RMZ – Materials and Geoenvironment, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 75–96, 2010 75 Geological evaluation of brown coal reserves at the Hrastnik mine – RTH, Rudnik Trbovlje-Hrastnik Geološka evalvacija zalog rjavega premoga na območju jame Hrastnik - RTH, Rudnik Trbovlje-Hrastnik Željko vukelič1, *, Bojan klenovŠek2, ladiSlav Placer1, vladiMir Malenković3, evGen dervarič1 1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Aškerčeva 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2RTH, Rudnik Trbovlje – Hrastnik, d. o. o., Trg revolucije 12, SI-1420 Trbovlje, Slovenia HTZ, I.P., d. o. o., Partizanska 78, 3320 Velenje, Slovenia *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Received: June 3, 2009 Accepted: December 14, 2009 Abstract: As provided by the Act on the gradual closing down of the coal- mine Trbovlje-Hrastnik and on the development restructuring of the region, until the end of 2009 Rudnik Trbovlje-Hrastnik (RTH) will continue to supply coal to the thermal power plant Termoelektrarna Trbovlje (TET) in the planned annual volume of 0.6 million tonne. RTH continues to hold significant coal reserves of national impor- tance to Slovenia, which might we worth exploiting at some point in the future. The management of the coalmine has made every effort to ensure continued coalmining at RTH after 2009 at the existing mines Ojstro and Trbovlje (Field III and Field Plesko), at the already closed down mine Hrastnik. This paper provides an overview of the results of the study “The Legitimacy of the Extraction of Remain- ing Coal Deposits at the Mines Ojstro and Trbovlje After 2009” – Stages 2 and 3, with the emphasis on the evaluation of coal deposits at the mine Hrastnik. The study was undertaken by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Ljubljana, in collaboration with the Economics Institute at the Faculty of Law, Ljubljana, and RTH associates. Original scientific paper 76 vukelič, Ž., klenovŠek, B., Placer, l., Malenković, v., dervarič, e. Izvleček: Rudnik Trbovlje-Hrastnik (RTH) bo skladno z zakonom o postop- nem zapiranju in razvojnem prestrukturiranju regije do vključno leta 2009 dobavljal premog Termoelektrarni Trbovlje (TET) v predvi- deni količini 0,6 mio. ton na leto. RTH še vedno razpolaga z znat- nimi in za Slovenijo pomembnimi zalogami premoga, ki jih bo treba v prihodnje smiselno izkoristiti. Vodstvo rudnika si prizadeva, da bi eksploatacijo premoga v RTH nadaljevali tudi po letu 2009, in sicer iz že obstoječih jam Ojstro in Trbovlje (III. polje in Plesko polje) ter iz že zaprte jame Hrastnik. V tem prispevku so predstav- ljeni rezultati študije: »Upravičenost odkopavanja preostalih zalog premoga v jamah Ojstro in Trbovlje po letu 2009« – 2. in 3. faza, s poudarkom na evalvaciji zalog premoga v jami Hrastnik. Študijo je izdelala Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta v Ljubljani v sodelovanju z Ekonomskim inštitutom pri Pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani in s sode- lavci naročnika RTH. Key words: brown coal, coal reserves, geological evaluation, research drilling Ključne besede: rjavi premog, rezerve premoga, geološka evalvacija, raziskovalno vrtanje INTRODUCTION from the period of intensive geologi- cal explorations between the years The geological evaluation of the re- 1982 and 1991. In accordance with maining deposits of brown coal at the Act Regulating Gradual Closure Hrastnik focused on reviewing the of the Trbovlje-Hrastnik Mine (RTH) updated brief on the categorisation, and Development Restructuring of the classification and calculation of the Region (2000), the closing of under- resources and deposits of brown coal ground mining facilities began even in the RTH mining area as at 31st De- before some hypotheses on geological cember 2002 (MitrevSki & Bravec, structure and coal reserves had been 2003). It includes the evaluation of verified. Considering the reassessment the level of observance of geological of the structural and geological model exploration of the coal deposit using used in the updated brief on coal re- drill holes and the level of observ- serves as at 31st December 2002, the ance of results of structural and geo- geological evaluation will give a gen- logical analyses of the Hrastnik coal eral assessment of the relevance of deposit creation and development further plans for additional geological RMZ-M&G 2010, 57 Geological evaluation of brown coal reserves at the Hrastnik mine – RTH 77 exploration and indicate the most op- mapping of the surface area over the timal direction and level of further ex- mines Hrastnik and Dol in 1987 in the ploration, which might result in later brief “A Geological Structure Survey preparation of an exploration plan for in the Dol-Hrastnik Area, Part II”. In the new categorisation, classification the three-year period (1985–1987), and calculation of the resources and geologists surveyed roughly 3,200 deposits of brown coal in the Hrastnik metres of roadways, access tunnels area and an assessment of a repeated and longwalls, and drilled eleven beginning of brown coal exploitation structural exploration drill holes in the in this traditionally mining area. total