![Abella, Irving, 284 Abraha](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Index Aaronovitch, David, 318 Aharonishki, Shlomo, 529 Abd Rabbo, Yasir, 488, 490 Ain, Steve, 291 Abdullah II, King, 223, 306, 498 Aisenbach, Shimon, 79, 79n, 80 Abel, David, 80« Aish Hatorah, 633 Abella, Irving, 284 Aizenberg, Isidore, 44, 45, 45«, 46 Abraham Fund, 586 Akron Jewish News, 659 Abraham, Joseph, 458 Ala, Abu, 490, 494 Abrahamson, Abe, 459 Alarcon Quesada, Ricardo, 50, 51, 55, Abram, Morris B., 664 87 Abramowicz, Dina, 664 Alberstein, Chava, 133 Abramowitz, Mayer, 44 Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Abromowicz, Moses, 664 622 Abse, Leo, 318 Alberti, George, 319 Abu Hanud, Muhammad, 485 Albertini, Gabriele, 354, 357 Abu-Hussein, Thara, 500 Albo, Lourdes, 72, 72M Academy for Jewish Religion, 613 Albojaire, Sarah, 80 Achron, Joseph, 92 Albright, Madeleine, 196, 201, 202, Ackerman, Gary, 161 204, 206,210, 219, 246, 324, 356, Adamiecki, Wojciech, 422 417,477,478,490,496,506 Adamkus, Valdas, 440 Aleksandrova, V, 556n Adato, Orit, 530 ALEPH, 602 Adler, Samuel, 88«, 119, 119», 120n, Alexander, Hazel, 319 136, 137, 137« Algemeiner Journal, 655 Adolphe, Bruce, 136 Alhambra, 137 Adriano, Alberto, 379 Almagor, I, 55In Adshina, Shlomo, 503 Al-Najjar, Mazen, 166 Afn Shvel, 655 Alpert, Michael, 132 Agenda: Jewish Education, 655 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 625 Agudath Israel of America, 151, 184, Alston, Richard, 446 189, 232, 233, 237, 241, 242, Altara, Adriana, 393 601 Alter, Robert, 7, 317 Agudath Israel World Organization, Altschuler, David, 140« 602 Altschuler, Jose, 24 Aguilar, Eloy O., 57« Altschuler, Mordechai, 553«, 555« 713 714 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2001 Alvarez, A., 318 American Friends of Neve Shalom/ Am Kolel Judaic Resource Center, 602 Wahat Al-Salam, 588 Amar, Jo, 108 American Friends of Rabin Medical Amato, Giuliano, 353, 354, 355 Center, 588 Amaudruz, Gaston-Armand, 368, 369 American Friends of Rambam Med- AMC Cancer Research Center, 627 ical Center, 589 Amcha for Tsedakah, 627 American Friends of Tel Aviv Univer- Amedi, Avner, 527 sity, 589 America-Israel Cultural Foundation, American Friends of the Alliance Is- 586 raelite Universelle, 599 America-Israel Friendship League, 586 American Friends of the Hebrew Uni- American Academy for Jewish Re- versity, 589 search, 578 American Friends of the Israel Mu- American Associates, Ben-Gurion seum, 589 University of the Negev, 586 American Friends of the Israel Phil- American Association of Jews from the harmonic Orchestra, 589 Former USSR, 625 American Friends of the Open Uni- American Association of Rabbis, 602 versity of Israel, 589 American Committee for Shaare Zedek American Friends of the Shalom Hart- Jerusalem Medical Center, 587 man Institute, 589 American Committee for Shenkar Col- American Friends of the Tel Aviv Mu- lege in Israel, 587 seum of Art, 589 American Committee for the Beer- American Gathering of Jewish Holo- Sheva Foundation, 587 caust Survivors, 578 American Committee for the Weiz- American Guild of Judaic Art, 578 mann Institute of Science, 587 American Israel Public Affairs Com- American Conference of Cantors, 609 mittee (AIPAC), 146, 169, 174, American Council for Judaism, 573 219, 242, 243, 244, 245, 590 American Federation of Jews from American Israelite, 659 Central Europe, 625 American Jewish Archives Journal, American for a Safe Israel, 246 659 American for Peace Now, 249 American Jewish Committee, 33, 47, American