Homecoming tonight Metros beat Franklin, Oakland by Ann Miller didn't block out. The ball came and Hon Angevine followed with The weekend proved produc­ off the rim right at me. and I 12. Backing them up were tive for the 1UPUI Metros as just hit it in." Randy Wilkes and Mike Herr they garnered two victories and Franklin (19-5), considered a with nine each. Garrett meshed upped their wins to nine on the shoo-in for an independent berth eight. season in the N A IA District 21 tour Sunday night s fray with Oak­ land City proved to be a shoot The first triumph came on Sat ney. charged out to an early 19- ing match between Oakland s urday night against a highly 11 lead. But the Metros battled Brett Ayer and Metros Ange- touted Franklin ballclub. 62-61. back to a 23-21 edge mid-way vine. Their scoring duel ended Hey wood Garrett tipped-in the through the half. Franklin retali­ in a draw with each netting 24 winning basket at the buzzer ated and took a 40-33 lead to the lU P U I's Herr pumped in 16 and Oakland City was the Metros locker room Butler connected for 13. The second victim in as many nights, In the > second stanza, the Metros shot 52 percent from the 76-63. Franklin Grizzlies connected on field and. at one stretch, ran up a "1 just knew what had to be only seven of 27 from the field 16 point advantage done," commented the unassum­ Rut a few short-lived surges With a two-game winning ing Garrett after his Saturdav- kept them close to the IUPU1 streak under their proverbial night heroics. " I went in as fast cagers for the duration of the belts, the 9-12 Metros will close as I could and got the best re­ contest. their campaign with a home­ bounding position possible. He Kevin Brauns topped the coming stand tonight against (Franklin center M&e Huebner) Metros scoring with 16 points. IU Southeast at MSA. r ------------------------------------------------------------------ Inside •tc. News............................ page2 A baby is God's opinion that Opinion.......................page 4 the world should go on. Kelly & Duke................page 5 -Carl Sandburg The Leisure (Way to go Slash) Times................pages 6-10 Artillery? Classifieds................page 11 No, this isn't a tank disguised as modern sculptors. This unique pises of art Is on ths front lawn of ths Museum Building at Herron. (Photo by Tom Strattman) L Divorce and its trauma: part II (E d mote: The marriage/separti­ vorce She found out that the di­ cially if there is going to be a out and later delivered to the re­ period, a "Degree of Marriage tion situation described in this vorce was not as simple as she court battle over property or maining spouse. Formally, the Dissolution" is filled out. This article is purely fictional, yet is expected. custody of children. The cost of itioner's wife husband is then document officially grants a di­ based on facts discovered Mrs. Huntsman, her attorney, a divorce is charged by time. E>wn as the respondent vorce by the court. through interviews and re­ explained the steps involved, an­ The better the lawyer, the quick­ John called Dianne to let her In his publication. Taylor ex­ search. This is the conclusion to swered a lot of questions, and er the divorce is declared final, know he got the summons that plains that several questions a two-part series on the traumas told her that a lot of forms and the less expense it results she and Mrs. Huntsman had should be answered preceding and difficulties faced by a couple would have to be filled out. Ap­ in." filed. Fortunately, he was un­ the final hearing at divorce involved in the process o f di­ parently, filing was only the be­ The process of filing for di­ usually understanding and said court. If possible, the couple vorce. The first section, printed ginning of a long and drawn out vorce costs approximately S28. he wouldn’t put up a fight They themselves should discuss them, in the Feb. 18 issue o f the Saga­ process This must be paid in cash, be­ had a long talk the first good but in many cases, it is a task more attempted to detail and ex­ ENDURING THE ACTUAL cause the courts will not accept talk they had had in a great left up to the attorneys repre­ plain the problems o f divorce divorce requires mental strength checks or credit cards. Prelimi­ while. senting each party. These ques­ beginning with the separation and understanding of the court naries to filing, according to Mrs. Huntsman had given her tions include: period through the filing of the procedures. The petitioner, that How to Do Your Own Divorce a