FORMNO.MGT-7 [Pursuant to sub-Section(1) of section 92 of Annual Return the Companies Act, 2013 and sub-rule (1) of rule 11of the Companies (Managemeni and Administration) Rutes, 20141 qFq*{ qq* Form tanguage @ English e HinOi Refer the instruction kit for filing the form. I. REGISTRATION AND OTHER DETAILS * (i) Corporate ldentification Number (ClN) of the company 1 MPl 993PLCOO7s22 'Pie..rill Global Location Number (GLN) of the company Permanent " Account Number (pAN) of the company (ii) (a) Name of the company DEVKI LEASING AND FINANCE (b) Registered office address )clw" 18-A SCHEME NO 94 C, ROAD *e-mail (c) lD of the company [email protected] (d) "Telephone number with STD code 14735510 (e) Website (iii) Date of lncorporation 15102/1993 (iv) Category oftheGEpany Sub-cate@ Company limited by shares lndian Non-Government company (v) \Mrether company is having share capital OYes ONo (vi) "\Mether shares listed on recognized Stock Exchange(s) OYes ONo Page 1 of 1 (a) Details of stock exchanges where shares are listed S. No. Code 1 BSE Limited I (b) CIN of the Registrar and Transfer Agent u7 4't 40MP 1 985 PTC003074 Pre-fill Name of the Registrar and TransferAgent CONSULTANCY PW LTD Registered office address of the Registrar and Transfer Agents 60,PARDESHIPURA ELECTRONIC COMPLEX .Financial (vii) year From date 1104t2017 (DD/MMTYYYY) To date 31103t2018 (DD/MM^rYYY) .\MetherAnnual (viii) general meeting (AGM) held OYes ONo (a) lf yes, date of AGM 25t09t2018 (b) Due date of AGM 30/09/2018 (c) \Mether any extension for AGM granted O yes ONo II. PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY S.No MAIN Description of Main Activity group Business Description of Business Activity % of turnover Activity Activity of the group code Code company 1 K Financial and insurance Service K5 Financial and Credit leasing activities 100 III. PARTICULARS OF HOLDING, SUBSIDIARY AND ASSOCTATE COMPANIES (TNCLUD|NG JOTNT VENTURES) *No. of Companies forwhich information is to be gir.n [o -l [p,re;f[iG ll S.No Name of the company CIN / FCRN HOl0lng/ suDsldtary/Assoclate/ % of shares held Joint Venture 1 IV. SHARE CAPITA L, AND OTHER SECURITIES OF THE COMP Page 2 of 1 (i) -SHARE CAPITAL (a) Equity share caPital otal amount of equitY shares (in Number of classes per snare (in ruPees) 'otal amount of Preference shares Number of classes (cl Unclassified share (d) Break-up of paid-up share capital Equity shares beginning of the Year Page 3 of 1 lncrease during the year 0 0 0 . Pubic lssues 0 0 0 i. Rights issue 0 0 0 ii. Bonus issue 0 0 0 . Private Placement/ Preferential allotment 0 0 0 0 0 0 vi. Sweat equity shares allotted 0 0 0 Conversion of Preference share 0 0 0 ii. Conversion of Debentures 0 0 0 x. GDRs/ADRs 0 0 0 x. Others, speciry Decrease during the year 0 0 0 i. Buy-back ofshares 0 0 0 ii. Shares forfeited 0 0 0 iii. Reduction of share capital 0 0 0 v. Others, speciry the end of the year 3,509,600 35,096,000 34,518,500 Preference shares the beginning of the year 0 0 0 ncrease during the year 0 0 0 lssues of shares 0 0 0 ii. Re-issue of forfeited shares 0 0 0 iii. Others, speciry Decrease during the year 0 0 0 Redemption of shares 0 0 0 Page 4 of '1 At the end ofthe year (ii) Details of stock split/consolidation during the year (for each class of shares) Class of shares (i) (i i) (ii i) Number ot shares Before split / Consolidation Face value per share Number of shares After split / Consolidation Face value per share (iii) Details of shares/Debentures Transfers since closure date of last financial year (or in the case of the first return at any time since the incorporation of the company) * tr Nir [Details being provided in a CD/Digital Media] OYes ONo O Not Applicable Separate sheet attached for details of transfers OYes ONo Note: ln case list of transfer exceeds 10, option for submission as a separate sheet attachment or submission in a CD/Digital Media may be shown. Date of the previous annual general meeting 7 Date of registration of transfer (Date Month Year) Type of transfer 1 - Equity, 2- Preference Shares,3 - Debentures, 4 - Stock Number of Shares/ Debentures/ Amount per Share/ Units Transferred Debenture/Unit (in Rs.) Ledger Folio of Transferor Page 5 of 1 Transferor's Name n Surname middle name first name Ledger Folio of Transferee Transferee's Name n Surname middle name first name Date of registration of transfer (Date Month Year) Type of transfer 1 - Equity, 2- Preference Shares,3 - Debentures, 4 - Stock Number of Shares/ Debentures/ Amount per Share/ Units Transferred Debenture/Unit (in Rs.) Ledger Folio of Transferor Transfero/s Name Surname middle name first name Ledger Folio of Transferee Transferee's Name tt Surname middle