§ 1214.605 14 CFR Ch. V (1–1–12 Edition) § 1214.605 Preflight packing and stor- § 1214.608 Safety requirements. ing. The contents of OFK’s and PPK’s (a) Items intended for inclusion in must meet the requirements set forth OFK’s or PPK’s must arrive at the in NASA Handbook 1700.7, ‘‘Safety Pol- Johnson Space Center, Code AC, at icy and Requirements for Payloads least 45 days prior to the flight on Using the Space Transportation Sys- which they are scheduled in order for tem (STS).’’ them to be listed on the cargo mani- fest, packaged, weighed, and stowed § 1214.609 Loss or theft. aboard the Orbiter. Items must arrive (a) Responsibility. The National Aero- at the Johnson Space Center prior to nautics and Space Administration will the 45-day limit even if the Associate not be responsible for the loss or theft Administrator for Space Flight’s ap- of, or damage to, items carried in proval is still pending. Items not ap- OFK’s or PPK’s. proved by the Associate Administrator (b) Report of Loss or Theft. Any person for Space Flight will be returned to the who learns that an item contained in requesting individual/organization. an OFK or a PPK is missing shall im- (b) The Associate Director, Johnson mediately report the loss to the John- Space Center, is responsible for the fol- son Space Center Security Office and lowing: the NASA Inspector General. (1) Securing the items while awaiting the launch on which they are mani- § 1214.610 Violations. fested. Any item carried in violation of the (2) Packaging, weighing, and stowing requirements of this subpart shall be- the items according to the manifests come the property of the U.S. Govern- approved by the Associate Adminis- ment, subject to applicable Federal trator for Space Flight. laws and regulations, and the violator § 1214.606 Postflight disposition. may be subject to disciplinary action, including being permanently prohib- The Associate Director, Johnson ited from use of, or, if an individual, Space Center, will: from flying aboard the Space Shuttle (a) Receive and inventory all items or any other manned spacecraft of the flown in the OFK and PPK’s following National Aeronautics and Space Ad- each Shuttle flight. ministration. (b) Return the contents of the PPK’s to the persons who submitted them. (c) Return all other flown items to Subpart 1214.7—The Authority of the submitting organizations with an the Space Shuttle Commander appropriate letter of certification. (d) Retain and secure mementos AUTHORITY: Pub. L. 85–588, 72 Stat. 426 (42 flown by the Agency for future use. U.S.C. 2473, 2455; 18 U.S.C. 799); Art. VIII, TIAS 6347 (18 U.S.T. 2410). § 1214.607 Media and public inquiries. SOURCE: 45 FR 14845, Mar. 7, 1980, unless (a) Official Flight Kit. Information on otherwise noted. the contents of OFK’s will be routinely released to the media and to the public § 1214.700 Scope. upon their request, but only after the This subpart establishes the author- contents have been approved by the As- ity of the Space Shuttle commander to sociate Administrator for Space Flight. enforce order and discipline during all (b) Personal Preference Kit. Informa- flight phases of a Shuttle flight to take tion on the contents of PPK’s will be whatever action in his/her judgment is routinely released to the media and to necessary for the protection, safety, the public upon their request imme- and well-being of all personnel and on- diately following postflight inventory. board equipment, including the Space (c) Responsibility for Release of Infor- Shuttle elements and payloads. During mation. The Director of Public Affairs, the final launch countdown, following Johnson Space Center, is responsible crew ingress, the Space Shuttle com- for the prompt release of information mander has the authority to enforce on OFK and PPK contents. order and discipline among all on- 124 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:05 Feb 10, 2012 Jkt 226048 PO 00000 Frm 00134 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\226048.XXX 226048 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR National Aeronautics and Space Admin. § 1214.703 board personnel. During emergency sit- (3) Provide for the protection of the uations prior to liftoff the Space Shut- Space Shuttle elements and any pay- tle commander has the authority to load carried or serviced by the Space take whatever action in his/her judg- Shuttle. ment is necessary for the protection or The commander shall have authority security, safety, and well-being of all throughout the flight to use any rea- personnel on board. sonable and necessary means, including [56 FR 27899, June 18, 1991] the use of physical force, to achieve this end. § 1214.701 Definitions. (b) The authority of the commander extends to any and all personnel on (a) Space Shuttle Elements consists of board the Orbiter including Federal of- the Orbiter, an External Tank, two ficers and employees and all other per- Solid Rocket Boosters, Spacelab, Upper sons whether or not they are U.S. na- Stage Boosters (Solid Spinning Upper tionals. Stage and Interim Upper Stages) and (c) The authority of the commander others as specified in NASA Manage- extends to all Space Shuttle elements, ment Instruction 8040.9. payloads, and activities originating (b) The flight crew consists of the with or defined to be a part of the commander, pilot, and mission spe- Space Shuttle mission. cialist(s). (d) The commander may, when he/she (c) A flight is the period from launch deems such action to be necessary for to landing of a Space Shuttle—a single the safety of the Space Shuttle ele- round trip. (In the case of a forced ments and personnel on board, subject landing the Space Shuttle com- any of the personnel on board to such mander’s authority continues until a restraint as the circumstances require competent authority takes over the re- until such time as delivery of such in- sponsibility for the Orbiter and for the dividual or individuals to the proper persons and property aboard.) authorities is possible. (d) The flight-phases consist of launch, in orbit, deorbit, entry, land- [45 FR 14845, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 56 ing, and postlanding. FR 27900, June 18, 1991] (e) A payload is a specific com- § 1214.703 Chain of command. plement of instruments, space equip- ment, and support hardware/software (a) The Commander is a career NASA carried into space to accomplish a sci- astronaut who has been designated to entific mission or discrete activity. serve as commander on a particular flight, and who shall have the author- (f) Personnel on board refers to those ity described in § 1214.702 of this part. astronauts or other persons actually in Under normal flight conditions (other the Orbiter or Spacelab during any than emergencies or when otherwise flight phase of a Space Shuttle flight designated) the Space Shuttle com- (including any persons who may have mander is responsible to the Flight Di- transferred from another vehicle) and rector, Johnson Space Center, Houston, including any persons performing TX. extravehicular activity associated with (b) The pilot is a career NASA astro- the mission. naut who has been designated to serve [45 FR 14845, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 56 as the pilot on a particular flight and FR 27899, June 18, 1991] is second in command of the flight. If the commander is unable to carry out § 1214.702 Authority and responsibility the requirements of this subpart, then of the Space Shuttle commander. the pilot shall succeed to the duties (a) During all flight phases of a Space and authority of the commander. Shuttle flight, the Space Shuttle com- (c) Before each flight, the other mander shall have the absolute author- flight crew members (Mission Special- ity to take whatever action is in his/ ists) will be designated by the Director her discretion necessary to: of Flight Operations, Johnson Space (1) Enhance order and discipline, Center, Houston, TX, in the order in (2) Provide for the safety and well which they will assume the authority being of all personnel on board, and of the commander under this subpart 125 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:05 Feb 10, 2012 Jkt 226048 PO 00000 Frm 00135 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\226048.XXX 226048 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR.
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