list of questions to try and • How is the property going to divorce. This continuation wilt is, the person filing for divorce, in Indiana, by Vincent S. Taylor, work out with John, if possible. be divided (for example, money, try to further explain what is has a choice of going through attorney at law. involved prepar They discussed them, and every­ cars, household furniture and faced from the filing of the di­ the divorce on their own or selec­ ing a "formal written request for thing seemed to work out pretty goods, insurance, slocks, bonds, vorce to the completion of the ting an attorney to ha.idle the a divorce, the ‘ Petition for Dis­ good. She guessed she was one real estate, and credit cards): process and some of the prob­ legalities involved. solution of Marriage ." of the lucky ones. From what • How are the debts going to lems faced afterwards.) According to Sheila Suess. at­ TH IS FORM is filled out in she'd heard, not too many di­ be handled. by Shirley M. Smith torney-at-law and former Cor­ triplicate and presented to the vorces worked out this well. • Who is going to have cus­ Bright and early Monday poration Counsel for the City of court when the fee for filing is ONCE TH E F IL IN G is com tody of the children, and what morning. Dianne called her at­ Indianapolis. "A n y person get­ paid. Then a summons, or an of­ pleted. a date is set for the final are the visitation rights of the torney to find out the necessary ting a divorce should choose the ficial statement announcing that nearing which is held after a 60- other parent going to be, steps required in filing (or di­ beat lawyer they can find, espe­ divorce has been filed, is filled day waiting period. During this (continued on page 2) 2 Sagamore 2/20/80 7horU Psych students meet gay community by Shirley CouU make-up on the stage for the Micha agreed " I am my In an unorthodox and daring purpose of performing mother if she were 23 in the presentation. Dr. Steven A Although Jeff and Michael 60s Hughes treated his "Introdue both admit they they have ven­ "M ost men repress their femi­ tion to Psychology " students to tured out to the local market in nine aids, J eff told the class an unusual learning experience "drag" Just "for the fun of it," "Jennifer allows me to express Christian Fello... in huraanggxuality last week they are surprised that the that part of me. Through her. I " I t was an important week, disguise isn't transparent to can be more creative. Jeff has Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will be holding their weekly Hughes said after a series of others. been able to grow because of her meeting Friday. 7:30 p.m.. at the Union Building, mezzanine class meetings between his stu­ "D o we look real?" Jennifer Jennifer is a performer a star," heexpalined. floor. M\ interested students are welcome to attend. For mor*. dents and guest speakers from asked the class. information, call Jeff at 632-1229. the gay community. In an open discussion of their On the other hand, the trans­ Dr. Hughes hoped to dispell life-style and the evolution of formation from the female char­ some of the stereotypical views their life toward homosexuality. acter to male creates a mental and to confront the students Micha and Jennifer (Michael and struggle, Jeff said. " I t ia a kind with their own biases so they Jeff) revealed that their environ of Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde Meet a dean... could intellecutally mature. ment as children was dominated At the second class meeting. Michael and Jeff wore their Interested students who wish to discuss liberal arts-related A t the first class meeting, by their mother while both fa­ street clothing issues are invited to attend an open meeting with Martha both students and the speakers thers were passive parents. "W e first appeared as girls, Francois. Dean of Liberal Arts, in the Hide Away lounge on admitted some apprehension as They briefly discussed the and now we are here as boys." Monday. Feb. 25, from noon to 2 p.m. Bring your lunch and they faced each other in the lec­ realization of their sexual pre­ Michael said. "W e will try to be exchange ideas. ture room. ference and related that peer real and honest about ourselves. pressure in high school pre­ On the platform were Micha We are putting odrselves on dis- Denueve. a raven-haired beauty, vented them from the acknow pky and Jennifer Lakes, a tall, strik­ lodgement of their homosexual They spoke of their family his­ ing red head.
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