southeast asia union Jill May — June, 1985 M.C. (P)M11 No:142/2/85 4PIT YOUNGBERG HITS THE NEWS! NEWSTART participants assembled at the cemetery for exercise with Dr. Ing (extreme right). NEWSTART AT YOUNGBERG ADVENTIST HOSPITAL Dr. S. F. Clarence Ing, American Board-Certified Ophthalmologist with excellent personal experience in reconditioning programs, and his Singaporean wife, May, organized and led out in Youngberg Adventist Hospital's first two NEWSTART programs. The first NEWSTART program was held at the hospital during the Chinese New Year holidays, February 17 to 21, 1985. A second program was held April 14 to 18, 1985. NEWSTART is a live-in life-style reconditioning program with emphasis on the natural remedies of nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, air, rest, and trust in Divine Power. The aim is to promote total well-being through God's simple natural methods. A total of eleven persons attended the first five day session. Thirteen registered for the second session. The first group ranged in age from 22 to 81 years of age. The health profile of the group revealed six with heart disease. Heart attacks had been experienced by four individuals. One had had coronary by-pass surgery eleven months before. The second group included another individual with a coronary by-pass history, a few with high blood pressure, and a .larger percentage interested in loosing weight. Those with the most severe heart disease had a test walk under the direct supervision of a physician. A physician continued to supervise their subsequent exercise, for one had recurrent angina pains and another feared she might have trouble. Through prayers and encouragement from the staff, her fear slowly disappeared. She is now able to walk more freely with much Dr. Er Mrs. Clarence Ing admiring the pewter plaque presented by the NEWSTART partici- greater confidence. Most participants experienced direct blessings from the pants as a token of appreciation. Lord. 2 THE MESSENGER May — June The lecture sessions dealt with various aspects of lifestyle and its relationship to disease and longevity. The importance of exercise and nutrition was stressed, including the type of diet best for avoiding heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. Ladies from the hospital and local churches gave cooking demonstrations. The participants learned about calories and how to prepare good nourishing food. The meals prepared were very low in fat, cholesterol, sugar, and salt, yet they were appetizing. Both the local English and Chinese newspapers gave excellent coverage for the program. Response from the participants as enthusiastic. They Photo shows some of the Secondary One students participating in Anti-Inhalant Abuse received much benefit from the program and requested future programs for Campaign. the benefit of their friends. The man who had the stress EKG is now able to walk more than 2.4 km without chest pain or shortness of breath. Other participants are able to walk more than 400 meters without difficulty and are slowly increasing their Inhalant abuse first surfaced in distances. They now have confidence to exercise safely within their limits. Singapore in 1979. From 24 cases in — Jonathan Ng, Public Relations Director, Youngberg Adventist Hospital. 1980, it rose to 73 in 1981, 528 in 1982 and 820 in 1983. With a significant 87.7% of these abusers below the age of 20, SANA together with the government sensed the urgency of educating the youth on its dangers through this national campaign. "The problem of inhalant ANTI-INHALANT ABUSE abuse is more insidious than heroin CAMPAIGN addiction because, while heroin sup- plies are more difficult to obtain, Pastor Jonathan Ng, Chaplain Et inhalants are commonly found in a Public Relations Director of Young- multitude of products and materials berg Adventist Hospital, represented used in household, commercial, and the hospital during the launching of industrial applications. Access to a three-month National Campaign volatile inhalants is immediate and Against Glue-Sniffing and Inhalant almost unrestricted. Unlike narcotic Abuse on March 11, 1985 at the drugs, the possession of products Walking is the best form of exercise. RELC Auditorium, Singapore. Spon- and materials such as glue, thinners, sored by the Singapore Anti- gasoline, cleaning liquid, and re- Narcotics Association, better known moving agents is not an offence. as SANA, the campaign was offi- The concerted efforts of parents, cially opened by the Minister for guardians, teachers, community Home Affairs and Second Minister organizations, Government and for Law, Professor S. Jayakumar. Non-Governmental agencies are Pastor Ng, who has been actively therefore required to check and involved in Anti-drug Abuse Cam- overcome inhalant abuse before it paigns in Malaysia and Singapore gets out of hand," said Mr. Baey for the past 12 years, was recently Lian Peck, President of SANA, elected Secretary of the Committee during the cmapaign. Participants in