510 STAN6TED. KENT. [KELLY'S .Stansted Lawrence Thomas, beer retailer Fairseat. Nunn Rev. William Eastgate Middle- Ledger John, farmer Drummond John ton M.A. [rector], Rectory Manley John, V(qo Kemball Major-Gen. John Sh~w Over James, farmer, Court Lodge farm COMMERCIAL. Parsons WiIIiam, farmer . Nutter William Leonard Waterlow Alderman Sir SydI:ey Heu­ Capon Alfred, grocer Skudder Mary W. (Miss), Black Horse, ley bart. M.P., J.P.; & Fairseat house, Crowhurst Thos. farmer, Coldharbour & grocer Highgate n.; Reform club s.w.; & Elcome Alfred,.shopkpr. & beer retailer Sparks John, farmer & hop grower City Liberal club e.c. London Hawkins WiIliam, farmer \Vadlow Thomas, blackmith Jaques :Francis Hume Spry, farmer Ha~·sman WiIliam, H m'se <f Groom Walter Hy. wh.eelwright, build. & farmr Jarvis WiIliam, shoe maker Woodger John, farmer STAPLE is a village and parish in the Eastern division Staple, consists of the interest of £400, invested in Margato of 'the county, lathe of St. Augustine, hundred of Downham- Pier shares, for the poor of Adisham and Staple and is at the ford, Eastry union, county court and county police district disposal of the rector. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners of Sandwich, rural deanery of East Bridge and archdeaconry are lords of the manor. Rev. Sir Brook G. Bridges bart. and diocese of Canterbury, 8 miles east from CanterburY,4 C. J. Plumptre esq. and St. John's College, Cambridge, are west from Sandwich and 4 north-east from Adisham station. the largest landowners. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, clay. The church of St. James is a building of flint, in the Decorated The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and market gardcn and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel with a north produce. The area is 1,00<) acres; rateable value, £3,261 ; chapel, belonging to the Lynch family, nave, north aisle, and the population in 1881 was 52!. south porch and an embattled western tower, containing a BARNSOLE is a hamlet ~ a mile east and SHATTERLI;"[G It1 clock and 4 bells: in the south wall of the chanc.el is a north on the Canterbury road, both in this parish. piscina: there are several tablets to the Lynch family, a brass Parish Clerk, vacant. of a merchant .and several slabs fr?m whic~ brasses have Letters from Sandwich vid Wingham, which is the nearest been removed. the font! a C0!1SPICUOl:'S feature, has an money order & telegraph office. WALL Box closes at 7. 1 5 octa/?onal ~owl of large sue, enrIChed With figures of angels p.m. week days & 7 a.m. on sundays bearmg shields: the lower part of the bowl has figures of " monsters and a floriated band and the shaft is also sur- Tax Collector, Charles Hambrook, ~ mgham rounded with grotesque bE-asts and is elevated on two steps: .Natiolwl School(mixed), has 90 chi~dren on the regist~rs with the style is probably Perpendicular. The church was an average attendan~e of 57.; ~ISS Rosa Sharp, mlstres~ thoroughly restored in 1868. The register dates from the Infant School,Sha~terhng,~)ullt III 1874; there are 21 chJl­ year 1560. The living is a rectory, yearly commuted value dr.en o~ the registers! WIth an average attendance of 15; £592, with an aLTe and a half of glebe and residence, in the . ~lJss Ehza Wyborn, mistress gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury and held by the Rev. CONVEYANCE TO CANTERBURY.-Luck's omnibus, from Robert Ffrench Blake RA. of Trinity College, Dublin. }c~astry, passes through here saturday; & Hooker's 'bus The Baptists have a small chapel at Bamsole. Palmer's I from Sandwich along Shatterling every morning, return- charity, left in 1817 by W. Palmer, rector of Adisham and ing in the evening Blake Rev. Robert Ffrench RA. Rectory Franks George. miller (wind) & baker, Pidduck George, farmer, Barnsole Staple mill Ragdale Joseph, market gardener COMMERCIAL. Hatcher Thomas, farmer Rodgers Richard Cook, marketgardener Amos Wm. market gardener,Shatterling Hayward Thomas, blacksmith & florist, Staple nursery Appleton Edward (Mrs.), market gar- Holness Henry, market gardener Rowland WilIiam, grocer dener, Shatterling Howard Henry, Three Tuns Sandy John, hurdle maker BassettThos. market gardener, Barnsole Joiner Geo. market gardener, Barnsnle Setterfield Henry Alphonsus,Green3fa.t, Bassett Thomas (Mrs.), market gar- Joiner Wm. market gardener, Barnsole & market gardener, Shatterling dener, Barnsole Larkins John,market gardener & farmer Spinner Robert, carpenter Butcber Edward, farmer1 Barnsole