77-30,223 LANJCTON, Larry Dean, 1947• MANHATTAN LIFE LINE: ENGINEERING THE OLD CROTON AQUEDUCT, 1833•1842. University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., 1977 Aii,e��•n Studies Xerox University MicrofilmsI AnnArbor, Michigan 4111111 © 1976 LARRY DEAN LANKTON All RIGHTS RESERVED MANHATTAN � � ENGINEERING � � CROTON AQUEDUCT, 1833-!ill Larry D. Lankton A DISSERTATION in American Civilization Presented to the Graduate Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 1977 INDEX (Underlined page numbers refer to illustrations.) Abert, J. J., 225 All>any, New York, 131 .Albany Regency, 238 Alexandria Aqueduct Bridge, 166,167,225 Allen, Horatio, 79,179,218,241,244,145 , 253 Allen, Stephen, 1,2,4,7,10,21,56-62,66-69,l27,239 Alley, Saul, 21,66,68 Anthony, Henry T., 79,80,83,136,137,144,165,l68,171,174 aqueduct bridges, English, 112 , Ranan, 85,111 Bathgate's Meadow, 44 Beaver Dam River, 31,34 Bedel's Mill Pond, 31 Binghamton, New York, 75 Broad Brook, 31 Bronx River (Aqueduct), 1,8-11,15-19,32,39,40 Brown, Benjamin, 21 Brown, Joseph, 8,9,15,17 Brown, Thanas B. 58,60 Brunel, Marc, 226 Burr, Aaron, 9,10 Canastota, New York, 72 Carmichael, T. J., 83,84,136,137,151,166,l79 Cass, General, 23 Catskill Mountains, 267 Chilton, George, 13,15 Cisco River, 31 Cl�nton, DeWitt, Jr., 19,20,32 Collect, the, 5,8, Collea, Christopher, 7,8,17 Carmon Council, 2,8,9,11-13,15,16,lB-21,40,52,217,220-223, 235,239,241 Crosby's Pond, 31 Cross River, 31 Croton Aqueduct Board, 262 Croton Aqueduct Department, 241,255 Croton Aqueduct (Old) �pacity, 39,50,54,96,192,194,205,232,261,264,265 closing, 267,268 contracts, 57,58,76,90,131,136,137,l40,l41,143,144, 160,168,216,224,233,253 � costs (estimates), 20,38,39,46,51,90-94,99,105,156, 169,185,189,191,192,194,226,227, 232,274,275 �(real), 235,261 -� declivity, 36,43,53,194,195 engineering dept. (size, organization), 41,53,58,61, 62,79�81, 88n,136,143-146,272,273 iii iv Croton Aqueduct (Old) cont. endorsement of, 2,40,52 financing, 40,143,168,335,240 general work, -,,),cul.verts, 92,102,103,107,108,233 --:J:>embankments, 54,104-106,146,176,198,233,235,265 �excavations, 54,124,125,146,155,176 ?masonry conduit, 32,33,36,44�.47,48,49,50,54,55, 91-93,94,154,�155,156,265-266 on hillsides, 100,101,102 �tunnels, 54,82,124,155,176,233 ventilators, 125-127,128,129 waste weirs, 129, 130,131 --;:::,ground-breaking:-T46 innovativeness, 85,86 labot:ers, l,143,157-160,173,174 -rlength, 2,38, 51 --'?>materials, 46,83,84,96-98,116,138,139,142,153,154,156, 167,168,176 opening, 254-256,261 �permanence.reliability, 85,97,98,11,115 propositions,139,142 __:s;;:> route, 31,32,34,35, 36,40,42-44,82,83,85,90,136,165, 179,180,195 specifications, 76,121,138,139 structures and sites Clendenning Valley, 195,196,197, 198,199,224,237,246 � Croton Dam, 36,42,43,50,52-54,57,81,83,90,ll4-117, 118,119-124,136,146,147,148,246-249, 250,251,252,253 --3> Distributing Reservoir, 38,44,51,52,54,66,76,194,206, 207,208,209-212,224,247,254,255 trance and""'iiead-gates, 123,124,130,147,148,149,� Fountain Reservoir (Croton Lake), 53,115,123,247 Harlem River Crossing, 37,44,51,54,102,166,167,179 181,182-185,186-191,216-227,228,229,230, - 264231,232-233,234,237,238,241-246,253,263, Jewells Broo�CUlvert, 174,175,176,198 Manhattan Valley, 102,190-192,193,194,224,246,263 Mill River Culvert, 102,168-170,171,172,173,174,246,� � 274,275 pipeline between reservoirs, 205,206,237,263 Recei.ving Reservoir, 38,52,199,200,201-204,206,209, 211,224,237,247,254,263 Sawmill River CUlvert, 176,177,178,198 Sing-Sing Kill Aqueduct Bridge, 102,107,109-114,129, 146,151,152,153,185,198 Croton River (valley), l,2,�,17-20,29,30,31,32,34,36,38,41� 44,84,100,114-117,147,247 Davidson, M. o., 136,137 V Delaware River, 267 Douglass, »avid B. attempt to regain Chief Engineership, 61,238 consultant, Croton AqUeduct 1833 survey, 29-40 1834 survey, 41-51, 104 Chief Engineer, Croton Aqueduct, 2,4,52-62,66,67,68, 76,79,81,91,92,116,165,168,179,199 early liEe and career, 2,22-25,60,61 firing of, 59-61,69,75 Dusenberry, Charles, 21 East River, 3, 5,54,220 Edinburgh water supply, 39 Ellesmere Canal, 112 Erie Canal, 24,96 FaiJ:111ount Water Works, Philadelphia, 4,39,167,168 Fort Edwards Dam, 119 Fox, William, 21 French, Ednnmd, 79,80,83,116,136,137,144,146,147,161,246, 247 Garretson•s Mill, 42,43,52,81,114,147 Glasgow and Union Canal, 112 Glasgow water supply, 188 Graff, Frederick, 