name first name Page 6 of 1 .lndebtedness (iv) including debentures (Outstanding as at the end of financial year) Particulars Number of units Nominalvalue per fotalvalue unit Non-convertible debentures 0 0 0 Partly convertible debentures 0 0 0 ully convertible debentures 0 0 0 Secured Loans (including interest outstanding/accrued but not due for 26,284,879 payment) excluding deposits Unsecured Loans (including interest outstanding/accrued but not due for 0 payment) excluding deposits Deposit 0 Total 26,284,879 Details of debentures Class of debentures outstanding as at lncrease during the Decrease during the Outstanding as at the beginning of the year year the end of the year year Non-convertible debentures 0 0 0 0 Partly convertible debentures 0 0 0 0 Fully convertible debentures 0 0 0 0 (v) Securities (other than shares and debentures) Type of Number of Nomtnalvalue of IotalNominal Paid up Value of Total Paid up Value Securities Securities each Unit Value each Unit Total V. *Turnoverand networth of the company (as defined in the Gompanies Act,2013) (i) Turnover 186,167 (ii) Net worth of the Company 193,182 YI.(a) *SHARE HOLDING PATTERN - Promoters S. No. Category Equity Preference PageT ot 1 Number of shares Percentate Number of shares Percentage L, lndividuaUHindu Undivided Family (i) lndian 1,361,752 38.8 0 ii) Non-resident lndian (NRl) 0 0 0 iii) Foreign national (other than NRI) 0 0 0 Government 2. (i) Central Government 0 0 0 (ii) state Government 0 0 0 (iii) Government companies 0 0 0 lnsurance companies 3. 0 0 0 Banks 4. 0 0 0 Financial institutions 5. 0 0 0 Foreign institutional investors 6. 0 0 0 Mutualfunds 7. 0 0 0 Venture capital 8. 0 0 0 Body corporate 9. (not mentioned above) 0 0 0 10. Others 0 0 0 Total 1,361,752 38.8 0 0 Total number of shareholders (promoters) 11 (b) *SHARE HOLDING PATTERN - Public/Other than promoters S. No. Category Equity Preference Number of shares Percentage Number of shares Percentage 1. lndividual/Hindu Undivided Family i) lndian '1,786,703 50.91 0 (ii) Non-resident lndian (NRl) 8,400 0.24 0 (iii) Foreign national (other than NRI) 0 0 0 Page 8 of 1 Government 2. (i) Central Government 0 0 0 (ii) state Government 0 0 0 (iii) Government companies 0 0 0 lnsurance companies 3. 0 0 0 Banks 4. 0 0 0 Financial institutions 5. 0 0 0 Foreign institutional investors 6. 0 0 0 Mutualfunds 7. 0 0 0 Venture capital 8. 0 0 0 Body corporate 9. (not mentioned above) 352,745 r0.05 0 10. 0thers 0 0 0 Total 2,147,949 61.2 0 0 Total number of shareholders (other than promoters) 1,709 Total number of shareholders (Promoters+Public/ Other than promoters) 1,720 VII. *NUMBER OF PROMOTERS, MEMBERS, DEBENTURE HOLDERS @etails, Promoters, Members (other than promoters), Debenture holders) Promoters 12 11 Vlembers 1,718 1,709 iother than promot€rs) Debenture holders 0 0 VIII. DETAILS OF DIRECTORS AI\D KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL (A) *Composition of Board of Directors Category Number of directors at the Number of directors at the end Percentage ofshares held by beginning ofthe year ofthe year directors as at the end ofyear Executive Non-executive Executive Non-executive Executive Non-executive Page 9 of 1 A. Promoter 1 1 1 1 4.88 3.72 B. Non-Promoter 0 2 0 2 0 0.11 (i) Non-Independent 0 0 0 0 0 0 ru) lndepenclent 0 2 0 2 0 0.11 U. Nominee lrirectors representing 0 0 0 0 0 0 i) Banks & FIs 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ii) Investing institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 (iii) Government 0 0 0 0 0 0 iv) Small share holders 0 0 0 0 0 0 (v) Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 Iotal 1 3 I 3 4.88 3.83 _l Number of Directors and Key managerial personnel (who is not director) as on the financiat year end date la (B) (i) *Details of directors and Key managerial personnel as on the ctosure of financial year Name DIN/PAN Designation Date cessation (after closure Number of equity of of share(s) held financial year : lf any) SUDHIR BINDAL 001 08548 Managing Director 171,400 SARITA BINDAL 02194558 Director 130,469 MANOJ KUMAR SINGI 01684132 Director 0 KAMLESH KASLIWAL 00457056 Director 4,000 [/lURALIDHARAN PILL AFYPP2O4SG cFo 0 SHILPA GULANI BNOPGSSOlR Company Secretar 0 (ii) Particulars of change in director(s) and Key managerial personnel during the year ) Name DrN/PAN Designation at the Date of appointment/ Nature of change (Appointment/ beginning / during change in designation/ Change in designation/ Cessation) the financial year cessation SATYANARAYAN PAT GKKP569O9A Company Secreta 25t10t2017 Cessation SHILPA GULANI BNOPGSSOlR Company Secreta 25t10t20't7 Appointment Page 10 of IX.
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