Maxted Richard, grocer & beer retailer, Stiff Mary A:o:n (Mrs.), farmer, Gipsy Cook Samuel, farmer, Church farm Barnsole court, Shatterling Cork Austin, market gardener, Barns hI MiIlgate WiIliam, market gardener Tritton Geo. market gardener, Barnsole Cork WilIiam, thatcher, Barnsole Moat Thomas, beer retailer, ShatterIing : Tritton John, brewer & farmer, Barnsole Cozens Geo. market gardener & farmer Mount Emma (Mrs.), market gardener 1I Vinten Edwin John, farmer & market Dadds James, farmer, Lower & Shat- & farmer gardener, The Rookery terling farms Nethersole Michael, farmer, Crix hall Wall In. beer retailer & market gardnr Darby John,boot & shoe maker, Barnsole Palmer Charles, farmer Witham Jas. market gardnr.Shat1 erIing Dove IIy. market gardener, Sbatterling . Petley Charles, farmer, Staple farm "'yborn Thos.marketgardener,Rushing STAPLEHURST is a parish and village and station on bursar of that college. There are Congregational and the South Eastern railway, in the Weald of Kent, in the Mid Baptist chapels There are charities amounting to about division of the county, union and county court district of £19 a year, derived from land amI stocks and distributed at Maidstone, hundreds of Marden, Cranbrook and Maidstone, Christmas and Michaelmas, in bread, coals and clothing; lathe of Scray, rural deanery of Sutton, arcbdeaconry of there is also an endowed charity of fluctuating value, given Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury,s miles north from by Messrs. Gibbons & Bathurst, for the education and ap- · Cranbrook,42 from London by rail 1,id Sevenoaks and 9 prenticing of poor children, this is also derived from land south frOlll Maidstone by road. The church of All Saints is and money in the funds. Iden, the seat of William Hoare a structure of flint and stone in the Early English and later esq. is a spacious mansion in the Italian style, standing in a styles and consists of chancel and nave, each with a south park of 150 acres. The manorial rights are divided between aisle and an embattled tower of Perpendicular date, contain- Sir Edmund Filmer bart. M.P. and St. Bartholomews hospital. ing 5 bells; an arcade of five wide pointed arches divides the Viscount Holmesdale, Mrs. llriant, Henry, Charles and nave from the south aisle, the piers being alternately cir- \VilIiam Hoare esqrs. are the chief landowners. The soil is cular and octagonal; the chancel is large and is separated gravel and clay; subsoil the same. The chief crops are from its aisle by three arches on circular pillars of Early wheat, oats, beans and hops. The area is 5.8.55 acres ~ l'ate­ English character; the south chapel is late Perpendicular; able value, £13,63I ; and the.population in 1881 was 1637. leading from the south porch to the interior is an ancient Parish Cll!1'k Thomas Bewley door decorated on the outer side with very elaborate ' . medireval iron work' two windows on the north side of the POST, MONEY ORDER &; TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savmgs Bank, · chancel have been filied with stained glass by Mrs. Reyner, Government Annuity &Insurance Office.-\Vil~amTaylor. wife of the rector, in memory of her father, mother and postmaster. Letters from London are dehvered at 7 brother; the east window, a Hne Early Decorated example & II a.m.. Box closes for Lon~on at.1;0.15. p.m. 9.35 a.m. · of five ligbts,is also stained; the chancel was restored at the &. 12·55 mId-day. Lond.on dall:y mall.. arrives 10.35 a.~. ; expense of the Rev, Thomas Crick B.D. late rector and in (hspatched 9.50 a.m.; mght ~aJl, ar~lVes 1~,17 p.m. ; dls- r853 the interior of the nave was restored, largely at the p~tched 10.42 p.m:; Dover mght mall, arrIves 2.5~ a.m. ; · expense of the late H. Hoare esq. and since 1876, a sum of (lJspatched 10·41i p.m. Money orde!s granted & paid from , not less than £1-,500 has been expended by the pre'lent 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & on saturday unbl 8 p.m rector, cbiefly on the nave of the church. The register \VALL BOXES, South Eastern hotel.& Cross-at·Hand, ~leared dates from the year 1538. The living is a· rectory, gross at 8 a.ID. & 5.30 p.m. k, Knox.brldge, cleared 9.25 a.m. & yearly value £r,200, with residence and one acre of glebe, in 9.20 p.m the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge and held since 1876 INSURANCE AGEN'l'S: , by the Rev. George Fearns Reyner D.D. formerly fellow and Bl'itish Empir~Mutrud Lif~, R. Barling T.
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