Now That's a Short Film! 27Th International

Now That's a Short Film! 27Th International

27TH INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL NOW THAT’S A SHORT FILM! Photography: Alina Gozin’a Alina Photography: FLiCKERFEST.COM.AU #flickerfest2018 BENDIGO - VIC %$55$%$16: NOOSA - QLD BROOME - WA ALICE SPRINGS - NT ADELAIDE - SA DARWIN - NT %HQGLJR&LYLF*DUGHQV 7KH3OD\KRXVH+RWHO The J, Noosa Junction Sun Pictures Araluen Arts Centre Lawns Mercury Cinema Deckchair Cinema Thur 25 Jan 6DW)HE Sat 24 Feb Fri 9 - Sat 10 Mar )UL6XQ Mar Sat 7 Apr Fri 4 May SOD\KRXVHKRWHOFRP BYRON BAY - NSW 1(:&$67/(16: TOOWOOMBA - QLD PORT MACQUARIE - NSW HUSKISSON NSW CANOWINDRA - NSW HUNTER VALLEY - NSW Huskisson Pictures Mullumbimby Civic Hall 7RZHU&LQHPDV Empire Theatre Majestic Cinemas Royal Hotel Peter Drayton Winery Sat 24 Mar 6DW)HE Sat 24)HE Sat 10 Mar Sat 5 May Fri 26 - Sun 28 Jan Sat 7 Apr WRZHUFLQHPDVFRPDX SAWTELL - NSW DINNER PLAIN - VIC *811('$+16: PERTH - WA 085:,//80%$+16: GRAFTON - NSW TOWNSVILLE - QLDOtto’s Majestic Cinemas Market Snow Park &LYLF7KHDWUH Camelot Outdoor Cinema 5HJHQW&LQHPD Saraton Theatre 6XQ)HE Sat 24 Mar Fri 5 - Sat 6 May Fri 26 Jan Thur 1 - Sun 4 Mar 6DW6XQ0DU Sat 7 Apr WKHFLYLFFRPDX FLQHPDUHJHQWFRP CANBERRA - ACT BUNBURY - WA NARRABRI - NSW .(036(<16: MACKAY - QLD *2/'&2$674/' 2GGIHOORZV+DOO Palace Electric Cinema 0(5,0%8/$16: BREC Cube Theatre Crossing Theatre CQ Con of Music 7KH$UWV&HQWUH*ROG&RDVW &OXE6DSSKLUH0HULPEXOD )UL)HE 7KXU0DU Thur 5 Apr Fri 11 May Sat 10 Feb Fri 2 - Sat 3 Mar )UL6DW$SU PDFOHD\YDOOH\FRDVWFRPDX WKHDUWVFHQWUHJFFRPDX cinemas/electric URWDU\GRUJDXaSDPEXOD %5,6%$1(4/' CAIRNS - QLD MELBOURNE - VIC NAMBOUR - QLD COFFS HARBOUR - NSW 3DODFH&HQWUR&LQHPDV Jetty Theatre HOBART - TAS .$/*225/,(:$ Tanks Arts Centre Palace Kino Cinemas Majestic Cinemas )UL6DW)HE Fri 16 Mar Peacock Theatre, SAC 6WDJH/HIW7KHDWUH Sat 12 May Wed 14 - Thur 15 Feb Sat 3 Mar SDODFHFLQHPDVFRPDX Thur 5 - Fri 6 Apr 6DW$SU FLQHPDVFHQWUR VWDJHOHIWRUJDX cinemas/kino GRIFFITH - NSW KUNUNURRA - WA S/W ROCKS - NSW 0$5<%2528*+4/' Griffith Regional Theatre CYGNET - TAS PARRAMATTA,NSW KNX Picture Gardens CRESCENT HEAD - NSW S/W Roxy Cinema %UROJD7KHDWUH Sat 17 Mar Cygnet Town Hall Riverside Raffertys Theatre Sun 13 & )UL8 May Communal Hall Sat 14 Apr Sat Feb 6XQ0DU Sat 7 Apr Thur 15 Feb EUROJDWKHDWUHRUJ KATHERINE - NT cygnetartscouncil $,5/,(%($&+4/' HOPETOUN - WA ,19(5(//16: Katherine Cinemas $LUOLH%HDFK3&<& '(10$5.:$ Outdoor Cinema 0DMHVWLF&LQHPD Thur Mar NARROGIN - WA )UL6DW-XQ 7%& 'HQPDUN&LYLF&HQWUH Sat 24 Feb 7KXU0D\ Performing Arts Centre URWDU\DLUOLHEHDFKFRP )UL)HE Fri 6 Apr - Sat 7 Apr PDMHVWLFFLQHPDVFRPDX GHQPDUNFUFFRPDX Please see for final dates and booking information for the tour. All dates and programmes subject to change. * Some Adult themes. All children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult. TOURING PROGRAM BEST OF AUSTRALIAN TWO BITES ),9(%<),9( WHO’S WHO IN MYCOLOGY 60($5 UNDER THE HAMMER WATU WOTE (ALL OF US) DURATION: 111 MINS Australia / 13min / 2017 8QLWHG.LQJGRPPLQ Czech Republic, United States / 8QLWHG.LQJGRPPLQ Australia / 14mins / 2017 Germany / 22min / 2017 WRI: Barb