Courtesy of the Local History Room, Fullerton Public Library COMMUNITY CALENDAR Page 12-15 2008 erton server F ullerton’s Only Independent News • est.1978 (primedO on 100% recycled b paper) Volume 30 #14 • W ^ M i M l20 0 8 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER Who will be our next President? Nelson’s leak to Saddleback media puts city Pastor Rick Warren in jeopardy of Bad with presidential Faith Bargaining candidates M cCain & Councilmember Shawn Nelsons leak O bam a at o f confidential details from city labor the Civic negotiations could put the city at risk of Forum. fines for bad faith bargaining, said labor Fullerton law attorney, Irma Moises, hired by the M ayor city to cover labor issues. Quirk, and If Nelson is found to have violated the council state law governing confidential meet­ m em bers ings, he also “potentially” could be liable Keller and for misdemeanor charges, said City Bankhead Attorney Richard Jones in an email accepted reply to questions from the Observer. It invitations would be up to the District Attorney or to attend a Grand Jury to pursue the matter. the event. Continued on page 4 M ore on paves C it y C o u n c i l 8 & 9 Photo by C a n d id a t e F o r u m s Bryan Crowe ocaction.net •Monday, SEPT 15: Chamber o f Commerce Candidates forum will take place at the Fullerton Council Amerige Court condo Synthetic grass Chambers in City Hall from 6:30pm to 8:30pm •Monday, SEPT 22: Neighbors for L ion ’s United for Fullerton, a nonpartisan project wins support community organization will present a Council OK with Conditions Field? free forum to introduce Fullerton City Before approving the concept mass Councilmember Shawn Nelson, who Council candidates on Monday, and footprint o f the 6-story project is under a Fair Political Practices Hazards may September 22 from 6:45pm to 8:45pm (with 14 penthouses on top) to replace Commission investigation, recused him­ in the Fullerton Public Library Osborne the parking lots on both sides o f the 100 self from the Amerige Court discussion make savings moot Auditorium at 353 W. Commonwealth block of Amerige (including the Malden and vote and left the room. The FPPC While synthetic turf may have some Ave, Fullerton (92832). St. properties) downtown, Mayor Quirk investigation is into whether his previ­ advantages over natural turf when used Incumbents Sharon Quirk, Dick added three conditions which were ous votes on the project broke the law on median strips near roadways, there Jones, and Shawn Nelson will face chal­ accepted by the other councilmembers. requiring recusal o f members that have are other issues to consider including lengers Karen Haluza, and Virginia The conditions will bring the financial, business dealings within 500 feet o f a toxic content, high surface tempera­ Han. (Council candidates Scott Carroll architectural, and sustainability aspects project. In this case his law firm, Rizzo tures, injuries, durablity, disposal and and Dick Little did not respond to the o f the project back before council as they & Nelson, has been listed since 2006 as replacement costs when used on playing invitation.) become available. Approve 4-0 (Nelson the agent for the SO C O Holdings Inc, a fields and around children. •Monday, O C T 6: League o f recused himself). holding company for bar/restaurants Stuart Gaffin, an associate research Women Voters will host a Council Councilmember Keller asked for two with an address o f 115 W. Santa Fe Ave, scientist at the Center for Climate Candidate forum at Fullerton Council councilmembers to join her in reducing Fullerton (The Continental Bar owned Systems Research at Columbia Chambers in City Hall from 7pm to the height back to its original five floors by former planning commissioner Sean University became involved with the 9pm. City Hall is located at the corner with a look more like the style the firm Francis). Nelson revealed on his 2007 temperature issues of synthetic turf of Commonwealth and Highland had created for Tustin and attention to and 2008 Statements of Economic fields while conducting studies for a •Saturday, O C T II: Pros & Cons the issues o f sustainability. Mayor Quirk Interests form 700 that he receives project on the cooling benefits o f urban Forum at 10:15am at Fullerton Public agreed but neither Councilmembers income from SOCO Holdings. trees and parks. He noticed that a num­ Library, 353 W. Commonwealth, will Jones or Bankhead were interested so the ber of the hottest spots in the city turned Continued on page 4 demistyfy the initiatives on the ballot. motion died. out to be synthetic turf fields. Hosted by League o f Women Voters. Direct temperature measurements •Wednesday, O C T 15: Pros & Cons “Friends for Fullerton’s Future” conducted during site visits showed that 1:30pm at the Senior Center, W. synthetic turf fields can get up to 60° Commonwealth. 