Friends of Alyn Hospital, 152, 155, 164, 165, 172, 173, 174, 587 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 186, American Friends of Assaf Harofeh 189,191, 226, 230, 240, 371, 385, Medical Center, 587 391,421,573 American Friends of Bar-Ilan Univer- American Jewish Congress, 55, 147, sity, 587 169, 176, 184, 186, 189,247,574 American Friends of Beth Hatefut- American Jewish Correctional Chap- soth, 588 lains Association, 627 American Friends of Herzog Hospi- American Jewish Historical Society, tal/Ezrath Nashim, 588 251,578 American Friends of Likud, 588 American Jewish History, 653 INDEX / 715 American Jewish Joint Distribution American-Israel Environmental Coun- Committee (JDC), 250, 387, 442, cil, 590 61,410,599 American-Israeli Lighthouse, 590 American Jewish Joint Distrubution Americans for a Safe Israel, 242, 591 Committee (JDC), 64, 67, 68, 70, Americans for Peace Now, 246, 591 71,431 Amery, Jean, 19 American Jewish League for Israel, 590 Amichai, Yehuda, 531 American Jewish Periodical Center, Amit, 591 616 Amit, 655 American Jewish Philanthropic Fund, Amitai, Miriam, 503 599 Ampal-American Israel Corporation, American Jewish Press Association, 592 578 Amselem, Moi'se, 291, 292 American Jewish Public Relations So- Amsellem, Georges, 303 ciety, 574 Anctil, Pierre, 302 American Jewish Society for Service, Andreev, Evgeni, 557« 627 Andy Statman Klezmer Orchestra, 137 American Jewish Times Outlook, 659 Annan, Kofi, 204, 205, 206, 418, 483, American Jewish World Service, 599 498 American Jewish World, 654 An-ski, S., 133 American Jewish Year Book, 655 Anstey, Vivienne, 474 American ORT, 600 Antebi, Yigal, 422 American Physicians Fellowship for Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 147, Medicine in Israel, 590 151, 152, 163, 165, 168, 170, 171, American Rabbi, 650 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 181, American Red Magen David for Israel, 184, 186, 189, 244, 246, 247, 406, 590 412, 574 American Sephardi Federation, 251, Antonescu, Ion, 429, 430 579 Antonescu, Mihai Bogdan, 430 American Society for Jewish Music, Anzel, Erez, 303 579 Appel, Walter, 340 American Society for Technion-Israel Appelfeld, Aharon, 364 Institute of Technology, 590 Applebaum, Louis, 304 American Society for the Protection of Aql, Ibrahim, 479 Nature in Israel, 591 Arad, Ron, 483 American Society for Yad Vashem, Arafat, Suha, 158, 159 591 Arafat, Yasir, 50, 53, 56, 154,159, 163, American Society of the University of 168, 169, 195,207,210,211,212, Haifa, 591 213,214,215,216,217,218,220, American Students to Activate Pride, 244, 245, 247, 286, 306, 323, 324, 602 343, 354, 410, 429, 446, 459, 480, American Veterans of Israel, 625 482, 486, 487, 489, 490, 492, 493, American Zionist Movement, 591 494, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 522 716 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2001 Arameh, Sharon, 504 Association of Jewish Libraries, Arbel, Edna, 527 579 Arboleya, Jesus, 25M Association of Orthodox Jewish Scien- Archer, Lord, 311 tists, 603 Arens, Moshe, 197 Association of Yugoslav Jews in the Argov, Zohar, 134 United States, 626 Arian, Merri, 88, 120, 121M Atlas, James, 301 Arizona Jewish Post, 650 Aufbau, 655 Armey, Richard, 217 Avenary, Hanoch, 91M Aronstam, Sheila, 475 Avi Chai Foundation, 230 Artzi, Shlomo, 134 Avital, Shlomo, 303 ARZA/World Union, 592 Avitan, Adi, 484 Ascher, Sarah Arditi, 302 Avner, Uri, 559M Ashcroft, John, 162 Avotaynu, 654 Ashira, 114 Avraham, Benny, 484 Ashkenazi, Zelig, 443 Avrahami, Yosef, 497, 502 Asiel, Yitzhak, 421,435 Axworthy, Lloyd, 287 Asis, Moises, 21M, 30M, 33«, 41, 41M, 43, Ayalon, Ami, 501, 529, 530 60,75 Azeglio, Carlo, 353 Asis, Tatiana, 72 Azure, 651 Asmal, Kadar, 473 Asman, Moshe, 443 Babitsky, Andrei, 437 Assad, Bashar al-. 