Cromie :5,&DW-RQHV/HH&RDQ 16min / 2016 :5,',5.DWH+HUURQ :5,',5'DQLHO5HLVLQJHU WRI: Julia Drache LOST PROPERTY OFFICE DIR: Jonathan Pease 1DPGL.KDQ6HOLQD/LP :5,0LFDK6FKDIIHU7RQ\+HQGUD :5,%ULRQ\5HGPDQ :5,1LFKRODV%RVKLHU DIR: Katja Benrath Australia / 10min / 2017 PROD: Jo Austin 1DWKDQLHO3ULFH :5,',5352'0DULH'YRUDNRYD 352''RXJODV&R[ 352''DQLHO5HLVLQJHU PROD: Tobias Rosen WRI/DIR: Daniel Agdag Maudie has lived a long ',5.DWH+HUURQ 352'0DUWD.XFK\QNRYD 7KHIHHGLQJKDELWVRIWKH $QQLH6FKXWW For almost a decade Kenya PROD: Liz Kearny eccentric life filled with travel 352''HDQ%\ILHOG 0LODQ.XFK\QND FRPPRQFKDPHOHRQDVQHYHU A man struggles to stop his has been targeted by terrorist Ed is the sole custodian of and adventure. As her imminent ,QDEXVWOLQJPHWURSROLVRI A young trombone player VHHQEHIRUH beloved family home from attacks of the Al-Shabaab. the Lost Property Office. In death approaches, her eager PLOOLRQV\RXQJ$VKLVORVW spends an adventurous night being sold from under him... SUPER NICE A DROWNING MAN many ways, he’s lost as the children, Peter and Janet, and 7KHQDFKDQFHHQFRXQWHUOHDGV trying to open an impossible Australia / 8min / 2017 WRI/ SWISS MADE Denmark / 15min / 2017 items he is tasked to look her grandchildren, descend on KLPWRPDNHDGDQJHURXV bottle of wine. DIR: Jack Yabsley Switzerland / 3min / 2017 WRI/DIR/PROD: Mahdi Fleifel after. her heirloom filled home. GHFLVLRQZKLFKEHJLQVDFKDLQ PROD: Fiona Pearson WRI/DIR/PROD: Sophie PROD: Patrick Campbell, UHDFWLRQRIHYHQWV KILL OFF MIRO – AN AUSTRALIAN In the very nice town of Wietlisbach Signe Byrge Sørensen Australia / 16min / 2016 Alone and far from home, The WWII FIRST WREN BOYS SHORT LAUGHS COMEDY Berrifield, only one person can A satirical portrait of WRI/DIR/PROD: Genevieve Australia / 24min / 2016 United Kingdom / 11min / 2017 be the nicest. Switzerland, which makes use Kid makes his way through Clay-Smith WRI/DIR: Victoria Wharfe WRI: John Fitzpatrick DURATION:95 MINS of aesthetic codes inspired by a strange city looking for the IT’S COMPLICATED PROD: Erin Black, Eleanor McIntyre touristic language. means to get through his day. :5,'IR: Harry Lighton M.A.M.O.N Winkler, Karen Burdett South Africa / 17min / 2017 PROD: Fran Dobbie, PROD: Sorcha Bacon YOUR CALL IS IMPORTANT PÉPÉ LE MORSE (GRANDPA American Horror Story’s Spain / 5min / 2016 WRI: Kelvin Wong Amadeo Marquez-Perez On the day after Christmas, a TO US WALRUS) Jamie Brewer stars as Sonja, WRI: Ale Damiani, SantiVecino, DIR: Grant De Sousa When Miro returns home at the Catholic priest from Cork drives Australia / 15min / 2017 WRI/ France / 15min / 2017 a woman with an intellectual Juan Andrés Fontán, PROD: Justin Cohen, end of WWII, he finds his land his nephew to prison. DIR: TJ Power WRI/DIR: Lucrèce Andreae disability who forms an Javi Cruzado, Enrique Codesio Tyrone Rubin, Alan Lawson taken, his daughter stolen, his PROD: Riley Nottingham, PROD: Jérôme Barthélemy, unlikely friendship with a DÖDA FARMOR (KILLING DIR: Alejandro Damiani When lonely Andy invites a girl people relocated and his service Daniel Sauvage Sudanese refugee through GRANDMA) PROD: Juan José LópezWhile whom he met online to his Kathryn