Night For Bums Big Blue vs. Big Red Traced To Adam By NEIL O'BRIEN Stags are welcome at a dollar sev- Tomorrow At Ithaca Mrs. Walters at Blossom Heath enty-five. recommends the Bum's Rush so ^Celestial rewards will be confer- By DICK PRETS highly that she openly refuses to red at intermission. Last year Miss It'll be the Big Blue against the Big Red York, to meet Cornell's sophomore-studded permit it on her premises. There- fore, it will be held at the National Beverly Ward was awarded the tomorrow afternoon as Jess Neely's Rice Redmen. Guard Armory, a highly respectable prize—one free Wasserman Test. Owls, attempting to better their ranking of Over 30,000 partisan fans are expected and, in all likelihood, permanent Minors admitted. fourteenth nationally, journey to Ithaca, New to jam into the crescent-shaped stands of establishment. Schoellkopf Field to watch these The Bum's Rush traces its origin two high-scholastic-standing insti- An to Adam, who, having partaken rqf tutions meet for the first time on All Student the apple cider (the Puritanical ele- the gridiron. The game could shape Newspaper ment.,, claims it was an apple) like up as a battle-of-the-backs-named the scavenger he was, jumped into 77w 2 Dick, with Rice's Dicky Moegle some old fig leaves, and, bopping challenging the efforts of two simi- out of the Garden, initiated the lar Cornellians, Dick Meade and first in a long tradition of virtuous 1 Dick Jackson. , . orgies. In honor of Adam and his descendants, a testimonial to his The game will be the first of the dissipation will be held Saturday 1 n rvr / season on enemy soil for the Blue night, October 3—between 9 and 1 team, who opened their season with —or as long as the alcoholic stimu- Volume Forty-One, Number Three HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1953 a crushing 20-16 victory over Flori- lants last. da. This is also Rice's debut against Johnny Ragsdale and The Sun- Ivy League competition. downders, who will substitute for The highly regarded Owls will . Gabriel and The Archangels, will Committee Plans Permanent Memorial For leave early today by plane for their furnish music for those wishing to headquarters at Elmira, a short dis- dance. No holds barred in the chor- tance from Ithaca, and their first eographical competition. The substi- Ten NROTC Students Killed In Plane Crash •start against an Eastern team since tute saintly chaperons will be Mr. 1939 when they were beaten 1-3-6 by Knightly et ux and Mr. Dunaway A permanent memorial to the ten terson, assistant to President Hous- 44 ROTC students killed when a Fordham. It will be the 59th inter- et ux. Rice students killed in a plane crash ton. C-119 transport crashed and burned sectional conflict for a Neely- Everybody, of course, is invited, near Milton, last July 17 is now be- An eight - member committee, after takeoff. They were taking coached Rice eleven, and every and the price of debasement is $2 ing planned by school officials and composed of representatives of the part in summer training maneuv- member of the squad is expected per couple plus any additional students. The announcement was Rice board of trustees, the alumni ers with the Naval Reserve Offi- to be in top shape, with the excep- clearances and carrying charges. made last week by Dr. W. H. Mas- association and the student body, cer Training Corps. The ten Rice tion of Carl Johnson. The senior will meet in the near future to make midshipmen who lost their lives in halfback was injured in Saturday's plans for the memorial. The dele- the tragedy were Wallis Clem Els- drill, and the crippled limb hasn't gated students are Bill Lee, Jay ton, Bowdon W. Wilson, Jr., Frank responded to treatments. Extra Review Day Weidler, and Thad Putnam. M. Caldwell, Edward Robert Clay- However Morris Stone, a junior ton, Edward Lee Bailey, Raymond The student body is also con- from Kerrville, is expected to fill A. Daniel, George W. Coyle, Jr., in with able backing by Sam Burke, templating a memorial service Robert Kay Dickson, Allen L. Backed By Council sometime this fall. A committee and Mac Taylor. Otherwise the line- Wright, and William E. Wohn. up should be the same as the group headed by Kent Bendall, presi- Albert Sundemeyer, chairman of must be given in person to one of O that put on such a brilliant display dent of the Religious Council, has the 1954 Rice Institute Science and the members of the committee; Al- (Continued on Page 6) len, Jean Youngblood, or Ulrich already commenced planning the Arts Review, received a vote of con- dedication, for the