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Attorneys Insurance Mutual of Alabama , Inc.• 22 Inverness Center Parkway Telephone (205) 980-0009 Suite 525 Toll Free (800) 526-1246 i1 Birmingham. Alab ama 35242·4669 FAX (205) 980 -9009 • MEMBER : NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BAR-RELATED INSURANCE C OMPANIES . YOUR Youdon'1 lm>e robe a canpurerwhn to reap the bendits d the ~-erfuland inregraroo LawOcsk- S)"StCm.Moo: Uiie1S tell us dlllt theyfeel unmediately at home wirh rhe LawOesk system . DIGITAL In facr,LawDesk is&> easy to under.;mndand use chat many are CONNECTION speedingduough research in l essthan an hour . This\'llSt libraryolfeis \W unmarchwcuver.ige ri tbe law­ 1DTHE e\'Cl)'lhmgfrom regulalll)' law tO Supnm:Coon decisi:m. AMih:mks ID thelxtilc-in aa&linlc.ing, \W f¢il instantllCCC$ totbe infamatioo \W seekan1~1-me in the sr,,tem ••• at tbe UNIVERSEOF couchcl a finger. lNTEGRA.TED LEGAL fusEARCH. InAlabama, it's easy ro find out more about tbe fast -growing LawOcsksystem. jUSl aill L-800-762-5272today. 1111@ LawyersCooperative Publishing LA\VDESK Tt IE RIGIITAi'\S\\l:R. RIGIITHERE. RIGHT Now. IN BRIEF May 1995 Volume 56, Number 3 P1JblilhedMYIK'l 11mosa yoe, (tho June "'8UO 11a b.11 dlrk!cxy odi11on) by the Alabama Stnto BA,. ON THE COVER: P ,0 , Boi 4'158,M ontgomery, Alaban'U.'I36101-4156 , Linn Park and Jefferson County Courthouse Pt,ono (334) 269·1515. Linn r)ark consists or five acres or trees. water fountains, colorful walkways,a nd Robtt1A. Huttaka, __···· - -······-·- ····-Chair& &lite,, nowers. nod wasnamed in honor or Charles Linn, Birmingham's first banker and an s..uo Sliltocl<DtPaolo - vcoCNII, a - .. e..... industrialistwi th great vision for the city. The JeffersonCounty Courthousewas RchanlF Aki Vlce-Cbolf. - completed in 1932 and has been the site or many historic cases. Birminghamis the Mwga,o,"""""" ~ - site of the AlabamaState Bar's 1995Annual Meeting. ...,_ l -J, . - · Slwl0y0 - Photo bg Poul Cr011Jforrl,Nonlgt>m'"I/, a member of the AlabamaStale Bar omJ "'°'4(.0*f • J1R Koblt.,t.lot:¥,W J •,.... LIiia, Mdt ' Hon-·­ H!ICrMMdoa.. Mlo'IIQ08••• J w OooctN, .JI • ~ • District of Columbia Bar C M,d;.od F.-, . ~ GA • Gt'90'1 C M•IOW:, Molldt• ~ e Sp,allitlg, ID, e.rm~m • W1lll1t1t.J ~ T~ • Arop, P Cl""*" lllrmltlohlffl' Mell L HolblO!U Jf , Mou11gon1ffY • Alan T AoQota.81,mtno · INSIDE THIS ISSUE: hflm , J.,..,.. G S1ev-. Monioomery• Floi>et1W 8'1Cllo«I. Superior Estate Planning Documents: Colng the Extra 1'1/le .Jt I Mon!DO"'le!Y• 0.00,,m Mey Smilh, 811""•"" • NIIIC'f L Fta!WM........,..._Lffdl • John 0 . Somervlllt . Glm*lgham • M1kt By Leonard Wertheimer, tll............................. .................................................................................150 __l)vhaft. '40Dllt • ~ _ _____Set.n Smhh, Hllflb,Ult • OwlN... Service to the Profes.sion - A Hallmarkof Professionalism: _Hi.JOO,M.._~.._.._ • Debra .H.,.._.T,_,__ GoldllN\, l•ffl*ICIN"' • 1'/id,gear Reporb of 1994 . 1995 Committeesand TasltFortts By Edw:udM . Pattenon................................................................................... .......... 