167,168,219 Greensburg, New York, 43 Hamilton, Alexander, 9,10 Harlem River, 3,5,8,16,37,44,166,179; navigation of, 217, 219-225 Hartford, Conn., 131 Hastie, Peter, 79,144,165,179,190,195 Hudson River (Valley), l,2,1,5,18-20,29,32,43,51,54,100,220 Huntington, Long Island, 69 Hydraulic fonnulae, 95,96,188,192 :Irving, Washington, 171 Jervis, F. B. 67,68 Jervis, John B. as innovator, 86 Chief Engineer, Croton Aqueduct, appointment, 62,66,75 responsibilities, 77,78,212 severance, 263 life and career, Chenango Canal, 75,79 Cochituate Aqueduct, 266 death, 267 Delaware and Hudson Canal, 74,75,79 education, 71-74 Erie Canal, 71-7S family, 69-70 vi Jervis, John D. (cont.) Mohawk and Hudson Railroad, 75 religion, 70,71,160 on engineering as profession, 69-71,78,81,111 philosophy of design, 171,181,198,211 Jervis, Phebe, 69,70 Jervis, Timothy, 69,70 Jervis, William, 79,144,176 Kalm, Peter, 5 Lansing, A. B., 136,137 Limestone Creek, 72 Little Falls Aqueduct Bridge, 112 London water supply, 39,166,188 Lyceum of Natural History, 13-15 Maintenon Aqueduct Bridge, 37 Manhattan Canpany, 9,10,12,15 Mansfield, Jared, 23 Marcy, William, 21 Martineau, John, 41,50,51,57,179,181 Mechanicsville, New York, 29,34,39 Morrisania Creek, 3,8 Muddy Brook, 31,34- Muscoot (Hill, Rapids, River), 31,34,36,42 Newcastle Valley, 34 Newton, Isaac, 266 New York City, population growth, 7,39,192,193,201,205,262 water sul)?ly problem, 4-7,13-15,261,265,167 New York University, 25,60 New York Water Works Canpany, 11,17 Onandaga, New York, 72 Owen Town, New York, 2 Philadelphia, 131 Pine's Bridge, 19 Potomac River, 167 Raritan and Delaware Canal, 22 Renwick, James, Jr., 79,144 Renwick, James, Sr., 74,218 Rane, New York, 69,70,266 Rye Ponds, 10 Sandy and Beaver Canal, 24 Sawmill River (valley), 31,34,37,43,44 Seward, Governor, 235,254 Sharon canal Canpany, 11 Sing-Sing (Ossining, New York), 80,90,107,114,131,136,137, 141,158,159,161,246 SleepY Hollow, 1,102,168,173 State Legislature (New York), 1,9,10,13,16,17,19,21,40,l09, 114,217,220,221,225,232,240,241 vii Stevens, Samuel, 12,13,15,235,247,248,255 Swan, Cyrus, l.7,18 Syracuse, New York, 72 Tarrytown, New York, 43,83,102,168 Tea-Water Pump Garden, 5 Telford, Thanas, 112 Tibbets Brook, 36,37,44 Tower, Fayette B. 76,254 Tracy, Edward, 79 TUrnbull, captain, 167 Upper Delaware Canal, 24 Utica, New York, 75 van Schaick, Myndert, 19,21,40,67 Water Camlissioners, Democratic, l,2,16,21,29,40,41,44,46,51-53,66,76-79, 81,82,91,96-100,110,112-114,117,121,125,129,131,142, 143,146,148,151,156,159,160,168,181,183,188,190,191, 199,212,216,222,223,224,226,227,233,235,255 dispute with Douglass, 56-62, 66,67,69,75,238 removal of, 61,235 Whig, 61,235-240,246,247,253,255,256 Waterloo Bridge, 151 West Point Foundxy, 224 Westchester County, l,2,29,32,43,58,81-83,99,141,159,l71, 246,253 Weston, William, 9 Whelpley, Samuel, 22 White, canvass, 11,17,18,22,32,96 Wood's Bridge, 29 Wright, Benjamin, 71,72,74,75 Yale College, 22,24 Yonkers, New York, 44,82,176 TABLE OF CONTENTS Index ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• iii List of Plates ••••••••••••••••••••••• ix Bibliography ••••••••••••••••••••••• xiii Chapter One ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Notes •• 26 Chapter Two •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Notes •• 63 Chapter Three •••••••••••••••••••••••• 66 Notes •• 87 Chapter Pour ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 90 Notes . 132 Chapter Five •••••••••••••••••••••••• 136 Notes . 162 Chapter Six ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 165 Notes . 213 Chapter Sexen 216 Notes . 257 Epilogue ............................ 261 Notes . 269 Appendix :I ......................•... 270 Appendix XX ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 271 Appendix :I:I:I 272 Appendia :IV 274 viii LXST OF PLATES Description and Credits I, Map -- Croton River to Manhattan (Drawn by the author.) 30 XI, Map -- Croton River Watershed (Drawn by the author.) 33 XII, Cross-sections of Masonry Conduit Proposed by Douglass in 1833 Report. (Found in col­ lection of Croton Aqueduct drawings, Jervis Library, Rane, New York.) 35 rv, Map -- Routes of Croton Aqueduct Proposed by Douglass in 1833 Report. (Drawn by the author.) 45 V, Level of Standing Water in New York City Reservoir Proposed by Douglass in 1835 Report.
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