Power record treated with contempt. Your call is a short comedy that On the windy and cloudy their mutual love of KRUMP. Sweden / 21min / 2017 Donald Trump is undergoing apartment, he falls head-over- FYSH WRI/DIR: Lars Vega Persson heart surgery, a portal to heels for her despite his confirms our fears about what beach, Granny is praying, Mum 0$57+$7+(02167(5 Australia / 13min / 2017 PROD: Isabelle Björklund another reality opens. flatmate Nigel’s repeated really goes on at call-centres is shouting, the sisters don’t $XVWUDOLDPLQ attempts to point out her when we’re asked, ‘Please hold? care, Lucas is alone. Grandpa WRI/DIR: Billie Pleiffer It’s the 90’s and two young girls FERN :5,',5&KULVWRSKHU:HHNHV PROD: Rita Walsh are practicing for QuakeCon. seemingly obvious flaw. was a weird guy, now he’s United Kingdom / 6min / 2017 352'-DPLH+LOWRQ This is the story of an old man When they are forced to spend dead. WRI/DIR: Johnny Kelly CATASTROPHE 0LFKDHO3RQWLQ and a fish that changed his life. time with one of the girls’ BEST OF EU SHORTS PROD: Greet Kallikorm The Netherlands / 2min / 2017 ZŁE UCZYNKI (EVIL DEEDS) ,QDQXSVLGHGRZQZRUOG grandmother, they discover that A woman loses her husband, WRI/DIR: Jamille van DURATION: 109 MINS Poland / 24min / 2016 ZKHUHKXPDQVOLYHDORQJVLGH she is a world-weary woman of and finds a potted plant. Wijngaarden WRI/DIR: Piotr Domalewski PRQVWHUV0DUWKDD BEST OF INTERNATIONAL strong will. NÉHÁNY SZÓ (JUST A FEW PROD: Derk-Jan Warrink, PROD: Jerzy Łukaszewicz VRPHWKLQJIXUU\LVKDYLQJD LADYLIKE WORDS) DURATION: 117MINS Koji Nelissen Max - the ten-year-old son of a PDMRUFULVLV Australia / 7min / 2017 Hungary / 8min / 2017 THE WORLD IN YOUR WINDOW When a little bird suddenly hospital cleaner has been WRI/DIR/PROD: Tel Benjamin DIR: László Csáki SECOND BEST AN IMAGINED New Zealand / 15min / 2017 drops dead in it’s cage, all eyes caught trying to steal a PROD: Alex Ditsas, PROD: Péter Csornay, Australia / 20min / 2017 CONVERSATION: KANYE WRI: Zoe McIntosh, Costa Botes are on the cat. patient’s wallet. Lucy Rennick Miklós Kázmér, Zoltán Hidvégi WRI: Alyssa McClelland, WEST & STEPHEN HAWKING DIR: Zoe McIntosh Maya and Cassie are going to GOOD GIRLS “… it might not have been a WAVE Simone Moessinger Canada / 7min / 2017 PROD: Hamish Mortland rob Wayne Mason’s house United Kingdom / 10min / 2017 question of right and wrong. Ireland / 14min / 2017 DIR: Alyssa McClelland WRI/DIR: Sol Friedman Eight-year-old Jesse lives in a WRI/DIR: Niamh McKeown Which is to say that wrong WRI/DIR: Benjamin Cleary PROD: Daisy Bray PROD: Sol Friedman, twilight world of sadness and 285:21'(5)8/1$785( PROD: Jack Cowhig choices can produce right DIR: TJ O’Grady Peyton Second Best is a dark Sarah Clifford-Rashotte silence, squeezed into a tiny 7+(&20021&+$0(/(21 Bonnie, Pinkman’s finest results, and vice versa.” – PROD: Rebecca Bourke comedy about the power of Over a Chinese food picnic at caravan with his grief stricken *HUPDQ\PLQ student and head girl takes us Murakami Haruki A man wakes from a coma identical twin sisters and the the beach, Stephen Hawking father.

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