199, 201, 202, 206, Babiuc, Victor, 430 479 Bachi, Roberto, 533M, 534M Assad, Basil al-, 201 Baer, Abraham, 98« Assad, Hafez al-, 195, 197, 1.98, 199, Baer, Elizabeth (Betty), 69 200,201,209,478,479 Baer, Tommy P., 69 Association for Jewish Studies, 602 Baez, Joan, 101, 121 Association for the Social Scientific Bagraim, Michael, 460 Study of Jewry, 602 Bahrame, Meir, 500, 503 Association of Jewish Aging Services, Bakalarz, Ronald, 454 627 Baker, James, 147 Association of Jewish Book Publish- Balcombe, Fred, 320 ers, 579 Balcombe, John, 320 Association of Jewish Center Profes- Baldas, Moises, 25, 30, 30M, 34, 37, 38, sionals, 627 41,42,43,54 Association of Jewish Community Or- Baltimore Hebrew University, 613 ganization Personnel, 628 Baltimore Institute for Jewish Com- Association of Jewish Community Re- munal Service, 613 lations, 574 Baltimore Jewish Times, 653 Association of Jewish Family and Chil- Bamberini, Leopoldo, 362 dren's Agencies, 628 Bandler, Kenneth, 64M, 71M, 77M INDEX / 717 Bankier, David, 530 Becker, Lavy, 28, 28n, 37, 38, 38n, 40, Banner, Gillian, 318 41,41n, 42 Bar Tel, Baruch, 352 Bedein, David, 287 Barak, Aharon, 354 Beem, Hartog, 351 Barak, Ehud, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, BegedKefet, 124, 136 202, 204, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, Begin, Menachem, 196, 210, 529 212,213,215,217,218,220,236, Begin, Yonatan, 529 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, Begin, Ze'ev B. (Benny), 529 249, 286, 293, 306, 322, 323,324, Begun, Yerachmiel, 112« 343, 378, 400, 409, 422, 446, 449, Behar, Alberto, 72 459, 462, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, Behar, Rosa, 67, 72 482, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, Behar, Sam, 352 492, 493, 494, 496, 497, 498, 499, Beilin, Yossi, 400, 494 500, 502, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, Beitner, Terry, 290 510, 511, 512,513, 514, 519, 520, Beitz, Berthold, 395 521,522,525,526,531 Beitz, Else, 395 Barda, David, 456 Bejarano, Margalit, 2In, 25n, 26n, 30n, Bardach, Ann Louise, 28, 28« 32n, 34n, 39, 39n, 42n, 43n, 83n Bardossy, Laszlo, 416 Beker de Weinraub, Tony, 548« Barghouti, Marwan, 214 Belinfante, August D., 352 Baron de Hirsch Fund, 628 Belling, Suzanne, 468 Barrios de Chamorro, Violeta, 56 Bellow, Saul, 301 Barta, George, 302 Ben David, Mordechai, 90, 109, 110, Bartoszewksi, Wladyslaw, 422, 530 110M, 112, 1127!, 115, 140 Bartov, Omer, 18n Ben Dov, Ilan, 400, 406 Baruch, Menachem, 530 Ben Elissar, Eliahu, 340, 531 Baskin, Leonard, 665 BenHaim, Paul, 133 Bassam, Lord, 310 Ben-Ami, Eliyahu, 504 Bassani, Giorgia, 364 Ben-Ami, Shlomo, 354, 356, 484, 490, Bassat, Nina, 447, 453 491,493,494,497,529 Bassiouny, Mohammed, 499 Benatoff, Cobi, 359 Batista y Zaldivar, Fulgencio, 23, 27 Ben-Bassat, Avi, 507 Battat, Shimon, 510 Ben-David, Calev, 11 In Bauer, Gary, 147 Bender, Ryszard, 423 Bauer, Susan, 129n Ben-Eliezer, Binyamin, 494, 509 Bauer, Yehuda, 9n, 13, 530 Ben-Eliyahu, Eitan, 530 Bauman, Zygmunt, 14n Benes, Bernardo, 25, 25n, 28, 28n, 44, Baumel, Judith Tydor, 318 44n Baumhammers, Richard Scott, 172 Benima, Tamarah, 352 Bayefsky, Anne, 295 Benizri, Shlomo, 491 Beat'achon, 114 Benjamin N.
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