![Prostor 18 [2010] 2 [40]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PROSTOR 18 [2010] 2 [40] ZNANSTVENI ÈASOPIS ZA ARHITEKTURU I URBANIZAM A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING POSEBNI OTISAK / SEPARAT OFFPRINT Znanstveni prilozi Scientific Papers 438-451 Ahmet Tug¡rul Polat Kyoto Japanese Garden in Konya, Japanski perivoj Kyoto u turskom gradu Sertac Güngör Turkey Konyi Nail Kaklik The Design Principles of Japanese Gardens Oblikovni principi japanskog perivoja Pregledni znanstveni èlanak Subject Review UDC 712.032.1 (560 Konya) UDK 712.032.1 (560 Konya) SVEUÈILIŠTE U ZAGREBU, ARHITEKTONSKI FAKULTET UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE ISSN 1330-0652 CODEN PORREV UDK | UDC 71/72 18 [2010] 2 [40] 267-516 7-12 [2010] LEGEND 1. Artificial lake 9. Pagoda 17. Stone lantem 2. Bower 10. Parking lot 18. Thori 3. Bridge 11. Path 19. Watching terrace 4. Watching bower 12. Pergola 20. Waterfall 5. Draw well 13. Rock garden 21. Wc 6. Garden wall 14. Security building 22. Zen garden 7. Island 15. Service door 8. Main entrance ornament 16. Sitting group Fig. 1 The Project of Konya Japanese Kyoto Garden in Turkey Sl. 1. Projekt japanskog perivoja Kyoto u gradu Konya u Turskoj Znanstveni prilozi | Scientific Papers 18[2010] 2[40] PROSTOR 439 Ahmet Tug¡rul Polat,1 Sertac Güngör,2 Nail Kaklik3 1,2 Department of Landscape Architecture Odsjek za perivojnu arhitekturu Faculty of Agriculture, University of Selcuk Poljoprivredni fakultet, Sveuèilište Selcuk TR - 42075 Selçuklu/Konya, Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Peyzaj Mimarlıg¡ı TR - 42075 Selçuklu/Konya, Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Peyzaj Mimarlıg¡ı Bölümü Kampüs Bölümü Kampüs 3 Afforestation Management, University of Selcuk Upravljanje pošumljavanjem, Sveuèilište Selcuk, Turska TR - 42075 Selçuklu/Konya, Selçuk Üniversitesi Kampüs Ag¡açlandırma Müdürlüg¡ü TR - 42075 Selçuklu/Konya, Selçuk Üniversitesi Kampüs Ag¡açlandırma Müdürlüg¡ü Subject Review Pregledni znanstveni èlanak UDC 712.032.1 (560 Konya) UDK 712.032.1 (560 Konya) Technical Sciences / Architecture and Urban Planning Tehnièke znanosti / Arhitektura i urbanizam 2.01.05 - Landscape Architecture 2.01.05 - Pejsažna arhitektura Article Received / Accepted: 1. 4. 2010. / 6. 12. 2010. Èlanak primljen / prihvaæen: 1. 4. 2010. / 6. 12. 2010. Kyoto Japanese Garden in Konya, Turkey The Design Principles of Japanese Gardens Japanski perivoj Kyoto u turskom gradu Konyi Oblikovni principi japanskog perivoja garden vrt Japanese garden japanski perivoj Konya, Turkey Konya, Turska landscape design perivojna arhitektura symbolism simbolizam The natural, exotic and mystic properties of Japanese gardens differentiate them Japanski perivoji razlikuju se od drugih perivoja po svojim obilježjima poput from other gardens in the world. Since Japanese gardens are created in many prirodnosti, egzotiènosti i mistiènosti. Japanski perivoji nièu po cijelome svi- countries, many garden designers and garden users are curious about the main jetu i mnogi koji ih stvaraju ili koriste pitaju se po kojim se naèelima oni principles that influence the creation of these gardens. The objective of this re- oblikuju. Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja vrjednovanje autentiènosti ja- search was to evaluate the adequacy of the Japanese garden in Konya in Turkey panskog perivoja u turskom gradu Konya primjenom naèela oblikovanja ja- through application of the principles of the Japanese garden design. According panskih vrtova. Istraživanje je dovelo do spoznaje da taj japanski perivoj može to the research, the created garden in Turkey may represent a good example of biti dobar primjer. Rezultati dobiveni tijekom istraživanja takoder bi mogli Japanese gardens. The results obtained by this study may be taken as guiding poslužiti kao svojevrsni standardi u procesu osnivanja tematskih japanskih principles for the creation of thematic Japanese gardens in the world. perivoja u svijetu. 440 PROSTOR 2[40] 18[2010] 438-451 A. T. POLAT, S. GÜNGÖR, N. KAKLIK Kyoto Japanese Garden in Konya, Turkey Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi INTRODUCTION AREA OF RESEARCH UVOD ISTRAŽIVANO PODRUÈJE It is determined that Konya7 and its surround- ing was one of the most significant centers of population even during the 8th millennium BC. As far as can be understood from Çatal- höyük excavations, the first settlement, do- mestic architecture and the first sacred struc- ture in Anatolia were established on this ter- ritory. Additionally, the tomb of Mevlana, the an- cient city of Klistra, numerous madrasas, mosques and tombs are located within the boundaries of Konya. The city is located near the southern side of Middle Anatolia, at 1 020 m above sea level, at the foot of a huge hill (Alaaddin Hill).8 Konya’s Japanese garden, which was desig- ned and applied on an approximately 30 000 m2 area by Konya Metropolitan Municipality in the Province of Konya, District of Selçuklu, constitutes the research area (Fig. 2). This garden is in terms of area the biggest of all Japanese gardens