: Theory and Applications, 1977, The Society Its Significance in Air Pollution Control, 1977, Springer- for Industrial and Applied Mathemetics (5/78, 12/78) Verlag (11/77, 6/78) Organisation Scientifique et Technique Internationale du Vol a Fronza, G. (with P. Melli), Eds., Mathematical Models for Voile, Handbook of Meteorological Forecasting for Soaring Planning and Controlling Air Quality, 1982, Pergamon (5/ Flight, 1978, UNIPUB (12/81) 83, 9/83) Orszag, S. A. (with D. Gottlieb), Numerical Analysis of Spec- Griffiths, R. F (with R. E. Britter), Eds., Dense Gas Disper- tral Methods: Theory and Applications, 1977, The Society sion, 1982, Elsevier (3/83, 6/83) for Industrial and Applied Mathemetics (5/78, 12/78) Kohn, R. E., A Linear Programming Model for Air Pollution Sulakvelidze, G. K. etal., Forecasting of Hail, Thunderstorms Control, 1978, MIT Press (4/79, 3/80) and Showers, 1977, Wiley (2/78, 8/78) Hanna, S. R. et al., Handbook on Atmospheric Diffusion, 1982, NTIS (9/82, 12/82) Atmosphere (Upper) Herget, W. F. (with R. K. Stevens), Analytical Methods Applied Akasofu, S.-I. (with J. R. Kan), Eds., Physics of Auroral Arc to Air Pollution Measurements, 1974, Ann Arbor (5/74, 1/ Formation, 1981, American Geophysical Union (4/82, 1/ 76) 83) Longhetto, A., Ed., Atmospheric Planetary Boundary Layer Bronshten, V. A. (with M. I. Grishin), Noctilucent Clouds, Physics, 1980, Elsevier (12/80, 4/81) 1976, Wiley (4/77, 12/77) Meetham, A. R. et al., Atmospheric Pollution: Its History, Chamberlain, J. W., Theory of Planetary Atmospheres, An Origins and Prevention, 4th rev. ed., 1981, Pergamon (10/ Introduction to Their Physics and Chemistry, 1978, Aca- 81,9/82) demic (12/78, 5/79) Melli, P. (with G. Fronza), Eds., Mathematical Models for Geophysics Study Committee, Assembly of Mathematical and Planning and Controlling Air Quality, 1982, Pergamon (5/ Physical Sciences, The Upper Atmosphere and Magnetos- 83, 9/83) phere, 1977, National Academy Press (3/78, 7/78) Miller, T. L. (with K. E. Noll), Air Monitoring Survey Design, Grishin, M. I. (with V. A. Bornshten), Noctilucent Clouds, 1977, Ann Arbor (5/77, 2/78) 1976, Wiley (4/77, 12/77) Noll, K. E. (with T. L. Miller), Air Monitoring Survey Design, Hines, C. O., The Upper Atmosphere in Motion, 1974, Amer- 1977, Ann Arbor (5/77, 2/78) ican Geophysical Union (1/75, 1/76) Nieuwstadt, F. T. M. (with H. Van Dop), Eds., Atmospheric Kan, J. R. (with S.-I. Akasofu), Eds., Physics of Auroral Arc Turbulence and Air Pollution Modelling, 1982, Reidel (3/ Formation, 1981, American Geophysical Union (4/82, 1/ 83, 9/83) 83) Oikawa, K., Trace Analysis of Atmospheric Samples, 1977, Kato, S. (with G. Roper), Eds., Electric Current and Atmos- Halsted (11/77, 9/78) pheric Motion, 1980, ISBS (1/81, 5/82) Perry, R. (with R. Young), Eds., Handbook of Air Pollution , Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere, 1980, Reidel (5/ Analysis, 1978, Halsted (3/78, 12/78) 81, 12/81) The Royal Society of London, Pathways of Pollutants in the Mitra, A.
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