length of approximately 1,500 m (UHAN, 1987). The geological data ob- Geological exploration of the coal tained in the course of the above men- deposit in the Hrastnik area tioned surveying and mapping of mine Apart from the associates employed by facilities and exploration drill holes the coalmine’s geological department yielded more detailed information on to monitor the preliminary works and the structure of the “south wing” of surveys carried out at the coalmine on the central part of the Hrastnik mine an ongoing basis, vital research over at and under Horizon VII. Building the past fifty years was undertaken by on the results of all previous surveys KuŠčer (1967) with his core work Za- and having reviewed and processed gorje Tertiary, GreGorač (1975) who the entire documentation held by the focused on the hydrogeology of the coalmine, Placer preformed the most mine Hrastnik, kuŠčer & MitrevSki comprehensive structural geological (1979) who researched the geology of analysis until that time, and explained the boundary area between the mines the tectonic development of the coal Hrastnik and Dol, UHAN (1991) with deposit. When it comes to the evalua- his work on the geochemical proper- tion of remaining coal reserves in the ties of coal in the central part of the Hrastnik area, certain structural geo- deposit, and Placer who carried out logical questions remain unanswered; a structural-geological analysis be- this primarily refers to the continua- tween 1982 and 1991. In the above tion of the coal seam under the hypo- mentioned period Placer completed an thetical Hrastnik thrust fault. The oth- extensive detailed geological mapping er set of debatable questions concern of the surface area between Moravče the geological structure of the Eastern and Laško, and surveyed and mapped Underground Deposit where the con- the mine facilities and the cores of ex- tinuation of the southern coal seam ploration drill holes. Placer published downwards has been established by the major findings of the survey and exploratory drill holes at Brnica. RMZ-M&G 2010, 57 78 Vukelič, Ž., Klenovšek, B., Placer, L., Malenković, V., Dervarič, E. Geological structure of the Hrastnik clinations in individual cross-sections, coal deposit is characterised by the lower part The Zasavje coal-rich tertiary layers containing more clay, and the upper, (the so-called “Trbovlje layers) sedi- cleaner part containing more vitrinite mented on the Triassic dolomite or substance. In the medium part, there pseudozilian slate substrata are com- appear centimetre- and decimetre-thick posed of lower clastic, predominantly inserts of volcanic ash, clay and, most clay, footwall layers, coal and upper, often, lime sandstone. With the in- hanging wall marl layers. creasing depth, there occurs an increas- ing number of decimetre-thick layers The sedimentation of the lower seg- of lime sandstone or so-called carbon- ment of the coal-rich layers begins with ate inserts, which have, at the point clastic sediments in paleo-morphologic +70 and the descending angle 45–70o depressions. Due to filling of the paleo- southwards, achieved the total thick- relief, the thickness of these predomi- ness even exceeding width across 15 m nantly clay layers is highly variable, of the long wall at the field A between amounting up to 80 m. The upper parts the ordinates 4550 and 4800 (Figure 1). of footwall clay are rich in organic component, and the black clay (the The lower part of coal layer was sedi- so-called “black footwall”) gradually mented in the reduction environment passes into clay coal. and is mineralised with sulphides. The upper semiterrestic and limnic part is The coal layer in the sedimented thick- predominantly mineralised with car- ness of 20–25 m, which can be thinner bonates, and the edge areas of paleo or thicker due to tectonic repetitions peat bogs passing to the hanging wall in the form of scales and different in- marl, it is mineralized with sulphides Figure 1. Carbonate layers (hatched) at point +70, Field A, mine Hrastnik RMZ-M&G 2010, 57 Geological evaluation of brown coal reserves at the Hrastnik mine – RTH 79 (UHAN, 1991). Depending on the type Discordantly on top of the Oligocene of mineralisation of final sedimentation marine clay, the sedimentation of Laško sequence of the coal layer, its position layers composed of lithotamnic lime- in the former sedimentation bed could stone, marl and sandstone begins in the be presumed. Unfortunately, such ex- area of the Hrastnik coal deposit with- plorations have not yet been performed out sandy Govce layers. The thickness for the Hrastnik coal deposit; however, of these sediments can measure 100 m some data is available on the ratio of or more. On top of the Laško layers, mineralization types in the upper part there are discordantly sedimented Sar- of the coal layer in Trbovlje (Neža) matian layers of various thicknesses: and in the profile approximately 800 conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and m to the east, in the Ojstro mine at the clay completing the sedimentation of point +135, while some larger distance the Zasavje tertiary bed.
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