160 ...,. OICoi•• I •• -·-G.0...-....... ~A,~J, ....... Risk/\JUlityor Consumer E?xpectalion:ll'hatb Should e Alabama'sAnalysis for .,.._. Product Design Liability Cases? »WIA.0....l~ -- By R.Ben liogan, 111........................................... ...................................................... .166 -0-­- 8 "'°""I', - "'*'.. Non'twlf\ Mol~t lteal Estate Mortgagesand Chapter 13 BankruptcyPractic e in Alabama - Boltd 01Co mmlaPOntQ 111ClrCUII , fowa,o P Turn. r, Jr .. Ctil10R'I• al'IOClt'CUII, John Current Overviewand Practice Suggestions A NIChok, Luvtrne • 3rd C.a,11, Lynn Rootnton J.1~to11, ByM . Donald Davis, Jr.... ...................... ..................................................... ................. 174 CMytOI\ • 4th Clrc:ull, ~lph H Hot1bs.S.lm11 • $11'101twlt., )OM P•qo OINit , ti, Dad13¥111!• 61h C1rCu1,Plec. No 11 Wei 1W P ~ . TIIICa)ooA • 6th Clrcuil. PIIGlt No 2. J Ool,QIMMc:£l¥y T~ •"' ~ Mt1wt F. ,-.., llt President'sPoge .... ....................................132 Opinions of the Ctntrnl Counstl.. ............156 M'liPOn • tlh Cifcult.JoM $ 1(.-y OICIIM • tll'I CifQ,i&,W H ~ F«t P'aYM• 10th c.o..t.. ,,_. HIO •- ..._, H Encutr.,eDirector's Report __ ______ 135 CLE Opportunitlu .................................... 158 r~ a Ui!4wm • !Olli QrCUII.,... No t. ...._ W Legisliti,YWrap-Up ... ...............................137 Young LIIW)Yrs's.rtlon ............................t78 o..,n •••qwm• I Dlft~ f"tke Hil l. _..... S U0,,0..&1•19 ... • 1CIIIIc.a..t. ,-- no ' ~ A About Mtmbers.Amongf'irms ................139 DisciplinaryReport .............. _____ ,so ...... .. .. ....... • 1Clh Cm.ii. ,-_ No &. ,~ lluildongAlabama's Courthouses .... - ....-143 RecentOecisions- ....................- .............184 aT o,.....,a.11•9.-.~ "" """"''"'" . tomc.!Cl*,,"'-Ho' 100,Ci,QA. ..,_ 1.JNo MNOnt. - Bar Britrs.. - .............................................147 Memorials ..................................................189 OM1. lfmingham • IOVICll'CUl. Pllol No e. ""'*-C PCIPt .II ~ • IOU, Cila.ll, PIie» ~ t . e.l~ 8 Wl',Qtll Profilt ........................................................149 ClassifiedNotlcu ....................................... 192 -botti11m, ...8t11emt1..... "'- • , Ht\- Chcu ll,""'°" Rob"I· "'°'O"•M HIii, Jt F'.toftnet • 12'11\Ciro.lit . M 0,111M a!SI\, Eni.tfW!M• 1:,JI Cir· Ct.Iii PIICt tto ,. VldOI K. ton. Jt, Mo* • 13th Ciroull, AIAllAMAS TATE OARHEAOQ UMTEIIS STAFF Pl.toeNo I . Bill\'C Btckc* . Mob11t• 13'tlCll"CVII. rtact te 415 O.Xlu Awnu•.Mon tgom,ry. AL36104 1334)269-1515 • FAX(334) 261·63l0 1. C.ne O'Flw . 111,.MotJH,: • uan CltCul&,Pi-. No "' a.,;.. Nn T Aclwitt:. MobN • I~ Owaitt.R.. J.tlf OoNildlon , JNW EncutJYf 01t«Wt Kttlh. S0trn:i." Mcmbmhip ScrvkH [)tf(ru,,t' __ Chrisbe.b.ranbno • t•c-..t. ..... Ho..1. RlebatGH Gill lAQl,IJOOjl..Wf• 1&ell t:MculJVcAul""' 1'1.>t,Pr<llloon, M,mbawp-. _ -KdlyCudm ~ PltcllNo. 2. Winda D. ~ JilolllJOI•t • 16111 C.... l"IICJtNo-- 3. ...... E ~ Mu::tpwJ • '"" - °' P•k-W M. f'llu._ ---- Do,otl,yO.Jd,.