THE VOICE 6301 Biscayne Blvd. Miami 38, Fla. Return Postage *YOICE Guaranteed Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. II, NO. 15 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy JULY 1, I960 Voice Photo 50-STAR FLAG which will be raised at Barry College on Monday, July 4, is unfurled by Sister Mary Alice, O.P., college vice- president, and Mrs. Richard Duifield of Miami, president of the Barry College Alumnae Association, which donated the new flag. Bishop McCormick To Head Altoona-Johnstown Diocese WASHINGTON (NO — The roll, former general secretary Most Rev. J. Carroll McCor- of the National Catholic Welfare Voice Phota mick has been appointed the Conference, had been Bishop of AMERICAN FLAG and the Cross are saluted by more than 100 Lady of Lourdes patio marks the beginning of classes in the fifth Bishop of Altoona-Johns- (Continued on Page 2) students and CCD instructors as an outdoor assembly in Our religious vacation' school conducted in St. Rose of Lima parish. town, Pa., by Pope John XXIII. Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the Unit- ed States, announced that the Mother, Father, And 6 Children Baptized Pope has transferred Bishop '2,500 Attend McCormick from his duties as Auxiliary Bishop of Philadel- Family Received 2 CCD Classes phia and from tbe Titular See of Ruspae to be Bishop of Al- Nearly 2,500 boys and girls toona-Johnstown. ' In Punta Gorda from 25 parishes of the diocese PUNTA GORDA — Through Bishop McCormiok, 52, was attended the summer Religious the illness of a member of Sac- Vacation Schools conducted by named to succeed Bishop How- red Heart Church, a family of 160 volunteer lay teachers of ard J. Carroll, who died last eight non-Catholics became ac- the Confraternity of Christian March 21 in Washington, D.C., quainted with the teachings of Doctrine. after a briet illness: Bishop Car- the Catholic Church and were s':- ,- • - - - Father R. E. Philbin, dio- recently baptized here by Fa- cesan director of the CCD, P. ther Hubert Sweeney, C.P. said the work accomplished is | Priests Needed Father Sweeney, pastor of is ."a firm', solid basis for the j Serra Club Told'_ the Sacred Heart parish and future participation of the his assistant Father Philip laity, in greater numbers, in DALLAS, Tex. (NO -The Ryan, C.P., met the Joseph carrying out Christ's mandate *h's "desperate need" for flfc priests was stressed by Payne family while making to go teach His doctrine." sick-calls to Mrs. Nona Loewe, an Italian Cardinal in a mes- Father Philbin presented CCD sage here to the 18th annual a parishioner who resides Serra International convention. certificates to 36 men and won*- with the Payne family. With- en of four parishes who conv The message came from His in a few weeks both Mr. and pleted basic courses in Chris- Eminence Giuseppe Cardinal Mrs. Payne requested that the tian Doctrine and the Adaptive Pizzardo of Rome, Prefect o£ entire family be given instruc- Way Method of teaching. The the Sacred Congregation of tions in preparation for bap- ceremony was held at The Cea- Seminaries and Universities. It was read to the convention tism. acle Retreat House, Manalapan. by Albert Cardinal Meyer, After an instruction course for Among professional teachers Archbishop of Chicago, epis- 18 weeks, Joseph and Therese FAMILY OF EIGHT converts is baptized by Douglas Edmund. Looking on as young Stephen who volunteered their services "" copal adviser to Serra Inter- in various parishes was Mrs* Payne, their daughter, Anasta- Father Hubert Sweeney, C.P., pastor, Sacred national. , is baptized are Father Philip Ryan, C.P., Leo LaBelle, of Little Flowec, sia and five sons, Lee Patrick, Cardinal Meyer offered the Heart parish, Punta Gorda. At left are Mr. and assistant, Mrs. Myrtle Rasmus, Godmother by Hollywood. She said the teach- Solemn Pontifical Mass whicM" Douglas Edmund, James, Peter Mrs. Joseph Payne and sons, Lee Patrick and proxy, and Anastasia, James and Peter Payne. ing aides supplied by the CCD opened the convention. and Stephen, were baptized by office were "most helpful" in Father Sweeney on Saturday, presenting doctrinal subject- Thirty seven archbishops and June 25. proxy for Mr. and Mrs. J. Bos- Mr. and Mrs. Payne and the matter. : bishops, largest gathering of the lowed the baptism. three oldest children received Hierarchy , ever assembled in Robert Feist and Mrs. Myrtle ton, Godparents of the entire Breakfast was served at the She praised teachers and oTO- this area, and nearly 1,800 Ser- Rasmus, both of Sacred Heart family, who are winter visitors their First Holy Communion rectory by Mrs. Rasmus, Mrs. er students for their week m (Continued en Page 14) parish, were Godparents by from Michigan to Punta Gorda. during the Mass which fol- Mary Hill and Mrs. J. Harper. Win Peace Through Faith, Religion-ln-Schools Solution Apostolic Delegate Urges Urged By Mexican Bishops MEXICO -CITY (NO — The stitutions that must work to- SANTA FE, N.M. (NO — to conquer the communist gether for educational progress: threat by conquering ourselves, Mexican Bishops' spokesman on The Pope's representative in the family, the Church and the by coming together in a com- education has urged a quick so- the United States called upon State." mon faith and a common love, lution to Mexico's religion-in- the Catholic people to wage a in Christ and in Mary." education debate to "clear the The Bishop spoke shortly aft- conquest through faith and love way for solution of our very se- er a convention of the National for the peace of the world. rious national problems." Action party had condemned Article Three as "a weapon Archbishop Egidio Vagnoz- Bishop Sergio Mendez Arceo of Cuernavaca, president of the with which it (the State) at- ' zi, Apostolic Delegate to the 'Help Fight Smut' Episcopal Committee for Educa- tempts to convert . teachers Vaited States, served as the Druggists To Ask tion and Culture, ascribed Mex- into simple instruments of the public power, to take posses- personal envoy of Pope John ico's educational turmoil to Ar- COLUMBUS, O. (NO — sion of the consciences of stu- XXIII at the papal coronation ticle Three of the 1917 Consti- Display posters asking cus- dents, and to de-Christianize a tution, which forbids religious •f La Conquistadora, a tiny -• tomers to help druggists - traditionally Catholic country." statue of the Blessed Mother J- keep obscene literature off j groups from having "any con- nection whatever" with schools. which has been revered by [: their magazine' and book < Mass In City Hall ' racks have been delivered • . He declared that the consti- MONTREAL. (NO — .iwass Catholics in the Southwest *~ to pharmacies by the Ohio ' tutional prohibitions "do not fa- has been offered in the City since 1625. *-' State Pharmaceutical Asso- • vor scholastic peace since they Hall and a large department " ciation. } Archbishop Vagnozzi presided were issued in times of profound store by Paul Emile Cardinal division, and the amendments at the coronation ceremonies "We want to sell only ac- Leger, who said, to often "God ! introduced have not restored in St. Francis cathedral. He - ceptable material," the post-~ has been left isolated within the the juridical'balance of the in- called the coronation "the cli- er says, "If a magazine churches." max of three centuries of de- seems objectionable to you, votion to the Blessed Mother " please call it to the atten- - tion of the management." ; in -New Mexico" as he placed 4 THE MOST REV. J. CARROLL McCORMICK ALL NEW - ALL NYLON a precious royal crown and a £ According to John F. Kir- . Fifth Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown priceless cross pendant on the win, assistant executive~sec- x Dayton Thorabred statue. ^ retary of the pharmaceutical .-, association, pharmacists are Bishop McCormick To Head Some 20,000 persons attended '/'. "intensely aware of their ob- the coronation rite, which was a -' ligations and responsibilities. DAYTON'S PRESTIGE TIRE feature of the 350th anniver- It is their sincere desire to Altoona-Johnstown Diocese sary ©f the founding of the city v decency in all realms, par- of ^ Santa Fe (Holy Faith). ticularly our printed media." (Continued from Page 1) the Archbasilica of St. John Guests of honor included seven Altoona-Johnstown since Jan. 2,__ \ Lateran in Rome by the late bishops and a host of civic dig- 1958. He was a brother of Bish- Cardinal Dennis Dougherty, nitaries. The tiny statue was op Coieman F. Carroll, of Mi- Archbishop of Philadelphia, brought to the rugged New Mex- Methodist Club Hears ami. who was his uncle. After or- ico territory by a Franciscan dination, Father McCormick missionary. Priest Explain Church Son of the late Patrick J, and continued his studies in the- RUSSELVILLE, Ala. (NO — Catharine Dougherty Mc- ology at the Roman seminary Archbishop. Vagnozzi recall- Cormick, Bishop McCormick A Catholic college president dis- until 1934 when he returned ed the fervent devotion to the was born in Philadelphia on to Philadelphia. Blessed Mother which pre- cussed Church teaching with Dec. 15, 1907^ He attended Our vailed during the long and dif- members of a Methodist men's Lady of Sorrows school in Phil- He served as Vice Chancellor ficult conquest of South club in this 100 per cent non- adelphia, and the College Ste. of the Philadelphia archdiocese from September, 1934, until American countries and of the Catholic town. Marie in Montreal. He made his southwestern United States studies for the priesthood at St. March, 1936, when he was ap- • NEW, EXCLUSIVE TWIN pointed Chancellor and remain- SAF-T-LOK TREAD DESIGN „ by the Spanish conquista- Father Brian Egan, O.S.B., Charles Seminary, Overbrook, ed in that office until Decem- • NEW, NON-SKID SAFETY » 40,000 MILES dores.
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