victims of the Rice Ranked First Wolff. A ; fidence frOm the Student Council worst tragedy in Rice's history. The next meeting was scheduled now is The Time -For Tuesday night on his request to hold for Wednesday, October 7. The Rice students were among In Chemical Report the Review over to Sunday, April" Rice Institute has been ranked j Your Campanile Photo 4. Approval of the plan by the Stu- first of a group of ten colleges on All students who missed their dent Council is not necessary, but the basis of the percentage of their Campanile portrait appointments Chain of Mysteries Still chemistry baccalaureate who obtain last week should make them up Sundemeyer desired some student their doctorates, according to the at any time between 8:00 and approval before formulating other September 21, 1953 issue of Chemi- 2:00 on Friday, Saturday, Mon- plans, because of the necessity for cal and Engineering News. The ar- Unsolved After Newest Find day, or Tuesday. Tuesday is the ticle is a condensed report of some the students to participate in the last day that makeups for last The guns are now the property of of the technical papers presented show to work that Sunday. By MARK MORRIS week will be taken. In 1951 the Rice Institute became the Automobile Insurance Co., before the meeting of the American In the past years, the Review Those students with appoint- involved in a chain of mysteries which settled the insurance claims. Chemical Society in Chicago in Sep- has been held on Friday and Sat- ments late in the week will re- spanning more than a century when Dr. Eby, who has had his fill of tember 7-11. ceive faster service by coming in urday only. It is the idea of this a pair of antique dueling pistols mysterious dueling pistols, does not This ranking was reported by B. during a free hour early in the year's Review staff to hold over were stolen from Fondren Library. care to reobtain them, nor does Dr. R. Siebring of Wisconsin State Col- week. the show to allow those people Dr. Richard Dix, then Rice Librar- Hardin Craig, Jr, present Rice li- lege. Dr. Siebring's results differ ° who cannot come on those days, ian, had borrowed them to display brarian. (Continued on Page 8) to attend. The show will be open here, but they disappeared before he had a chance to place them on .v^during the afternoon hours of exhibit. t Sunday only, according to Sunde- A small portion of the mystery meyer. was cleaned up last week when the Sundemeyer also suggested that pistols were placed on the porch of the Student Council aid the Review Dr. J. Brian Eby, the man whp had | in.a broader advertising campaign loaned them to Dr. Dix. A bullet S;4 this year, and to perhaps sponsor an mold, a ramrod, and a small copper exhibit of their own. Student Asso- powder flash were also returned. ciation President Kneel Ball ap- One pistol was engraved "To Ralph pointed a committee headed by For- Waldo Emerson" and the other est Ralph to investigate this possi- "From Walter Savage Landor." / bility. The mystery surrounding these Bill Allen, of the committee on pistols began in 1833 when the elections, reported that no petitions - English poet, presented them to for the sophomore presidency had Emerson. Why Emerson, peaceful been turned in as of the time of the enough to be called' a pacifist, council meeting on Tuesday. These should be presented with dueling petitions are due today at noon, apd pistols J»y a stranger such as Landor, is the root of the mys- tery. This apparent inconsistency, often passed off as a joke be- tween the t\yo men, troubled Dr. Inside The Thresher Dix, aif his interest in the pis- WJ tols stems from his desire to clar- 0 On page 2 will be found a ify it. He studied the correspond- T story on Dr. Hesseltine, Uhe '53^.54 ence, but discovered no mention M. p. Anderson Visiting Professor. of the pistols. It is. believed that he did find a Flash card tricks will begin few formally •unintelligible lines at the Hardin-Simmons game. whose meaning the pistols might , page 5. explain. The theft of the pistols 0 The Freshman team opens disturbed Dr. Dix so much that he its season tonight at the Rice Sta- never completed his investigation, COACH JESS NEELY addresses the first Rice pe p rally, held prior to the Kice-Florida game. In the dium. For inside information on the and his findings have never become background are five of the six Rice cheerleaders. In t he usual order, they are Carolyn Thomas, Sander Frin- Owlets, check page 6. known. dell, Jane Ryba, John Gibbs, and Joan Ryba.
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