-, ~ .... ,. -'. llc:twd a. a.Na,. .......... , ... Admlnulnt.M"'°"""" Anulllll •~-Da.liftc Y.'«Wotl AJmissimntAwsunt - ..EkubdbShv.-utJ t<JcljNYo ,,__wy -1.ow•·-.....1nc.o,.....,. _ r_Dwt1 u....,.""""- ""'0~. - ,.,.- c.o..i,,, • Conrao"" C:....M, ,....,- _ JtS l>l-.. elCommunicalJons& JJ.Ps.cm.,y__ Pawn-...S ~. tJlh c:.a.c.Jctin.... ~ JI a.-. ~IC~ C.11MflAncb'u Uool<llccotr-- C,~SlclM<, a.c.a,il. w .. tt ea.,-.Oo111w, . i111 ~ c.... r PubllcotlontDu«tm ~ l. Murphy Cnphlc, Am l>lTf<lD< _ _Hagg,. Stullu .._, 8rlflll'IOft• U10 CitoJiL,,,,,.. R. PCMIIIIll A.1'4111kllll Vohll'll<tr t.hyc1l r ,OQ"rllmOu-«to, ..Md.ind.IM, 'A 1)1tn t.a•,v Rc:(c.rr.alSfcr<t..ry --Kli lhtrine C. Crttmc:1 •DIG~,-. No. t , OCMI S Pillll. ~ • 23ro J'1,1blic:,Unn1& \' LP Sct-tftary. _ _ ___ l,Jn4t V Smllh Cwo.tl. PlliOltNo. 2. PillnakH. Gm-. JI. Hl.if'ltWIII• ,Cff Reeq,tjonl1t- ···--·---· ····- Jmnit l.ogiln Clto.111,, John A AUIMII, Ill, ~lllt • Hlh C.M, NIIIOn VlntOn. ~f'!!illot\ • 2611'1Cereuc! , Bowflfl Ii Otliutl. Phttli) City • 211h Clrcull, Jo\'11'1C. OIAahOtl\Albo!'IVllle • 281hClrct,111, I\LAIIMIASTA TE BARCENTE R t' OR PROPESSIONALRE SPONSIOII.ITV STAPt' JolWI (Mi. Cllelon, !Hy Mlnttlt • 29th CIIQIII., 1'Ct!\ R 0gi.,. 415 OcxltrAvenue, Montgomuy, Al. 36 104 (3.1<1)269-15 15 • FAXtJJ,1) 20J.631l .... Syl~ • 3CM!\CIN:ue, A. l>wlgl'IIBltlr, P•II ¢l(y • ,,,1 ""'"' · -k - T- Cawr.altount,tl _______ Robffl \\1 Sornt UNuthoriud Pradict ti UW. ClirMSccurley Fund. ,....,0rcu,,_ IC. c., ..... - - - ll - OtMI>. -- c...... 1 .Anlhoo,yM<Llln CSl'& CU! c-...io, _c-._.,e..,..._.._°""" .... ...,c:w-- ---C.0.-1 l.C"1>tt1K<nct,,dl ~"" ---M.li-\'idoetmn,ei, o ~--- ~ .... C..a.t. f ...,,, ......... _. ~ • ,,,. C#'QJI. J r.. B,r,w& ONNrr. • -. CwciA.­ -c-.lc..-1 -a...L- ~ -- Pu,c.rntt ._....,_. t,a ~.. Sc:ccsbc:ll'O• ~ Qttull, ~ V s.mwyooc:-.tCa.mtt \'M.wlfmm,n Chay!- ..____ .....~-- ~ lntwll-Coonlwlo< .Jlim £11,, ,.. ....... ~.~ ......... ,_,orgo ,,., ,..., .... UnllflO5'Mn ..., S2S ~ ,..., ...... 1N 1JrdlldS.... 0, tht Aaoa,,,a $me Bill '1.$ Otidlr .,........... ~- AIIIMl'nl36tCM-+~...,...,.ss.oo . w ~ 10i,,tN1•f'ld $25/'S&OIOI" 1,e dtr9C'lo,y ~H 1Xll&iOt MIO 11M OIIIIDO"'*'f, A&abatna Po11m1s1or: Sol'ld addressCNnge:s 10 Tho Alat>oma L.IW)'II',PO . 8oX4156.M<>n,gomo,y. /\l:Je10 1-<1S6 130 I MAY 1995 THEALABAMA I..AWY ER Alabama Bar Institute forContinuing Legal Education ALABAMA LAWYERS SERVTNG ALABAMA LAWYERS PRESIDENT'SPAGE ALABAMASTATE BAR SPONSORS BENCH & BAR CONFERENCE arch 16, 1995was a momentousday at the Alaba­ representatives to the meeting. I thin k the enthusiastic ma State Bar headquarters. On that day, the response shows how greatly concerned Alabamalawyers and AlabamaState Bar and the Task Force on Bench judges are about our problems and the challengeswe must & Bar Relations hosted a special Bench & Bar meet. It also shows the greal interest Alabamalawyers and mConference. The purpose of the conference was to bring judge.s have in addressing these problems and in improving together leadersof our in-state bar associationsand represen­ our judicial system.
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