in Turkey. RESEARCH GOALS AND METHODS CILJEVI I METODE ISTRAŽIVANJA Japanese gardens are a piece of nature made Japanese garden elements and design princi- by the human hand. The garden is a kind of ples have been taken in this reserach as eval- reflection of Japanese landscape.1 The rules uation criteria. Detailed survey of the litera- of natural development and dispersion that ture on this subject was also conducted. The form this landscape are applied meticulously purpose of this study is to measure success even in the smallest detail in the garden as in terms of Konya’s Japanese garden design. well. Artificial hills, rocks, lakes, stream beds In addition, the Japanese garden in Konya is and cascades are copied from the outstand- used to determine the elements. ing properties of various landscapes in the country.2 Japanese gardens show an inter- A detailed list of professional literature, plans twined connection of the concepts of land- and reports obtained from related institu- scape, religion and culture which are peculiar tions, surveys and photographs of the re- to Japan and make sense to Japanese people. search area have been used as research ma- However, the thing which is important here is terials. Research method is constituted of the to show the proficiency of making a huge study which is based on analysis and synthe- world formally fit into small places.3 The city sis. It is formed by the evaluation of observa- of Kyoto, one part if which was kept relatively tions which were carried out in Konya’s Japa- safe from destruction in World War II is shown as an inseparable part of Japanese cultural heritage, a home of at least 16 temples and a 1 Nitschke, 2003 centre of Japanese gardens Since it has been 2 Tachıbana et al., 2004; Sadler, 2007 declared a UNESCO’s World Heritage Site,4 it 3 Çınar, Atakan, 2007 is also shown in this context as well. 4 Van Tonder, 2007 5 Van Tonder et al., 2002; Kenneth, 2007 With their wisdoms, slender compositions, 6 http://jgarden.org/ calm and profound atmosphere, Japanese 7 According to the address-based identity register sy- gardens attract a great deal of attention world- stem of 2009, the population of Konya metropolitan muni- wide. Therefore, they are built in other coun- cipality is 1.003.373 (The state institute of statistics, 2010). tries as well. It is possible to see examples of For the province of Konya, the average temperature in the period between 1975 and 2008 is 11.4 oc, and the average Japanese gardens being built every year in rainfall is 26.6 kg/m2 (The general directorate of meteoro- various countries. Today, there are approxi- logy, 2010, The state institute of statistics, 2010). mately 690 Japanese-style gardens outside 8 The Konya governorship provincial culture and touri- of Japan.5 Some examples of Japanese gar- sm directorate, 2007 dens are geographically and chronologically 9 Nakawagara, 2004 presented in Table V.6 10 Ketchell, 2001 Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi Kyoto Japanese Garden in Konya, Turkey A. T. POLAT, S. GÜNGÖR, N. KAKLIK 438-451 18[2010] 2[40] PROSTOR 441 nese garden which was created in an urban region. Certain principles of Japanese garden art and some design elements were taken from the literature for the purposes of the study. The evaluation of these garden princi- ples applied to Konya’s Japanese garden was followed by further suggestions. RESEARCH RESULTS REZULTATI ISTRAŽIVANJA PRINCIPLES OF JAPANESE GARDEN DESIGN PRINCIPI OBLIKOVANJA JAPANSKIH PERIVOJA The principles of garden techniques, the way they are applied in traditional Japanese art, have not been known for a long time. Instead, knowledge about them which generally spread by secret doctrines and through communica- tion can be considered a source of informa- tion.9 The Japanese garden tradition is abso- king is developed by planning efficient usage Fig. 2 Location of the research area lutely affected by the symbolisms and de- of limited areas and disarranged parts which Sl. 2. Prostor istraživanja scriptions that belong to Taoist, Buddhist and is much contrary to the use of wide, flat areas Shinto religions: Horai Mountain, Crane and freely.18 The shapes of flowers and the rela- Tortoise Islands, mountains, clouds, pine tree tionships that are created among rocks de- etc.10 Gardens are sometimes used for reclu- pend on asymmetrical triangles and this sion and sometimes for education by Budd- asymmetrical arrangement means action and hist priests.11 energy.19 Japanese gardens exist as places where peo- One of the most important elements of the ple come to observe and contemplate rather Japanese garden design is the proportion of than just walk or wander around it, which is mass and space. The origin of this abstrac- more a European view of gardens.12 The role tion which has a great importance in the gar- of the visitors in Japanese garden is impor- den art depends on the belief in Zen.20 Flow- tant. The paths in the gardens should provide ers are designed in order to form mass and wide sceneries to the visitors.
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