714-738-6305 kick campaign season off hotter than grass, with surface tempera­ Continued on page 9 tures reaching 160°F on summer days. For example, on 6 July 2007, a day in on a dirty foot which the atmospheric temperature was INSIDE Robo calls and video attacks: Santa Margarita and its Fullerton 78°F in the early afternoon, the temper­ •Page 3: S0 C 0 Walk: The Real Story Friends for Fullertons Future is respon­ address as 110 E. Walnut, the offices o f ature on a grass field that was receiving •Page 4: Are C ity Pensions Fair? sible for the robo-calls many in town Tony Bushala (also a member o f The direct sunlight was 85°F while an adja­ •Page 5: Cam paign M on ey received recently which urged against re­ Education Alliance and FACT). Bushala cent synthetic turf field had heated to electing Mayor protem Dick Jones. The was the only contributor to Friends for •Page 6: Leon Owens Scholars 140°F. call directed the receiver to the groups Fullerton’s Future in the last election. & Fullerton Car Show The surface can be cooled by being website, www.friendsforfullertonsfu- Funds were used for the sole purpose o f •Page 7: Film C om pan y watered down but it heats back up ture.org, where a u-tube video o f Jones defeating Doug Chaffee for City Shoots Downtown quickly and can contribute to burns, railing against a development was post­ Council. $550 in contributions are list­ dehydration and heat exhaustion. •Page 8 & 9: Saddleback Forum ed. The video took Jones actual actions ed so far this year. "Exposures of ten minutes or longer to •Page 10: Sister C ity Stories during a city council session and manip­ Google “The good, bad, and ugly surface temperatures above 122°F can •Page 20: Day Hike Mt. Whitney ulated them grotesquely. groups trying to influence local elec­ cause skin injuries, so this is a real con- a n d much more! Friends for Fullerton’s Future lists its tions” for more on dirty campaign c e r n > Continued on page 5 treasurer as Betty Presley o f Rancho tricks, (page 2 Oct 2006 Observer). PRESORTED F u l l e r t o n To Advertise in the STANDARD U.S. O b s e r v e r POSTAGE PAID PO BOX 7051 O b s e r v e r c a l l PERMIT NO. 1577 FULLERTON CA 92834 FULLERTON CA phone: 714-525-6402 714-525-6402 Courtesy of the Local History Room, Fullerton Public Library Page 2 Fullerton Observer COMMUNITY OPINIONS Early September 2008 Observers Around the World Re: Media Earthquake ullerton Just wanted to commend you on your fine article in the August bserver Observer. I ’ve never read a better analysis/critique o f the print and press The Fullerton Observer Community Newspaper, as it operates today. New catch word founded by Ralph Kennedy and among the pundits — not only do they a group of friends in 1978, is staffed by local “analyze” they now “parse” every citizen volunteers who create, publish, and utterance which makes me want to distribute the paper throughout our community. This venture is a not-for-profit one with all throw things at the TV. ad and subscription revenues plowed back I was a journalism major in college into maintaining and improving and through the years did my share o f our independent, fluff - assistant publicity director o f non-partisan, non-sectarian, the Houston- Astros (when they community newspaper. Our purpose is to inform Fullerton residents entered as the Colt 43s no less) - and about the institutions and other societal some time with a Hollywood publici­ forces which most impact their lives, so that they ty firm. But that was what I was paid may be empowered to participate for. I spent time as M E o f Westways in constructive ways to keep and make these pri­ magazine which was entertaining but vate and public entities serve all residents in lawful, open, just, and sociaily-responsible not “fluffy” and I really went straight ways. Through our extensive local calendar and this past year with a book I wrote - a other coverage, we seek to promote sort of “streetscape” o f Fullerton histo­ a sense of community and ry called - The Street Where You Live: an appreciation for the Why d id they name it...? M u stn ’t fluff values of diversity with which our country is so uniquely blessed. Brian Choi at the Convention: Brian Choi at the D N C in Denver, up history (at least not too much).
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