their relaxing moods. for Speakers, SANA. He has served Youngberg Adventist Hospital is as a key volunteer speaker during thankful for the opportunity to this national campaign. Thus far, he serve as a supportive agency in the has spoken to approximately 10,000 fight against drug abuse in the students and community members community. — Jonathan Ng, Public on the dangers of glue-sniffing and Relations Director, Youngberg Ad- inhalant abuse. ventist Hospital. May — June THE MESSENGER 3 EKAMAI CHURCH THAILAND CELEBRATES 21ST ANNIVERSARY CHRISTIANITY IN BUDDHIST SRI LANKA February 9, 1985 witnessed the special 21st Anniversary services of The Thailand Mission recently Tamil members and workers are the Ekamai Church. Elder B. U. sent Pastor Clifton Maberly to Sri suffering. There is no way to Donato, Youth Director of the Far Lanka to research the relationship communicate or send funds to Eastern Division and Elder Leo between various Christian organiza- some. They need our prayers. Evan- Ranzolin, Youth Director of the tions and Therevada Buddhism in gelism is being suspended until there General Conference were present. that country. is more security. Elder Ranzolin preached to us from Therevada Buddhism, the only The findings of this research will Acts 9:4-13.encouraging all to obey existent Hinyana Buddhism, is the be added to the ongoing study being God's will in every way. Pastor state religion and the religion of the done by the church in Thailand in Sunti, former President of the Thai- majority in Thailand, Sri Lanka, and their search for more effective ways land Mission, gave a brief history of Burma. At the scholastic level, all to communicate Seventh-day Ad- the Ekamai church. He especially three countries share the same ventist beliefs and concerns to the noted that church growth now scriptures and traditions. At the Buddhist majority (92%) in that necessitates bilingual services. We popular level each has absorbed country. At the FED Mission Board praise God for this increased oppor- other local beliefs, and the role of Meetings later this year, the Thai- tunity to serve both the Thai and the religion is determined by the land mission will present a paper on English-speaking people. personality and perceptions of their progress thus far, together with For twenty-one years the Ekamai distinct cultures. Probably because proposals for experimental evange- church members have worshipped in of Christian dominance (through lism. — Clifton Maberly, Pastor, the Milne Auditorium belonging to colonial powers) and the linking of Thailand. the Ekamai Adventist School. On Buddhist resurgence with nation- this special anniversary a large alism. nowhere has the encounter offering was collected for the pro- with the two religions been so posed new church building. The apparent as in Sri Lanka. Today members rejoiced when the chair- Christianity represents about 7% of man of the church building com- the population (Buddhism 67%, and mittee informed them that in early the rest are Tamil Hindus, and April construction would begin. — Moslems). Most Christians are Johnny Rueh, Manager, Thailand Catholics, and more than half are Publishing House. Tamils. After three weeks in literature research and interviews with leading Christians and Buddhists, Pr. Maber- ly reports that he located a lot of literature on the Christian-Buddhist encounter there, and was able to identify a wide range of evangelistic methods, being used with varying success. The Adventist church with 1500 members in a population of 15 million, has a Tamil majority. Though small, it is nonetheless Ps. Maberly and Fr. Laksman Penis, a leading Artistic proposal for Ekamai's future Seventh- day Adventist Church] actively trying to find better ways to Evangelical Anglican. witness to Singhalese Buddhists. The civil tragedy overshadows all else there at the moment. Many 4 THE MESSENGER May — June follow-up meeting in our village next year. I praise the Lord for giving us SARAWAK the opportunity to bring the gospel to these jungle people. I believe that after they have heard about God's MICHAEL MARKS THE TRUTH love for them, their happiness will Michael Ak Amer first became abound. acquainted with the truth when Michael Ak Amer is presently working as a machine tool operator attending Southeast Asia Union in Ironwood Shipyard Company in College to prepare himself for fur- Kuching. There he met Saul Basat, a ther service to his Lord. — Michael Seventh-day Adventist. At lunch- Ak Amer, Kuching, Sarawak. time one day Michael noticed that Saul did not make the sign of a cross. While they were eating, Saul MIRI VOICE OF YOUTH asked why Catholics make this sign Michael Ak Amer giving lecture. after praying. Michael could not Joy awaited the youth in Miri, answer him. Sarawak, during their participation Saul asked why Catholics go to went back to witness to the people in a Voice of Youth crusade last church on Sunday. Michael told him in their village.
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